
How To Use New hampshire In A Sentence

  • Once upon a time, I was a camp counselor in scenic New Hampshire, where I taught swimming. 'America's Next Top Model' recap: Commercial success |
  • Nancy has offered me a choice: of the dozen or so birds of prey she and her falconer husband keep on their rural New Hampshire property, I could work with Jazz or with Emma, the lanner falcon. Birdology
  • In a hearing before the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission, consumer advocate Meredith Hatfield quoted a recent report by consultants hired to monitor FairPoint's "cutover" from Verizon that suggested FairPoint is underestimating the number of customer orders that have gone unfilled since the official transition began in late January. local, state, business and sports news
  • He graduated from Dartmouth College in New Hampshire in 1957 and received a master's degree in geochemistry from the University of Oklahoma. J. Robert Porter Jr., EarthSat founder, dies at 75
  • Gillis, formerly of New Haven, Conn., had been covering the conflict in Libya for weeks when she was taken with Foley, of New Hampshire, and Varela, who works under the name Manu Brabo. Journalists freed from Libya tell of harrowing odyssey
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  • McCain was in New Hampshire to deliver a tough speech on Iraq, criticizing what he called defeatism, asking voters to give the surge a chance, asking them to give him one, too. CNN Transcript Jul 14, 2007
  • Moreover, in a recent subscribers issue of Counterpunch (Vol. 16, No. 7) Pam Martens describes the game-plan of the “Free-State Project” to take over the state of New Hampshire by force and create a laissez-faire society reminiscent of the wishes of Messrs. A and B and the gangsterish primary ponerogenic union, Club B, which I described inPart II. Confucianism and the Impact of Sociopathy, Part III
  • “I take the liberty to enclose a copy of the amendments recommended by this Convention,” he wrote Washington from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on June 22, 1788; “they were drawn up more with a view of softening & conciliating the adoption to some who were moderate in their opposition than from an expectation that they would ever be engrafted in the Constitution.” Ratification
  • Freelance reporter Gillis, formerly of New Haven, Conn., had been covering the conflict in Libya for weeks when she was taken with Foley, of New Hampshire, and Varela, who works under the name Manu Brabo. Americans held in Libya reach Tunisia
  • Give me an unlabeled map of the United States, and I can mark in the names of every state - with the possible exceptions of Vermont and New Hampshire.
  • Biden said during an outsourcing speech in New Hampshire, employing the accent while imitating what he referred to as employees of "call centers rushed overseas. The Full Feed from
  • The heaviest snowfall was forecast for later in the day into Sunday in the Massachusetts Berkshires, the Litchfield Hills in northwestern Connecticut, southwestern New Hampshire and the southern Green Mountains. Northeast Weather: Fall To Look Like Winter This Weekend
  • Within three days Reverend Thorn approached one of the most gracious villages ever to have developed in America: the tree-lined, white-clapboarded, well-gabled village of Walpole, near the Connecticut River in southwestern New Hampshire. Hawaii
  • In many cases these rugs were created by women for their own use, and some of the most exuberant survivals are those worked in New England, particularly in New Hampshire, in the latter half of the nineteenth century.
  • Let me thank WIPO staff for facilitating WHO collaboration with the Franklin Pierce Law Center at the University of New Hampshire.
  • Gleason and Cronquist list it as an escape in Vermont and New Hampshire.
  • Krommes is an illustrator in Peterborough, New Hampshire. 2009 January 27 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • New Hampshire, the so-called "First In The Nation" primary, is dull as ditchwater because of next-door neighbour Mitt Romney's domination there. Iowa GOP caucus 2012: Rick Santorum on the rise
  • On the docket next month is a New Hampshire law dealing with abortion and minors.
  • Stephanopoulos turned thirty-one as New Hampshire voters cast their primary ballots.
  • We struck out in a northerly direction, passing through Norwich, and stopping for coffee in Hanover, New Hampshire.
  • Since New Hampshire Bush's campaign has swayed and buckled like a boxer who has been hit with a perfect left hook.
  • Those words of my New Hampshire neighbor seem to mock my trivial but obstinate frustration.
  • In the first race in the Chase, at New Hampshire, he had a strong car and led before his engine died.
  • Huddleston, the New Hampshire president, says colleges are justified in moving to have accounts closed if they are peddling misinformation in the guise of a campus authority figure in a way that could cause harm. College presidents around USA impersonated on Twitter
  • In 1679 the territory of New Hampshire was carved out of it, and was established as a separate colony.
  • A magna cum laude graduate of the University of New Hampshire, Amanda Nelson's first appearance in the public eye came when she discovered two 15th century antiphonals (chant books) in the archives of the university.
  • Category: Carol Shea-Porter, death of irony, frank guinta, meet the new boss, new hampshire, tasered marmoset Meet New Boss Rep Shea-Porter (D, NH). - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • As for ‘real life’, I spend a lot of my winters mushing - that's driving dogsled teams - through the snowy wastes of New Hampshire, Vermont and Quebec, and one is unlikely to run into many people five days out on the trail.
  • After Erica and her family moved to the nowheresville of Hallenburg, New Hampshire when Erica was twelve they decided to enroll her into Franklin Kastler Academy.
  • Last Tuesday, he added a convincing win in New Hampshire to the previous week's victory in the Iowa caucuses.
  • Washington particularly regretted what he called the “extreme malapropos” effect on Virginia, where the bad news from New Hampshire arrived in March just as delegates to the state ratifying convention were being chosen. Ratification
  • The Vermont Yankee, Vermont's aging nuclear reactor that sits roughly where the borders of Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts meet, is beset with problems -- including multiple leaks of radioactivity. John Odum: For Good or Ill, Vermont's Election Will Impact Millions of Other New Englanders
  • In New Hampshire, where pleadings had always been simple, clear, and direct, the lawyers introduced more sophistication and complexity during the years 1692 to 1700; the action of ejectment, the writs of scire facias and supersedeas, the action of trespass de bonis asportatis, entered New Hampshire as immigrants at this time.55 Students of Massachusetts law on the eve of the Revolution have declared it to be quite conservative, at least by earlier standards. A History of American Law
  • THE GOOD NEWS: New Hampshire has made it to the semifinals of the America East tournament in two straight years, and Bill Herrion heads into next season losing only guard Colbey Santos from a 13-17 team. America East Conference
  • His presidential hopes thus suffered a fatal blow in the snow drifts of New Hampshire.
  • Party activists in New Hampshire rejoiced that the presidential campaign had finally started.
  • They hired a New Hampshire call center, which specialized in books, to handle customer service.
  • According to tradition, New Hampshire held the first U. S. presidential primary state, on the presidential primaries, the "weathervane" effect.
  • The New Hampshire Legislature canceled all events. Flights werecanceled at airports including Boston's Logan International and Maine'sPortland International Jetport.
  • Game wardens were appointed to enforce hunting laws in New Hampshire.
  • A stellar career has included stints as Poet in Residence at the Frost Place, New Hampshire, and Writer in Residence at Trinity College.
  • McCain was in New Hampshire to deliver a touch speech on Iraq, criticizing what he called defeatism, asking voters to give the surge a chance, asking them to give him one, too. CNN Transcript Jul 13, 2007
  • The senator says he'll now "ricochet" among South Carolina, Iowa and New Hampshire, starting with a Southern swing next week. McCain's New Hampshire Glimmer
  • The combined population of New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Connecticut is 11,300,000, quite a bit more than 260,000, and yet those 260,000 are about to make a decision that could have tremendous impact on the lives of those other eleven-plus million. John Odum: For Good or Ill, Vermont's Election Will Impact Millions of Other New Englanders
  • The roar of the conflict along the river had become terrific; to the east a New Jersey battery, obscured in flame-shot clouds, was retiring by its twenty-eight-foot prolonges, using cannister; the remains of a New Hampshire infantry regiment supported the retreat; between the two batteries Claymore in his shirt, sleeves rolled to his elbows, heavy revolver swinging in his blackened fist, was giving a tongue lashing to the stream of fugitives from the river woods. Ailsa Paige
  • Low had a degree in microbiology from the University of New Hampshire, but her claim to fame is her work as the flavorist who created Cap'n Crunch. Archive 2007-06-01
  • His presidential hopes suffered a fatal blow in New Hampshire.
  • With their two children grown and gone, Rosie and Bob Clark wanted to create a home within a home at their rambling old summerhouse on New Hampshire's Lake Winnipesaukee.
  • The man is ice-cool whatever the situation .... unlike HillBilly who has 1. cried (New Hampshire), Polls: Clinton, Obama tied in Indiana
  • Lots of computer-generated technical dazzle in this fantasy about jungle animals escaping a supernatural board game and terrorizing a New Hampshire town.
  • We went to New Hampshire for a long winter party weekend and at some point one evening decided to toboggan down the empty ski slope before the sun set.
  • He was born in Lebanon, New Hampshire, and began his working life as a bricklayer.
  • But can he connect one-on-one with voters in New Hampshire kaffeeklatsches?
  • Fiercely protective of their own place in the presidential nominating process, Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada - known as the "carve out states" - would almost certainly push their dates into January in response to Florida's move. ABC News: Top Stories
  • Nobody has won both Iowa and New Hampshire by such wide margins and gone on to lose the nomination.
  • President Obama took the bully pulpit to New Hampshire on Tuesday to counter what he called scare tactics from opponents of his health-care reform efforts, but it's clear that the health debate has become a proxy for a bigger fight over whether the federal government is assuming too much control over the economy. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • Newfound Lake to the west is known as the cleanest lake in New Hampshire. Undefined
  • Low had a degree in microbiology from the University of New Hampshire, but her claim to fame is her work as the flavorist who created Cap'n Crunch. Friday Link Roundup
  • Say this—if the Texas governor gets in, you won't see another debate like last Tuesday's GOP flatliner in New Hampshire. Rick Perry: Ready for Prime Time?
  • The pileup is a consequence of other states 'frustration with the influence of the geographically balanced foursome -- Iowa and New Hampshire, and, more recently, South Carolina and Nevada -- whose early-voting status is blessed by party rules. Obama Closes In on Clinton
  • The town agreed to pay the society a thousand dollars to build a structure the size and shape of the Congregational meetinghouse in Dublin, New Hampshire.
  • The tough New Hampshire landscape produces men who aspire to a model of masculinity predicated on violence, and here it is concurrent with an American history which goes back to ‘Gun Smoke’.
  • It's Official: President Obama names GOP Senator Judd Gregg Commerce Secretary The president officially taps New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg, a Republican, for the position of commerce secretary at a ceremony at the White House this morning. Blogrunner
  • This video was shot 1 __ and first uploaded around 1/11. payday loan new hampshire state house democratcs concord john lynch lou d'allessandro payday loans frank guinta lending practices usery laws banking financial services institutions bailout regulation ron paul ridleyreport dave ridley report free state project economic crisis jobs unemployment barack obama sarah palin second american revolution jean shaheen john sununu sr. judd gregg carol shea-porter hearing illegal nanny …. Boats and Boating Online Resource Center. Find Boating News, Products and Services. Boating RSS Feed Available.
  • He was referring to New Hampshire's customary status as the state conducting the nation's first primary. -- Top News
  • Sarah Palin and Rudy Giuliani showed up in New Hampshire on the former Massachusetts governor's magical day, underscoring why Romney is plagued by the word "putative," which almost always appears before "front-runner. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post
  • When I was a kid, it was possible to get real lox on a real bagel in a real deli, even in New Hampshire.
  • Chichester worked tirelessly for causes far beyond the New Hampshire seacoast.
  • Of late, it'd been held together by glue and steel cables and the determination of the people of New Hampshire.
  • While some Shakers made only enough boxes for their own needs, communities in Maine, New Hampshire, and New York produced thousands for sale to the outside world.
  • Not raining, just cloud and fog and mizzle, although the weather radar shows Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and western Maine getting drenched. And the gloom abideth forever
  • New Hampshire, first settled by New England Congregationalists and by more latitudinarian Anglican colonists, was chartered in 1679.
  • The number of Representatives shall not excede one for every thirty thousand, but each State shall have at least one Representative, and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three, Massachusetts eight, Legacy
  • New Hampshire has voted for five nominees and one president. Times, Sunday Times
  • DURHAM, N.H. (AP) - Police say a 20-year-old New Hampshire man has died after crashing his motorcycle in Durham. WCAX - Local News
  • It seems to me that what is really important in the recent poll figures on the New Hampshire primary is not the absolute numbers or the relative placing, but the graph of movement.
  • I took a deep breath and prepared to reinvite myself to New Hampshire. DOUBTING THOMAS
  • Governor Jeanne Shaheen vetoed the New Hampshire abolition law as soon as it was passed.
  • The nineteenth-century appeal of the Old Man of the Mountain lay in the Romantic fantasy that a granite profile - New Hampshire's ‘oldest inhabitant ‘- had served as the eternal witness to all earth history, human and prehuman.’
  • His presidential hopes thus suffered a fatal blow in the snow drifts of New Hampshire.
  • In 1954, in the cookhouse of a logging and sawmill settlement in northern New Hampshire, an anxious twelve-year-old boy mistakes the local constable’s girlfriend for a bear. Last Night in Twisted River by John Irving: Book summary
  • Instead, he has focused on the Granite State, announcing his presidential exploratory committee Monday at the University of New Hampshire. Tea Party Reshapes New Hampshire Calculus
  • And this Republican candidate has won the New Hampshire primary with 28 percent of the vote.
  • New Hampshire is among the most upscale Democratic electorates you'll find anywhere in the country.
  • On various trips to the Blacks, Mitchell calculated several elevations that exceeded the height of New Hampshire's Mount Washington, then regarded as the highest of the Appalachian cordillera.
  • They were full of accounts of winter Sundays at a nearby country club that had just installed a rope tow and, even more maddening, of weekend ski trips to New Hampshire.
  • At the gathering, Obama praised a New Hampshire nonprofit that helps poor people buy fuel-efficient, reliable cars.
  • Hey Michelle, I saw a werewolf drinking a piña colada in New Hampshire, and her hair was a helmet. Tony Phillips: Romney Has Nothing to Worry About: It's All About the Hair
  • The three new Navy College Rating Partners are: Southern New Hampshire University, Excelsior University and Central Texas College.
  • The Robbins' cinquefoil is endemic to a harsh alpine environment in the White Mountain National Forest of New Hampshire.
  • The forests in New Hampshire covered 50 percent of the state in 1850 and cover 87 percent today.
  • Kerry hoped to add to his total with a win in New Hampshire, which Bush barely took in the last election.
  • Kerry's disappointing third place finish in New Hampshire might compel him to drop out.
  • The Isaac Newton's steam-whistle had sent up the curtain; the overture had followed with strains Der-Frei-schutzy in the Adirondacks, pastoral in the valleys of Vermont and New Hampshire, funebral and andante in the fogs of Mollychunkamug; now it was to end in an allegretto gallopade, and the drama would open. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 59, September, 1862
  • And in Maine, West Virginia, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire you can call * SP, while in Maryland and Virginia you can dial #SP (pound SP, instead of star SP), and in Massachusetts you can dial * SP if you are in the 413 area code, but in the The Internet Patrol
  • In 1794 the legislature granted the charter, creating one of the four earliest academies in New Hampshire.
  • Since the 1970s, several schools scattered around New Hampshire have placed kindergarteners in what they call readiness classes for up to a year before starting first grade; the classes are usually smaller and promote social development as much as academics. Eugenics is Alive and as Sick as Ever in Rockland County, New York
  • You know, it wasn't probably the best line in kind of ingratiating yourself with New Hampshire voters. CNN Transcript Sep 6, 2007
  • The president also made phone calls to boost the morale of activists and party organizers in battleground states such as Florida, New Hampshire, New Mexico and his native Hawaii. Rhetoric Is Sharp to the End
  • The wise Christian will have nothing to do with these neo-Gnostic fools who've unbuckled themselves from the Word of God and have embarked upon their Wild Goose Chase of subjective experience, wrote Southern Baptist blogger Ken Silva of New Hampshire-based Apprising Ministries. Left-leaning Christians to rally around 'Wild Goose'
  • Bob Rouse, staff arborist with the National Arborist Association in New Hampshire, suggests that you mount your tire swing with an eyebolt rather than wrap rope around the tree's limb.
  • Reflecting presently upon this strange incident somewhere over New Hampshire or Vermont, I wondered how many other travelers were as revolted as I was, offended, or merely incommoded by this performance. Archive 2009-10-01
  • New Hampshire beat out nine other states, all with small populations and libertarian leanings.
  • The pumpkinseed sunfish, Lepomis gibbosus, was used in New Hampshire experiments and the spotted sunfish, Lepomis punctatus in the Florida experiments.
  • There is no sense of a tangible organization that you can point to, says Rich Killion, an uncommitted GOP strategist in New Hampshire, who's unsure of the location of Cain's Granite State base of operations, or even if there is one. US politics live blog: Obama's new housing plan, Republican presidential candidates in a tangle
  • I took a deep breath and prepared to reinvite myself to New Hampshire. DOUBTING THOMAS
  • In 1998, they began operating the state-owned Mount Sunapee ski area, in New Hampshire.
  • A final Weeks Celebration evening, Aug. 26 at 5:30 p.m. is titled "New Hampshire and the Creation of the White Mountains. All Stories
  • Democrats in Iowa, New Hampshire and numerous elsewheres disagreed, but Ms. Hope was a bitter-ender, urging Mr. Dean to drop plans to make Wisconsin his last stand and crash his Zero into the New York primary-forget about John Kerry getting cut up. A Woman Called Hope Installs Mrs. Clinton At Democratic Podium
  • Stark paused for a moment to look out on the British sloops and transport ships in the harbor, then ran across the ridgeline of Breed's Hill toward his troops, two hundred New Hampshire militiamen.
  • The Urban Renewal pre-loved plaid shirts parallel a flannel trend that has taken over at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. Julia Plevin: Reduce, Reuse, Rewear
  • When a friend asked me to be a judge for the 63rd annual Woodsmen Meet at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, I could not say no. Julia Plevin: For Recession-Chic, Look to the Woodsmen
  • Then may somebody remind her/him about his support for this lying criminal biach now trying to run the lives of other males in the state of New Hampshire. The Volokh Conspiracy » A Corrupt Legal Culture
  • A previous kidney biopsy from New Hampshire had shown membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, inflammation of microscopic structures in the kidney caused by an abnormal immune response. After the Diagnosis
  • I read the book, written in 1909, at a small New Hampshire girls’ camp—run by an elderly Congregationalist minister and his wife and itself past its prime—curled up on a worn velvet sofa in an outbuilding called the Lodge, whose walls were hung with Indian blankets and sepia photographs of girls in togas doing eurythmic dances in a forest clearing. Cinderella Comstock « educating alice
  • Party activists in New Hampshire rejoiced that the presidential campaign had finally started.
  • Now, the storm that transformed itself into Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York state snowmaker, up into Ontario and Quebec, snowmaker, big time snowmaker here. CNN Transcript Mar 2, 2007
  • He offered me Passover matzo in the back seat of his van in New Hampshire.
  • He is a registered professional engineer in New Hampshire.
  • I shall not campaign or participate in any state which schedules a presidential election primary or caucus before Feb. 5, 2008, except for the states of Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire and South Carolina, as "campaigning" is defined by rules and regulations of the DNC. Obama takes heat from Catholic League over Pfleger
  • Meanwhile in New Hampshire, ARG has the race tightening up an producing the potential for a three way neck and necker by election day. Archive 2004-01-01
  • In 1968, long-haired youth shaved and spruced up to hit the campaign trail in New Hampshire, determined to drive Lyndon B. Ken Blackwell: Piddler on the Roof
  • The next, somewhat more conventional, gift was a monteith by the Boston silversmiths Daniel Henchman and Nathaniel Hurd, given to Dartmouth by the royal governor of New Hampshire, John Wentworth, in 1773.
  • A jetport study commissioned three years ago found that 41% of air travelers in the greater Portland market area flew out of Boston's Logan International Airport and 16% flew out of what is now Boston-Manchester Regional Airport in New Hampshire. Maine airport posts record numbers
  • John Lynch and other state leaders are trying to "overcommunicate" so New Hampshire folks have the very latest scientific information about the new flu. -- RSS feeds -- New Hampshire news, business and sports
  • They did say they were venture capitalists from New Hampshire and sons of some distant cousin or aunt, I think.
  • John O'Neill had first been used as a 'counterfoil' to John Kerry by Richard Nixon. running an operation to jam Democratic Party phones during the 2002 election in New Hampshire? robocalls in Virginia. Seeing the Forest
  • When the New Hampshire troops arrived, Pepperrell found it necessary that they all be ‘Taught How to Use the firelock.’
  • With New Hampshire's primary election just days away, candidates competing for the Republican presidential nomination are facing off in the Granite State on Saturday night. Republican Debate: GOP Candidates Face Off Ahead Of New Hampshire Primary (LIVE UPDATES)
  • skiing is hot stuff in New Hampshire
  • A bearded ukulele player greeted us at the front door as scores of volunteers - many seemingly from out of state - prepared for one of their visibility "marches" back and forth to the New Hampshire statehouse which is a couple blocks away. Matthew and Peter Slutsky: Is Fox News Trying To Ruin The Ron Paul Revolution?
  • The North Carolina senator is hoping to ride the momentum of his Iowa performance to a very strong showing here in New Hampshire and beyond.
  • According to a Bloomberg Businessweek article, The investment committee at Dartmouth, in Hanover, New Hampshire, included more than six trustees whose firms oversaw more than $100 million in investments for its fund over the last five years, the report said. Bob Samuels: Why Harvard, Dartmouth, and the University of California Bet Big and Lost
  • New Hampshire, in the northeast area called New England, is the Granite State because of that colorful rock.
  • But if he wins a big victory here, then he will look like a certifiable front-runner, having won back-to-back victories in Iowa and New Hampshire.
  • Here a crowd in New Hampshire displays the hanged effigy of the stamp master. America Past and Present
  • New Haven, Conn., had been covering the conflict in Libya for weeks when she was taken with Foley, of New Hampshire, and Varela, who works under the name Manu Brabo. News
  • A statistician, on the other hand, might say that analysis of the 3,255 responses from New Hampshire residents found them to be more than one standard deviation below the national average on the "extraversion" category in the Five Factor Model, a commonly used descriptive model of personality. local, state, business and sports news
  • Some of the Rhode Island and New Hampshire soldiers had on gray coats that confused the shooters of the 4th Rhode Island.
  • Now Bancroft had New Hampshire, not a large state but pivotally located in the North, whence a Polk boomlet must come. A Country of Vast Designs
  • He'll probably outspend him here in New Hampshire.
  • His presidential hopes suffered a fatal blow in New Hampshire.
  • The company got its start in Conway, N.H., in 2003, when New Hampshire native Casey Fenton and three others co-founded to promote intercultural understanding and what they call "inspiring experiences. SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
  • A group of friends reunites in a New Hampshire cottage to reconnect and remember.
  • Same-sex marriage will be legal in five states when New Hampshire begins issuing licenses Jan. 1, and passionate battles over whether that number will grow are being waged in the Texas 'ban on gay marriage is unconstitutional as she cleared the way for two gay Texas paved the way for a court battle over the state's ban on same-sex marriage when she ruled this week that two men married in another state can get ... - Articles related to Czech president signals he will accept 'Irish-style' guarantees
  • While the Connecticut River separates Hartford from the neighboring New Hampshire communities of Lebanon and Hanover, Hartford and Windsor County are linked economically to New Hampshire.
  • shires," -- Suffolk, Essex, Middlesex, and Norfolk, the latter lying then to the northward and including the New Hampshire towns. Civil Government in the United States Considered with Some Reference to Its Origins
  • He will hope to lure New Hampshire independents. Times, Sunday Times
  • The press failed just as miserably in New Hampshire - but this time by overestimating and overrating him.
  • On top are two charming bandboxes, the utilitarian product of New Hampshire mill towns, about 1830.
  • They're just not moving, says Kenneth Johnson, a demographer at the University of New Hampshire's Carsey Institute, which studies families. Census reports slow growth in states
  • In New Hampshire, where pleadings had always been simple, clear, and direct, the lawyers introduced more sophistication and complexity during the years 1692 to 1700; the action of ejectment, the writs of scire facias and supersedeas, the action of trespass de bonis asportatis, entered New Hampshire as immigrants at this time.55 Students of Massachusetts law on the eve of the Revolution have declared it to be quite conservative, at least by earlier standards. A History of American Law
  • However, there was a change of policy in New Hampshire in the early 1990s, when an integrated package of mobility options was introduced to include buses, railroads, bikeways and pedestrian pathways.
  • In 2008, however, having exiled himself for a decade -- long enough for even hard-core politix watchers to forget how arrogantly and evilly he acts when he has power -- look for him at the Bisquick Pancake Presidential Primary Flip-off (I love whoever invented that name) in New Hampshire, grinningly jostling a frying pan, sandwiched between Giuliani and Rice. Davis Sweet: Newt's "Insurgents"
  • In 1679 the territory of New Hampshire was carved out of it, and was established as a separate colony.
  • Like that time I tried to drive to New Hampshire to listen to Dean speak but my car was shellacked over with so much ice I couldn't open the doors.
  • She is leading in the polls here in this state but she told the crowd here today she intends to get their support from what she called the New Hampshire way, by meeting with people, going to diners, going into their homes and tomorrow she will be going into some political parties in homes meeting one on one with residents of New Hampshire and she will also have another town hall meeting. CNN Transcript Feb 10, 2007
  • Winant, a liberal Republican and former three-term New Hampshire governor, served as ambassador to the Court of St. James from 1942 until 1946. Eleanor Roosevelt and Harry Truman
  • Page 26 income than was good for him — seeing that the per diem then paid Congressmen was altogether insufficient — and during the earlier days of his sojourn in the national capital he cut a wide swath; his principal yokemate in the pleasures and dissipations of those times being Franklin Pierce, at first a representative and then a senator from New Hampshire. Marse Henry : an autobiography,
  • And this Republican candidate has won the New Hampshire primary with 28 percent of the vote.
  • At the gathering, Obama praised a New Hampshire nonprofit that helps poor people buy fuel-efficient, reliable cars.
  • It is the fourth antievolution bill of 2012, joining Indiana's Senate Bill 89 and New Hampshire's House Bills 1148 and 1157. Shawn Lawrence Otto: Missouri, The 'Stupefy Me' State?
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'New Hampshire: Primary vote recount and impeachment'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Betty Hall is a 14-term New Hampshire state representative for Hillsborough District 05. OpEdNews - Quicklink: New Hampshire: Primary vote recount and impeachment
  • Mr. Huntsman, who only weeks ago was President Barack Obama's ambassador to China, barnstormed from Jersey City, N.J., to New Hampshire and back to Manhattan, touching each base he will need to be a contender: a lofty backdrop—the Statue of Liberty—to evoke national appeal; a pitch to voters here in centrist, coastal New England; and a pitch to donors in New York. Soft-Spoken Huntsman Enters the GOP Race
  • Dr. Likens 'research focuses on the ecology and biogeochemistry of forest and aquatic ecosystems, primarily through long-term studies at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Contributor: Gene Likens
  • Lots of computer-generated technical dazzle in this fantasy about jungle animals escaping a supernatural board game and terrorizing a New Hampshire town.
  • Not too long ago, in a wildlife park near the scenic town of Albany, New Hampshire, the police pulled out a 45-year-old man from the septic tank under a public toilet in a park, his chosen machan for peering at women's backsides. Archive 2005-07-01
  • In an exclusive interview on "This Week," Huntsman said "there's a serious problem" with comments made by Perry in New Hampshire last week calling man-made global warming "a scientific theory that has not been proven and from my perspective is more and more being put into question" while claiming scientists have "manipulated data" on the issue. ABC News: Top Stories
  • Now remember, this is in skinflint New Hampshire, where a request for money for a new light bulb can cause a knockdown, drag-out debate.
  • All these amenities suggest a degree of affluence and urbanity remarkable for a country village in northern New Hampshire during the first half of the nineteenth century.
  • After hanging up on her I walked from my hotel room to the main street in the small town in New Hampshire where we were filming and recast Kirsten's role with the first girl that I saw on the street.
  • John Lynch said earlier this year that he would veto that would loosen restrictions on what he called New Hampshire's already gun-friendly laws. All Stories
  • He bought a farm in Franconia, New Hampshire, where he launched a career of writing, teaching, and lecturing. Robert frost | my november guest « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • Her niece sits on the board of directors at Rockingham Park and is the director of mutuels at the track in Salem, New Hampshire.
  • The most recent example I can think of was her column from the New Hampshire primary in 2008, datelined "Derry, NH," when in reality she was in Israel at the time the column was filed and published. More Than Just Cut and Paste
  • From the snowy fields of Iowa and New Hampshire to the crowded tarmacs of key battleground states to the steps of the Capitol on Inauguration Day, President Obama made clear that transitioning to a clean energy economy and tackling the challenge of global warming would be among his top priorities. Gene Karpinski: President Obama Earns B&#43 on First Year Report Card
  • Congressmen was altogethr insufficient -- and during the earlier days of his sojourn in the national capital he cut a wide swath; his principal yokemate in the pleasures and dissipations of those times being Franklin Pierce, at first a representative and then a senator from New Hampshire. Marse Henry (Volume 1) An Autobiography
  • As for his ties to his onetime rival Bush, McCain stressed that he is not trying to distance himself in the fall to win over independents, who are a key part of the electorate in battlegrounds such as New Hampshire and Oregon. McCain: I won't run from Bush in '08 race
  • The slow-witted criminal of the week is a guy who fled a sobriety checkpoint in New Hampshire after handing over his license and registration.
  • The vote in New Hampshire often decides the outcome of the Presidential election
  • One third of Franconia Ridge in New Hampshire is above the tree line.
  • What New Hampshire did was stand up and body-slam the national establishment, the press corps, the pollsters, the whole bunch. Big Girls Don’t Cry
  • So New Hampshire voters figured that he is a triumphantly electable winner.
  • So I had a few bracers, called my boss, and informed him of the tragedy; I was in New Hampshire, grieving with my relatives - my voice trembling.
  • The Segway, which has a maximum speed of 12.5mph and can travel around 18 miles between charges, was unveiled by New Hampshire entrepreneur Dean Kamen 2001 and went on sale the following year.
  • The Red Sox comment came right after she called New Hampshire the Northwest. Palin Splits Her Baseball Loyalties - The Caucus Blog -
  • In one case, the cooperative art dealers didn't even bother to ship the paintings for a brief layover in New Hampshire.
  • Hey Michelle, I saw a werewolf drinking a piña colada in New Hampshire, and her hair was a helmet. Tony Phillips: Romney Has Nothing to Worry About: It's All About the Hair
  • That ignorance was on prominent display after New Hampshire, as analysts groped to explain the primary results and came up with explanations that were as offensive as they were phantasmagorial. Susan Faludi: The Correct Hillary Stereotype: Competence
  • Then, presidential candidates can't ignore the early political contests in New Hampshire and Iowa, or can they?
  • TBRE has returned from her transection of Darkest New Hampshire* with heroic quantities of booze, such that I have been forced to clear out a cabinet in the kitchen (formerly devoted to clutter and extra dog food) in order to construct a Shrine To Bacchus. Panama freighter wearing rusty brown
  • While the House losses were greatest in downscale blue-collar districts, Democrats also lost white-collar suburban seats in New Jersey, New Hampshire, and the Philadelphia suburbs, and failed to carry the suburban seat vacated by Mark Kirk, the successful GOP Senate challenger in Illinois. The smoke clears from the wreckage
  • This case involves the installation of a wet flue gas desulphurization system (also known as a "scrubber") at Merrimack Station, an electricity generating facility in Bow owned by the appellee, Public Service Company of New Hampshire (PSNH). All Stories
  • I read the book, written in 1909, at a small New Hampshire girls 'camp ” run by an elderly Congregationalist minister and his wife and itself past its prime ” curled up on a worn velvet sofa in an outbuilding called the Lodge, whose walls were hung with Indian blankets and sepia photographs of girls in togas doing eurythmic dances in a forest clearing. Catacomb Efreet
  • It must have been 15 years ago that Chip told me the huddle was the most overrated thing in all of sports," said Mark Linehan, a longtime Boston radio personality who was Kelly's roommate at the University of New Hampshire.
  • Every four years, presidential hopefuls have learned, the New Hampshire mouse roars like lion.
  • Fran Wendelboe, a former seven-term New Hampshire state representative who has been active in political campaigns and now runs her own political consulting firm, has been informally emailing advice to Cohen. ABC News: Top Stories
  • New Hampshire , in the northeast area called New England, is The Granite State because of that colorful rock.
  • I would never have predicted that we would be standing here as partners in service to this great place we call New Hampshire," Newman said after she had hugged Lynch, a 40-year friend. local, state, business and sports news

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