How To Use Neurophysiological In A Sentence
The neurophysiological effect of the messenger, and possible resultant behavioral change in the organism, depend on whether there is a net receipt or donation of energy by the organism.
Diagnosis is based on clinical and neurophysiological findings, serology, and by identifying the organism or toxin.
They suggested that the color change is stimulated by perception of the background color by the larval ocelli and effected by a neurophysiological pathway.
Between a book on chemotherapy and another on neurophysiological disorders, she came upon an old, well-thumbed prayer book.
Shortly into my neurophysiological assessment, normally recruiting muscles confirmed a diagnosis of benign fasciculations.

The neuroanatomical substrate and neurophysiological mechanisms underlying consciousness are still not understood.
What this implies is that cognitive science must yield explanations of mind and culture that are deducible from antecedent conditions that cannot possibly be physical, neurophysiological, or mechanical events.
The neurophysiological effect of the messenger, and possible resultant behavioral change in the organism, depend on whether there is a net receipt or donation of energy by the organism.
Between a book on chemotherapy and another on neurophysiological disorders, she came upon an old, well-thumbed prayer book.
Third, prior studies have provided psychophysical as well as neurophysiological evidence that aging effects on neural processes degrade temporal resolution at suprathreshold contrast levels.
Indeed it is even possible to produce a form of associative learning in which behavioural and neurophysiological inputs are mixed.