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How To Use Neurilemma In A Sentence

  • A nerve consists of a bundle of tubular fibers, held together by a dense areolar tissue, and inclosed in a membranous sheath -- the neurilemma. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • The oligodendrocyte does not form a neurilemma because its cell body does not wrap around any axons.
  • Surrounding the axis cylinder is a thick, whitish-looking layer, known as the _medullary sheath_, and around this is a thin covering, called the _primitive sheath_, or neurilemma. Physiology and Hygiene for Secondary Schools
  • A, a medullated nerve fiber, showing the subdivision of the medullary sheath into cylindrical sections imbricated with their ends, a nerve corpuscle with an oval nucleus is seen between the neurilemma and the medullary sheath; A Practical Physiology
  • When an axon is cut the neurilemma forms a regeneration tube.
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  • Where the neurilemma has been destroyed or where the axon is one lacking a neurilemma (as many are) regeneration is impossible. The Human Brain
  • Histologically, these tumors are named after the cell of origin, the Schwann cell which is also known as a neurilemmal cell, thus these tumors are also known as neurilemmomas.
  • In the cat and monkey myelin changes are prominent at the junction of the glial and neurilemmal portions of the root, which suggests increased vulnerability at that point.
  • The whole is enclosed in a thin, delicate sheath, known as neurilemma. A Practical Physiology
  • A, a medullated nerve fiber, showing the subdivision of the medullary sheath into cylindrical sections imbricated with their ends, a nerve corpuscle with an oval nucleus is seen between the neurilemma and the medullary sheath; A Practical Physiology
  • (It was Schwann who first described the neurilemma in 1839, so that it is sometimes called the "sheath of Schwann. The Human Brain
  • Finally, each nerve fiber and its neurilemmal sheath are enclosed by a connective tissue sheath termed endoneurium.
  • The Schwann's cells finally form a thin membrane called the neurilemma (nyoo'rih-lem'uh; "nerve-skin" G), which still contains the nuclei of the original Schwann's cells. The Human Brain
  • An axon which has degenerated through injury or disease can sometimes be regenerated, provided its neurilemma has remained intact. The Human Brain
  • Cutaneous neurofibromas are derived from peripheral nerves and supporting structures, including neurilemmal cells.
  • s epidermal neurilemma genetics dogs, bisection, banishment, theologiser, steinway and clientele tantamount mahlstick. Rational Review
  • All the larger nerve-fibers lie side by side in the nerve-trunks, and are bound together by delicate connective tissue, enclosed in a sheath of the same material, termed the _neurilemma_. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
  • The neurilemma of a medullated fibre contains myelin laid down by Schwann cells.
  • Around this bundle of neurones, that is around the nerve, is still another wrapping, silvery-white, called the neurilemma. The Mind and Its Education
  • It arises from the outer layer of the neurilemmal sheath of the Schwann cell.

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