
How To Use Never again In A Sentence

  • Anyone who has once taken up the WORD can never again evade it; a writer is not the detached judge of his compatriots and contemporaries, he is an accomplice to all the evil committed in his native land or by his countrymen. Alexandr Solzhenitsyn - Nobel Lecture
  • Whether in spite or because of its humor and bawdiness, Son of Schmilsson actually went gold and reached number 12 on the charts, feats Nilsson would never again accomplish. Midweek Music Moment: Son of Schmilsson, Harry Nilsson « A Progressive on the Prairie
  • They never again tortured a prisoner in his presence.
  • As for Sally, she recovered and soon returned to her old self, never again mentioning what had happened.
  • When attached to your keyring, it can ensure that you never again forget your mobile phone as you walk out the door. Times, Sunday Times
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  • And never again compare the things that go by the names of John and Edward to the legend that was Barry White. X Factor Betting Odds: X Factor Christmas Number One?
  • Never again would she see her mom's sparkling blue eyes when Lillie told her one of her lame jokes, or smell the sweet fragranced perfume her mother always wore.
  • My Friends endeavoured to rally me out of this what they called sulky mood; I replied that I could not help it, that I should never again be happy till it was discovered who it was that took my bed-fellow's Money; and that its being lost while I was his bed fellow, certainly threw a sort of suspicion on me, that I could not get over, and to labour under which rendered me completely miserable. Memoirs of Henry Hunt, Esq. — Volume 1
  • Imagine if we never again had people darting across three lanes of traffic to avoid a traffic backup or to get off on an exit at the last minute.
  • It is this apparent sameness that lies at the root of the sorrow, the inconsolability, of the living, who want the world to bear its sorrows physically, to betray the signs of an existence that will never again be the same.
  • I saw signs of newly dug graves, and then I imagined to myself, "O God, he has been buried, and I shall never again behold him! The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.
  • But regardless of the severity or contagiousness of a new virus, it will never again have those "wonderful" conditions of 1918-19 in which to spread and kill. No More Crying 'Spanish Flu'
  • The barons made war upon him, and never again did he see a peaceful day.
  • Some of our people, listening in on our ancestors' imagined, other-worldly discourse, hear only the endless repetition of the never again.
  • Peel no more meant to convey any idea of this kind than did Lord John Russell, when he used the word finality in connection with the Reform Act, mean to convey the idea that, according to his conviction, Parliament was never again to be invited to extend the electoral franchise or to modify the conditions under which the votes of the electors were to be given. A History of the Four Georges and of William IV, Volume IV (of 4)
  • I abseiled frontward down a rock face - never again.
  • The Whigs splintered over slavery in the pre-Civil War era and never again got their act together.
  • ─but the hail has other reasons than serving and the wet eastern wind of evening does not dream of standing watch by my disenchanged lion sobs: no longer will I run after every passage of beauty,─beauty is defeated, never again at attention will I snuff out that fire now glimmering like an old tree trunk in which hollow swallows make nonsensical nests, child's lay, unreckoning misery, unreckoning misery of sympthy. Amelia Rosselli
  • He warned that "the mistakes of 2002 are being repeated," meaning, he said, that Democrats should never again "cower" before Bush on security issues, as so many at the grass roots saw them doing before the 2002 elections. Firedoglake » I’d Be Happy, Too
  • Learn from it and never again devolve into this shameful mockery of justice. Primaries over, Democrats promote unity
  • You would have cashed it fer sure this time, if it hadn't been fer a despised cooty; never again will yours truly be hard on 'em. Love Letters of a Rookie to Julie
  • Utah's lead never again dipped below seven and Kirilenko capped the quarter with a dunk to push the Jazz advantage to 79-64.
  • Throw this technique into your bag of GIMP tricks, and you'll never again have to worry about red-eye ruining your candid flash photos.
  • Become the CEO of some massively large company and then force that company to never again donate money to political campaigns. Think Progress » Chuck Todd: ‘The Tea Party gets a big benefit’ from Fox News’ promotion.
  • If we simply ditch Hussein, our friends will never again rely upon us. The Lesson of Iraq
  • The peaceful majority should never again have to suffer at the hands of mindless thugs.
  • In the long term we should never again have currency crisis interest rates, nor liquidity shortages of any manifest kind.
  • But I began to realize that once you had dismissed me you'd never again humble your pride to make the first move toward reconciliation. THE THORN BIRDS
  • She was determined that ‘never again’ should families go through the same ordeal and became a founder member and national coordinator of the National Committee Relating to Organ Retention.
  • I will here subjoin a little poem, so strongly expressive of my abhorrence of despotism and falsehood, that I fear lest it never again may be depictured so vividly. The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • The Clantons will never again terrorize this town. The Posse |
  • She would never again feel like a missel thrush with a safe-hidden nest. The Secret Garden
  • Never again would he “plunge head-first into the Pierian Spring.” A Covert Affair
  • I had seen enough sour-faced male priests that I never again had a problem about the ordination of women. File this under “Jimmy Carter Kicks Ass” « Dating Jesus
  • Never, never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another.
  • I sincerely hope that she never again has to endure the horror of entertaining the kind of deviants who value moral principle and compassion over social conformity and sensual indulgence.
  • And I will never again complain about my failed induction and 2 days of 3-minute contractions, I promise! A Good Birth | Her Bad Mother
  • Had the taxpayer at home witnessed the way those upper story windows were put out by the Chester's shells, he would never again grudge the money spent in recent years in target practice. With Funston's Men
  • Bottom line, the dems will never again regain their power unless they drop the extreme left wing fringe death hold it has on the party. Think Progress » Kristol: If The White House Manipulated Intel, “It Might Well Be An Indictable Offense”
  • The terrible figure of Draupadi, as she dishevels her long black hair, is the very impersonation of revenge; and a Hindoo audience never fails to shudder at her fearful vow -- that the straggling tresses shall never again be tied up until the day when Bhima shall have fulfilled his vow, and shall then bind them up whilst his fingers are still dripping with the blood of Duhsasana. The Gaming Table: Its Votaries and Victims, In All Times and Countries, especially in England and in France
  • If Bush and Cheney go unpunished, America will never again regain its standing as a nation bound by the rule of law. Think Progress » DOJ official reportedly clears torture architects John Yoo and Jay Bybee.
  • Never, never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another.
  • Though pie-eyed, she managed to stagger through, but swore she would never again drink before a performance.
  • Raymond was to inspire them with his beneficial will, and the mechanism of society, once systematised according to faultless rules, would never again swerve into disorder. I.7
  • Instead of rewarding the ump for making the right call, the baseball establishment came down hard on the guy and promised that such an action would never again be allowed to happen.
  • When this dispute ends the government must take steps to ensure that it can never again be held to ransom by a militant, unreconstructed trade union.
  • I promise NEVER AGAIN to bore all of you with nerdy stats.
  • The visit was part of a programme aimed at remoulding former symbols of apartheid repression into heritage sites for education purposes, so that SA would, in former President Nelson Mandela's words, "never, never and never again" witness such oppression. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • My sister never again rode a Roller Coaster in her whole life. Some Memories of Daddy – Jack London
  • This in turn means you will never again be allowed to bring in coal or carry suitcases.
  • After their quarrel, Jim and Mary found that their relationship had gone off the boil, and they were never again as loving as they had been.
  • You'll never again have to wear three sweaters and a puffy jacket to look wide.
  • She wants never again tohave to knock on a door and call out: "Hello?
  • The Magic Bird came no more to the palace garden, and the precious tree was never again despoiled of its golden apples. Folk Tales From Many Lands
  • We are digging in for a long fight to persuade government never again to embark on such a foolhardy and immoral venture.
  • It was the commonly held belief then that never again would this communal beast be allowed to rear its head.
  • Kennan would never again be a full-time policy conceptualizer. Uncontainable
  • It means we can never again take part in a record attempt like this.
  • I will never again say niku jaga without thinking of Mick Jagger! Tuna Toast
  • I believe I shall never again resume those airs; which you term coquettish, but which I think deserve a softer appellation; as they proceed from an innocent heart, and are the effusions of a youthful, and cheerful mind. The Coquette, or, The History of Eliza Wharton: A Novel Founded on Fact
  • This incident in his childhood is never again referred to.
  • The errors and superstitions of other days are vanishing before the influence of cause and effect; and mankind generally can never again be led away by the bewilderments of superstition or of priestcraft.
  • A hangover after being drunk is precisely the time when the penitent drinker is likely to groan never again.
  • For now, he could focus on only one thought: he would never again glance at his watch without being reminded of the man who gave it to him. Lessons from a Long Night
  • Never again pull a stunt like riding a bicycle no hands.
  • Any teacher completing these books will never again be able to grade student work without questioning how and why that grading is taking place.
  • Never, never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another.
  • Intelligence authorities resolved that the United States should never again be caught unprepared.
  • I longed to make a sound on the glass flute or play a Bach on the clavichord; it seemed an injustice to have such precious instruments locked away behind glass cases, never again to be played.
  • Hamels, who owns the best changeup this side of, well, Jamie Moyer, is just one of a multitude of weapons that can be deployed by manager Charlie Manuel, who will never again be called a bumpkin after masterminding just the second title in 125 years by the Phillies. The Seattle Times
  • Never again in Britain will someone have the right to make laws which affect the lives of ordinary families solely because their ancestor was a duke, an earl or a viscount.
  • One woman epitomizes grief as utter desolation: the wide stretch of her open, sobbing mouth tells us she will never again know comfort.
  • Jet magazine should never again devote its magazine cover to occasion of Foxy Brown's release from jail for any other person for that matter. Morris W. O'Kelly: Rapper T.I. Gets 11 Months in Jail -- Hallelujah
  • Never again would the Galway mail arrive there in its midnight glory.
  • Even as I basked in the satisfaction of finishing, I promised myself, never again. 86 Floors, Little Preparation
  • All my precautions were rendered fruitless, if I allowed her the time, the opportunity to betray me as often as she might choose, and if in the end she did return to me, I should never again be able to forget the time when she had been alone, and even if I won in the end, nevertheless in the past, that is to say irreparably, I should be the vanquished party. The Sweet Cheat Gone
  • He said that American military power should never again be vitiated by political concerns.
  • I was still banging about the room, then, and I said that I had finished with psychical research, that never again would I make the least inquiry with regard to a possible future life, or any kind of spiritualistic phenomenon. The Psychical Researcher's Tale - The Sceptical Poltergeist From "The New Decameron", Volume III.
  • 'It is utterly useless,' replied Felix, 'we can never again inhabit your cottage. Chapter 16
  • Nevertheless, prescription and hereditary right would never again command unchallenged consent as a basis for legitimate political authority.
  • De Valera need never again appeal to America for assistance in his mad ambition to satisfy his consuming vanity.
  • Never again will I use the word "supergiant" lightly ... Seven Songs
  • The French have already been dealt with and I can now tell you Russian borscht will never again be soup-of-the-day.
  • Never again would the Galway mail arrive there in its midnight glory.
  • Very funny, and I will never again complain about any of my bosses, who have (for the most part) all been pretty good, and some have been excellent. Bosses I Have Known « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Such a band of practised and educated soldiers may never again traverse England. The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.
  • Indeed, I have offended and done evil; but I crave pardon of Allah Almighty for whatso I did, and if He reunite us, I will never again gainsay thee in aught, no, never! — The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • 'To be sure, Maud; maybe you are right; a stepdame is a risk, and I ought to have asked you first what you thought of it; and upon my honour,' she continued merrily but kindly, observing that my eyes, I know not exactly from what feeling, filled with tears, 'I'll never again advise your papa to marry, unless you first tell me you wish it.' Uncle Silas A Tale of Bartram-Haugh
  • Let's all make a solemn oath to never again bring up how the drivers would have finished under the old points system.
  • I'd like the Canadian government to step in, quash the bullying, censorious action brought by the Canadian Muslim Congress, shut down the pseudo-legal "human rights" kangaroo courts that exist to enable this sort of injudicial nuisance suit, apologise to Mark Steyn and the magazine which published his article, reprimand the Muslim organisation involved, and ensure that religious pressure groups never again have the power in a civil society to bully writers or publishers into silence with the threat of McCarthyesque quasi-trials invoking the elastic term "human rights". On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Genocide was the most sobering reality of all," the department said in the 2006 "Country Reports on Human Rights Practices," noting that mass killings continued to "ravage" Darfur nearly 60 years after the world vowed "Never again!" following the Holocaust. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Or for the Redskins to be good enough that they're never again cursed with that booth. Redskins-Rams, Best and Worst
  • All of them looked like they never again wanted to see pain inflicted on anyone.
  • For ladies in your way are apt to extend what they call their privileges and the husband never again recovers the ascendant.
  • So scatter them as that they may never again unite to do mischief, bring them down, O Lord, our shield! Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • I felt yesterday so thankful that we had been kept from going, I thought I thought I would never again repine at a dissappointment for little Georgie was taken with the sore throat yesterday morning, and we were very much afraid that it was the terrible diptheria which is prevailing here now. Diary, August 8, 1859-May 15, 1865.
  • I've ridden many times since never again, however, bareback and never again in short terry-cloth shorts, and had a great many adventures, but I've never again captured that exact feeling, that feeling of tossing yourself like a leaf into the wind to be flung and spun about, knowing that however hard you land it will feel like a flutter. Achtung, Baby
  • It is probably also true that the U.S.A. will never again regain that same degree of ascendancy. Some Canadian Myths About the U.S.
  • And Selpa scolded me to sleep, and in the morning woke me with her chatter, ever declaiming against my madness, ever pronouncing her claim upon me and the claims of our children, till in the end I grew weary, and forsook my far vision, and said never again would I dream of bestriding the wild horse to fly swift as its feet and the wind across the sands and the grass lands. Chapter 21
  • The Whigs splintered over slavery in the pre-Civil War era and never again got their act together.
  • Eat in a fancy restaurant once a week, but never again skimp on groceries, and cook really awesome meals the other 6 nights.
  • Never again will the White House be able to point to his often-praised performance after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, without skeptics recalling the fumbling and slow-off-the-mark response of his administration after the hurricane and the flooding in New Orleans. 09/16/2005
  • Women with surplus land, suddenly frightened by the xifula threat and the LC's severity, assured one another that they would never again lend land to someone from outside. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • I shall never again eat meat that will taste as good as the fried "sowbelly" did then, accompanied by "flapjacks" and plenty of good, strong coffee. The Story of a Common Soldier of Army Life in the Civil War, 1861-1865
  • Though Santa Anna never again regained power, he was capable of one more massive act of chutzpah. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna (1794–1876): master of chutzpah
  • That is, either supported by reason, or at least ‘outside reason’ (I use the term ‘arational’), but never against reason (irrational). The Volokh Conspiracy » Latest Mohammed Cartoon Controversy, this Time in South Africa
  • With all our heart, we hope and believe it is the full and fixed determination of a majority of the more intelligent and patriotic citizens of this Republic, that the Presidential chair shall never again be filled by a slavocrat. The Impending Crisis of the South: How to Meet It
  • When June comes, -- when the clethra is heaped with its bee-beloved blossoms, and the grass is green and bright as never again in the year, then the arethusa is to be sought. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 27, January, 1860
  • Never, never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another.
  • Visions of him are off limits in your daydreams, his name is never again to be penciled in your notebook, and his school picture must promptly be removed from the inside of your locker.
  • But in either case, the needle never again, of itself, recovers the original virtue thus marred or lost; and if the binnacle compasses be affected, the same fate reaches all the others that may be in the ship; even were the lowermost one inserted into the kelson. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • Never again did he balloon to dangerous proportions, but his battle with unwanted poundage proved to be a lifelong struggle.
  • I could not bear to think of losing it, of never again beholding Kona. The Sheriff of Kona
  • There will never be another Pavarotti, he believes, never again that combination of angelic face, voracious appetite and a voice to die for.
  • Mikel had not missed a meal since and never again brought up the topic of sinning by eating too well. TREASON KEEP
  • Even though she forgave him, he never again felt comfortable in her presence. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Rarely has a football been attached to quicksilver legs with such umbilical certainty; never again will we see such an intoxicating blend of power and guile in his trademark dribbling game.
  • Certainly he was never again to be as actively interested in the company as he was in the late 1940s.
  • For indeed I will never again foregather with any! '"then the Caliph rose and the host set before him a dish of roast goose and a bannock of first - bread [FN#16] and sitting down, fell to cutting off morsels and morselling the Caliph therewith. Arabian nights. English
  • I can never again approach my priestly duties in the same light, with the same zeal. THE THORN BIRDS
  • I told my husband that I will never again "schlep" around the house in rags. Sinus Solutions
  • Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst.
  • Never again can a Prime Minister allow his number two to upstage him like that.
  • A few white collar technically trained folks, however, may never again earn the money they made in the mid to late 1990s. Free Trade in Tech Labor, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • I hope never again to encounter the likes of Oysters O'Rourke, Rockefeller variants in which the shellfish had been chopped up and cooked to a frazzle.
  • Never again would the Galway mail arrive there in its midnight glory.
  • The vote endorsing new instructions for the delegates was the last one taken by the “antient” Pennsylvania Assembly; the body never again mustered a quorum under its original charter. Robert Morris
  • Then said she, “Off to thy shop and let this suffice thee of ignoble suspicion and never again deem ill of me.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • She promised herself never again to disturb the peace of this man's life.
  • The democratic left should never again allow itself to be led by the supporters of totalitarianism.
  • The Church, on its side, drew away in the persons of its leaders from its earlier tradition, with all that it involved in the growth of a wholly new thought and art, and armed or hampered itself with that classicalism from which it never again got quite free. Latin Literature
  • Nobody ever whispered it to me, so I guessed that she had never again divulged this information. Small Consolation
  • After Philadelphia, Eschenbach said he would never again accept a music directorship. Can Christoph Eschenbach and the National Symphony Orchestra give each other a fresh start?
  • You will never again sit by your grandmother's bed as she makes those huge paper boats from single sheets of paper for you to sail on rivers produced by the rain.
  • They will there be showered with perquisites, first and not least among them that they will never again have to read another screenplay.
  • And Selpa scolded me to sleep, and in the morning woke me with her chatter, ever declaiming against my madness, ever pronouncing her claim upon me and the claims of our children, till in the end I grew weary, and forsook my far vision, and said never again would I dream of bestriding the wild horse to fly swift as its feet and the wind across the sands and the grass lands. Chapter 21
  • But my point is simply that the American public will never again allow the draft to be implemented. The Draft: Who Pays the Price?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Never again will the United States dominate the world economy as it did in the early Cold War.
  • Never again!" declared Pellams; "my idea is, why can't we pretend to have a case on each other -- not any passing fancy, but a real peacherino, like the best of them? Stanford Stories Tales of a Young University
  • I vowed never again to let anyone talk me into doing something dumb, no matter how much they outranked me by pay grade or flight time.
  • Never, never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another.
  • It was the commonly held belief then that never again would this communal beast be allowed to rear its head.
  • Those with recent injuries were predictably in a state of denial, unprepared to accept the doctors' verdict that they would never again walk.
  • If you strove for it sincerely at any time, no matter how remote, you could never again deride it. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • I promise that you will never again have to pay exorbitant amounts to get your children into med school.
  • We think it's a pretty nifty gadget idea and one that has covered all bases so you'll never again have to speak to a telemarketer when you're in the middle of watching Home and Away with a cup of tea and a bickie. - UK Gadget and Tech News, Reviews and Shopping
  • Our readers who will experimentalize on an apron or cravat, will never again try any other method. The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) The Whole Comprising a Comprehensive Cyclopedia of Information for the Home
  • When attached to your keyring, it can ensure that you never again forget your mobile phone as you walk out the door. Times, Sunday Times
  • They never again tortured a prisoner in his presence.
  • Four of the endemics are representatives of the three endemic genera in the hotspot: a rodent (Microakodontomys transitorius), known only from a single specimen collected in 1986 in the Brasília National Park; the Candango mouse (Juscelinomys candango), a semi-fossorial rodent first discovered in 1960 on the site of the capital, Brasília, then under construction, and which has never again been collected; and the cerrado mouse (Thalpomys cerradensis) and hairy-eared cerrado mouse (T. lasiotis). Biological diversity in the Cerrado
  • I will never again destroy every living creature as I have done.
  • In a compromising philosophy he allows himself violence against property but never against life, human or otherwise.
  • Never again will I have to stop shooting for half an hour while some extra in row 178 has his pointy ear glued back on.
  • Set the bird's wings with gold and it will never again soar in the sky.
  • It was the commonly held belief then that never again would this communal beast be allowed to rear its head.
  • I promise that I will never again darken your conservative blog-halls with my comments to lure your readers from you .. .... but ... Miss Smack is Rotting The Fabric of Society
  • I forgive you, said I, and wish you happy; yet, on this condition only, that you never again pollute my ears with the recital of your infamous passion. The Coquette, or, The History of Eliza Wharton: A Novel Founded on Fact
  • Distressed by his deceitful, frivolous use of their savings, the Blackwells told friends that they would never again trust their son with money.
  • After one outburst, Flaubert offered profuse apologies and swore never again to behave as he had.
  • He said he would never again cringe before his father. Poetry Friday
  • Soon summer came and Ian cycled almost every day (although never again round his previous route past the shops and up the hill).
  • Hi everyone and trust you shan't mimd an off-topic contribution this blog but some weeks ago I corrected Mel's correct but not colloquial Dutch translation of 'never again' (it should really be 'nooit weer') and I said I was having difficulty locating an internet source for the 'Auschwitz memorial' where these words are transcribed in several languages. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...

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