How To Use New edition In A Sentence
Put briefly, there was a kind of allergic reaction between On Location and the brand-new edition of Microsoft Word.
It extends from Cath Kidston stores to the Persephone Press's beautiful new editions of novels by neglected women writers, and you can literally eat and drink it in the small revival of the teashop.
Sugar coats this hunger for the past
The new edition of the dictionary carries 7000 additions to the language, which purists say is under threat.
Edition Nm | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
The new edition includes a new chapter on smoking among pregnant women.

The new edition of encyclopedia will appear in the bookstores next week.
Mr. Forman was engaged in editing a new edition of the "Bacchae," and was apt to be absent-minded in consequence.
The Politeness of Princes and Other School Stories
Put briefly, there was a kind of allergic reaction between On Location and the brand-new edition of Microsoft Word.
The new edition of the dictionary has considerably improved.
A New Edition, revised, handsomely printed in fcap. 8vo., with Vignettes and red floriated borders taken from the ancient MSS.
Notes and Queries, Number 219, January 7, 1854 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
A new edition of these maps was brought out in 1801.
A Comprehensive Course for English Composition. This is a new edition.
The novel needs a new order, a higher level, of thinking on the part of its readers, and at some stage of the not-too-distant future perhaps there should be a new edition with an apparatus of helpful notes.
Including entries for many more words, the new edition also lists more than 25,000 additional references to classical, intertestamental, Early Christian, and modern literature.
A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 3rd Edition « Books « Literacy News
The victim in the new edition is a high-profile media mogul, instead of the reclusive millionaire in the original.
Times, Sunday Times
This is a quandary that never traps veteran adventuress Dervla Murphy, in a new edition of her epic 1983 trek through the Peruvian Andes with her small daughter and a mule.
The trade paperback contains all of the fiction in the hardcover limited edition, while the teleplays and non-fiction have been trimmed from the new edition.
Subterranean Press » 2008 » March
Also in Stop Smiling, Nicolas Rapold on the new edition of Don't Look Back, which includes Bob Dylan 65 Revisited, "a kind of complemental alternate take.
GreenCine Daily: DVDs, 2/20.
We inclose the statement of account which leaves us still creditors, owing principally to the unfavourable sale of the 'Remains'; and some additions must very shortly be made to the balance by the expenses of new editions of the Rural Tales and
Letter 409
This book is no good to me:I need the new edition.
The new edition pays closer attention to intersectionality and hybrid identities.
The new edition of the dictionary has considerably improved.
The new edition will apparently have "bluer" blues which may require a new copy.
Blueberries for Sal back
A quick glance at the copyright page of these two new books of quotations shows the frequency of new editions increasing steadily since the mid-1990s.
The Times Literary Supplement
New editions of the texts in the original languages and new translations have been published.
Jeff Probst and Julie Berry broke up; Richard Hatch smuggled matches in his ass Megan Parris says Bachelor producers "berate," "curse at" contestants Vincent Pastore needed a cane to walk after Dancing with the Stars training Chris Sligh leaves as Ryan Seacrest turns Idol into the Sanjaya show Bravo plans multiple new editions of its Real Housewives "franchise" hear or see me in the media
Reality blurred
The new edition was rushed out just before Christmas.
This new edition in four volumes, a reprint of the 1962 paperback edition, costs [pounds sterling] 9.99 per volume.
The victim in the new edition is a high-profile media mogul, instead of the reclusive millionaire in the original.
Times, Sunday Times
I'm making some revisions to the book for the new edition.
Yet there is much scope for many more new editions of texts of all genres.
The Times Literary Supplement
But with the new edition of the casebook, I decided to do something that I hope will be more helpful to my adopters.
Little new material about research in the field has been added to this new edition.
The new edition of the dictionary has considerably improved.
The new edition of the book is available at timesonline.
Times, Sunday Times
None will better express the flavor of the occasion than a new edition next month of Pellegrino Artusi ' s " La scienza in cucina e l ' arte di mangiare bene " " Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well " .
Where the Stomach Is the Way to the Heart
The new edition of the encyclopedia embodies many improvements.
Most of her books remain in print and a new edition of her poetry was published last year.
Times, Sunday Times
For decades, McGraw-Hill published a new edition of the popular text every two years.
Part of the reason for publishing a new edition of your book was to widen the audience for stories like these.
All I can do is describe how Guinness affects me neurologically, intellectually, spiritually, sexually, violently, adverbially — every year a new edition comes out.
Walter Kirn Mourns : Edward Champion’s Reluctant Habits
Put briefly, there was a kind of allergic reaction between On Location and the brand-new edition of Microsoft Word.
So if you want to get the strength of what we've been saying and have a bosker hard read slip out one arvo and lamb down some of your oscar for the revised Pocket Oxford (18s.), the first new edition since 1942.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VI No 3
This new edition includes an entire chapter that has been added to address the controversial issue of abortion within the authors' distinct framework.
After each new edition, hundreds write in with suggestions and the occasional correction.
The development of classification schedules KB (Religious law in general), KBM (Jewish law), and KBP (Islamic Law), has now been completed and a new edition of KB, Religious Law, has just been published by CDS.
Electa have produced a new edition of Eugenio Battisti's Piero della Francesca.
And the new edition contains exclusive bonus content.
The Sun
Forty per cent of new titles were actually new editions of existing books.
The new edition of "Time" will hit the stands Tuesday.
Palgrave-macmillan has recently republished a new edition of the two-volume Armenian People from Ancient to Modern Times edited by Richard G. Hovannisian.
Most of her books remain in print and a new edition of her poetry was published last year.
Times, Sunday Times
They are bringing out a new edition of the dictionary.
Move interstate but always have it in the back of your mind to return one day, just to see if New Editions Bookshop is still there and to lay a drone pipe atop his grave.
The new edition of the dictionary carries 7000 additions to the language, which purists say is under threat.
This new edition has been fully revised to include new research in both orthodox and alternative medicine.
Alternative Health Care for Women
The new edition will reach bookstores by May and has 58 new entries, plus another 20 new senses of existing words (such as wedgie).
Nightnurse Diary Entry
A new edition of her book, Good Children, is being published this autumn.
To prepare a new edition of a poet's work, a scholar may spend years in the archives, weeding out the 'corruptions' planted by previous editors and scribes, only to see his own decisions denounced by the next generation of editors.
The Mystery of Emily Dickinson
Forty per cent of new titles were actually new editions of existing books.
The new editions have benefitted from computer word processing and layout.
This new edition has been fully revised to include new research in both orthodox and alternative medicine.
Alternative Health Care for Women
We will only publish a new edition if you can make a convincing case for it.
This new edition has been fully revised to include new research in both orthodox and alternative medicine.
Alternative Health Care for Women
The new edition also adds the important vesuvianite locality at Asbestos, Quebec, which was absent in the 1960 book.
Since Naipaul won the 2001 Nobel Prize for Literature, there has understandably been much excavation of his backlist - omnibus collections, reissues, stories and essays shuffled around in new editions.
By keeping to this method the correction of the Euchologion was completed and the new edition of it was printed in 1754.
Their ethos is linked to that of New York's Editions: Artists 'Book Fair, whose focus on new editions, young artists and young galleries, "I was hoping to reproduce that back in London" explains Richard Lloyd, Christie's International Head of the Print Department.
Constantin Bjerke: Roll Over Frieze - Multiplied Contemporary Editions Fair at Christie's
The new edition of Fassbinder's dramatic works has been given the more provisional title Theaterstücke (Theatre Plays), presumably in anticipation of further unpublished plays and fragments surfacing from the archives.
GreenCine Daily: RWF/TLS.
Oxford English Dictionary Adds New Words - Today, the alphabetical range rean-recyclist was added to the New Edition: every word in this range has been thoroughly revised and updated.
Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
The new edition is based on previously unpublished manuscripts with full annotation.
Forty per cent of new titles were actually new editions of existing books.
The new edition is a pricy box set, but breaks the novel up into satisfying chunks.
She teamed up with Peter Levy to present the new edition of the BBC ONE 6.30 pm evening news programme for East Yorkshire & Lincolnshire.
The new edition of Scotland's award-winning travel bible, which covers everything from the best beaches and the finest fish and chip shops to the spookiest places and the ideal spots for sledging, has seen its largest overhaul to date.
The new edition of this practical sourcebook, first published in 1998, is a deliciously illustrated guide to fabrics, wallpapers, tiles, paints and floor coverings.
A new edition, now under development will be out in the third quarter.
In 1910, the German publisher Baedeker brought out a new edition of its Handbook to Great Britain.
The new edition of the dictionary carries 7000 additions to the language, which purists say is under threat.
Centenaries prompt reassessment and new editions.
The Times Literary Supplement
The new edition has maintained that structure and style, preserving the many examples and exercises that proved so useful to me.
The new edition of encyclopaedia will appear in the bookstores next week.
The new edition of encyclopedia will appear in the bookstores next week.
This new edition places more emphasis on networking designs and covers issues not found in the first edition, such as hubs, fast packet forwarding, autoconfiguration, multicasting and protocol design folklore.
He went so far as to revise the original text in 1965, changes the new edition incorporates.
The new edition of the dictionary carries 7000 additions to the language, which purists say is under threat.
Material about recent research has been added to this new edition.
We will only publish a new edition if you can make a convincing case for it.
Most of her books remain in print and a new edition of her poetry was published last year.
Times, Sunday Times
Where others see a generation of television-created illiterates, with short attention spans, or video-game addicts, he sees a new edition of humanity.
New editions will essentially be cumulations and therefore a longer gap will exist between editions.
Material about recent research has been added to this new edition.
Forty per cent of new titles were actually new editions of existing books.
When is the new edition coming out?
Its true stories, thoughtful quotations, and suggestions for generosity inspire readers to live more compassionately in this beautiful new edition.
The publishers are bringing out a new edition of the dictionary next spring.
The new edition is based on previously unpublished manuscripts with full annotation.
With a few minor exceptions, the new edition is much like the previous one.
The new edition of the book contains a short foreword by D. Simberloff, a fount of encyclopedic knowledge on biological invasions.
The new edition embodies many improvements.
New editions of the texts in the original languages and new translations have been published.
This is even more meta because the Ginsburg et al. trademark casebook contained, or at least used to contain (my memory for editions is a bit limited, and they really reshaped this section after Dastar), a hypothetical about a publisher who put out a new edition of a casebook with different authors but original names.
Archive 2009-04-01
The new edition of encyclopaedia will appear in the bookstores next week.
This new edition reflects this.
Alternative Health Care for Women
The new edition of the dictionary carries 7000 additions to the language, which purists say is under threat.
Yuppification, not downward mobility, will be the name of the game in the new edition of the guidebook.
This new edition includes an entire chapter that has been added to address the controversial issue of abortion within the authors' distinct framework.
Yet there is much scope for many more new editions of texts of all genres.
The Times Literary Supplement