
How To Use Never In A Sentence

  • I never believed in God, not even between the ages of six and ten, when I was an agnostic.
  • My poor Lirriper was a handsome figure of a man, with a beaming eye and a voice as mellow as a musical instrument made of honey and steel, but he had ever been a free liver being in the commercial travelling line and travelling what he called a limekiln road — “a dry road, Emma my dear,” my poor Lirriper says to me, “where I have to lay the dust with one drink or another all day long and half the night, and it wears me Emma” — and this led to his running through a good deal and might have run through the turnpike too when that dreadful horse that never would stand still for a single instant set off, but for its being night and the gate shut and consequently took his wheel, my poor Lirriper and the gig smashed to atoms and never spoke afterwards. Mrs. Lirriper's Lodgings
  • The building used to look a bit fancier, and much more decorative, but it was never rebuilt.
  • I usually sqirt a drop or two on the front and back of my boots, and a few drops on a wick around the stand. i never used the buck pee though. i have used a couple of tarsal glands from a buck that my friend killed. had small buck circle the tree i hung it from a couple times. When to use What deer pee?
  • Though Jane tells herself stories, listens to stories told by others, and reads, she never writes anything other than a few letters-misaddressed and undelivered letters, at that.
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  • He plays David as a charismatic rogue - someone the audience is supposed to recognize as a bit of a scoundrel, but like nevertheless.
  • We kept Mnemosyne for over two months, and never once did she misconduct herself or behave in an unseamanlike manner. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, December 26, 1917
  • It has half a bad novel inside it so I've never quite brought myself to throw it out.
  • He would never have gone to the Union while his wife was alive: she said it was "plebby. The Key to Rebecca
  • The BBC never tires of telling us how passionately it seeks the interest and participation of the public in its political output, particularly the young.
  • He had just received my check and was apoplectic with rage, declaring he never wanted to see or have anything to do with ‘that woman’ - meaning me - again.
  • The manager never falters in his determination.
  • She may have arrived late or it is equally possible that she never went there at all.
  • If you live long enough, you'll make mistakes. But if you learn from them, you'll be a better person. It's how you handle adversity, not how it affects you. The main thing is never quit, never quit, never quit. Bill Clinton 
  • And then I got there and they're like, no, you're writing sketches for other people, which I had never done and I was really kind of bummed because I had auditioned like two or three times. Zach Galifianakis: A Comedic Actor Takes A Dark Turn
  • The former, namely, covetoufnefs, is a very mean and fordid palTion — refllefs, im - patient — and never contented With its A a prefent Sermons on practical subjects
  • After laying down the melody, he proceeded to deconstruct it, pulling it into new shapes, twisting, fragmenting, yet never losing touch with his starting point.
  • I don't think you're playing devil's advocate (a word every/filmer seems to want use) simply by making entirely senseless comparisons between films like Transformers and There Will Be Blood, and ranting on with points of view that even someone in defense of Transformers would never use. Things I Noticed While Watching 20 Minutes of JJ Abrams’ Star Trek | /Film
  • She loved Ty, but she never got his organization and orderliness.
  • She is good-hearted and took pity on my pathetic form whenever I was sent to the kitchens by my mistresses.
  • The course of true love never did run smooth. 
  • Why such a paper has never been given to the world, I am much at a loss to say—but, perhaps, the autorial vanity has had more to do with the omission than any one other cause. The Philosophy of Composition
  • It was a smile Elizabeth had never seen on her husband's face before; one so full of love and tenderness that her heart melted.
  • Often he found her quietly weeping, but they were never tears of accusation; only tears of regret.
  • I have NEVER heared my children call me mother EVER! Why I’m PROUD to call myself a Mommy! « Bored Mommy
  • Whenever I go to London I feel like a provincial.
  • Chickadees called occasionally, but never titmice.
  • I might have understood how clumsy I was, when I was rearing my children in the most utter idleness and luxury, to reform other people and their children, who were perishing from idleness in what I called the den of the Rzhanoff house, where, nevertheless, three-fourths of the people toil for themselves and for others. What to Do?
  • In the late 1980s Craxi indignantly told Frei that he had never committed a single illegal act. Italy's Dirty Linen
  • When I do get in a lather, it's never my fault: it's the cyclists and pedestrians who are selfish and inconsiderate, not me.
  • He never complained, except when he occasionally slipped on muddy cobblestones.
  • They spearfish & dive for lobster, but almost never fish with hook & line. Which Fishing Cult is the Most Insane?
  • Erin Lyle, co-owner of Marty's Auto on Rathbone Avenue, told the Daily Herald "We have three houses right next to us and we've never had a noise or nuisance issue ... they're (city) not picking on tattoo parlors or grocery stores or anyone else. Archive 2009-04-01
  • It goes without saying that you should never have more children than you have car windows. Erma Bombeck 
  • The story of the guilt-ridden woman who knows she can never be a good enough mother is beautifully judged in its mixture of comedy and depression.
  • Isadora seldom could pay her own way, but that never stopped her. ISAAC CAMPION
  • We never answer questions about special forces, but do not take that as an answer indicating an affirmative.
  • It never occurred to me that you might not realize he was your father or grandfather, or great grandsire or whatever.
  • At college he had never (illis dissimilis in nostro tempore natis) cringed to the possessors of clerical power. Pelham — Volume 05
  • 'tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all. 
  • The man who backbites an absent friend, nay, who does not stand up for him when another blames him, the man who angles for bursts of laughter and for the repute of a wit, who can invent what he never saw, who cannot keep a secret - that man is black at heart: mark and avoid him. Northern Rock - Pay staff a bonus with public cash.
  • Nevertheless, the international credit crunch and the weakening of global growth will "aggravate" the slowdown of the Icelandic economy, Mr. Haarde said. As Iceland's Krona Falls,
  • A unique feature of VTM - 4 is that it drives the rear wheels whenever the vehicle accelerates, even on dry pavement.
  • I am never quite clear on whether all this is sartorial or sardonicDad’s way of announcing that he used to be a punker but is now a middle-school English teacher, or if becoming a teacher has actually turned my dad into this genuine throwback. Excerpt: If I Stay by Gayle Forman
  • Even the sight of a gibbet, if it assured him that one robber was safely disposed of by justice, never failed to remind him how many remained still unhanged. Rob Roy
  • Nevertheless, women did not enjoy juridical equality in marriage and the family until new family legislation was passed in 1977.
  • A wily fox will outrun a pack of hounds, but never a bullet.
  • Pride slays thanksgiving, but a humble mind is the soil out of which thanks naturally grow. A proud man is seldom a grateful man, for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves. Henry Ward Beecher 
  • Little analysis was apparent in many of the early Programmes - a defect that was never entirely overcome.
  • The masseuse said she'd never known anyone with such knotted shoulders.
  • Of course, daylight savings time will never go away, because modern environmentalism has become more a matter of making empty feel-good gestures than performing rational acts that actually improve something. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » It Seems I Was Right About Daylight Savings Time
  • Californian hippies in suits intone the inane and never-challenged mantra that information wants to be free.
  • Your honour indeed told me so, said Mrs. Jervis: but I never found her inclinable to think herself in a fault. Pamela
  • Gregara, I never could abye the reek of them since I could stotter on two feet. David Balfour, Second Part Being Memoirs Of His Adventures At Home And Abroad, The Second Part: In Which Are Set Forth His Misfortunes Anent The Appin Murder; His Troubles With Lord Advocate Grant; Captivity On The Bass Rock; Journey Into Holland And Fran
  • The exotic flowers we crossbred on the farm never lasted as long as the wild ones which grew naturally.
  • Hundreds die everyday without the seemliness of a proper investigation since there is never anyone to care.
  • A date was fixed for the work to be carried out but workmen never turned up.
  • She never achieved her ambition of becoming a famous writer.
  • On closer inspection a radiologist's report confirmed an impacted fracture, but the report never reached Dr Blakeley.
  • Nevertheless, CNN has talked to a "language analyst" who gets paid to "[analyze and catalogue] trends in word usage and word choice and their impact on culture," and they report that Obama was too "professorial," and now America is at grave risk of not passing its midterm exams on the oil spill. Obama Oil Spill Speech Criticized By CNN's Language Analyst For Not Being Moronic Enough [UPDATE]
  • I'd never use the word "cheesesteak" for the second recipe, because, well, it's not. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • It appeared the family had never been properly screened by the DIB, which was alarming given that its activities were supposedly well monitored, he added.
  • She never seems to know what she's doing from one minute to the next.
  • Because I had never had a cold sore before, the virus clobbered me with a very high fever.
  • But the narrative remains strange and poetic enough for it never to appear formulaic or didactic.
  • Those two jokers may be happy in their never-never land, but it's time they recognised reality.
  • The man was never as much of a sucker for a hook as Elton John was, but throughout 'The Soul Cages', Sting defiantly resists hummability as if a mere catchy pop chorus were too frivolous for such weighty content. The Soul Cages
  • He was a powerful monarch, -- so powerful that the Greeks, who had built cities all along the coast of Asia Minor, in the country called Ionia, never spoke of him except as "The Great King. The Story of the Greeks
  • He left with few regrets, happy that his game on clay had never been better, although disappointed that, yet again, his best was not good enough to beat a slightly underdone Nadal. Rafael Nadal boxed clever to beat Roger Federer in French Open | Kevin Mitchell
  • Never gloat over the ruin of your friend.
  • I have never heard her pan anyone.
  • I've never seen men look in the mirror so much.
  • The men never exerted themselves except when hunger prompted, or a spent magazine made the acquisition of "peltries" necessary to barter for powder and ball. The Hive of "The Bee-Hunter," A Repository of Sketches, Including Peculiar American Character, Scenery, and Rural Sports
  • This female chanteuse has soothing vocals that'll take you to sonic heights that you've never been to.
  • She is a woman of integrity who has never abandoned her principles for the sake of making money.
  • Some of his best mates are journalists, but generally he is sceptical and distrustful of the media and never saw his role as a background briefer to reporters.
  • Nevertheless, it has to be recognised that several interests may feel threatened by an advertising ban.
  • Along the walls are bookcases filled with books he never knew existed.
  • Ambition never dies until there is no way out. 
  • He is never alone that is in the company of noble thoughts. 
  • The fox may grow grey, but never good. 
  • While it's no surprise that this script is based on Nelson's own play, given the perfectly measured arguments, the film is never short on cinematic virtues.
  • This capricious beast had been trained to caracole, and his owner had taken to impressing girls by making the beast execute this pretty trick whenever he saw one. Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  • Never say of another what you would not have him hear. 
  • Within the unalterable waves of change, we can never find any enduring refuge or freedom.
  • It never failed to be fascinating reading - the replaying of familiar events and familiar data through the specific lens of organized labor.
  • And the images you conjure with "straddling glowing globes and caressing the giant W" makes us sound so freakin 'horny ... oh wait ... nevermind. Blogger Bender - Part II
  • Our goal is be independent, but we will never be at peace through mindless violence - the blood of those killed in riots and fires are forever on our hands.
  • I never kept a diary when I was growing up but I did receive them as Christmas presents and loved the idea of documenting my daily and dull doings.
  • Traitorfish said: I know that’s clichéd, but I really never liked Captain America - a superhero that nationalistic is nothing but creepy. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - The Death of Captain America
  • The old soldier never lost his military demeanor.
  • We never found it, but your humility left an indelible impression on me, and I decided that is how I want to treat people.
  • The news orgs, by contrast, are doing this out of laziness and a hopeless addiction to portraying lefties as a kind of perennially-disappointed lost tribe who will never, ever find their way out of the wilderness. News Orgs: The Left Is Upset With Obama -- Even Though It Isn't
  • Mordred and Agravaine propose to call the guileless Arthur's attention to Guenever and Sir A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
  • I look at both my sewing and knitting as wonderful gifts that I will never tire of.
  • MAN-agement is the one lesson your mother never taught you. Matt Titus: MANagement
  • Never enough, sir, while one of the idolatrous tyrants is left unhanged,” said he, with a right bitter smile. Westward Ho!
  • I never mingle with the crowds that are being buncoed [sic] in the big department stores of Los Angeles.
  • When her character (played by Winona Ryder) leaves the psychiatric institution never to return, the film takes a turn toward the tear-jerker.
  • It has never been heard of in Spain; and in France, the continuator of de Thou is the only one who has given any credit to these vague and ridiculous suspicions. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Prayer, and receive the Sacrament every day; because they do not subject and submit themselves wholly and entirely to him that hath Light, nor deny and conquer themselves, nor give up themselves totally to God, with a perfect divesting and disinteresting of themselves: In a word, till the Soul be purified in the Fire of Inward Pain, it will never get to a State of The spiritual guide which disentangles the soul / by Michael de Molinos ; edited with an introduction by Kathleen Lyttelton and a note by H. Scott Holland.
  • Leaders like that get only the bare minimum of effort and never rouse employees to cooperative activity.
  • In life's earnest battle they only prevail, who daily march onward and never say fail. 
  • Our dog never minds going for his boosters there.
  • Never one to shy away from diversity, Watanabe has blended straight jazz with bebop, Latin and even African rhythms in order to create some truly unique sounds.
  • Shyness, performance anxiety seemed never to have dwelled in him.
  • He wasn't a large man, and had never been the sporty type, so there were no golf clubs or baseball bats lying handily around, and the notion of overpowering a hulking burglar with the meagre physical means at his disposal was laughable. Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
  • The subject is not a nugget of inner being that extends itself outward to others whom it never quite reaches.
  • I thought we were never going to reach it; and then, almost unexpectedly, we suddenly came upon it - a small but ancient village, rising up on a slight eminence, but concealed from view by big clumps of tall-growing reeds.
  • A sparkle in his eyes animated his face whenever he smiled.
  • This monitor provides live full-color video through the Vehicle Information System whenever reverse is engaged.
  • Prior to the 1992 initiative, public sculptures were never a striking feature of the urban landscape.
  • I've never heard of that song.
  • Instead of the mascara the label advertised, the bottle was filled with micros she’d never before used. DIAMOND DUST by David Walton | Fiction | Futurismic
  • They also tell him that he can never leave, since that risks jeopardizing the setup for them all.
  • He dresses in half-mourning always, and never wears any jewelry, but strictly shuns all society, and prefers uncivilized regions. Erema
  • Scamp had an airtight alibi, naturally, but then again young Leakey never said who exactly had done it.
  • Never think yourself above business.
  • But I'd never ask anyone - a hangman or executioner, to do something I wouldn't do myself, nor approve of it.
  • You'll never guess who I met in town.
  • That Sara’d mentioned a name Greg had never heard of made him furious. Scarlet Nights
  • He who does not rise early never does a good day’s work. 
  • The truth is we'll never know for sure who would have been better, but the simple fact that party leaders are unwilling to allow its voters to hash these questions out for themselves is troubling.
  • The band coalesced in 1998 during a legendary trek across Canada, where the members busked and barnstormed for gas money and food whenever they could.
  • Almost all non-functional programmers are unaware that tail calls facilitate a programming paradigm that they have never seen. what's new online!
  • I was an artsy-craftsy bookworm; I never really knew what to do with dolls anyway other than change their outfits. Colleen Kane: Cabbage Patch Fever: 25 Years After
  • She goes from being a Southern belle, who's never been able to do anything practical, to someone who learns to survive under the most terrible circumstances of war and deprivation.
  • He said he'd never had any experience with this and no one had ever raised this before.
  • Thus was imposed on nationalist people an undemocratic arrangement destined never to yield a nationalist majority for perhaps hundreds of years.
  • He never said those words, including the asterisked one.
  • During the whole of the thirteenth century, and for some time afterwards, the Hojo continued to govern the country; and it is noteworthy that these regents never assumed the title of shogun, but professed to be merely shogunal deputies. Japan: an Attempt at Interpretation
  • Through observational learning you have acquired a great number of behaviors that you could potentially produce but never do.
  • Divorce is never the fault of one partner; it takes two.
  • They are sensitive to the sense of struggle and resignation in this dramatic movement and their rubato, though fluid, never damages the integrity of the underlying pulse.
  • The relationship with her mother, Zippora, née Assur, the daughter of a prosperous merchant family, who had never attended school, became more and more difficult. Fanny Lewald.
  • Ideas are like the stars --- we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them. 
  • He had never finished higher than fifth in an international championship.
  • El Pueblo Clinic has faced adversity before, but never of this magnitude.
  • Nevertheless, he was clean-shaven, his hair was cut and his ears were clean. Stephanie Gertler: Vanishing in New York City
  • Armantrout's short lines, use of rhetoric, aggressive lineation, disjunctions and juxtapositions, discursiveness, parataxis, and myriad condensatory techniques are all exemplary, but never overbearing. Seth Abramson: November 2011 Contemporary Poetry Reviews
  • However, he will give us his assurance tonight that he will never grow it, even if it is a boomer crop for New Zealand and provides many, many benefits.
  • Honesty may be dear bought; but can never be an ill pennyworth. 
  • Of course, it never hurts if a biographer's subject boozes and ... whatever the non-gender-specific equivalent of "wenches" is. ON PARNASSUS FOR 15 MINUTES
  • Never overlook the significance of a power supply - an underpowered system will be prone not only to unreliable operation, but also to component damage.
  • The concert footage, captured in color, is bright and brassy, and even with all the fancy lighting and video backdrops, the transfer never resorts to flaring or bleeding.
  • And, finally, pratfalls are a universal language, and Moliere never betrayed his debt to the Italian tradition of commedia dell'arte.
  • I've never paid a dime for any tech show I've gone to, nor would I.
  • Never refrigerate tomatoes that are not fully ripe because cold temperatures stop the ripening process.
  • Nevertheless, teachers may improve their effectiveness by increasing the frequency of positive responses while reducing the negative.
  • Whenever he was angry he would begin to stammer slightly.
  • You may teach him to fence, and to dance, and to elocute till he is black in the face; you will never teach him to play "Othello" unless he is an actor. The Idler Magazine, Volume III, June 1893 An Illustrated Monthly
  • They never have to meet or conspire but they are still in cahoots.
  • Everything that happens once can never happen again. But everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time. Paulo Coelho 
  • This creates an illusion that is shattered whenever adverse effects however rare are brought to light.
  • If a player couldn't use the side of the ball to accelerate his dribble, we might never see another layup.
  • Society may be full of poisonous vapors and be built on a framework of lies; it is nevertheless prudent to consider whether the ideal advantages of disturbing it overweigh the practical disadvantages, and above all to bear in mind that if you rob the average man of his illusions, you are almost sure to rob him of his happiness. Henrik Ibsen
  • Cathy was never late and expected the same when you met her for dinner.
  • He never thought I was fit to run a shoe shop. Damn right, too!
  • We've simply never seen someone so completely unmoored from the normal requirements of national office before. Transition: How Obama is Building a Government - Swampland -
  • He was an unforgiving man who never forgot a slight.
  • Jan would never slop around in old jeans.
  • Well, nevertheless, the Court appreciates the effects of this cooperation among counsel, and so states on the record.
  • Until you make peace with who you are, you'll never be content with what you have.
  • He'd never shown the slightest interest in any other woman - any decent woman.
  • It is never too late to learn. 
  • As the light streams through the windows of the minivan and reflects off Joni's earrings, Joel remembers the way the late-afternoon sun used to glint on the river as he made his way back from class to his off-campus apartment…the way his heart used to pound whenever he caught a glimpse of his downstairs neighbor, a balalaika player named Clarisse. The Search
  • This much I can say, I will NEVER step foot in K2's "showroom" ever again. K2 Auto Group In Minneapolis Uses The "I Hate You, Get Out" Sales Method - The Consumerist
  • The avenue had never been paved, and deep mud made it impassable in winter.
  • I've never had any desire to step into the limelight, so climbing on to the stage felt like mounting a scaffold.
  • Bob was never stinky per se, but he had a certain musky quality about him. What's Worse Than Snakes On A Plane?
  • She was, of course, my sister, and I loved her, but I had never mothered her the way I had doted on Henry or - most of all - Maggie.
  • Anyone who has once taken up the WORD can never again evade it; a writer is not the detached judge of his compatriots and contemporaries, he is an accomplice to all the evil committed in his native land or by his countrymen. Alexandr Solzhenitsyn - Nobel Lecture
  • Though never quite managing to hit commercial paydirt, Glasgow-born singer/songwriter John Martyn has carved out an acclaimed career by purveying an idiosyncratic mix of rock, folk and jazz.
  • Bose and Home show mathematically that whenever one electron is detected in each path, they will be entangled.
  • Other people's fairy tales always is romantic, but my fairy tale but never be miserable.
  • Now, whenever I go out on the porch I remember how rusty and pitted the railings used to look and how it bothered me, and the several hours I spent sandpapering it smooth, then the three coats of brown Rustoleum I applied, and now I'm watching it get whiter and cleaner with every new layer of paint I apply. A Productive Day
  • I have to say I know we shared the same trepidation about being mums to boys, but mine arrived on Monday morning and we've never been happier in the 'shwa. High-Low
  • Nevertheless, there is a way we can reduce tuition fees by at least $2,000 a year and not cost the government a penny.
  • People have called me "alm" as in "alms for the poor" in the past, and I thought it was funny how I read it in my head one way and everyone else had it differently. honeychild because honey is natural, durable and versatile. and we are all children -- that child in us never leaves -- the outer casing just grows up and gets older looking. lol stories: News
  • Played in horrible conditions with gusting gales and sweeping rain this was never going to be a pretty affair.
  • I am for _meddling with slavery everywhere_ -- _attacking it by night and by day, in season and out of season_ (no, it can never be out of season) -- in order to _effect its overthrow_. History of the Negro Race in America from 1619 to 1880. Vol. 2 (of 2) Negroes as Slaves, as Soldiers, and as Citizens
  • Also, for some reason, interlibrary lending never did pick up in India (and most other parts of the developing world).
  • I ai n't never rung my bell once --- not like Sheila, who rings it every five minutes. LOSING IT
  • I am pretty certain that during his actual practice lifetime Dr. Egnor utilized these studies and never counted on the brains of his patients to be so intelligently designed that they would all be optimally perfectly identical. coturnix Egnorance Overload - The Panda's Thumb
  • I never wanted this blog to be a diary - it was supposed to be an outlet for my various writings.
  • Our mercenaries (Blackwater and Haliburton and their minion) will still be on the ground, interfering with the new government whenever it drifts from the preordained path carved out by the American government since The Carter Doctrine. CNN Poll: Americans overwhelming support moving US combat troops out of Iraqi cities
  • This solution gives homeowners the freedom of never having to carry or circulate multiple sets of keys, coupled with the ability to instantaneously grant entry to family members, friends, unexpected house guests, and service providers such as handymen and housekeepers. HomeToys News
  • I have shut an 'boulted the door an' by Him that made me, you'll never lave this house, nor go out of that door a livin 'woman, unless you tell me all you know about that Tobaccy-Box. The Black Prophet: A Tale Of Irish Famine Traits And Stories Of The Irish Peasantry, The Works of William Carleton, Volume Three
  • She never disobeyed laws or rules for her own ill-gotten gains, it was just that she was good at it, and it was fun.
  • She was exceedingly beautiful, fully grown yet young still, and in her eyes was a depth and maturity that never ceased to captivate the looker.
  • He had never professed love, just a lustful possessive desire that fueled the cruelty in his obsession.
  • I am not suggesting in this article that young wingmen should never fly with 2,000-hour instructor pilots.
  • One visitor from Africa told me that whenever a group of men were standing around talking, their hands were usually busy dehulling egusi seeds. 10: Food science
  • Nevertheless, in terms of the rights which attach, redeemable preference shares are more akin to debt than shares.
  • Roger is the furriest one, Peter is the skinniest, the Ox is the burliest, and Moonie has the most energy: he bounces in between the other three, never settling down or staying still. Going Mutant
  • I see red whenever I hear that man's name.
  • Much-maligned for their derivative style, the band are nevertheless enduringly popular.
  • Never complain, never explain. Resist the temptation to defend yourself or make excuses. Brian Tracy 
  • The machine had a massive storage capacity which could nevertheless fit into a handbag.
  • In his weekly post, Williamson wrote that "the killing of Jesus was truly 'deicide' " and that "only the Jews leaders and people were the prime agents of the deicide because it is obvious from the gospels that the gentile most involved, Pontius Pilate, … would never have condemned Jesus to death had not the Jewish leaders roused the Jewish people to clamour for his crucifixion. Bishop's blog raises tensions between Jews and the Vatican

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