How To Use Neumann In A Sentence

  • His work on separation of the boundary layer was summarised in the Von Neumann lecture he gave to the American Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics in 1980.
  • In the von Neumann architecture there is no definite way to differentiate code and data that is resident in memory.
  • K bytes von Neumann memory for trace buffer ( if used ).
  • Basically the problem is the semi-infinite one-dimensional heat equation with source at x=0 (the surface), but that boundary condition depends on a relationship between dT/dx and T at x = 0 (I think this qualifies as mixed boundary conditions - not Dirichlet or Neumann anyway). Rabett Run
  • The snare drum was a Neumann KM84, the hi-hat was a KM86 and the toms were U87s.
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  • She was Christianity's unique contribution to the uni - versal Mother who lives in all religions, and whose nature is sometimes benevolent and sometimes malev - olent (Neumann, 1955). MYTH IN BIBLICAL TIMES
  • During a briefing on intermediate-range bombers at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama, he had a fateful conversation with the legendary refugee scientists Edward Teller and John von Neumann.
  • This is often referred to as the movability of the von Neumann cut between the subject and the object, or some similar phrase. ...anything but love...
  • Perhaps, to paraphrase Iver Neumann, it is neither digitality nor diaspora but our uses of them - much like our uses of the other - that offer a chimera of hope.
  • In fact von Neumann went much further in taking the view that they showed the infeasibility of classical mathematics altogether. Backing Into an Evidentiary Standard for ID
  • The resulting quantum logic was initiated by the mathematicians John von Neumann and Garret Birkhoff, using mathematical constructs called lattices.
  • Fraenkel, von Neumann, Bernays and Gödel are all important figures in this development.
  • Von Neumann architecture required that a computer do one thing, then the next, and on through the program.
  • Steelworkers Canadian director Ken Neumann said the merger creates a new force in the Canadian labour movement, as well as in federal and provincial politics.
  • Eschewing the model of the totalitarian monolith, Neumann's was the first influential attempt to analyse the structures of the regime in terms of a multitude of power blocs.
  • Among its members were Karl August Varnhagen von Ense (1785 – 1858), Adelbert von Chamisso (1781 – 1838), Wilhelm Neumann (1781 – 1834) and Heinrich von Kleist (1777 – 1811). Berlin Salons: Late Eighteenth to Early Twentieth Century.
  • For example, nanotechnology may facilitate the development of Von Neumann probes.
  • As Zeh puts it, von Neumann's motivation for introducing collapse was to save what he called psycho-physical parallelism (arguably supervenience of the mental on the physical: only one mental state is experienced, so there should be only one corresponding component in the physical state). ...anything but love...
  • In 1984 Jones discovered an astonishing relationship between von Neumann algebras and geometric topology.
  • One can trace the efforts to link life and geography—in the guise of what are called spatial automata—to a study by the great John von Neumann, who believed that biological organisms could be thought of as information-processing systems. SuperCooperators
  • Neumann proved this with many of his very realistic settings, where he uses secondhand cloths or materials like carton or corrugated iron.
  • He was also elected to honorary positions such as honorary president of the Janos Bolyai Mathematical Society and the John von Neumann Society for Computer Science.
  • In the von Neumann architecture there is no definite way to differentiate code and data that is resident in memory.
  • Armeni Mechitaristici (Venice, 1819) NEUMANN, Essai d'une histoire de la Littérature arménienne (Leipzig, 1836); KALEMKIAR, Une esquisse de l'activité littéraire-typographique de la congrégation méchitariste The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Ilona (Ili) was born in Budapest, the eldest of three daughters of Sigmund (Zsiga) Neumann and Emma, née Deutsch. Ilona Kronstein.
  • Other rare birds are Fraser's eagle owl Bubo poensis, white-bellied robin chat Cossypher roberti, Grauer's warbler Graueria vittata, short-tailed warbler Hemitasia neumanni, yellow-eyed black flycatcher Melaenornis ardesiaca, montane double-collared sunbird Nectarinia ludovicenis and dusky twinspot Clytospiza cinereoinacea. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda
  • In 1984 Jones discovered an astonishing relationship between von Neumann algebras and geometric topology.
  • Bomani Morellins in numis Augusti tabu - lertia conquisivit Neumannus noster ') * Ex - la tota XXXII., commatis exteiiii v.g. hibuit PelieriDius denarium gentis Plaii - tetradrachma Sidetum. Doctrina nvmorvm vetervm conscripta a Josepho Eckhel ..
  • But Frederic Neumann , an economist at HSBC, sees tentative signs that spending is picking up.
  • Neumann figurine that has a broken thumb, reglued a toddler knocked it off a shelf once. Welcome to The Glad Hand Café.
  • The reader's apprehension of the point of another anecdote, in which Dr. Neumann appears in an attitude not very respectful to his own sovereign, Louis II of Bavaria, will depend upon his knowing something of the situation and history of the university buildings in Munich. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 3, March, 1864 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • In 1943, the Neumann factory in central Berlin was struck by incendiary bombs.
  • Andrea Neumann, Toshimaru Nakamura - 1 (from "Aton") Startling Moniker
  • The court clique was mainly based in the general adjutancy which was headed by the Adjutants General von Rauch and von Neumann.
  • The Neumann seniors line up to get their yearbooks, sodas and hoagies.
  • When von Neumann proposed this architecture in 1945, it was a radical idea.
  • Due to the rationale of Von Neumann computer are based on mathematical logic, it did a wonderful job when dealing with mathematics problem.
  • The twentieth century's two best-known stigmatics - Theresa Neumann and Padre Pio - were suspected of deception.
  • In fact, since the book Theory of games and economic behavior by von Neumann and O. Morgenestem was published, this mathematical method has become an important tool hi modem economic theory.
  • “Nelli Neumann fand die Mathematik einfacher als den Haushalt (Studienzeit in Göttingen, III).” Nelly Neumann.
  • In the same year he generalised von Neumann's spectral theorem to locally compact abelian groups.
  • Steelworkers Canadian director Ken Neumann said the merger creates a new force in the Canadian labour movement, as well as in federal and provincial politics.
  • A late-nineteenth-century mathematician would be able to understand the idea of Turing computability and a von Neumann architecture with a few days instruction. Archive 2009-07-01

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