

[ US /nɛˈstɔɹiəˌnɪzəm/ ]
  1. the theological doctrine (named after Nestorius) that Christ is both the son of God and the man Jesus (which is opposed to Roman Catholic doctrine that Christ is fully God)

How To Use Nestorianism In A Sentence

  • Lastly, Nestorianism once more showed itself in the Adoptionists of Spain, and gave occasion to the great Council of Frankfort.
  • Around the same time, Nestorianism , an earlier sect of Christianity, was introduced into Xinjiang, but it was not widespread in the early years.
  • There is here neither Monophysitism nor Nestorianism, but an unconfused and undivided union of the church with the world.
  • Macarius the Eucharist was a palmary argument against Nestorianism. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • If there were two wills, it seemed to lead back to Nestorianism; if there was but one, either the humanity was incomplete or the position led to virtual monophysitism. A Source Book for Ancient Church History
  • The most interesting document for the history of Nestorianism is still the monument discovered at Si-ngan-fu and commonly called the Nestorian stone [536]. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3
  • Nestorianism , the heretic sect of the Christianity, having been persecuted in the Byzantine Empire, was spread into Persia and the Central Asia, and further into China.
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