
How To Use Neutron In A Sentence

  • Detailed descriptions of the fission neutron sources, the ionization chamber for fission fragment detection, the neutron detectors and the experimental arrangement are given.
  • When an antineutron collides with a beryllium nucleus, it annihilates one neutron, and the mutual annihilation releases around nine times the energy of a fissioning uranium atom. Mother Of Storms
  • Detailed descriptions of the fission neutron sources, the ionization chamber for fission fragment detection, the neutron detectors and the experimental arrangement are given.
  • The strong force is the one that is dominant in the atomic nucleus, acting between the quarks inside the proton and the neutron.
  • He spent some time expressing his preference, for tactical reasons, for smaller neutron bombs before developing his argument.
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  • Also, neutrons and protons are made up of tinier particles called quarks.
  • Just outside the forming neutron star conditions are right for this kind of nuclear alchemy.
  • The purpose of neutron reflectometry is to reveal the microstructure of materials in thin film geometries.
  • The major region of administration by for the neutron and antineutron. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • If conditions are right, protons and electrons then fuse into neutrons, creating a neutron star.
  • The moderator provides neutrons, which are captured by the uranium atoms.
  • If you add up the charges in the proton and neutron, you will find they are the observed values.
  • Neutron is an elementary particle that exists inside the atomic nucleus.
  • The isotope with 177 neutrons decays down to dubnium (atomic number 105), whereas the isotope with 176 neutrons decays down to roentgenium (atomic number 111). Latest Science News Features, Blog Entries, Column Entries, Issues, Articles and Book Reviews
  • If neutron degeneracy is not enough to resist the star's collapse it will continue to shrink until the matter is all compressed into an infinitely small, infinitely dense point called a singularity.
  • Indeed, it was not until 2040 that the unexpected and accidental manufacture of stable muonium-hydrogen 'compounds' had opened up a new chapter of human history - exactly as the discovery of the neutron had initiated the Atomic Age. 2061 Odyssey Three
  • The fuel pellets (usually about 1 cm diameter and 1.5 cm long) are typically arranged in a long zirconium alloy (zircaloy) tube to form a fuel rod, the zirconium being hard, corrosion-resistant and permeable to neutrons. Nuclear power reactor
  • Neutron stars are the most dense objects of normal matter in the universe, supported against gravitational collapse by subatomic forces.
  • You would be amazed how often they want to write a joint experimental/modeling paper, but want to see the experimental results the conductivities or the crystallography or the neutron study or whatever BEFORE they model. Answers to the House Committee on Cross-Validation Statistics « Climate Audit
  • This discovery represents a new frontier in neutron-star astrophysics.
  • For example, the earliest version of the theory could only accommodate bosons, whereas many hadrons - including the proton and neutron - are fermions.
  • Control rods are solid cylinders of metal constructed of some material that has an ability to absorb neutrons.
  • Following the discovery of artificial radioactivity by M and Mme. Joliot-Curie and the use of neutrons by Fermi for atomic nuclear processes, Hahn again collaborated with Professor Meitner and afterwards with Dr. Strassmann on the processes of irradiating uranium and thorium with neutrons. Otto Hahn - Biography
  • Chupp adds that the existence of strong neutron fluxes may also require re-evaluation of some previously observed solar events.
  • In 1938 the first European cyclotron at Collège de France in Paris accelerated a deuteron beam up to 4 MeV and by hitting a target, an intense source of neutrons was produced. Accelerators and Nobel Laureates
  • For example, the earliest version of the theory could only accommodate bosons, whereas many hadrons - including the proton and neutron - are fermions.
  • Its tails allows us to probe the physics of the interaction between an isolated neutron star and the interstellar medium.
  • The result would be a star made entirely of neutrons, and these could be packed together as closely as the protons and neutrons in an atomic nucleus.
  • Similarly, incoherent quasielastic neutron scattering experiments provide information on the mean-square displacements of the hydrogen atoms.
  • As the core of a massive star collapses, the pull of gravity is sufficiently strong to force protons and electrons to combine and form neutrons.
  • Beta ‘rays’ are actually electrons ejected from decaying neutrons, and are now more often referred to as Beta emission or Beta particles.
  • Using a Ra-Be neutron source surrounded by a paraffin howitzer, a modest beam of thermalized neutrons was available for experimentation and, during my period at the Heights, this was directed towards a search for the expected paramagnetic scattering from certain materials. Clifford G. Shull - Autobiography
  • Because fission releases additional neutrons, a chain reaction can take place.
  • Fallout from these, particularly decay products of the gaseous thoron, were what the cleanup crews detected - not a nuclear reaction involving neutrons. Archive 2003-09-01
  • One teaspoonful of material from a neutron star would weigh a billion tonnes.
  • For this purpose, Brockhouse developed the 3-axis neutron spectrometer, by which complete dispersion curves (phonon energies as function of wave vectors) could be obtained. The Nobel Prizes in Physics 1901-2000
  • The new infrared echo indicates the Cassiopeia A neutron star is active and suggests it may be an exotic, spastic type of object called a magnetar.
  • The chemical compositions of the Ningqiang carbonaceous chondrite matrix and a dark rim are analysed with instrumental neutron activation method.
  • Acord has therefore basically produced a conventional americium-beryllium neutron source from home-made materials. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Therefore, since the curvature of the universe is essentially set by its expansion rate, the expansion rate of the universe determines how far away assuming special relativity works (which is typically as far as the expansion is negligible, so within a megaparsec or so, and also far away from any really dense objects, such as black holes or neutron stars). Does Space Expand?
  • We have shown that phase-sensitive specular neutron reflectometry can be used to determine accurately and unambiguously the SLD depth profiles of biomimetic membranes with a resolution in the subnanometer range.
  • The neutron bomb was not only squelched, but all development stopped as a matter of policy because it was even worse than low-yield nuclear warheads in eroding the nuclear firebreak.
  • fissionable" is generally used in an engineering sense for those elements that undergo fission when struck by neutrons. Dissident Voice
  • A free neutron, for example, will decay with a half-life of about 18 minutes into a proton, electron and antielectron-neutrino, due to a down quark decaying into an up quark via the emission of a virtual W- particle. Your Favorite Conservatives on Evolution and ID - The Panda's Thumb
  • X-ray diffraction and time of flight neutron scattering confirmed the amorphous structure.
  • In effect the neutrons are caught in a vertical potential well: gravity pulls down, while atoms in the surface of the mirror push up.
  • It measures total neutron and gamma doses from 0 to 1,000 cGy, and it responds to and measures prompt radiation from nuclear bursts.
  • In order to weaken pepper and salt noise and Poisson noise, morphological filtration is applied to fast neutron image denoising processing.
  • Most beta decays involve the emission of electrons from the nucleus as a neutron decays into an electron and a proton.
  • They proposed that particles like the proton, the neutron, and the mesons, which feel the strong nuclear force, are not elementary particles at all, but possess internal constituents.
  • Depending on which elements are being tested for, the samples are irradiated with energetic neutrons.
  • The study of the influence of neutron scattering by the surrounding medium and fragment detector on fission neutron spectrum measurement with time-of-flight (TOP) method has been carried out.
  • Element 114m has a very high cross-section for thermal neutrons, making it a most potent fissile material. FLOATING CITY
  • It has malt, gluten and ascorbic acid, and help keep whole grain loaves from turning into neutron stars. Tigers & Strawberries » A Baking Mood
  • Such a source can be used to drive thermonuclear fusion, to simulate the plasma that are found near the surface of neutron stars, or to produce jets similar to those in astrophysical phenomena.
  • In this context, a neutron star is effectively a single atomic nucleus.
  • Thorium and uranium, for instance, are forged in the heat of a supernova, and barium and bismuth via the capture of neutrons within red giant stars.
  • This is the process in which a proton is converted into a neutron by the nucleus capturing a negative electron from one of the inner orbits of its atom.
  • But a neutron star in a close binary would be expected to radiate X-rays, and none are seen.
  • In addition to electrons, the Pauli exclusion principle applies to all sub-atomic particles with half-integral spins, known as fermions, such as neutrons and protons.
  • Were Cygnus XR - 1 a neutron star, rather than a black hole, the pulses would have been brighter as the gas globules crashed onto the dense core, but instead they simply vanished.
  • I know a place where the magnetic fields would rip you apart, atom by atom: the surface of a neutron star, a magnetar.
  • Again, behind the Coal Sack is a long, massive cylinder, a quasi-Terching-Effect shell enclosing a neutronium core. Covergent Series
  • The deflagration not being sufficient to unbind the star, and thus cannot halt the collapse, it creates a neutronstar although all the other parameters are the same as for a SNIa. Merging White Dwarfs Set Off Supernovae | Universe Today
  • Neutron diffraction determinations of the methyl distribution using specific deuteration will resolve the issue.
  • By using C8051F040 SCM to control the neutron tube′s filament voltage, the target voltage and the pulse of the anode, the downhole tool can work at an ideal state.
  • This observation revealed a familiar light signature, clinching the case for a fading high-mass X-ray binary with a neutron star.
  • I always thought it was like neutron star material—it would bore a hole completely through you if you got in contact with it.
  • Neutron bombs release lethal radiation instead of exploding with a lot of heat and wind.
  • Heavy water is a suitable and convenient moderator of neutrons in nuclear reactors.
  • A stable isotope of potassium, 9K, is converted to 39Ar by neutron bombardment of the sample to be dated.
  • The neutron bombardment is serious: it radioactivates substances and weakens structures.
  • The time - resolved neutron flux density measurement system on HT - 7 Tokamak is presented in the paper.
  • Any neutrons produced within the palladium will shoot out of the cell into a surrounding water bath.
  • Protons and neutrons are held together in a nucleus of an atom by the strong force.
  • Uranium 238 is not fissile; it is called "fissionable" because it sometimes splits when hit by a fast neutron. Scientific American
  • Phase contrast imaging which is based on the wave character of neutron beam, is an advanced technique in neutron imaging field.
  • Fedor M. M.tenkov is director of the M.nistry of Atomic Energy (M.NATOM. nuclear design institute at Nizhny Novgorod, which is responsible for a wide range of nuclear systems, and he served as architect-engineer for follow-on fast-neutron reactors and high-temperature gas reactors. Independent Us Russian Report On Stockpiles Released
  • Adding additives or materials containing crystal water, boracic acid(Sentencedict), boron salt and lithium salt would improve the ability of shielding neutron radiation.
  • The proton and the neutron are baryons; the electron, the muon, and the neutrino are leptons; whilst the pions are mesons.
  • If a nucleus has too many protons for its number of neutrons, it will be radioactive.
  • Since the days of Rutherford, physicists and chemists have theorized that atoms of matter contain even smaller particles than electrons, protons, and neutrons.
  • The only relief in this mass of subatomic neutrons, are the admittedly fascinating portraits of the oddball scientists who split the atom and paved the way for the nuclear bomb.
  • There are no antiprotons or antineutrons, made up from antiquarks, except for a few that physicists produce in large particle accelerators.
  • To elucidate the role of conformational entropy upon thermal unfolding in more detail, conformational dynamics in the time regime of picoseconds was investigated with neutron spectroscopy.
  • When an atom of U 235 is split, several neutrons are set free.
  • They're usually found in twos (as particles called mesons) and threes (as particles called baryons, such as protons and neutrons).
  • Different concentrations of BPA as well as different periods of irradiation with thermal neutrons were studied.
  • They're made of some stuff called hafnium, which absorbs the neutrons, stops the reaction running out of control. BARRACUDA 945
  • The recent work on the structure of the solvent in triclinic crystals of hen-egg white lysozyme, by neutron diffraction and at room temperature, threw new light on this question.
  • Current thinking is that a small component of dark matter is baryonic, meaning stuff composed of protons and neutrons, which is in the form of cold gas and dense, non-radiant objects such black holes, neutron stars, brown dwarfs and orphaned planets traditional known as Massive Astrophysical Compact Halo Objects – or MACHOs. What Can The (Dark) Matter Be? | Universe Today
  • NPDMC is a three dimensional Monte Calor code for multigroup neutron and photon coupled transPOrt duct calculation.
  • The decay of neutrons into protons is essential for the existence of the element hydrogen, whose nucleus is a single proton.
  • The purpose of neutron reflectometry is to reveal the microstructure of materials in thin film geometries.
  • Neutron or ion irradiation hardens the material but not enough to prevent use in nuclear reactors.
  • Different concentrations of BPA and different fluences of thermal neutrons were studied.
  • Each of the new versions was a little bit different, and it was always hoped that one of the new versions would look exactly like protons, neutrons, mesons, and so forth.
  • Analytical techniques such as atomic absorption spectrophotometry and neutron activation analysis may be required for quantitative determination at such low levels.
  • They aimed beams of heavy ions at targets of selected elements to produce nuclei with 75 neutrons and 55, 57, 59, and 61 protons (cesium, lanthanum, praseodymium, and promethium) in a wide variety of spin states.
  • It was the first commercial manufacturer of plutonium and americium neutron sources for oil well, logging and other applications.
  • At the moment, for example, the two neutron stars in the Hulse-Taylor binary are emitting gravity waves at a frequency of 10-4 hertz as they circle one another every eight hours.
  • Most neutron stars are created when a large star dies as a supernova.
  • Now researchers analysing results from the Solar Maximum Mission satellite have reported detecting solar neutrons from flares two years apart.
  • A 1000 MeV beam will create 20-30 spallation neutrons per proton. Accelerator-driven nuclear energy
  • Antimatter is matter composed of antiparticles, such as positrons, antineutrons and antiprotons.
  • In this model, nuclei are pictured as loose aggregates of nucleons (protons and neutrons) each of which, according to the quark model, has three quarks locked inside it.
  • Antimatter also exists and so there is an antiproton, an antineutron and an antielectron often called the positron.
  • Why are there usually more neutrons than protons in a heavy element?
  • The mass number gives you the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of that element.
  • While the evolution of the macro world is highly related to the nuclear reaction of micro world, can neuron theory also successfully predict that there exists no "organism consists wholly of neutron"?
  • An alpha particle consists of two protons and two neutrons; it is the nucleus of a helium atom.
  • Warp reactors both show good plasma flow, and are building up neutrons now.
  • Beams of hadrons, such as protons, neutrons and ions, offer important advantages over X-ray radiotherapy.
  • And if we hit a proton with an electron, we get a neutron and an electron neutrino at the other end.
  • In another analytical method, neutron activation, an atomic reactor is used to bombard the mineral with fast-moving neutrons.
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Thomas Friedman - The Next Really Cool Thing (NYT)'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'There may be \'game changers\' in energy but laser fusion probably isn\'t one of them - it is simply too expensive; doesn\'t scale down well; with D-T fuel, still have unsolved engineering problem of building power plants that can harvest energy for decades from huge fluxes of deadly 14 MeV neutrons produced by fusion reactions. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Thomas Friedman - The Next Really Cool Thing (NYT)
  • Protons, neutrons, pions, and the elaborate array of other hadrons discovered in the last half-century are thought to be understood in terms of their constituent quarks and gluons.
  • To determine these it is necessary to use a slower method such as atomic absorption spectroscopy or neutron activation.
  • The new results promise to yield important information about the up and down quarks that comprise protons and neutrons.
  • He suggested that the strong nuclear force results from the exchange of a particle between the neutrons and the protons; he named that exchange particle a meson.
  • We present elastic and inelastic incoherent neutron scattering data from a series of trehalose glasses diluted with glycerol.
  • When uranium is bombarded with neutrons, the two isotopes have differing nuclear reactions.
  • Chupp adds that the existence of strong neutron fluxes may also require re-evaluation of some previously observed solar events.
  • A stable isotope of potassium, 9K, is converted to 39Ar by neutron bombardment of the sample to be dated.
  • Later it was found that the atoms are composed of particles (neutrons, electrons etc).
  • Again, behind the Coal Sack is a long, massive cylinder, a quasi-Terching-Effect shell enclosing a neutronium core. Covergent Series
  • There are no antiprotons or antineutrons, made up from antiquarks, except for a few that physicists produce in large particle accelerators.
  • Soil water content at the various depths were measured by a neutron probe and extraction was calculated by water balance.
  • He organises the neutron irradiations for the archaeometry studies.
  • The nuclei of heavy isotopes are rich in neutrons, which dominate their nuclear surface.
  • At that point, deuterium atoms fuse together, the same way hydrogen atoms fuse in stars, releasing neutrons and energy in the process.
  • The glazing contains a form of uranium-oxide, and a certain fraction of the uranium-238 nuclei will absorb the moderated neutrons, and thereby transform to uranium-239. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Previous attempts to measure a neutron star's redshift focused on a star with an enormous magnetic field.
  • Some of these neutrons react with nitrogen atoms in air, converting them into a radioactive isotope of carbon: carbon - 14 or radiocarbon, with eight neutrons in each nucleus.
  • They undergo an enormous Universe-wide phase transformation where all of the quarks and gluons in the Universe become confined together inside mesons such as the pi meson and baryons such as the proton and neutron.
  • An atom that has a specific number of neutrons and protons is referred to as a nuclide.
  • Analytical techniques such as atomic absorption spectrophotometry and neutron activation analysis may be required for quantitative determination at such low levels.
  • In the proton and the neutron they always occur in triplets. Press Release: The 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics
  • To determine these it is necessary to use a slower method such as atomic absorption spectroscopy or neutron activation.
  • Over the past century, physicists have pushed back the frontier of the small - from dust motes to atoms to protons and neutrons to quarks.
  • With similar methods an antiparticle to the neutron has subsequently been discovered, a discovery whose importance lies in the fact that the concept of the antiparticle was thereby extended to include also the neutral elementary particles. Nobel Prize in Physics 1959 - Presentation Speech
  • Quarks are permanently bound together into protons, neutrons and mesons.
  • Typically, a neutron star will have the mass of one and a half suns compressed into a spherical volume just 10-15 km in diameter.
  • The stars are replaced by a homogenous sea of glowing hot gas with embedded jewels of stellar accretion disks, neutron stars and super nova remnants.
  • We present elastic and inelastic incoherent neutron scattering data from a series of trehalose glasses diluted with glycerol.
  • Isotopes of uranium and plutonium which fission in a fast neutron environment are said to be "fissionable", as distinct from fissile. Plutonium
  • In a series of experiments, he also found that slow neutrons were efficient agents of nuclear transformations and won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1938.
  • The gravitation force actually converts potential energy into mass by forcing protons and electrons to combine into neutrons.
  • The object is being stimulated by jets from a rapidly spinning (about thirty times a second) neutron star called a pulsar.
  • So the normally stable proton can decay into a neutron, a positron, and a neutrino if continuously fed enough energy through constant, extreme acceleration.
  • And a trio of roughly Earth-sized planets was found in 2002 to orbit a dense stellar corpse known as a neutron star.
  • Protons and neutrons sense each other via exchange particles (called pi mesons, or pions) with each other in the nucleus.
  • But the work of this small start-up is still limited to computer modeling and trying to detect fusion neutrons from sonoluminescence.
  • A small research reactor at the center has been modified, and a particle accelerator is to be built to feed the reactor with neutrons.
  • Then the fission neutrons may travel right through it and escape from it before they happen to hit another nucleus. Fire and Ice - the Greenhouse Effect, Ozone Depletion, and Nuclear Winter
  • Today some 10 neutron-star-neutron-star binaries have been discovered, and radio astronomy has accumulated a spectacular database of more than 1500 pulsars.
  • Geminga might be one of the best understood isolated neutron stars that we have found, but it has the same luminous flux as a candle on the Moon, which means that it will test these new telescopes to the limit.
  • A careful review of low-yield and neutron bomb warheads would be most timely.
  • The nuclear portal monitor and Palm Pilot neutron and gamma detector are designed to detect and identify the illicit movement of nuclear materials.
  • Nuclei with full shells of protons, neutrons, or both are said to have magic numbers and, if unexcited, are usually spherical.
  • Most atomic nuclei consist of clusters of protons and neutrons (which have no electrical charge).
  • When struck by neutrons, nuclei of neptunium and other nuclear materials can fission into two smaller nuclei.
  • Maybe end of this December tell us more,…Nibiru could be very densty body, something like mini black hole, neutron star or core of destroyed brown dwarf, heavy but small,…and so invisible for clasical telescopes,.. 2012: NASA's Scientific Reality Check | Universe Today
  • Reservoir monitoring tool ( RMT ) is a new pulsed neutron spectrometry logging tool.
  • The night lit up as the neutron bomb detonated, wiping away the rare liverwort and its jungle home. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » October : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • The californium produced neutrons which would initiate the fission reaction early. BLOOD IS DIRT
  • Atoms consist of positively-charged protons, negatively-charged electrons and neutral particles called neutrons.
  • Alpha emitting radionuclides emit alpha particles, each consisting of 2 protons and 2 neutrons.
  • Ahmadinejad was asked by ABC News about a Times of London report last week on what it called a confidential Iranian technical document describing a four-year plan to test a neutron initiator, the part of a nuclear warhead that sets off an explosion. Top Headlines
  • If the neutron star were near the centre of the galaxy, for example, and surrounded by an abundance of dark matter, then it would continue to accrete dark matter.
  • Light-water reactors use ordinary water for both coolant and for neutron moderator.
  • But ideas give birth to new ideas, and it was, as I understand, in this way that you hit upon the excellent notion of eliminating the difficult absolute determination of the magnetic field by a direct measurement of the neutron moment in units of the proton cycle (the nuclear magneton). Nobel Prize in Physics 1952 - Presentation Speech
  • The strong force also attracts protons to protons or neutrons to neutrons.
  • The explosion of ‘Little Boy’ also created alpha, beta, gamma and neutron rays.
  • However, if we add one or more neutrons to a stable nucleus, or take neutrons away from it, the nucleus may become unstable and undergo radioactive decay.
  • This means that neutron stars are formidable radiation emitters and particle accelerators.
  • This occurs in the upper atmosphere when neutrons produced by cosmic rays interact with nitrogen atoms.
  • Most energy quickly collapses into a black hole, but some spews out in a flood of super hot neutrons and atomic nuclei.
  • As its name suggests, this is a powerful force of attraction that operates between all protons and neutrons.
  • Methods: We tested the clone forming rate of the OS-732 cell line after irradiated by fast neutron, photon and the mixed beam(fast neutron plus photon).
  • However another source is the materials inside the compartment becoming irradiated from the neutron flux. The Future of Power Generation: Nuclear Fusion
  • Quarried blocks of marble and finished sculptures have been analysed by neutron activation and the results have been very encouraging.
  • Neutron Star" by Larry Niven (1966), which I first read in Niven's collection Neutron Star. MIND MELD: Memorable Short Stories to Add to Your Reading List (Part 2 of 2)
  • Both instruments sense the presence of hydrogenous materials by measuring variations in the thermal and epithermal neutron fluxes.
  • Third is immediate radiation travelling at the speed of light-neutron radiation at shorter distances, and gamma radiation further out.
  • I should try to develop a Green's function variational method for three-body scattering problems, like low-energy neutron-deuteron scattering, while warning me ominously, that he himself had tried and failed. Walter Kohn - Autobiography
  • In the course of the 20th century, science successively named electrons, protons, neutrons, and quarks.
  • In atomic physics they are represented as Proton, Neutron, Electron, the three elements of all structure throughout nature.
  • The reactor would shut down and harmful heavy neutrons, most destructive to human life, would be absorbed, he says - though some alpha, beta and gamma radiation might escape.
  • The large nuclear temperature evaluation would violate conservation of energy, and may lead a negative neutron KERMA factor.
  • These were bombarded with neutrons which converted the uranium to plutonium.
  • It was found that these neutrons, like X-rays, were useful for crystal structure determinations because their associated de Broglie wavelengths also fall in the range of typical interatomic distances in solids. The Nobel Prizes in Physics 1901-2000
  • The antineutron, although neutral like the neutron, is distinguishable from the neutron because it is composed of two anti-down quarks and one anti-up quark.
  • Neutron stars are the second exhibit in the gallery of stellar corpses.
  • It is then extracted from the ring and smashed into a mercury target to produce neutron beams that can be moderated and guided into designated experimental stations.
  • The data were reduced taking into account the neutron beam transmission through the quartz substrate and corrected for the background.
  • Integral has a large field of view, enabling it to scan our Milky Way galaxy for neutron stars and black hole activity.
  • Cut off this supply of neutrons - deliberately or accidentally - and the reactor reverts to its natural, somnolent state.
  • The first genuine transuranic element was discovered at Berkeley, where Edwin McMillan used Lawrence's cyclotron in 1939 to bombard uranium with slow neutrons.
  • Element 114m has a very high cross-section for thermal neutrons, making it a most potent fissile material. FLOATING CITY

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