How To Use Netherlander In A Sentence

  • Besides these three sources measurably unprofessional and outside of music, or amateur, as we say now, there was the work of the professional musicians strictly so-called, who, from about 1100 in the old French school, commenced the development of what is now known as polyphony, which culminated in the hands of the Netherlanders, about 1580, Palestrina himself being one of the latest products of this school. A Popular History of the Art of Music From the Earliest Times Until the Present
  • The Dutch have at least 135 nude beaches, which just goes to show that Netherlanders aren't terribly worried about hiding their nether bits.
  • Like their neighbors in the northern province of Groningen, Frisians tend to be seen as unsophisticated by Netherlanders living in the southern part of the country.
  • This town, as I observed before, belongs to the Bishop of Liege, but was now in a state of tumult and confusion, on account of the general revolt of the Low Countries, the townsmen taking part with the Netherlanders, notwithstanding the bishopric was a neutral State. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • Alferius [Marginal note: Or Oliuer.] being by birth a Netherlander, who for certaine yeeres liued captiue in the dominions of Russia vnder two famous men Yacouius and Vnekius, by whom he was sent to The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
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  • Netherlanders are great celebrators of birthdays.
  • Department stores and commercial chains hardly hold the Netherlands in thrall; you don't find many Netherlanders clamouring to spend their Saturday mornings trolley-piloting the ubiquitously cheap and vast Hema emporiums.

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