How To Use Nerves In A Sentence

  • choco-lemon's diary choco-lemon's Diaryland Diary nerves up until lunch this was a completely horrible day. it picked up when me, lindsay, and krist stopped at murray to buy a quatch. once we smoked i bowl i felt a million times better. and that scares me. Nerves
  • The nerves are the terminal branches of the right and left vagi, the former being distributed upon the back, and the latter upon the front part of the organ. XI. Splanchnology. 1F. The Stomach
  • The depth and rate of breathing are controlled by special centres in the brain, which influence the nerves that cause contraction and relaxation of the muscles of respiration.
  • The nerves that carry the pain impulse also transmit touch and temperature sensations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Normally, at times likes these, Montgomerie's nerves are so taut that it would be possible to play a guitar solo on them.
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  • From the spine, thirty-one pairs of nerves, called _spinal nerves_, pass to different parts of my body; some to the lungs, some to the heart, some to the stomach, some to the bones, and some to the muscles and skin. Object Lessons on the Human Body A Transcript of Lessons Given in the Primary Department of School No. 49, New York City
  • Entrepreneur has to have nerves of steel and a very strong stomach.
  • It communicates with the oculomotor, the trochlear, the ophthalmic and the abducent nerves, and with the ciliary ganglion, and distributes filaments to the wall of the internal carotid artery. IX. Neurology. 7a. The Cephalic Portion of the Sympathetic System
  • The man charged with murder popped a valium to calm his nerves
  • Behind that quietness his nerves are jangling, he's in a terrible state.
  • Betty is a bundle of nerves, has a well-developed "New-England Conscience," and among other deviative (not degenerative) signs is possessed of an insatiate desire to climb trees. Why Worry?
  • Christopher awards Meet The Fockers three stars but then unnerves us slightly by calling Dustin Hoffman ‘48 inches of vintage dance-floor groove’.
  • Underachievers, they were known for losing the mildest battle of nerves, not a cornered tiger among them.
  • Chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudoobstruction is usually caused by disease of the enteric nerves or smooth muscle.
  • he suffered an attack of nerves
  • When your fingers touch it, confirmatory signals flow up the nerves. World Wide Mind
  • The bath also soothes the tired nerves and induces sound sleep.
  • Then, this state of nerves is most frequently to be relieved by care in affording them a pleasant view, a judicious variety as to flowers, * and pretty things. Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not
  • And over a period of months or a year, or even longer, the nerves will have to re-grow and re-innervate those muscles. CNN Transcript Feb 6, 2006
  • Everyone is gibbering insanely, nerves frayed as showtime approaches.
  • This exercise will improve neck and spine flexibility, help to relieve trapped nerves and alleviate backache, neck pain, lumbago and mild forms of sciatica.
  • I came to intellectually accept the existence of this energy and often cited it when chatting with friends, but deep down I wondered whether it really existed and whether it might be simply a primitive word for the circulation of the blood, the tingling of nerves, the flow of lymph, or, more technically, the bioelectric energy of life stimulated by the charge potential that exists across cell membranes. Arthur Rosenfeld: Do You Feel the Energy of Life?
  • When asked about his pre-match routine, he said that the trick was to "have a smoke to calm your nerves, then toss back a strong drink to tone your muscles.
  • In this first episode, nerves are jangling as one woman tries to open a tin with a carving knife and rolling pin. The Sun
  • The roar of city traffic is a steady assault on one's nerves.
  • In relatively primitive organisms like clams, all nerves are unmyelinated. Stem cells, Part 1, Introduction and Ethics
  • The _first glume_ is cuneately obovate or obcordate, yellowish with red brown tips or dark brown with yellow tips, chartaceous below, membranous, hyaline and ciliate at the truncate, emarginate or retuse apex, 7 - to 9-nerved, the nerves abruptly ceasing towards the apex. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • The anxiety and nerves from the fans, does that become part of it? Times, Sunday Times
  • This neurotropic effect of NGF offers an explanation of how nerve fibres can find their way through the tangle of nerves in the brain. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1986 - Presentation Speech
  • Pre-wedding nerves can sometimes cause a groom to have a total sense of humour failure when a harmless little prank - shaving his eyebrows, say, or tattooing his cheeks - is played on him.
  • The union has been fighting a war of nerves with the management over pay.
  • MS is a chronic, progressive neurological disease that involves the loss of myelin from nerves in the brain and spinal cord.
  • Golf requires nerves of steel, great skill but not a hell of a lot of fitness.
  • My nerves are almost completely balanced by the relief I'm feeling at soon being free of her, but as it is I'm jittering and barely worth talking to.
  • We watched for a while with a brew and a ciggy to calm our nerves.
  • A physical examination will determine if damage to tissue, nerves, tendons, or bone has occurred.
  • Nerves were to the fore on opening night as the cast stuttered with their lines and generally put on a wooden performance in the first act.
  • The union has been fighting a war of nerves with the management over pay.
  • The degree of serenity that she brought to a day fraught with nerves made a profound impact. Times, Sunday Times
  • When it moved, it shook his vital organs as if he was standing on an earthquake simulator in a geology museum, and when it spoke, his nerves jumped and jangled in his body.
  • Now, she would gladly exchange unmitigated boredom for the quivering nerves that alerted her to every shadow. PRETTY MAIDS ALL IN A ROW
  • During sleep, the nerves discharge stimulations they accumulated during the day.
  • The child's endless crying has been wearing on my nerves all day.
  • Taking the most damaging pictures requires precision timing and nerves of steel.
  • Since no combination of nerves serve this area a glove anesthesia is clearly psychogenic in origin.
  • When I see it, the lightness I feel is shoved aside and a gnarl of nerves wind in my stomach. The Fortunes of Indigo Skye
  • Radiofrequency neurotomy is where an injection is used to burn nerves in the facet joint in order to stop the body from sending pain signals to the brain. Spine-Health - Back Pain, Neck Pain, Lower Back Pain
  • I fancy a stiff drink this lunchtime to steady my nerves!
  • At the airport G, who is basically ten times more masculine than me, was almost frantic with nerves.
  • The combination of early breakfast, exhaust fumes and nerves is a potent cocktail!
  • Fleda, my dear," said Mrs. Evelyn, with that trembling tone of concealed ecstasy which always set every one of Fleda's nerves a-jarring — "you may tell the gentlemen that they do not always know when they are making an unfelicitous compliment — I never read what poets say about 'briny drops' and 'salt tears', without imagining the heroine immediately to be something like Lot's wife. Queechy, Volume II
  • (glycogenic function of the liver, the consumption of glycogen through work of the muscles, the discovery of vascular nerves, the chemistry of the bile and the urine, theory of diabetes mellitus, assimiliation of sugar, atrophy of the pancreas, the power of the pancreatic juice to digest albumen, and the theory of animal heat). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Changes in the inner ear or in the nerves attached to it, earwax buildup and various diseases can all impact your hearing.
  • Next in order is the middle region, or chest, which comprehends the vital faculties and parts; which (as I have said) is separated from the lower belly by the diaphragma or midriff, which is a skin consisting of many nerves, membranes; and amongst other uses it hath, is the instrument of laughing. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • I felt no nerves, just unshakeable positivity and confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, potential complications include: bleeding infection skin blistering, scarring or ulceration nerve damage injury to surrounding structures (skin, nerves or organs) allergic reaction to X-ray dye or sclerosant blood in the urine Sclerotherapy
  • Even after years as a singer, he still suffers from nerves before a performance.
  • Objective To provide anatomical data for the clinical operation on neck to locate the acroteric vascular nerves of the tip of the greater horn of hyoid bone(THB) with taking THB as a landmark.
  • Paired nerves from the brain and ganglia innervate the body.
  • There was invasion of the epineurium of retroperitoneal nerves, but no direct invasion of retroperitoneal or inguinal lymph nodes by the tumor.
  • He felt his stale melancholia leave him, his head become clearer, his nerves tauten. Autumn
  • Hyperglycaemia, or raised blood sugar, is a common effect of uncontrolled diabetes and over time leads to serious damage to many of the body's systems, especially the nerves and blood vessels.
  • The flowering glume is awned, strongly 5-nerved, nerves scabrid and ciliate, the lateral nerves being marginal. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Be still, our jangling nerves. The Sun
  • But when the matter which fills the stomach can be regarded neither as an aliment, that is, as proper to be assimilated, nor as a tonic stimulating the nerves, the cessation of hunger is probably owing only to the secretion of the gastric juice. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Applying lidocaine cream to your forehead may relieve migraine pain by desensitizing the nerves that trigger it.
  • The pain was getting worse as they tugged and pulled at my nerves. The Sun
  • The stern expression he wore did little to calm her already stretched nerves.
  • The drug paralyses the nerves so that there is no feeling or movement in the legs.
  • There are tiny bones, tendons and nerves that all come together in one little area called the carpal tunnel to provide us with our wrist and hand functioning. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Wellness for Writerly Wrists
  • Our skin protects the network of muscles, bones, nerves, blood vessels, and everything else inside our bodies.
  • As an oldies act, his nasal whine, shockingly similar to his father's distinctive voice, grates on the nerves in stereo.
  • They walk out into the arena, all nerves.
  • Spikelets less compressed, linear or linear-oblong; lateral nerves less prominent; not fascicled, long pedicellate and divaricate when ripe. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Using an abacus can stimulate the nerves in the fingers.
  • Tumor infiltration of leptomeningeal veins, cranial nerves, and spinal roots was also noted.
  • In aromatherapy, sandalwood is used mainly for its calming effect on the nerves and for skin treatments.
  • Another thing that just unnerves me is when the head of our department watches me do something, then asks me to do it like three times REALLY SLOW.
  • Too much food also leads to poor sleep patterns, insomnia and weak nerves.
  • He took a few deep breaths to steady his nerves.
  • They have small ganglia developed upon them, and are derived from the renal plexus, which is formed by branches from the celiac plexus, the lower and outer part of the celiac ganglion and aortic plexus, and from the lesser and lowest splanchnic nerves. XI. Splanchnology. 3b. The Urinary Organs
  • Once the blood began to flow they connected the muscles, tendons and nerves. Times, Sunday Times
  • -or, worse yet, for he'd been hastily reading about diseases of the nerves, Lou Gehrig's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ? THE TATTOOED GIRL
  • Objective To provide anatomical data for the clinical operation on neck to locate the acroteric vascular nerves of the tip of the greater horn of hyoid bone(THB) with taking THB as a landmark.
  • Hits it miles, has nerves of steel and is blessed with that they call in football a good touch for a big fella. The Sun
  • The exudate, however, is, as it were, shut in by the dense fibrous layer of the membrane, and the result is that in periostitis it collects between the membrane and the bone, causing swelling and raising of the membrane, and giving rise to excruciating pain from pressure upon the nerves. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • Her stomach fluttered - this could kill her, possibly - and she clamped down on it, stilling her nerves until her mind was smooth and unruffled.
  • One lunchtime, a Ukrainian theatre producer friend showed my daughters photos of the cats she had bought to soothe her nerves during the revolution. Times, Sunday Times
  • You may know me as an exactingly subtle novelist who peels away the artifices of European civilization to expose the twitching nerves of the human animal.
  • Seriously, folks, I was beside myself with nerves, and I ain't a stranger to a cuss at the best of times.
  • Repairing damaged nerves is a very delicate operation/process.
  • Without doubt, in the foundations of the world was graved this end for him -- for him, who was so fine and sensitive, whose nerves scarcely sheltered under his skin, who was a dreamer, and a poet, and an artist. Lost Face
  • The vertebrae on the inside are regularly placed upon one another, but behind they are connected by a cartilaginous ligament; they are articulated in the form of synarthrosis at the back part of the spinal marrow; behind they have a sharp process having a cartilaginous epiphysis, whence proceeds the roots of nerves running downward, as also muscles extending from the neck to the loins, and filling the space between the ribs and the spine. Instruments Of Reduction
  • These, however, were but parenthetic memories, and the turn taken by his affair on the whole was positively that if his nerves were on the stretch it was because he missed violence. The Ambassadors
  • When carrying out the operation, doctors have to take great care not to damage the delicate nerves endings.
  • Sound is converted to signals by the processor and transmitted to the auditory nerves by the electrodes.
  • The general principle is that if there's something torn or painful in the disc, devices can be used to seal the torn bit, or to coagulate the tiny nerves that are detecting the damage in the disc.
  • Similar studies need to be done to evaluate the role of the cholinergic nerves in the gastric response to intragastric ethanol.
  • Yet the trainer himself is a bundle of nerves. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lymphatic vessels are supplied by nutrient vessels, which are distributed to their outer and middle coats; and here also have been traced many non-medullated nerves in the form of a fine plexus of fibrils. VIII. The Lymphatic System. 1. Introduction
  • Despite her stoutness, she suffered from what she called shattered nerves. The Little Lady of the Big House
  • Noise can hammer away at your nerves until you become quite frantic. Survive the Nine to Five - a woman's guide to working well
  • In the evening, after a 4-hour sleep, and 2 grams of a cocktail of Tylenol and Ibuprofen, I can still feel the pain and that is when my friend's verdict is that it is obviously something to do with nerves because only nerve pain cannot be defeated by the heavy dose of painkillers I have ingurgitated. Recent Updates
  • Was it writ all over my face that I was a first time visitor to their city, with my nerves in top gear?
  • Oliver 4:02 pm: Kris – yeah, I have an adult child 26 – bi polar who self medicates on alcohol constantly on my nerves about the money and writing thing. Transcript: Creating While Disabled « Coyote Con
  • The nerves to the legs come from the spinal nerve roots that form the lumbar plexus and the sacral plexus, and which lie deep against the back of the abdomen and the pelvis.
  • In the meantime the war of nerves seems likely to continue.
  • After a weekend of each other's company, nerves had become frayed.
  • The outer layer of blood vessels contains nerves of the sympathetic component of the autonomic nervous system, the activity of which is controlled by the brain.
  • But April, with its whimsical showers and surprised days of panting heat, unnerves me and awakens animal desires.
  • I got away quick, which was down to the nerves, the aggression, the excitement and the adrenalin.
  • The vertebrae on the inside are regularly placed upon one another, but behind they are connected by a cartilaginous ligament; they are articulated in the form of synarthrosis at the back part of the spinal marrow; behind they have a sharp process having a cartilaginous epiphysis, whence proceeds the roots of nerves running downward, as also muscles extending from the neck to the loins, and filling the space between the ribs and the spine. Instruments Of Reduction
  • • Stimulation of the splanchnic nerves, causing increased output of epinephrine and norepinephrine Meditation as Medicine
  • It's use to make the nerve transmitter chemical called acetyl choline that many of our nerves and our brain and our muscles use to send messages.
  • These two close encounters of the edgy kind seemed to calm the champion's nerves. ITF World of Tennis
  • His first intimation that his nerves are failing him occurs while he is out jogging in the Catholic cemetery.
  • Indeed, as I soothed my bruised nerves with brandy fomentations that night, I reflected that there were worse places than India; there was Aberdeenshire, with Ignatieff loose in the bracken, hoping to hang my head on his gunroom wall. Fiancée
  • So, did 400 million citizens and voters queue in blistering heat of 40-plus to soothe the fretful nerves of the market?
  • Our conversation was hampered by the presence of the driver of the hired wagonette, so that we were forced to talk of trivial matters when our nerves were tense with emotion and anticipation. The Seriously Deranged Writer and the Model Cars
  • The principal ganglionic neurons receive the synaptic output of the preganglionic motor fibers in the splanchnic nerves, which originate in the anterior horn cells.
  • The motory nerves, as they descend from the brain, in the medulla oblongata, cross each other to the opposite side of the spinal cord. Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
  • I'm oversensitive and I know that gets on his nerves.
  • For example, breathing in quick abdominal breaths—the Breath of Fire—stimulates the splanchnic nerves in the abdominal cavity, and potentiates release of stimulating epinephrine and norepinephrine. Meditation as Medicine
  • There is no retractable leather grab handle to steady a passenger's nerves.
  • Try breathing exercises to calm your nerves.
  • The reflexes are mediated by the sympathetic or parasympathetic nerves of the autonomic nervous system, in response to information reaching the central nervous system from a variety of receptors in the organs and tissues.
  • The players always feel a huge build-up of tension and nerves before an important game.
  • But with the visitors frustrating their illustrious opponents and Milan's nerves jangling, the league leaders were awarded a dubious spot-kick four minutes from the end when Empoli goalkeeper Daniele Balli collided with Jon Dahl Tomasson.
  • It can also damage nerves in the face, which can lead to blindness. The Sun
  • The home team cannot afford to lose this one because they cannot allow doubt and nerves to invade that aura of invincibility. Times, Sunday Times
  • efferent nerves and impulses
  • The greater and lesser splanchnic nerves (preganglionic sympathetic) are found.
  • There are little moments of giveaway nerves. The Sun
  • Internally, there are muscles, nerves, and connective tissues.
  • Several adjacent nerves tend to meet in a complicated interlacing pattern called a plexus (see p. 164). The Human Brain
  • Tamar took a deep breath to steady her nerves .
  • The condition isn't a true tumor, but instead involves a thickening of the tissue around one of the digital nerves leading to your toes.
  • Structures include the thyroid gland, aortic arch and great vessels, proximal portions of the vagus and recurrent laryngeal nerves, esophagus and trachea.
  • Be still, our jangling nerves. The Sun
  • When we would do a show we worked so hard together and went through everything together including the first night nerves and the elation when everything went right.
  • There are little moments of giveaway nerves. The Sun
  • Cutting the nerves to the stomach does not affect hunger.
  • Also, water and natural, unsweetened fruit juices help calm stressed-out nerves.
  • The ear is supplied by the greater auricular, lesser occipital, and auriculotemporal nerves, and the mastoid branches of the lesser occipital nerve.
  • It, like the opium , will hocus your nerves, blur your eyes and confuse your mind.
  • It is imperative that the needle be positioned correctly so the recurrent laryngeal and phrenic nerves are not infiltrated with medication.
  • I expect, Mr. Harley, that you will be disposed to regard what I have to tell you rather as a symptom of what you call nerves than as evidence of any agency directed against me. Bat Wing
  • But overdo it and you may end up with frayed nerves, a short attention span and the jitters. The Sun
  • It was typical of him in his heyday, so mentally strong, and not a sign of nerves.
  • Aside from paraplegic conditions due to disease of the cord or the lumbosacral plexus, and monoplegic affections resultant from disturbances of this plexus, paralysis of certain nerves are occasionally encountered. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • UK government bonds rose as nerves about Europe's debt crisis sent skittish investors off in search of safe havens. Times, Sunday Times
  • To handle nerves and fix the game by full time is one thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • As to the _legs_, the so-called varicose veins are indications of weak blood-vessels and intestinal hemorrhage, while inflamed nerves lead to the conclusion of gouty diathesis and the danger of paralytic strokes. Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
  • The nerves are derived from the celiac plexus and are chiefly non-medullated. XI. Splanchnology. 4g. The Spleen
  • Constant stress has made our nerves brittle.
  • NEW YORK (AP) - Sean Avery has shed nerves and any inhibitions that might have crept into his game during his banishment from the NHL.
  • The nerves were so strong that she thought she might be sick at any moment.
  • This pill will help to settle your nerves.
  • The habitual spectators at the School of Medicine, the College of France, and the Faculty of Sciences, know how experiments are made on the living flesh, how muscles are divided and cut, the nerves wrenched or dilacerated, the bones broken or methodically opened with gouge, mallet, saw, and pincers. An Ethical Problem Or, Sidelights upon Scientific Experimentation on Man and Animals
  • He needed a cool head, a stout heart and nerves of steel.
  • On the other hand, exercise results in a marked increase in the production of stem cells and new motor neurons—those same motor neurons that are so essential for remyelinating myelin sheaths and axonal nerves in neurological autoimmune disease. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • The preaxial part is derived from the anterior segments, the postaxial from the posterior segments of the limb-bud; and this explains, to a large extent, the innervation of the adult limb, the nerves of the more anterior segments being distributed along the preaxial (radial or tibial), and those of the more posterior along the postaxial (ulnar or fibular) border of the limb. I. Embryology. 12. The Branchial Region
  • The brain of a fish is very small, compared with the spinal cord into which it is continued, and with the nerves which come off from it: of the segments of which it is composed — the olfactory lobes, the cerebral hemisphere, and the succeeding divisions — no one predominates so much over the rest as to obscure or cover them; and the so-called optic lobes are, frequently, the largest masses of all. Essays
  • Nerves are beginning to fray as the match reaches a tense climax.
  • The little glass of _calmant_ was untouched; it was not a drug that had soothed the exhausted nerves. A Prisoner in Fairyland
  • The middle layer, or dermis, contains connective tissue, small blood vessels, sweat and oil glands, nerves, and cells that produce collagen, called fibroblasts.
  • This diurnal variation in melatonin synthesis is brought about by norepinephrine secreted by the postganglionic sympathetic nerves that innervate the pineal gland.
  • Her voice sawing at his nerves, he imagined her en - gulfed in flame, her bleached hair sizzling a special green. Wonder Woman and the Lasso of Truth
  • At the moment, he had been stunned into a kind of quiescence; now his nerves throbbed and tingled. Maurice Guest
  • Placed along the nerves in the limbs of the body, they tell myelinated axons during development whether to go left or right. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • Q And the serratus anterior nerve that-- or the nerves that go to it, where do they come from? Foiled again by all that medical mumbo jumbo!
  • The experimental treatment uses spheres called copolymer micelles that fuse with injured nerve fibers and prevent inflammation from doing more damage to surrounding nerves. Undefined
  • Chris then waited four seconds before resuming his verbal assault on Patrick's frayed nerves.
  • The constant whine of the machinery jangled his nerves.
  • DIAMOND: Well, it's sort of interesting, because the same nerve that enervates our sinuses and our nose is the nerves that carry the information for migraine. CNN Transcript Apr 11, 2009
  • Structures adjacent to the nasopharynx, such as nerves and vessels, facilitate the infiltration of nasopharyngeal cancer through foramina and fissures, from extracranial to intracranial spaces.
  • In healthy people the brain sends these messages to the limbs through nerves in the spinal cord. Times, Sunday Times
  • He suffered two slipped discs and trapped nerves. The Sun
  • Take, for example, batrachia: they are slow, cumbrous and sluggish in their movements; they are unintelligent, and, at the same time, extremely tenacious of life; the reason of which is that, with a very small brain, their spine and nerves are very thick. Religion
  • If diabetic neuropathy has damaged the nerves in your legs and feet, you may not be able to feel pain in those parts of your body.
  • This could result in the disturbance of the nerves or blood supply that runs through the vertebrae. Dictionary of Mind, Body and Spirit
  • Almost, when he knew the blow had started and just ere the edge of steel bit the flesh and nerves it seemed that he gazed upon the serene face of the Medusa, Truth - And, simultaneous with the bite of the steel on the onrush of the dark, in a flashing instant of fancy, he saw the vision of his head turning slowly, always turning, in the devil-devil house beside the breadfruit tree. THE RED ONE
  • Her escape to the kitchen should have settled her nerves but they were still jumping all over the place even after she'd loaded the traymobile with the preferred drinks and the platter of hors d'oeuvres.
  • He lay awake, his nerves throbbing.
  • The cause of gastralgia is a local or sympathetic irritation of the nerves distributed to the stomach. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
  • Signs and symptoms vary depending on which nerves are affected but can range from dizziness to trouble with digestion and urination to sexual difficulties.
  • Parts torn asunder, whether nerves, or cartilages, or epiphyses, or parts separated at symphyses, cannot possibly be restored to their former state; but callus is quickly formed in most cases, yet the use of the limb is preserved. Instruments Of Reduction
  • However, in this situation, like most others, we smokers have a slight advantage; our nasal nerves have long since been deadened with a film of tar.
  • It could be used to make artificial nerves, rubbery needles or wearable electronics.
  • It was his blood pulsing around his body; it was the whistling of his nerves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hits it miles, has nerves of steel and is blessed with that they call in football a good touch for a big fella. The Sun
  • Cue pulped nerves, jellied muscle and a haematoma the size of half a rockmelon. More Sekrit Projekt update
  • I need something warm to calm my nerves, soothe my agitation.
  • You need a cool head and nerves of steel .
  • Similarly, injuries caused by thin slivers of glass produce unimpressive skin wounds but commonly divide flexor tendons and nerves in the forearm.
  • Since I had that memory card fail halfway around Paris the thought of anybody relying on me for photographs unnerves me, so I've made sure they know I can't promise anything.
  • Then, nerves which had been transmitting "touch" begin signalling "pain". Drug-Free Pain Relief
  • In transverse myelitis, demyelination and injury to bundles of axonal nerves occurs in focal areas of the spinal cord, often leading to permanent and severe paralysis. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • They are part of my very nerves and fibre of my being. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, those with strong nerves and plenty of money should consider buying.

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