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How To Use Never-ending In A Sentence

  • Carefully trimming, shaving and shaping one's facial hair can achieve a never-ending multitude of looks, such as handlebar moustaches, goatees and designer sideburns.
  • Your finances are in tatters, your blood pressure is rising and the queue for the bank cashiers' desks is never-ending.
  • Her never-ending winsomeness seems to ignore the world around her, and the film never calls her bluff.
  • Today, cruise ships feature gourmet cuisine and what seems to be a never-ending medley of meals, along with choices for leaner menus.
  • Putting Bloom through his never-ending role-playing may be mis-guided but beyond the showmanship is a simple understanding that his brother is his number one concern. Mark enjoys the company of THE BROTHERS BLOOM! | Obsessed With Film
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Master English with Ease
  • I wore flowery shirts and tie-dye pants and spent hours in a smoky arena swaying to never-ending jams and feeling the love.
  • It would seem there would be nothing left to do, unless there was a never-ending series of purposes to fulfil.
  • -- one called the hulks, and the other the police -- is a life in which success means never-ending toil, and peace and quiet seem quite impossible. Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
  • Shops upon shops upon shops so that the people can mindlessly indulge their never-ending quest for consumer goods.
  • And a seemingly never-ending procession of leafcutter ants tack diagonally across the next spot in the trail on a pheromone-driven mission to and from their monolithic anthills.
  • As the glamour boy of the country's glamour club, Manchester United, he had everything: abundant talent, money, looks and a never-ending supply of leggy blondes willing to be notches on his bedpost.
  • Some are unable to string together words in a coherent fashion, others curse the never-ending punishment.
  • A new tale is being spun in the the never-ending saga of female victimology.
  • The idea of a cyclical universe is controversial but a leading researcher believes we really could be stuck in a never-ending loop.
  • What really rankles with many is the never-ending lifespan of these serials.
  • Keeping the house neat and clean is a never-ending battle.
  • Norman ducal revenues were insufficient to meet even the cost of garrisoning its defences and so, to fund Richard's seemingly never-ending wars against Philip, England was subjected to unprecedented levels of financial exaction.
  • In the never-ending debate over the impact of non-native species, there are invaders many of us have come to accept and even revere (the ringneck pheasant, Huns, chukars) and there are invaders that are almost universally reviled (the snakehead, kudzu, zebra mussels, Texas Longhorn fans). Uncategorized Blog Posts
  • Meanwhile suppliers are consolidating apace to give themselves the muscle to resist never-ending demands for lower prices.
  • The movie also sketches in the five-year-long, globe-girdling voyage during which he collected the compendious data for his book, along with much peripheral information about his health (wretched), his relationship with his devoutly religious wife (strained) and his apparently never-ending connection to his dead 10-year-old daughter (feverish). Kurt Loder Reviews ‘Creation’ » MTV Movies Blog
  • That is, while Connolly holds on to Taylor's vision of a plurality of goods and principles, he abandons the idea of overlap itself and the picture of the state as its guarantor, substituting instead a deconstructive absent center that is the result of epistemic modesty and the never-ending project of subject-formation: "The key," Connolly writes, "is to acknowledge the comparative contestability of the fundamental perspectives you bring into public engagements" (8; emphasis in original). Introduction
  • signboard," men sat and talked of their various trades, the cobbler, for instance, who is carved on the Cathedral stalls, with the clog-maker, and the wool-comber, and the carpenter, all met and gossiped of their latest piece of profitable business, while the lawyers discussed the never-ending question of the Privilège de St. Romain with some learned clerk over their "vin blanc d'Anjou. The Story of Rouen
  • The shallow walls, deep reefs and colourful coral gardens that lie beyond its never-ending coastline leave a lasting impression on the most experienced of divers.
  • Today, Just My Imagination was the chosen tune and as the Temptations latest opus revolved on its never-ending loop, it echoed round our flat and wormed into my subconscious causing me to pick at my chips and barely register what mishaps were befalling Hoss and Little Joe on the Ponderosa ranch. Family life
  • The battle for information is never-ending and often largely fruitless. ONE HUNDRED DAYS
  • For example, the idea of a road or a river is a symbol of a never-ending or everlasting journey.
  • In her never-ending quest for spiritual fulfillment she's in danger of running out of positions to adopt.
  • There Brandon grabbed an armload of chopped firewood from his never-ending stack and threw several branches into the barbecue grill. KISS OF THE BEES
  • Working with new media, you embark on a never-ending learning process.
  • His career as Admiral and Governor was consumed with never-ending anxiety to secure a comfortable living.
  • He lacked the political ticker to take on the unions, he basked in the Olympic-reflected glory without harnessing its potential long-term benefits, and he presided over never-ending hospital waiting lists.
  • Whether they are called bottomless, endless or never-ending, all-you-can-eat promotions are flooding casual-dining outlets as restaurant chains attempt to lure customers to their tables while trying to avoid the pitfalls of previous similar campaigns. Restaurants Push 'Value' Meals
  • Les-Saintes-Maries-de-La-Mer in the Camargue, watery delta of the Rhone, is more like the wild west than the south of France, with white horses and bulls among the tall reeds, flocks of flamingos, huge never-ending sandy beaches, frenetic gypsy music in the market, crazy Mistral wind and mosquitos making for a memorable time. Summer holidays: Top 10 places for over-fives
  • Recent financial market turmoil and the never-ending euro-zone sovereign debt crisis have befogged the outlook for the German economy," said Carsten Brzeski , an economist with ING in Brussels. German Firms' Confidence Hits 15-Month Low
  • Davies tried his best to rattle Mandy but to no avail: Mandelson's light, superior voice merely became airier and loftier as he explained to Davies how his book didn't make New Labour look like a great project undone by the pathetic, all-consuming, never-ending row between Blair and Brown, but instead painted a "reasonably pleasing picture". Today; Live Aid 25; London: Just Off the Plane
  • It scares me that I'm capable of such psychotic, stubborn, never-ending faith and hope in this person.
  • Inspiration creates a never-ending power that makes you go on and on and on and on! RVM 
  • Comments by Lam to the effect that life is a never-ending process of self-examination seem unintentionally at odds with the reality of characters who are bumbling along semi consciously.
  • A couple of weeks ago, I watched a Sex and the City episode, in which Charlotte, in her never-ending quest to find true love, attends a seminar to teach her how to do just that.
  • I'm absolutely heartsick at the never-ending stream of ghastly news and pictures from New Orleans.
  • The hopelessness and lack of escape traps the young girl in a never-ending cycle of exploitation.
  • In my never-ending quest to understand and find solutions to the challenges parents face in juggling work and family life, I decided to ask the father about his situation. Archive 2007-11-01
  • Theirs is a never-ending round of hot-desking, lunch runs and backstabbing as they compete for the same placements. Times, Sunday Times
  • When we turn on the news and see a bunch of new-age hippies tied to trees trying to stop the never-ending progress of tarmacadam through our dwindling green and cultural areas we all too often take no notice.
  • When I found out she was allergic this started a never-ending learning process on how to keep her safe.
  • At least the torrential rain had stopped pouring outside, while the never-ending supply of the usual beverages flowed copiously inside.
  • Every lover fades away or violently deceases — cancer, car crash, overdose, never-ending coma, epileptic fit on Sunday, heart attack in Halfords, he fell off a block of flats, she jumped under a train — I live here alone. Bone Dust Disco
  • The movie, released in 1986, is now considered a modern classic: Pretty In Pink airs on cable on what seems like a never-ending loop; it is homaged (and spoofed) on culturally-relevant shows like Family Guy and Gossip Girl; it remains one of the top-selling romance DVD's of all time; and people still dress up as Duckie (Ringwald's wacky, lovelorn best friend, played with unforgettable panache by Jon Cryer), for Halloween. Susannah Gora: Pretty in Pink at 25: Still a Class Act
  • Through the windows wafts the smell of tortillas being baked in the terracotta beehive ovens as she serves me coffee grown from her own beans and talks about her never-ending wonder and curiosity for Mexico.
  • The never-ending show of contrition, pathos, sadness and regret is more than reality drama.
  • They are looking for anything that will deaden the never-ending inner ache. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Anthony Weiner and Why Powerful Men Self-Destruct
  • It seems no time since we were cursing the never-ending long, dark, cold winter evenings spent working in the garden either by floodlight or, if it was wet, in the shed building cold frames.
  • Despite the never-ending cups of tea, one female passenger limits her beverage intake.
  • It's a tragically satisfying hobby that offers a never-ending source of wholesome fun.
  • All he knew was that everyone wanted it, wanted it badly, and that he was having a hard time keeping it…The sense of personal safety it gave him, the awareness that here at last was one object which he could actually depend on, the almost positive knowledge that it would one day actually save him, all of these comforted him as he lay rolled up in his two blankets and one shelterhalf with the rocky ground jabbing him in the flanks or as he toiled backbreakingly all day long at the never-ending job of putting up barbed wire. Ecstatic Days » 2009 » June
  • There is a never-ending journey of going deeper into it and one's musical maturity keeps ripening.
  • 'Yes,' said Margaret, rather sadly, remembering the never-ending commotion about trifles that had been going on for more than a month past: 'I wonder if a marriage must always be preceded by what you call a whirlwind, or whether in some cases there might not rather be a calm and peaceful time just before it.' North and South
  • It's a never-ending discussion that we also have in The Netherlands: what to do first?
  • And so it was that people chatted or fiddled with their cell phones or even catnapped during the never-ending show, which was held in the sprawling Espace Pierre Cardin, in Paris 'tony 8th district. Fashion week live blog
  • It seems clear that within the microcosm of the mind and the infiniteness of space, human curiosity is never-ending. Jon Chattman: On the Rise: "Deep" Thoughts With Joan as Police Woman
  • Kaizen - the never-ending quest for small, incremental improvements in quality, technology, processes, culture and productivity - is impressed on all staff. Times, Sunday Times
  • I saw it as a never-ending drain on our meagre stock of rope and timber.
  • But within this never-ending protectorate, which is what
  • That they have so arranged things that people can even imagine that they are needed to be always at the ready to guide our nation through the next crisis in its never-ending war against whatever the fake enemy du jour is today, is the best proof that these folks are the opposite of indispensible. Matthew Yglesias » Against Appointed Senators
  • Two clicks on Magnatune queues a never-ending selection of our music in the genre of your choice.
  • Everything is in a never-ending state of flux, oscillating between life and death, mocking our every attempt at permanence.
  • I think it says much that after one ep, the TV shows Glee most reminded me of were—to some surprise—Freaks and Geeks nice production values, school setting, fair character depictions and—to my never-ending eye roll—countless uber-broad, cornfed talent shows. TV Buzz: Fox’s Glee Debuts to Okay Ratings and Vocal Fans After Tireless Marketing | /Film
  • And the mudfight that ensued — whether it succeeded in discrediting Clarke or not — had a benefit for the White House: it made Clarke’s charges seem like just another round in the never-ending partisan tussles of Washington. April 2004
  • The never-ending fuss about the propriety of testing helps to keep the practice within bounds.
  • Galaxy birth and development is a never-ending process, and clues to early black hole evolution are spread throughout our own galaxy and around the universe.
  • You tap the current location button, but all you get is a never-ending spinning throbber. Enable Faux-GPS Feature in Jailbroken 1.1.3 iPhone | Lifehacker Australia
  • It was never-ending, a black blanket that stretched to infinity.
  • The narrow roads become narrower in the never-ending maze of cross roads, sublanes and bylanes.
  • For Dinah, the never-ending tap dance routines and smile-this-is-comedy faces are becoming old hat.
  • That never-ending task of discarding the detritus netted by too many impulse buys had me going through a pile of books today.
  • Relationship issues become secondary to the never-ending cycle of seeking, scoring, and using heroin.
  • But, almost from the moment we were handed our menus, we were subjected to a seemingly never-ending procession of staff asking if we were ready to order.
  • In her never-ending quest for spiritual fulfillment she's in danger of running out of positions to adopt.
  • First published in 1944 by the University of Chicago Press, this slender, readable book on the differences between individual and group thought and the consequences of choosing the latter--private property ownership versus communism, individuality versus centralized government or dictatorship, capitalism versus socialism versus naziism, and the experience of personal freedoms versus never-ending political encroachments--remains a terrific read today. Most Influential Economist?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Miss Augusta had with the overseer on religion, and many other subjects; of one jackeroo who gabbed never-endingly about his great relations at home; another who incessantly clattered about spurs, whips, horses, and sport; and the third one -- Joe Archer -- who talked literature and trash with me. My Brilliant Career
  • There Brandon grabbed an armload of chopped firewood from his never-ending stack and threw several branches into the barbecue grill. KISS OF THE BEES
  • Pearson spoke about how working women carry the puzzle of family life in their heads, their list of never-ending tasks and how their modest desire for time to themselves becomes subservient to everyone else's needs.
  • What land wasn't covered with homes was blanketed in lush, never-ending meadows and fields.
  • Your finances are in tatters, your blood pressure is rising and the queue for the bank cashiers ' desks is never-ending.
  • It redefines community with its never-ending reservoirs of immortal classics to improvise, reshape and bring in new meaning to melodies.
  • But as her definite acquirements were few, she had to eke them out by employing her leisure time in needlework; and altogether her position was that of "bonne" or nursery governess, liable to repeated and never-ending calls upon her time. Life of Charlotte Brontë — Volume 1
  • There is more to Rajasthan than just its royal splendour or amazing camel rides through never-ending sand dunes.
  • It's the 1880s, and the West is still a tabula rasa, a never-ending sea of verdant prairies, rolling valleys and panoramic skies.
  • Her loquacity was a never-ending joke to Madeleine Lowder and her husband, who were exulting in a couple of deft, silent, expensive The Squirrel-Cage
  • The wind howled in an unearthly never-ending scream, whistling through the gnarled, twisted trees.
  • Nothing is more depressing than a never-ending litany of vandalism, muggings and burglaries.
  • His career as Admiral and Governor was consumed with never-ending anxiety to secure a comfortable living.
  • Once created, it may be subject to seemingly never-ending maintenance.
  • A mourning dove cooed in the distance, accompanied by the never-ending drone of dragonflies and cicadas in the creek bed hidden behind the tall grass of the field.
  • Our driver deserves another mention here for the never-ending supply of sticky snowball cakes on our return journey to Munich airport.
  • The generator was a loud, noisy thing, and we had to feed it with a never-ending supply of gasoline.
  • In addition to a never-ending schedule of tours, he was the founder and director of the Lionel Hampton School of Jazz in Utah.
  • After what seemed a never-ending series of steps, they finally reached the fourth floor.
  • Combine that with what researches term colloquially a "noisy brain," with its never-ending soundtrack of music and thoughts intertwined at a wild pace, and you can see why this has nothing to do with anybody's perception of God. Brain Blogger
  • I appeared to be a never-ending foundation of contagious emotion.
  • He simply wants to be on stage and in the spotlight, hip-hopping his way to stardom and never-ending nourishment.
  • Baby Boomers who have been in business are familiar with the Japanese word "kaizen", which when used in the context of Western manufacturing and other industrial and business processes is usually translated as "continuous improvement": Tony Robbins re-badged "kaizen" as CANI - "Continuous And Never-ending Improvement. Diva Marketing (Blog)
  • The month of February had not helped ease to ease the monotony, with its never-ending gray days and gray, slushy snow.
  • I know this must sound extremely negative about men, but even as we accentuate the negative here, we should also show a way out - sonhood, self-other acceptance - and we can then put our praise of true sonhood into top gear (instead of playing never-ending hand-on-top with the frat about what counts as the behaviour of 'real men' without understanding that, for Real men/loyal Fratlers, the issue is not an intellectual discussion but a scary emotively charged excuse to oppress/exclude for not being a 'real man' - like the use of the term 'conspiracy theorist' is more like a weapon.) John Graham's Sit Down Young Stranger: One Man's Search for Meaning
  • No one deserves the indignity and the despair of playing an never-ending waiting game for treatment.
  • The conflict between the reproductive roundelays exists as a perceived never-ending engagement between emotion and detachment, machismo and tenderness.
  • Norman ducal revenues were insufficient to meet even the cost of garrisoning its defences and so, to fund Richard's seemingly never-ending wars against Philip, England was subjected to unprecedented levels of financial exaction.
  • To square this never-ending circle, teleworkers are having to dig deeper into themselves, employ ever-greater amounts of emotional muscle power, to sustain the required level of perkiness.
  • Over a hundred years later, the earth has plunged into an ice age, and seraphs and demons fight a never-ending battle while religious strife rages among the surviving humans. [INTERVIEW] Faith Hunter (Gwen Hunter) « Urban Fantasy Land
  • The latest comic-book adaptation off the seemingly never-ending conveyor belt is this super-slick, hugely entertaining adventure. Times, Sunday Times
  • The garbage situation reflects the never-ending mess that buffets the country's two-and-a-half year administration.
  • The three seemingly never-ending, dark days that we had spent sinking in black puddles and slipping on fallen leaves in a courtyard of faded, gray concrete apartment blocks, where we had waited with dozens of other reporters behind a small grove of defoliated trees and a police cordon. Peace Meals
  • The fact that the wage effects diminish as workers specialize and spread out geographically is not an argument for never-ending immigration, only short-run immigration. Borjas, Wages, and Immigration: The Complete Story, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The never-ending flow of mental activity started as consciousness abruptly exploded from the void of nothingness.
  • Life is still a never-ending stretch of schooldays and work.
  • On weekends, you can witness the mill in operation; the waterwheel provides a never-ending display of splashes in the sunlight.
  • Forty years later, and again we mourn the victims of man's never-ending quest to discover the Earth and what lies beyond it.
  • It's a vibrant resort, with plenty of cafes and restaurants and a seemingly never-ending stretch of sandy beach.
  • In our never-ending rush to get something or somewhere, it seems we don't have time anymore for this most basic of gestures.
  • For 25 years he has hosted the nationally syndicated radio show Loveline — toneless voices of teens, some of whom can barely phrase their distress, calling in with misunderstood gayness or drug queries or parent problems or never-ending boners, each issue calmly and compassionately addressed in the Pinsky baritone. Retching With the Stars
  • Recent financial market turmoil and the never-ending euro-zone sovereign-debt crisis have befogged the outlook for the German economy," said Carsten Brzeski , an economist with ING Bank in Brussels. German Business Confidence Falls
  • I looked towards the never-ending horizon, which was already holding the sun like a baby in a cradle.
  • Carefully trimming, shaving and shaping one's facial hair can achieve a never-ending multitude of looks, such as handlebar moustaches, goatees and designer sideburns.
  • To juggle 100 students, parents, administrative paperwork, and the never-ending barrage of standardized tests takes twice as many hours as I am paid for, and perseverance is only one of many skills needed to do the job well. Letters to the Editor
  • For example, the idea of a road or a river is a symbol of a never-ending or everlasting journey.
  • The next episode of the never-ending cycle is written into the animating spirit of each person downed and dead by want of cleaner, clearer Light … those who want no dark half-truths hidden in linted pockets inside Saville Row suits, no half-lies shined up to look like the truth, no rotten tooth painted over with gold paint, and no falsehoods paid with bags of gold to be written into death-dealing laws. The Moderate Voice
  • Traditional Thai food was swilled down with a never-ending supply of cola and followed by ice cream.
  • Finally, time to think without their never-ending blabber.
  • This is unlike other funds which churn their portfolio in a never-ending search for hot stocks.
  • Her family and friends were obscured by a grey mist and the aisle had been never-ending.
  • the never-ending search for happiness
  • Nothing is more depressing than a never-ending litany of vandalism, muggings and burglaries.
  • In a Better World" is decorated with some gorgeous photography, both of Denmark and Africa; children in the latter are depicted as joyous, despite the sadistic violence around them; children in Denmark are preoccupied with matters that bewilder the war-weary Anton, who tries to teach the boys a lesson about the never-ending nature of revenge and retribution, but to little effect. 'Insidious': Scary Eyeful of the Unknown
  • The never-ending diet of worms and rich tea biscuits is too much.
  • Also never-ending are the bizarre factoids associated with ol’ Humpy.
  • He was witness to the vision of never-ending growth of that period. Politics, Planning and the State
  • She may work too, but she will most likely be the one to cook, clean do the shopping and ironing as well as be a mother, hostess, nurse, never-ending taxi service and secretary to the whole family.
  • He's been a never-ending source of insults and putdowns, to keep the hecklers at bay and the fans in stitches.
  • The camera is riveted on them, showing backs, heads and necks in never-ending flight.
  • As an economic system, capitalism is expansive: there is a never-ending search for new markets and more profit.
  • The dull thump of the bass beat of some unknown song droned on, providing a never-ending soundtrack to the party.
  • Who has not heard of Mount Olympus — that high abode of all the powers of type, that favoured seat of the great goddess Pica, that wondrous habitation of gods and devils, from whence, with ceaseless hum of steam and never-ending flow of Castalian ink, issue forth fifty thousand nightly edicts for the governance of a subject nation? The Warden
  • Fergus had just finished the first leg of what publishers call a presell tour, the latest weapon in the never-ending campaign to persuade readers to buy something besides John Grisham and Dan Brown. DINE NOW, SIGN LATER
  • But instead of following the never-ending spiral of an apple peel, the story is delimited by closed circularity: it begins with the last tercets and closes with the first quatrains of a sonnet.
  • Housework is a never-ending task.
  • Acquired honor is procured through the never-ending game of verbal challenge and riposte.
  • It has been a busy and successful year for the explorer and it seems his insatiable appetite for doing the impossible is never-ending.
  • To be a shuttlecock between two racquets — one called the hulks, and the other the police — is a life in which success means never-ending toil, and peace and quiet seem quite impossible. Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
  • The tidal wave of marchers which swept through the streets in a never-ending flow, whistled, drummed and chanted its way around the city, buoyed up by a seemingly endless supply of good humour.
  • Customs-house officers eyed them with tired suspicion; porters took their money and hastened away with the curtest of acknowledgments; an engine panted sullenly as it waited for never-ending mail-bags to be hauled up from the bowels of the packets and dumped into the mail-van. Swirling Waters
  • Actually, when we eat at Olive Garden (which is quite frequently, especially when there is a long wait at our beloved Applebees, if such things inoculate you) the otherwise unfortunate drippage that Elizabeth (his name for this blow up doll, of whom I must confess some jealousy) mentions in her comments above actually improves the taste of some (but not all) of the never-ending pasta bowl sauces. Beacon’s Burger Bar Attempts to Gain Coveted Midtown Lunch Status | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • I mean sure, the whole pissing off Poseidon thing, the sirens, getting them eaten by a one-eyed giant, and the eventual collective cock-block when he "rescued" them all from the island of sexy vixens and never-ending free drinks. Hubris, it's not just for breakfast anymore
  • When you've made your point and the other party has made his point, please do not escalate it to a never-ending heated discussion.
  • Ages 5+ The never-ending deluge of grubby hankies, horrid socks and grimy nightshirts imposed on the seven washerwomen by their skinflint employer pushes them to go on strike. Recommended reads: ages 5–7
  • And, therefore, since the Lord has power to infuse life into what He has fashioned, and since the flesh is capable of being quickened, what remains to prevent its participating in incorruption, which is a blissful and never-ending life granted by God? ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • When we first stepped onto the Great Wall we were awe-struck by the never-ending structure snaking up into the hills in both directions, with little square watchtowers dotted along the horizon.
  • This is in no small way directly attributable to the never-ending battle between my three psychosocial building blocks, in which my id and ego battle the superego for supremacy in times of woe, happiness and all between.
  • Then I knew what I had always presumed: my love story was a never-ending one.
  • the never-ending cycle of the seasons

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