How To Use Nervi In A Sentence

  • It is all a bit unnerving. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said: 'It is reassuring but also quite unnerving. The Sun
  • In the second room you'll find two habitués of Berghain's housier, groovier upstairs neighbour Panorama Bar, in the form of Steffi and Efdemin, while Innervisions duo Ame are the night's very special guests. Clubs picks of the week
  • Their discoveries about managerial work and their feelings of impotence made it a very unnerving prospect.
  • Her unnerving clarity and audacious style reveal an intellect and imagination capable of a major work.
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  • For the truly self-indulgent, Viva Brasil in Genoa Nervi makes custom bikinis to order.
  • I guess it must be nearly impossible to transcend the uninviting, unappealing, unnerving stigma of hospitals - regardless of good or bad design.
  • Still, the process, while far less perturbing than Grandma Moses feeling me up, was still a bit unnerving as I am naturally bashful when it comes to taking my clothes off in front of people. The DC Damsel: Lifting the Ladies: Adventures in Bra-Fitting
  • Consider for a moment how many Republican presidential contenders and potential contenders have had either paying gigs as political contributors on Fox or are simply unnervingly regular guests. Chez Pazienza: The Politics of Murdoch
  • The recreation of the Famine ship took place at Blennerville, near Tralee, Co Kerry, and was completed in 2002.
  • Jandek, an ultra-reclusive singer-songwriter specializing in unnervingly bleak psychodramas accompanied by an out-of-tune guitar, has been read as both incompetent and musically avant-garde.
  • When his fame arrived – appearances on The Brains Trust, a BBC documentary, the film of Lord of the Flies at the Cannes film festival with a party on a boat, of all things, and of course a sudden relaxation of the customary nerviness about money – we weren't surprised at all. Our parents resented us
  • Finally, when the time comes for the horse to run, the experience will be so unnerving you'll just pray for it to be over.
  • It's a bit unnerving when people in the gallery laugh to their own jokes rather than to the ones the comedian is making.
  • Completely astonished, my incredulous father gets back up and opens the door, to what he now deems the nerviest dog he has ever met. Wendchymes Diary Entry
  • Surrounding the pans on a larger scale (on less brackish soil) are grasslands dominated by Odyssea paucinervis and Cynodon dactylon with Cenchrus ciliaris and Eriochloa meyeriana dominating the crests of calcrete escarpments. Zambezian halophytics
  • Of all the grand ambitions laid out by President Obama, the nerviest might be his promise to transform American politics. The Washington Post's Humbug: Business as Usual in DC
  • Tutto all 'intorno del muro vi erano degli scaffali quali si vedono ordinariamente negli archivi ad altezza d' uomo, e nel mezzo della stanza v 'era un altro scaffale simile o tavola per tenervi scritture, e tale da potervi girare intorno. The Care of Books
  • If there was a problem with a hypersympathetic nervous system, Western herbalists have tended use sedatives, nervines and perhaps anti-inflammatories.
  • It's hard to tell with Brazil whether their lackadaisical nonchalance is nerviness, or that's just who they are. David Henry Sterry: World Cup 2010: What We've Learned and What Must Be Done
  • Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios (Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown) Cine Cl�sico
  • He will get fatter and nervier, simply because our system turns a blind eye to such a swindle.
  • And there are TV screens everywhere, pumping out a constant stream of ramped up news and political rhetoric, at once nerving up and pacifying the populace.
  • Until then, however, we must assume that the old man still possesses his full wits and that his nerviness is not unjustified. A Letter of Mary
  • Perhaps it is the inevitable curiosity summoned by one of the most bizarre and unnerving crimes of the century.
  • Still, his government seems to have been unable to resist exploiting the ruling for nationalistic purposes, unnerving investors. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's billed as a meditation on racism but it's more an opportunity for this thoughtful, unnervingly camp comedian a cross between John Waters and Steve Buscemi, but with an Australian accent to spin more offbeat stories of his alienation from everyday society. This week's new live comedy
  • There are several occasions when the intrepid adventurer looks destined to fail as a result of failing health or a lack of cash, but owing to his unnerving determination he always manages to win through.
  • It is funny, emotional and sometimes slightly unnerving, with great characters. The Sun
  • Luego del robo viene algo interesante, este acto que causa nerviosismo en las personas luego origina una amistad entre los pasajeros. Global Voices in English » Ecuador: Reactions After a Bus Robbery in Guayaquil
  • His communications team, the best in the business, are adept at navigating the ever-accelerating news cycle, but with the growing power of the online commentariat and the recursiveness and unpredictability that comes with it, they are navigating treacherous waters, where conventional wisdom can change -- and be changed -- with unnerving ease and rapidity. Peter Daou: White Cop, Black Professor, Bi-Racial President: An Explosive Media Combination
  • Ebrahim Alkazi believes that through forms harsh and brutal, Sultan Ali ‘sought ananda… to come to terms with that unnerving reality’.
  • The tumble in the value of the rouble is not just bruising; it is quite unnerving. Times, Sunday Times
  • Which is why it was probably quite unnerving for the bespectacled man looking out of his window at me, a grown man, wobbling in his general direction. The Sun
  • I also own a lava lamp, or at least a vial of orange goo left behind by my landlord who has an unnervingly 70s view of home design.
  • So, despite all the screaming and wailing from the right about how Obama threatens America, an unnerving bipartisan consensus on the key precepts of American militarism has, in 2010, fully re-asserted itself. Jonathan Weiler: Deafening Silence: Why Our Ongoing Wars Are Not a Campaign Issue
  • It is the price that is slightly unnerving. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's something deeply unnerving about having a device that can read your thoughts and emotions strapped to your head. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is an unnerving, corvine inquisitiveness to his gaze.
  • ‘And a bit unnerving for the rest of us,’ said Reg from the vast bank of sliders and other controls.
  • I say "unnervingly" because Israeli drones (unmanned aircraft guided by remote control) often target such missile-launching operations from the sky. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • The amount of trust placed in virtual strangers was unnerving. Living with Angina
  • The tincture consists of four nervine herbs that favorably strengthen and maintain the nerves. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • I know I might've looked a little unnerving, with my messy ponytail, slightly flushed cheeks from jogging and somewhat disarrayed clothes, but I was told I had a really friendly face!
  • His other works of varying scale all have the same unnerving human quality.
  • The ticktock of the grandfather clock was slightly unnerving. THE KILL CLAUSE
  • There is something very unnerving about being on a bicycle whose trajectory you do not control. Times, Sunday Times
  • And I don't even have time to talk about the nerviness of the song about drinking wine with Jesus as though the son of God was just an extra-fine good ol 'boy. Miranda Lambert's Classic Country 'Revolution'
  • There is always something unnerving about the news media going into bat for their own interests; the moral fervour precludes argument.
  • On the good nights, or at least, the reassuring nights, everybody knows her, and they gather in unnervingly intent arcs in front of her instruments, forming her words with their own mouths as she sings them, shouting requests in the breaks for songs she hasn't even finished writing yet. Boing Boing: August 26, 2001 - September 1, 2001 Archives
  • I was also nerving myself up to handle the news if I was too late. SNOWJOB
  • His nearness in itself was unnerving, the warm heat radiating from his body…
  • Or whether, the unspoken, unnerving words echoed between them, she might try to do harm to him again. THE WHITE DOVE
  • Occasionally, he would move one of his arms, the small gesture unnerving Leroy from unleashing a good punch.
  • The creepiest is a former state senator nicknamed the Shyster, who talks about his pedophilia with unnerving sangfroid. Living Among the Outcasts; a Shattered Family
  • This nervine herb is also "antispasmodic" which makes it great for people with constant nervous twitching. Simple mom
  • Since then, Coco has developed into something nervier and the reggae has been overshadowed by synth-driven rock: comparisons with the Killers would be more apt. I Blame Coco: The Constant – review
  • How many foolish bargains have been made under the influence of the "nervine," which temporarily makes its victim think he is rich. Art of Money Getting
  • Occasionally, he would move one of his arms, the small gesture unnerving Leroy from unleashing a good punch.
  • BMW The car is not unnervingly fast, but it is hugely willing. BMW 1M Coupe
  • She epitomised the abrasive nerviness of pre-Hitler Berlin.
  • The second movement is a thin-textured scherzo nervily syncopated in an urban context, with no hint of an agrarian landscape.
  • It was unnerving how bright they shone and so I tried to look away.
  • The ground continued to heave in unnerving spasms. Fury Jungle | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Not many like to go there, because it can be an unnerving experience, the officials more often than not appearing like zombies who cannot even hear applicants.
  • If you're feeling anxious and agitated, try a nervine such as avena, scullcap, or valerian.
  • And delicious as it is, the rack of lamb seems unnervingly out of place on a menu alongside sesame noodles.
  • There is still the unnerving scenery of headless trees, roofless homes, abandoned tankers and large looming landmine warnings.
  • I love that boy dearly, but when he's not-entirely-sober, he tends to spend large amounts of time staring at me somewhat blankly, which is really unnerving when I'm trying to concentrate on something else, particularly if it's something like writing, where I have to use a different portion of my brain than I do for photoshopping, or reading something, as far as I can tell. Jaxraven Diary Entry
  • It was starting to be unnerving, this ability of his to judge her with such uncanny accuracy!
  • Aliquando nervi, aliquando pedes vexant, (Seneca) nunc distillatio, nunc epatis morbus; nunc deest, nunc superest sanguis: now the head aches, then the feet, now the lungs, then the liver, &c. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Labour finds the issue unnerving because it fears fanning nationalist flames. Times, Sunday Times
  • Medicines and herbs that are demulcent, emollient, warmly diaphoretic, nervines, antispasmodic, warming and carminative are appropriate for treating Air imbalances.
  • It is an anti-inflammatory, tonic astringent, diaphoretic, stomachic, nervine, anodyne and antiseptic.
  • That night we went out - but it was a bit weird and unnerving that she remembered me. The Sun
  • Still, his government seems to have been unable to resist exploiting the ruling for nationalistic purposes, unnerving investors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Status: Nerviosa xD ... nose ... no siento nada fuera de lo comun ~ normal Crazydark Diary Entry
  • In the short time since his appearance at the top of the flight a change had come over him, subtle but unnerving. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • I always find it unnerving to throttle back large piston aero engines to idle in flight, and the Kestrel was no exception.
  • I must be losing my touch, I considered as the room's unnerving silence got the best of me.
  • Cooper's performance suggests a nervier, nastier movie than the one we get. Top Stories
  • Robinson competently conveys nerviness, anger and frustration, but the ultimate despair his character must feel doesn't quite register.
  • They flinch at the sound of that laugh, but they keep edging forward, nerving themselves for the final rush.
  • Rising inflation, weaker growth and more debt issuance are unnerving investors, who are demanding better returns for their money. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's something unnerving about her, it niggles at me.
  • A bit unnerving in front of 5,000 student pastors. Christianity Today
  • The most unnerving is when we are brushing our teeth in the bathroom and we turn around - to spot a man, on the hill maybe 100 meters away — just standing with his hands behind his back … observing … us in our bathroom … brushing our teeth. We're back!
  • The dole, in other words, was counterproductive; it tended to “impair that anxiety for a livelihood which is almost instinctive”; giving out money could “relax individual exertion by unnerving the arm of industry.” A History of American Law
  • When I returned to the guest house, however, there was another unnerving surprise.
  •       "It must be something expensive else," Girex said with lewd nerviness The Saturn Game
  • I concentrated on an image of Autumn's exquisite, frightened visage, nerving myself.
  • Melissa has a fine reputation as a calming herb and it may be that the calming action is not as a nervine, but as a very effective thyrosuppressant.
  • One of the nerviest forms of mustard is the dried powdered kind, like Coleman's in the memorable yellow can, or the even hotter "Oriental" mustard powders $2 for 4 ounces, , freshly mixed with plain cold water. The Commitment-Phobe's Condiment
  • His deft, side-splitting recollections of mundane British life leave you with the unnerving feeling that this cherubic 28-year-old from Bolton actually grew up in your home as a part of your family.
  • Taking a deep breath, the soldier shut his eyes, as if to blot out some unnerving memory.
  • There's a genteel nerviness about this big, bendy-nosed bloke in the Norwich City football shirt, slacks and comfy brown brogues.
  • And yet -- the men in the trained-animal game acknowledged him the nerviest and most nerveless of the profession. CHAPTER XXIV
  • The silence was unnerving, as there was just the sound of a few coughs that echoed around the huge room.
  • The flavour was weak and the texture was unnervingly gritty.
  • Either way, standing in front of it is a bit unnerving. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are more similarities than differences but until you get used to it, the set-up of the courses can be quite unnerving. For Love or Money
  • The hyperreal detail and the increasingly nightmarish sense of surveillance are unnerving. Times, Sunday Times
  • Did daytime's naughtiest, nerviest soap suddenly get cold feet? Was The Bold and the Beautiful Too Bold for TV?
  • Japan's political equilibrium has traditionally been built on a social compact whereby citizens accepted extensive, often intrusive, government ordering of society in exchange for the unnervingly competent performance of public duties by those who govern. Will Grief Turn to Anger in Japan?
  • The specter of a chemical, biological or radiological attack raises the unnerving prospect of an insidious, invisible agent drifting through ductwork, hallways and offices.
  • At first it can be a slightly unnerving experience but drivers find they get used to it quickly. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was among the nervier kids, I'd say, and there was also a vicious side to me. Brother Ray
  • And though there's an underlying emphasis on warfare, "Diary" isn't entirely gloom and doom, with shots of colorful world festivals and other merriment intercut between the more violent segments -- with an unnerving soundtrack that ranges from what sound like gunshots to answering machine messages. Video Of A Foreign Correspondent's Decade By The Director Of 'Restrepo'
  • Though the famous corkscrew left crashed to its mark on Darcy's chin with all its old-time power, the psychological effect of its impotency was almost as unnerving as were Darcy's own sledgehammer blows.
  • If the name rings no bell, it may be only that he works far from such centers of nerviness as Wall Street, Hollywood, or Silicon Valley.
  • At first it can be a slightly unnerving experience but drivers find they get used to it quickly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Amidst this unnerving display of journalistic cussedness, some Gujarati newspapers tried hard to sustain professional standards.
  • This is original stuff, and makes the book a useful counterpoise to my favourite architectural history book, Nervi's Aesthetics and Technology in Building.
  • She drew several uneven breaths, nerving herself to look up into Llewelyn's face. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • There's something deeply unnerving about having a device that can read your thoughts and emotions strapped to your head. Times, Sunday Times
  • Loranthus quandang, Lindley manuscripts; incanus, foliis oppositis lineari-oblongis obsolete triplinerviis obtusis, pedunculis axillaribus folio multo bevioribus apice divaricato-bifidis 6-floris, floribus pentameris aequalibus, petalis linearibus, antheris linearibus basi insertis. Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia, Volume 2
  • It is very unnerving to find out that someone you see every day is carrying a potentially deadly virus.
  • The longer it went on 1-0, the nervier the whole place became. The Sun
  • Rising inflation, weaker growth and more debt issuance are unnerving investors, who are demanding better returns for their money. Times, Sunday Times
  • Look for a formula of nervine herbs in your local health food store. Gentle Healing for Baby and Child
  • The experience was unnerving, challenging and ultimately revelatory; now she wants all her movies to be like this.
  • There was something unnervingly creepy about wearing Katerina's clothes. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • It quickly becomes grating, rather than unnerving, even as the violence itself increases in deadliness. Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: Kidnapped
  • The overburdened, under-financed hospital was itself an unnerving environment for the meeting.
  • The tumble in the value of the rouble is not just bruising; it is quite unnerving. Times, Sunday Times
  • The unusual combination of familiar faces, and the unnerving sight of desolate domains viewed in night-vision luminescence is perfect for enjoying as the countdown to Halloween nears. Ghost Hunting with VH1: the Celebrity Paranormal Project
  • He was watching her with an intensity that was unnerving.
  • There is no doubt that we Celtic fans remain twitchy about our team - and, in all honesty, that edginess and nerviness will take some budging.
  • And where you'd expect Jack to be his usual sarky, caustic self, he was so unnervingly straight and calm that I could only think of two possible scenarios: lobotomy or Valium.
  • The song's reverberant creep does something right for Ms. Rae's light, curling voice, which has rarely sounded nervier. NYT > Home Page
  • His father vanishes and his mother - an unnerving and twisted woman - is the only available witness.
  • Meeting a twin brother I didn't know I had was an unnerving experience.
  • Some interviewers have found it unnerving to encounter a subject with such a wild stare and a fey voice given to worrying pauses. Times, Sunday Times
  • The younger, nervier of the two, Danny defers to the more experienced Vic, who acts with a steely conviction. Irish Blogs
  • During an era when young hoopsters are taught big talent should come with a bigger ego, Greg Oden is so effusively humble it's unnerving.
  • Taken as an ineluctable entirety, these units of self-measure are intense, unnerving, and productively bewildering. Seth Abramson: December 2011 Contemporary Poetry Reviews
  • Finding an affable, unapologetic citizen who believed this stuff was unnerving.
  • All the way home, pedalling furiously, she had been nerving herself for this confrontation.
  • She developed a particular interest in helping to update the Internet pages and she seemed to be nerving herself to buy her first computer so that she could get on the Internet at home.
  • Yet the occasional nerviness belies some steely self-belief. Curtis Sittenfeld: 'American Wife is the opposite of satire'
  • The results are slick, funny and unsettling, slipping between psychological thriller, absurdist farce and ghost story into an unnerving dreamscape where psychosis meets metempsychosis.
  • After an unnerving 45-minute ride on scabrous rural roads (one pothole too many and my rented '80s Honda 50 cc would have gone flying), I came across a tiny town.
  • Getting so close to nature can be unnerving, though, particularly if your bedroom overlooks the walled garden - home of the peacock and peahen.
  • The maiden brushed a strand of sable hair behind her ear and gazed straight into the eyes of her nervous king, the emeralds set into her own face unnervingly refusing to blink.
  • Replete with humor and plenty of risqué innuendos, the novels made Honey out as “the nerviest, curviest P.I. in Los Angeles -- or anywhere else for that matter,” to repeat one description. Archive 2008-07-01
  • The amount of trust placed in virtual strangers was unnerving. Living with Angina
  • Sometimes, if you watch both their demeanors during the game, it feels like McNabb is the experienced employee, reluctantly taking orders from the new, young boss with an unnerving voice. Redskins find a way against Green Bay
  • It is a circular covered arena designed in 1959 by Marcello Piacentini with the great engineer Pier Luigi Nervi, who covered the space with an elegant ribbed dome of reinforced concrete, resting on a dramatic framework of slanting piers.
  • Luego del robo viene algo interesante, este acto que causa nerviosismo en las personas luego origina una amistad entre los pasajeros. Global Voices in English » Ecuador: Reactions After a Bus Robbery in Guayaquil
  • In homeopathy, it is classified as a nervine herb (calming to the system), in two forms: Matricaria recutita, commonly known as German chamomile, and Chamaemelum nobile, Roman chamomile (the kind most often used for cooking). I Spice: Chamomile
  • There is something very unnerving about being on a bicycle whose trajectory you do not control. Times, Sunday Times
  • I sat in silence, trying to compose myself mentally and emotionally for what was sure to be an unnerving event.
  • Sometimes, the wind also brought unnervingly fell sounds with it, as if a chorus of unholy demons was singing in the distance.
  • E' strano, e mi da veramente fastidio - certo forse e' naturale, e a dire il vero con alcune colleghe/amiche questo non succede piu anche se non e' che sia la solita Ra pazzoide, troppo diretta e inopportuna, e sicuramente col tempo mi sentiro piu a mio mi da' comunque sui nervi che trovi cosi' difficile essere me stessa. Sometimes work happens
  • Far more unnerving is the mere suspicion of fear or even of anxiety in the human mass around you. Jackanapes
  • The brother hl 2040 toner cartridge unnerving reassuringly donatist to the carduus of all megathere sheepcote with the kyrgyzstan of navigational blanketed midstream. Rational Review
  • Thus many diuretic herbs that strengthen the urinary system along with nervine herbs have often been effective. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • For the regular polish wearer, there's something slightly unnerving about baring all with clear polish. Times, Sunday Times
  • But when it comes down to matters of life and death there is something very unnerving about unforgiving anger, even when it is justified.
  • But as I read on, it became apparent that the novel was so prescient it became unnerving.
  • She is always fetching, and quiet unnerving as the silent stalker.
  • It's also a little bit unnerving. The Sun
  • In that time, we've taken a look at a wide array of sexual fetishes ranging from the unnerving to the truly horrifying to the baffling.
  • The intense bright of the chamber and the nothingness in the surround was unnerving.
  • The ominous and subtle variations are unnerving as they enkindle vague senses of dread.
  • He lifted the WGC-CA Championship in Miami by a much more comfortable four-shot margin two weeks ago and this was a far nervier affair. Breaking News
  • What's unnerving is that Murdoch may be right to suspect, as he undoubtedly does, that these contradictions don't matter. The Murdoch Touch
  • The brother hl 2040 toner cartridge unnerving reassuringly donatist to the carduus of all megathere sheepcote with the kyrgyzstan of navigational blanketed midstream. Rational Review
  • The big fellow at the wheel — the nerviest and most conscienceless scoundrel in the THE PEARLS OF PARLAY
  • The natural assumption is that having a reporter in the room is unnerving her.
  • Instead I find it slightly unnerving. Times, Sunday Times
  • What I find slightly unnerving is the curious determination of the contemporary left to attribute political differences to some other factor – to genetic predisposition, to mental illness (“homophobia”, “Islamophobia” et al) or, when all else fails, criminality (it’s not enough for Bush to have a different view on the merits of toppling Saddam, he also has to have “lied” and committed crimes worthy of impeachment in the pursuit of said policy). Stromata Blog:
  • His photographs of the outskirts of British suburban housing estates are both familiar and unnerving.
  • That night we went out - but it was a bit weird and unnerving that she remembered me. The Sun
  • The tumble in the value of the rouble is not just bruising; it is quite unnerving. Times, Sunday Times
  • Either way, standing in front of it is a bit unnerving. Times, Sunday Times
  • Barely surviving the harsh climate of North Dakota plains is the sole silver-lining to the creepy yet unnervingly romantic, starkly humorous, and startlingly composed drama Prairie Love. Roya Rastegar: Sundance 2011 and the Sound of My Generation: Part I
  • He rejects the suggestion that floral prints are too busy, stressful or unnerving to the eye. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are more similarities than differences but until you get used to it, the set-up of the courses can be quite unnerving. For Love or Money
  • As unnerving as they may be, Fischer says nightmares are a useful and healthy response to trauma, as they reconnect us to our emotions.
  • He said: 'It is reassuring but also quite unnerving. The Sun
  • Yet, in the end, it becomes haunted by the unwelcome presence of heavy-handedness, making it seem more like a busy domestic melodrama (with a ghost) than a truly unnerving chiller.
  • But there is an unnerving element to the intensity of his devotion to the cause, as if those teeth glint with a shark-like quality, and woe betide the person who gets in the way of that hurry.
  • The fire sparked, then relit, recovering its flames with unnerving speed.
  • Common Western Skullcap is simply classified as a nervine in Western herbalism.
  • Common Western Skullcap is simply classified as a nervine in Western herbalism.
  • While it unnerving , waiting awhile for an offer isn't necessarily a bad thing, Mr. Akana adds.
  • It is that sense of actuality created that helps make the film so very unnerving.
  • As I walked down the half-busy streets to work this morning, I could sense the unnerving feeling that people had.
  • Which is why it was probably quite unnerving for the bespectacled man looking out of his window at me, a grown man, wobbling in his general direction. The Sun
  • This uber-entertaining masterpiece of a sitcom embodies the extremely rare ensemble "chemistry" of Friends, the quick-witted and cutting topical relevance of Frasier, the clever multi-plot-line & thematic interweaving prowess of Arrested Development, and the blithesome, almost unnerving demonstration powerful family love reminiscent of such memorialized family classics as The Cosby Show or The Brady Bunch. The Top 10 TV Comedies of 2011
  • All trace of his nerviness of a moment before had vanished, He had himself well in hand, Mr. Campion noticed approvingly. Flowers for the Judge
  • GREVILLEA (CYCLOPTERA?) lineata, foliis indivisis lineari-ens formibus enerviis subter striis decem paucioribus elevatis uniformibus interstitia bis-terve latitudine superantibus, cicatrice insertionis latiore quam longa utrinque obtusa, racemis terminalibus alternis, pistillis semuncia brevioribus stigmate conico. Expedition into Central Australia
  • Lemon balm is another nervine that is a member of the mint family. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • It is funny, emotional and sometimes slightly unnerving, with great characters. The Sun
  • Skullcap is a member of the mint family and is considered one of the best nervine tonics because of its propensity to relieve nervous tension while, unlike valerian, for instance, it refreshes the mind. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • In his enim verbis omnibus litterae, seu spiritus istius nulla ratio visa est, nisi ut firmitas et vigor vocis, quasi quibusdam nervis additis, intenderetur. The Roman Pronunciation of Latin Why we use it and how to use it
  • For us, real marionettes, string marionettes, produced those moments of otherness, they created a spell, something very unnerving, disquieting.
  • It is an anti-inflammatory, tonic astringent, diaphoretic, stomachic, nervine, anodyne and antiseptic.
  • The tumble in the value of the rouble is not just bruising; it is quite unnerving. Times, Sunday Times

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