How To Use Neutralized In A Sentence
Gulliver's power was no longer neutralised and stalemated by another player of equivalent weight.
By contrast, the deadliness of contaminants added to reservoirs or water sources would most likely be neutralized by dilution and standard water treatment.
the double agent was neutralized
This sets up a chemical reaction which turns the gas into nitric acid and the nitric acid is neutralised by calcium carbonate which is also suspended in the paint.
Although short of airfields and tactical aircraft, 135 airmen neutralized the rail network.

In addition, any other effects of cortisol are neutralized by RU - 486.
If staining is very stubborn, diluted bleach may be used providing the skin is then neutralised with sodium hydrosulphite and rinsed thoroughly.
After safely moving the dozens of innocent civilians who would likely have otherwise been killed by a blast, the police neutralized the car bomb.
By boiling water to make tea, the bacteria in polluted water were neutralised.
This strategy effectively neutralized what the Conservatives had hoped would be a vote - winner.
He had been instantly neutralized, and killed almost as quickly, by a massive 12 gauge rifled slug wound that had destroyed his heart.
These materials are reacted with sulfuric acid, then neutralized, and converted to a salt.
By blocking the ICMP, thereby, blocking the arrival of ICMP packets on the website server, by which more than 60% of the attacks can be neutralized.
A Research made on Web Vulnerabilities by Sedulity Team
Acidity in soil can be neutralized by spreading lime on it.
Her speed left little sonic shock waves behind her as she almost simultaneously neutralized their detonators, temporarily blinded them, reduced their weapons to junk, and then stunned them.
Three separate elements neutralized advantages held by the larger power over its adversary.
America Past and Present
If the shark was small, its meat most probably would be stewed in vinegar, ginger, salt, and garlic so that its gamy taste and smell would be neutralized.
The aerial bombardments have neutralized the threat of artillery attacks on allied ground forces.
Thus, the static electricity that causes dull flyaway frizzies and interferes with styling is neutralized too!
Viral mutants that are not neutralised by antibodies induced by the available vaccines have been detected.
Modern training methods teach us to keep shooting until the threat is neutralized, and most begin with a double-tap.
The vast mass of peasantry could be neutralized by promising land reforms.
Traditional constitutional devices had neutralized this democratic threat by ensuring that state power remained limited in size and scope.
I adelphia net webmail him of the myxomycota astrometry bounteousness and he acarpelous that it was one of the scholastically contorted cure of his neutralized tigris.
Rational Review
It states that if 10 per cent. of burnt magnesia, or even baryta, or strontia, is mixed (cold) with ordinary linseed-oil paint, and then enough mineral oil to envelop the alkaline earth, the free acid of the paint will be neutralized, while the iron will be protected by the permanent alkaline action of the paint.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 415, December 15, 1883
This strategy effectively neutralized what the Conservatives had hoped would be a vote - winner.
Prof.A. C. Seward discuss Prichard's "anticipations" in _More Letters of C.arles Darwin_, Vol. _I. _ p. 43, and come to the conclusion that the evolutionary passages are entirely neutralised by others of an opposite trend.
Evolution in Modern Thought
While the factive verb “know” triggers the presupposition that its clausal complement is true, this presupposition is neutralized in [10b] and [10c].
Discourse Representation Theory
The plane of anionic valency sites created by this double ribbon arrangement is neutralized by the metal cations.
Geology of asbestos
Therefore, they are neutralized by the hydroxide and hydrogen ions, and the resultant solution is neutral.
The treaty neutralized the small republic
The intruder smashed a window to get in and then neutralized the alarm system.
‘We applied a special tactic with which we neutralized the French attack,’ said the coach Hristo Iliev.
Either by force or by coercion, any sprouting counter-power will be neutralized.
These same sensors also prevent further stomach contents from entering the duodenum until the stomach acid is neutralized and diluted.
There has never been a case of tetanus in people who have received three doses of toxoid, which is a chemically neutralized toxin from the bacteria and cannot give the disease.
When companies institute them, performance improves enough that the effects of dilution are neutralized, and the existing shareholders wind up doing as well as, or better than, they did before the issuance of the options.
The oils are then neutralized to remove free fatty acids which might give unwanted flavours.
It would seem easy to disprove this by observation, since light passing close to the sun or some other star would be neutralized if it is blueshifted falling and redshifted by an equal amount climbing out, but if the light is being stretched out as it fell in and stretched as it climbed out, there would be an overall redshift from this passage.
A Dark, Misleading Force
Discarded acid should be neutralized with alkali before disposal.
The gels were neutralized in 2 M TRIS for 5 min and subjected to fluorography by soaking for 30 min in Amplify.
Sagramoso City itself was heavily guarded by skyward laser batteries, and these could not easily be neutralised.
Thus the major threat to society has been neutralized, but acts of resistance remain, the argument never finished, never answered, simply stalemated.
Three separate elements neutralized advantages held by the larger power over its adversary.
America Past and Present
We hypothesized that the diaphragms of such patients might generate greater levels of oxidants than those neutralized by antioxidants.
The filtrate is practically neutralized with NaOH.
Frederick G. Banting - Nobel Lecture
Three separate elements neutralized advantages held by the larger power over its adversary.
America Past and Present
The conversion of major trunk carriers such as Continental and United and smaller airlines such as Hughes Airwest and Frontier, drove a wedge through the airlines and neutralized the ATA as an opposition force.
The effectiveness of this measure has now been neutralized, in order to boost private welfare.
She neutralized the solution
This strategy effectively neutralized what the Conservatives had hoped would be a vote - winner.
In some such compounds, the hydrogen atom in the carboxyl group is neutralized by reaction with a base, to form the metal salt of the fatty acid.
Then, thanks to Labour's controversial election broadcast on health, that issue, too, was effectively neutralised.
Generally, the acids produced by the metabolic activities, (such as uric acid, lactic acid, etc.) react with the alkalis in the blood, lymph, bile, etc., thus being neutralized and rendered innocuous.
How Important is Acid and Alkali Balance in Blood?
This was a tactic neutralized by the a Jiralhanae frigate pair.
Birkin was expressionless , neutralized, possessed by her as if it were his fate, without question.
Then, thanks to Labour's controversial election broadcast on health, that issue, too, was effectively neutralised.
His unsettling ideas will be neutralised by nostalgia for a period already mostly forgotten.
It was, however, found impossible to obtain any crystallisation from the neutralised (BaCO_ {3}) and concentrated solution, the syrup being kept for some weeks in a desiccator.
Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
An example is ice melting, the difference in temperature between a warm surroundings and the introduction of an frosty-cold glass of ice water taken from a freezer system, begins to be neutralized or "equalized" as the heat energy from the warm surroundings become spread out to the cooler heretofore closed system of ice and water.
Entropy Et Al...
Those in the support fleet who weren't neutralized fled to the sanctuary of hyperspace en route back to Confederate Space.
Their predominant expression was good nature, a kind of elephantine docility, which neutralized the awe inspired by his immense size.
Helen and Arthur or, Miss Thusa's Spinning Wheel
Often illogical or insubstantial, they can be neutralized or eliminated with a minimal effort.
Once the pilot has established the desired bank angle, the rudder and the aileron are neutralized so that the bank remains constant.
The distillate is neutralized with hydrochloric acid, and the whole evaporated to a weak sirupy consistence.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 315, January 14, 1882
Mr. Pedler has shown that snake poison is destroyed or neutralized by means of platinic chloride, owing probably to the formation of an insoluble double platinic chloride, such as is formed with almost if not all alkaloids.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 360, November 25, 1882
Whereas mines are factory made products, which can be neutralised by following known and relatively simple safety procedures, unexploded ordnance and booby traps must be treated individually and can be unstable and unpredictable.
Sometimes two developers are mixed together, in which case care should be taken that an alkaline developer naphthol or phenol be not mixed with an acid developer (phenylene diamine, naphthylamine, etc.), unless the acidity of the latter has been neutralised with soda; otherwise the developer might be thrown out of the bath in an insoluble and hence useless form.
The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics A Practical Handbook for the Dyer and Student
This strategy effectively neutralized what the Conservatives had hoped would be a vote - winner.
Unfortunately the modern diet and lifestyle tend to cause an acid overload, which if not neutralized, develops into an acidotic state that can be detrimental to health.
PRWeb - Daily News Feed
Norwegian Thor Hushovd of the Cervélo Test Team, angry about Monday's neutralized finish that cost him possible sprinter's points, won the teeth-rattling stage, some 8.2 miles of which were raced on what the French call pavé, to take the green jersey. Chronicle
The treaty neutralized the Black Sea.
The woman throws away the blade and whips out a gun, though not before I have neutralised her attempt at deadly physical force.
Three separate elements neutralized advantages held by the larger power over its adversary.
America Past and Present
Although most metallic oxides are insoluble or only very slightly soluble in water, they readily react with acidic solutions to form hydroxide ions that are then neutralized.
“Two hazardous waste containers were neutralised in a joint German-American operation, with the participation of scores of local Afghanis”?
New Zealand in the GWOT? Swoon…. — Fusion Despatches
Ordinary milling soap is used as a basis for this soap; the settled soap direct from the copper at 170° F. (77° C.) is carefully neutralised with bicarbonate of sodium, oleic or stearic acids, or boro-glyceride, perfumed and aerated.
The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
The reciprocal obligations of aristocratic gift exchange neutralized the monopolistic imperatives of the closed shop.
Defense experts are particularly eager to see if e-bombs can reach into deep underground bunkers that could otherwise be neutralized only by tactical nuclear weapons.
There are limits to what education can achieve when its effects are neutralized by other obstacles to development.
Such repetitions are unnecessary; any one who is acquainted with the action of Natrum mur., will at once perceive that the psora-destroying effect of this agent had not been neutralized by
Apis Mellifica or, The Poison of the Honey-Bee, Considered as a Therapeutic Agent
Then it's squirted into the small intestine colored orange, where the acids are first neutralized and more enzymes are tossed onto the watery, mushy soup that the food has been rendered down into, called chyme.
Evolution of the appendix? - The Panda's Thumb
Then, thanks to Labour's controversial election broadcast on health, that issue, too, was effectively neutralised.
The aerial bombardments have neutralized the threat of artillery attacks on allied ground forces.
If the acids themselves do not yield water-soluble sulphonation products, the alkali salts of the latter may be condensed with formaldehyde, and the resulting products then constitute tanning matters provided their solutions can be neutralised or faintly acidified without the solute being thrown out of solution in insoluble form.
Synthetic Tannins