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How To Use Nerva In A Sentence

  • It felt like chewing string dipped in weed killer, but within a couple of minutes the trembling in his limbs gave way to a kind of enervated thrumming and the pounding in his head subsided to a manageable level. Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
  • A series of enervating campus visits is marked by interchangeably chirpy undergraduate tour guides united by their ability to walk backward while extolling the school's a capella groups and reassuring parents about the high priority placed on security. A Craving for Acceptance
  • The preoccupation with the problem of evil, asserts Nietzsche, enervates the human spirit.
  • Minerva has noticed a growing enthusiasm for using infant bath seats in adult bathtubs.
  • One of the stars of the collection is the Diana and Minerva commode of 1773, so called for the inlaid roundels representing the goddesses of the hunt and the arts, respectively.
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  • We have grasped, perhaps more than any other nation, that there is a long-run cost to dependency on the state, including an aversion to risk that eventually enervates the entrepreneurial spirit necessary for innovation and prosperity. Beware of the Big-Government Tipping Point
  • Next door and across the piazza is the 1983 museum, the last work of an enervated Stone, co-architect of the original 1939 Museum of Modern Art in New York. Easily Accessible Pleasures
  • And over a period of months or a year, or even longer, the nerves will have to re-grow and re-innervate those muscles. CNN Transcript Feb 6, 2006
  • In short, our forty-fourth chief executive sought to end America's two-and-a-third centuries as a truly exceptional nation-more patriotic, more dynamic, more enterprising and freer than any other-to turn the republic into a kind of enervated satellite of Western Europe. News
  • In particular, where a stimulus is applied to the most rostrally situated regions, the cat adopts the normal posture for the physiological deposition of faeces; therefore the stimulus activates the skeletal musculature, which is innervated by the cerebrospinal axis, and which is also responsible for the abdominal muscular pressure. Walter Hess - Nobel Lecture
  • Muscles biopsies also showed scattered atrophy consistent with the process of denervation.
  • After charging his age with being an enervate breed which is "ever on his knees before the footstool of Authority," he goes on to observe that the process of statute-making ought to make one pause before according so much unquestioned deference to statutes.
  • Businessmen, enervated by the pressures of city life, sought spiritual as well as physical refreshment in the new pastime of bushwalking.
  • *] A dwarf shrub belonging to the genus STENOCHILUS, but new, was found here [**]; and we met also with a large spreading tree, from which we could bring away nothing that would enable botanists to describe it, except as to the texture and nervation of the leaves, which, Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • Embroidery_, mentions 'Arachne', it is obvious that he does not expect the reader to think of the daring challenger of Minerva's art, or the Proserpine and Midas
  • I had only just finished the enervating task of packing.
  • In the chick embryo, it was mainly confined to the study of the effects called forth by estirpation of limb primordia or implantation of additional wing or leg buds on their innervating motor and sensory nerve centers. Nobel Lecture The Nerve Growth Factor: Thirty-Five Years Later
  • Paired nerves from the brain and ganglia innervate the body.
  • The actor was recently seen at the Minerva Theatre in Chichester playing William Shakespeare in the Edward Bond play Bingo. Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business » Blog Archive » Patrick Stewart Knighted By Queen Elizabeth II
  • The all-pervasive micro-regulatory state "enervates," but nicely, gradually, so after a while you don't even notice. The State Despotic
  • When I conjure in my mind the objections that people I know make to Christianity, I am reminded of my friend on the couch, enervated by life's manifold demands.
  • Some Indian Ceres or Minerva must have been the inventor and bestower of it; and when the reign of poetry commences here, its leaves and string of nuts may be represented on our works of art.
  • This heat seems to have had a dreadfully enervating effect on everyone.
  • Shoulder denervation and subsequent loss of shoulder joint range, strength, and sensory awareness results in markedly decreased ability to freely move the shoulders and upper extremities.
  • The day's ride had exhausted her already dwindled energy, and the night had truly enervated her.
  • The penis erects is activity of sex of a reflex, must issue the Later Zhou Dynasty of centre, spinal cord to surround nerval action ability to come true through pallium , cortex.
  • A slowly developing narrowing of the palpebral fissure accompanies these events, which reflect a decrease in the sympathetic innervation, which - particularly in the pupil - occurs with an increase in parasympathetic influence. Walter Hess - Nobel Lecture
  • There's no getting away from it: a lot of news media time in the coming year is going to be devoted to that most enervating of subjects.
  • He rejuvenates and remoulds spiritually enervated souls and purifies their intellects by imparting unvitiated Gita knowledge to them.
  • I had only just finished the enervating task of packing.
  • Conclusion Treatment of intractable pain of wrist joint by denervation is mainly indicated in wrist pain at dorsal side.
  • Most of these models rely on a partial denervation of the limb of the animal by ligating a selected nerve.
  • The basic functional unit of muscle is the motor unit, which consists of a motoneuron and the muscle fibers that it innervates.
  • What happens when a stimulus prompts the organism to respond in a given way, is that some sensory nerve, whether of taste or touch or sound, sight, smell, or muscular sensitivity, receives a stimulus which passes through the spinal cord to a motor nerve through which some muscle is "innervated" and a response made. Human Traits and their Social Significance
  • The seizure activity in a particular muscle corresponds to activity in the motoneuron that innervates it.
  • No doubt, these chronic cases are due to suspended innervation and are not to be classed with the ordinary case of atrophy of the abductor muscles of the humerus (supra - and infraspinatus) as in the usual case of Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • This year, the firm has found another work by the artist - a depiction of Minerva, the goddess of wisdom and patroness the arts.
  • He was still weak and shaky, but the dreadful enervation and nausea had disappeared.
  • These temples would have housed the cult statue of the deity, for example the head of Minerva found at Bath, and were not used for congregational worship.
  • There is not much in the world more enervating than talking about cologne, but since the meal was being paid for by Tommy Hilfiger, for whom the publicists worked, I felt duty-bound to express some interest in the scent trade.
  • Fact is, his grogginess is of a piece with his intensely absurd comedy, the enervated mutterings of one worn out by too much hard thinking.
  • At early stages of development, single muscle fibers are innervated by axon terminals from several different motor neurons.
  • A small patch of this muscle ends up serving as a biopotential amplifier for the nerve stump, such that gross EMG signals from the newly reinnervated muscle patch can be used as myoelectric signals. Mind Hacks: July 2006 Archives
  • • The extent to which the reader is drawn into the story and the lives of its characters; the degree to which emotions are stirred, and the imagination filled and innervated The ‘woefully incompetent’ and ‘pugnacious’ André Alexis
  • The pudendal nerve innervates the few striated muscles within the prostatic capsule.
  • The centerpiece depicts the empress enthroned under a baldachin and surrounded by figures of Hercules, Minerva, Mars, and other gods celebrating her military achievements.
  • Vampires represent the fear of a shadowy cabal which parasitises and enervates the common man. Zombies versus vampires in popular culture: an economic approach
  • It was worn down by a long war, in which they played an enervating part.
  • That's not quite true; I have more hours and more money than at the beginning, and have been relieved of some more enervating teaching duties in favour of some more favourable to my interests and temperament.
  • The tension has enervated whole generations of players.
  • The preaxial part is derived from the anterior segments, the postaxial from the posterior segments of the limb-bud; and this explains, to a large extent, the innervation of the adult limb, the nerves of the more anterior segments being distributed along the preaxial (radial or tibial), and those of the more posterior along the postaxial (ulnar or fibular) border of the limb. I. Embryology. 12. The Branchial Region
  • This diurnal variation in melatonin synthesis is brought about by norepinephrine secreted by the postganglionic sympathetic nerves that innervate the pineal gland.
  • Objective: To establish an artificial reflex arc in canines to reinnervate the neuropathic bladder and restore bladder function after spinal cord injury.
  • But sometimes, when the moon was at its waxiest, and when there was mischief and faerie magic on the wind, he could also be one of the most enervating people, as well as one of the kindest, most selfless and gentle men, you could ever hope to meet. Word Magazine - Comments
  • DIAMOND: Well, it's sort of interesting, because the same nerve that enervates our sinuses and our nose is the nerves that carry the information for migraine. CNN Transcript Apr 11, 2009
  • A single motor neuron may innervate more than one fiber. A motor neuron plus all of the muscle fibers that it innervates comprise a motor unit.
  • A muscle biopsy confirmed neuropathic changes in a pattern consistent with denervation.
  • The lack of food enervated him and he couldn't produce the goods when they were required.
  • The [[deutocerebrum]] innervates the antennae; and the last pair, the CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • -- With partial or complete suspension of function of the suprascapular nerve there results enervation of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • When this is well executed, it is punchy and attention-grabbing; done badly, it is flat and enervated.
  • Meanwhile, out-of-doors, you could hear the stamping and roaring of the crowd, goaded into a frenzy by repeated hymns, enfevered by its earnest desire for the Divine interposition, and growing more and more enervated by the delay. The Three Cities Trilogy: Lourdes, Volume 2
  • The Romans identified her with Minerva, a goddess of the household and of craftsmen.
  • Idleness enervates the will to succeed.
  • A hot climate enervates people who are not used to it.
  • Note 13: In the first passage of De pictura, Alberti borrows a Ciceronian proverb (from De amicitia 5.16) concerning the "coarse senses of Minerva" to distinguish the sensate knowledge of a painter from a mathematician's abstract mensurations (see Kemp, "Introduction," 12). Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • I cannot, however, think that botanical evidence of such a nature is sufficient to warrant a satisfactory reference of these Indian coal-fields to the same epoch as those of England or of Australia; in the first place the outlines of the fronds of ferns and their nervation are frail characters if employed alone for the determination of existing genera, and much more so of fossil fragments: in the second place recent ferns are so widely distributed, that an inspection of the majority affords little clue to the region or locality they come from: and in the third place, considering the wide difference in latitude and longitude of Himalayan Journals — Complete
  • That bar was placed improperly and was allowed to grate against the live, nerve innervated bone of my chin, for over a year before I was able to get a reconstruction of my jaw done at Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown, WV. Addicted... Hollywood's prescription drug problem
  • I've been thinking, ies kind of enervating to live where ies warm-to-hot all the time -- and I think we've And all the Stars a Stage
  • Objective To compare the effects of laryngeal framework surgery and reinnervation in the treatment of unilateral paralysis vocal fold .
  • Even stray dogs take shelter from the enervating heat.
  • _Resolved_, That as the imbruted slave, who is content with his own lot, and would not be free if he could, if any such there be, only gives evidence of the depth of his degradation; so the woman who is satisfied with her inferior condition, avering that she has all the rights she wants, does but exhibit the enervating effects of the wrongs to which she is subjected. History of Woman Suffrage, Volume I
  • Minerva was almost overcome by the fumes of hair products when she recently visited her hairdresser.
  • Assuming this, I'd then presume in complete ignorance, mind you that there should be an altar here for Uni in the righthand cella, one for Minerva on the left and Tinia in the center. The Etruscan temple, now with more yummy detail
  • First of all, you are not going to be satisfied if you get a face put on that doesn't innervate, that doesn't work right. CNN Transcript Dec 2, 2005
  • Individual muscle fibers may be innervated by one or both of the excitatory neurons, and generally receive inhibitory input as well.
  • The widespread collapse into an enervated self can not be attributed solely to the economic and social problems of our day.
  • The levator veli palatini muscle, which elevates the soft palate, is innervated by a pharyngeal branch of the vagus nerve.
  • This can be studied by transposing the innervation of a muscle to its antagonist, or by transposing one of its tendons to the opposite side of a joint, such that the mechanical action of the muscle is reversed.
  • Nor does the former mayor address the secondary point that the putatively omnipotent USSR 17 years later lost the Cold War to the apparently "enervated" USA. Stephen Schlesinger: Giuliani: Worse Than Bush
  • Note 13: In the first passage of De pictura, Alberti borrows a Ciceronian proverb (from De amicitia 5.16) concerning the "coarse senses of Minerva" to distinguish the sensate knowledge of a painter from a mathematician's abstract mensurations (see Kemp, "Introduction," 12). Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • For cases where the etiology cannot be determined, ilio-inguinal nerve block or microsurgical denervation may relieve the pain.
  • It was a hot and sultry day, but towards evening there was a hint of a thundershower bringing some relief from the enervating heat.
  • A medullary pacemaker nucleus controls the electrocyte APs via spinal electromotor neurons which innervate the electrocytes. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • The levator veli palatini muscle, which elevates the soft palate, is innervated by a pharyngeal branch of the vagus nerve.
  • If we wanted to bully the weak, we’d support the kind of enervating garbage that liberals have spent the last fifty years trying to push onto the disadvantaged. What Some Feminists Demanded in 1967
  • Autonomic and somatic nerves innervate the penis.
  • There are episodes in his life that recall the career of another man of genius, Gerard de Nerval, poet, noctambulist, suicide. Promenades of an Impressionist
  • In contrast to the innervation of the proximal esophagus, axons from vagal neurons synapse within ganglia of the myenteric plexus.
  • Minerva, like Athene, was usually depicted wearing a helmet and armour and carrying a lance and shield.
  • Objective To probe into the peripheral mechanism of trigeminal neuralgia recurring by observing the change of the vibrissa pad innervation after the rat infraorbital nerve transected and ligated.
  • More recent studies have shown that hepatic denervation causes significant changes in the biliary lipid composition.
  • We need to teach our children to delight in energetic activity, not enervating entertainment.
  • Meanwhile, at the center of children's little pulsing innervated kernels is the phylogenetic imperative encoded in their DNA to grow, to expand, to self-organize, to learn, to exercise the autonomy that defines them as organisms. Teaching Children to Hate School
  • The stories are collectively a portrait of a certain kind of enervated sophistication that even the enervated sophisticates yearn to see upended. The Munro Doctrine of Humor
  • If he is right to challenge Herodotus on the colloquial "the wind grew fagged" or the inadequate "unpleasant end," the same bathos can be achieved by straying too far in the opposite direction, to "the wind grew enervated" or "calamitous termination," say. On the Sublime
  • The knowledge of a shared destiny energizes and sustains many of us, enervates and defeats others.
  • Sperry showed that if nerve connections were rearranged - for example, by redirecting to the other side of the animal the sensory nerves that innervate the left foot of a rat - inappropriate responses resulted that could not be unlearned. Roger Wolcott Sperry
  • Finally, it indicated emphatically that combine cognitive psycology and nerval physiology, and will get progress in memory study.
  • In the past three decades, it has been demonstrated that grafts of dopaminergic neurons derived from fetal and/or embryonic cells survive, reinnervate appropriate targets, and function in vivo in rodent and non-human primate PD models PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The hypoglossal and glossopharyngeal nerves innervate pharyngeal dilator muscles.
  • Her expression, restless and dissatisfied, her attitude, weary and enervated, gave the idea of the title admirably, and I made a good sketch. Five Nights
  • Minerva groaned as her head fell forward, her forehead resting on the rim of the steering wheel.
  • The precision of surgical sympathectomy is important - it must completely denervate the appropriate limb to be effective.
  • It enervated Sven, draining his energy and willpower, then paralyzing him.
  • The detrusor, levator ani, and external sphincter muscles share the sacral nerves as a common innervation source.
  • Gibbon was fortunate that his study touched on contemporary anxieties - the enervating effect of luxury, the fragility of civilization.
  • The sensory nerve, arising from the branches of the superior laryngeal nerve, innervates the mucous membrane of the larynx.
  • Like the majority of 16 th-century translucent coloured enamels, those in the portrait of Marguerite de France as Minerva have a low lead content.
  • For erudition and enthusiasm, the roster of academic heavyweights who sail on the Minerva is hard to beat. Times, Sunday Times
  • I rose by candle-light, and consumed, in the intensest application, the hours which every other individual of our party wasted in enervating slumbers, from the hesternal dissipation or debauch. Pelham — Complete
  • The hot sun enervated her to the point of collapse.
  • Nervous system: Its nervous system is made up of a brain, which has three pairs of deutocerebrum innervates the antennae; and the last pair, the tritocerebrum, controls the labrum, and also connects the rest of the nervous system to the brain. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • It was not for me to dictate words to be uttered by the heroes and heroines of the Minerva Magazine, contrary to the theories of the editor thereof.
  • Why then should this enervating pity unsteel my foolish heart? Clarissa Harlowe
  • Mori suggested that atlantomastoideus, obliquus capitis superior, and longissimus capitis arise from the same anlage based on their innervation by the dorsal division of C1.
  • Minerva did not know that the mouth guards worn by boxers, rugby players, and other competitors were meant to protect the wearer from concussion.
  • Before Minerva could defend Kelly with a catty remark, Kelly cut her short.
  • Thanks so much and hope you regain your energy soon… don't let school or whatever it is enervate you too much.
  • It was not that the founders wanted to write religion out of the new nation; Kidd insists that they tended to view robust religion as indispensable to a good society, but that there was a widespread current of thought -- among both the preachers and the Patriots -- that involvement with worldly power tended to enervate and corrupt true religion, so they were careful to reserve ministry for the ministers. Anil Mundra: 'God Of Liberty': The Role Of Religion In American Independence
  • It is innervated by the anterior interosseous branch of the median nerve.
  • Always ‘in character’ as the self-appointed roué, Jerome's encounters with women are strangely enervated events.
  • Jupiter was added to the originally female Capitoline Triad by outsing the Virgin form of the Goddess, Jeventas, leaving Juno and Minerva as Jupiter's two female partners. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Minerva is used to researchers describing the studies in a meta-analysis as poor, inadequate, or badly reported.
  • The basic functional unit of muscle is the motor unit, which consists of a motoneuron and the muscle fibers that it innervates.
  • innervate a muscle or a nerve
  • indigenous" continues to haunt political, administrative and judicial actions; it innervates and imbricates other logics of oppression, discrimination and social exploitation. Indybay newswire
  • Previous anatomical studies of PACAP/melanopsin-containing retinal innervation suggested roles of PACAP/melanopsin in a broad variety of nonvisual photoreception PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • A feather bed enervates the body of a child.
  • In the pelvis, the sacral component innervates the bladder and rectum, where it mediates voiding.
  • The deep branch innervates the quadriceps muscle, knee joint, and medial ligament.
  • This syndrome also illustrates the capacity of motor nerves to recover and to reinnervate the denervated face muscles.
  • To experience the enervating, exasperating and humbling feeling that comes from trying to plumb the depths of this most amazing subject we call mathematics, is to transcend the limits of human capability and fortify oneself against the buffets of life.
  • John Garthwaite had just reported that nitric oxide was a neuro transmitter in the brain, and we wondered whether or not nitric oxide could be the neurotransmitter in the so called nonadrenergic noncholinergic neurons that were known to innervate the corpus cavernosum smooth muscle. Louis J. Ignarro - Autobiography
  • An enervating meeting about restructuring, late home and i'm looking forward to sleep.
  • But if you have still enough of human feeling (or, as my husband would call it, '"Minerva Press" tendency') about you, to feel yourself commoved by such phenomena, it may interest you to know that, on opening your letter the other day, and beholding the little 'feminine contrivance' inside, I suddenly and unaccountably fell a-crying, as if I had gained a loss. Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • Optic ganglia: are at the sides of the procerebrum and innervate the compound eyes. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • It had been originally started as a Tory paper by a few old "fogies" who used to meet at "Joe Lindon's," "The Minerva," in Peck Lane; and this was how it came about: _The Times_ had, early in 1825, in a leader, held up to well-deserved ridicule some action on the part of the Birmingham Tory party. Personal Recollections of Birmingham and Birmingham Men
  • What was needed was the creation of the “sober, industrious, and thrifty” worker who rejected “riotous living,” “the display of enervating luxury,” and “the insane attempt to keep up appearances which are not legitimate.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • The neuromasts of this canal are the only ones to be innervated by the otic branch of the facialis nerve, or by its superficial ophthalmic branch.
  • Secondly, having regard to the great swelling and coldness of the limb, we must apply hot bricks round it, and sprinkle them with a decoction of nerval herbs in wine and vinegar, and wrap them in napkins; and to his feet, an earthenware bottle filled with the decoction, corked, and wrapped in cloths. The Harvard Classics Volume 38 Scientific Papers (Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology)
  • “Absolutely,” Minerva said, casting Giles a minxish glance. How to Woo a Reluctant Lady
  • It is innervated by the anterior interosseous nerve and may be represented as the tibialis posterior of the leg.
  • A headless statue of Minerva was sold for £1000.
  • The fear is of contamination, some sort of pollution seen to have a diluting, enervating effect on a group that considers itself whole and defined by essential, unchanging characteristics.
  • Since reciprocal innervation has been observed to obtain between these muscles, the phase of lapse of excitation is probably one of filer active inhibition. Sir Charles Sherrington - Nobel Lecture
  • All respective first-order sensory neuropils are innervated by NOS-containing interneurons.
  • His enervated foster parents solved the problem by giving the little rowdy into the custody of a cloister.
  • Individual muscle fibers may be innervated by one or both of the excitatory neurons, and generally receive inhibitory input as well.
  • These writers were suspicious of the enervating effects of modernity, and contrasted Australian virility with the dulled manhood of Europe.
  • In addition to these objects of women's interest, there are several tokens of men's concerns: a model of the ship Minerva, a deadeye, and a delicately carved game box.
  • Unlike most postmodernists, he doesn't enervate the past or its ideas with condescension.
  • The hypoglossal and glossopharyngeal nerves innervate pharyngeal dilator muscles.
  • Ionizing radiation enervates the human gene pool and it weakens our immune systems.
  • For your own sake, nip this kind of enervating speculation in the bud. Author! Author! » 2006 » April
  • The smooth muscle portion of the esophagus is innervated by neurons within the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus.
  • Three objects are asserted to be obtained by his disciples: development of muscular fibre, increased arterialization, and improved innervation. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 19, May, 1859
  • Russia needs to learn that in spite of their own enervating foreign wars and economic worries the members of the Western alliance can still unite in front of a challenge.
  • We were paying the penalty of success, and the day was quite early wearing an enervated, faded, stale-end sort of air. THE DISPOSAL OF THE LIVING
  • This was enough; and the next morning Farfrae might have been discovered driving his gig out of Casterbridge in that direction, Elizabeth-Jane sitting beside him, wrapped in a thick flat fur -- the victorine of the period -- her complexion somewhat richer than formerly, and an incipient matronly dignity, which the serene Minerva-eyes of one "whose gestures beamed with mind" made becoming, settling on her face. The Mayor of Casterbridge
  • Minerva's pitiful attempts at music making leave her envious of those with perfect pitch.
  • an enervation of mind greater than any fatigue
  • The preaxial part is derived from the anterior segments, the postaxial from the posterior segments of the limb-bud; and this explains, to a large extent, the innervation of the adult limb, the nerves of the more anterior segments being distributed along the preaxial (radial or tibial), and those of the more posterior along the postaxial (ulnar or fibular) border of the limb. I. Embryology. 12. The Branchial Region
  • It was a hot and sultry day, but towards evening there was a hint of a thundershower bringing some relief from the enervating heat.
  • A few weeks of the Blair, Bush, and Campbell vision of an enervate media might change their minds.
  • Meanwhile, the publisher of the daily paper Minerva, Noah Webster -- of Webster's "speller" fame -- tired of the rough-and-tumble of journalism and withdrew from public life altogether. Newspaper Wars
  • Be responsible for high quality, reasonable Minerva according to the actual situation of the proposed site.
  • STENOCHILUS, but new, was found here78; and we met also with a large spreading tree, from which we could bring away nothing that would enable botanists to describe it, except as to the texture and nervation of the leaves, which, Sir William Hooker observes, resemble Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • Diagnosis of the condition can be difficult because transplant recipients have denervated hearts and rarely present with chest pain.
  • The anterior compartment flexor muscles of the arm are innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve, and the large posterior compartment extensor muscle is innervated by the radial nerve.
  • My studies in graduate school involved developing a better understanding of why and how neurons of the sympathetic nervous system innervate the heart and produce and release norepinephrine. Louis J. Ignarro - Autobiography
  • Minerva is seeking a new non-executive chairman to take over by the time of the annual meeting in November. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the fermentation is of vegetables or fruit, the toxins are irritating, stimulating and enervating, but not so dangerous or destructive to organic life as putrefaction, which is a fermentation set up in nitrogenous matter -- protein-bearing foods, but particularly animal foods. How and When to Be Your Own Doctor
  • Picking up the red chalk, he drew the musculature of the shark and with the yellow chalk he drew the nerves that innervate those muscles. Egnorance: The Egotistical Combination of Ignorance and Arrogance - The Panda's Thumb
  • Our clinical findings suggest that the neuronal disorder may be compensated to some degree because the intestines are richly innervated.
  • After Publius Licinius Nerva’s letter confessing the extent of the crisis in Sicily reached Rome, Scaurus began to hear one senatorial name bruited about among the grain merchants; his sensitive proboscis smelled fresher — and gamier — game than the false scent of Fimbria and Memmius. The First Man in Rome
  • Electromyography may show short-duration, small-amplitude, polyphasic motor units with an increased terminal innervation ratio (number of fibers innervated by a single anterior horn cell).
  • The men worked quite long hours, and this was trying enough in such an enervating climate.
  • For one thing, the enervating heat is enough to make anyone put off their visit until the evening hours, when lower temperatures are likely to make life more comfortable for those who want to move around the stalls.
  • Minerva wonders why it's called a disorder at all, and whether this is another example of the medicalisation of normal human behaviour.
  • The hot sun enervated her to the point of collapse.
  • El marco interno de apoyo esta hecho de plástico reforzado con vidrio y procesados con aberturas originales y nervaduras que garantizan la comodidad del asiento. Rigidified table cloth (resin), with no feet
  • In writing the 1955 review on the "Pharmacology of vascular smooth muscle," I had become very interested in the mechanisms by which sympathetic postganglionic denervation and certain drugs like cocaine markedly potentiate the response of effector organs to epinephrine and norepinephrine, yet markedly reduce the response to the sympathomimetic tyramine. Robert F. Furchgott - Autobiography
  • This innervation pattern is repeated in all three thoracic ganglia, and it appears that each of these intersegmental axons supplies the VACs of all three ganglia with NOS-containing collaterals.
  • The somnambulism of the left, having won something but not so much that it appears to have upset business as usual, is innervated further by dire predictions of losing even what has been accomplished. Stephen Herrington: The Invisible Six Point Democratic Lead
  • In one of these scenes, the portrait of the emperor has been recarved rather awkwardly to represent his successor Nerva, resulting in a somewhat disproportionate pinheaded effect.
  • Detailed work on a series of isolated crustacean limb muscle preparations showed a consistent pattern of innervation among decapod crustaceans.
  • It is thought that painful lesions are those that involve peritoneal surfaces innervated by peripheral spinal nerves, not those innervated by the autonomic nervous system.
  • The second pathway arises from the median raphe and enervates the hippocampus and appears to mediate resilience and adaptation to stress.
  • Interestingly, therefore, the nitrergic innervation of the thoracic sensory neuropils follows the separation of tactile and proprioceptive pathways found in early mechanosensory processing.
  • ‘Serves you right for wearing that,’ Minerva said pointing to Roxie's black bandeau accompanied by hipster jeans.
  • Yes, I'm critical, but I'm also firmly in this show's grip and don't deny it. 24 is a classic example of why "enervating" rhymes with "entertaining. Archive 2008-05-18
  • The above comparison shows that throughout the locust nervous system, primary sensory neuropils are innervated by NOS-expressing interneurons.
  • Christianity because he feared that it might otherwise lapse into a kind of enervated allegory. Latest Articles
  • Aristophanes essayed the task both by criticism and example -- by criticism, directing the shafts of his ridicule at over-emphasis and over-subtlety, by example, writing himself in inimitable perfection the beautiful Attic dialect, which was being enervated and effeminated and spoiled in the hands of his opponents. The Eleven Comedies, Volume 1
  • If absence and remoteness do not destroy friendship, they attenuate or exhaust it, they enervate it.
  • You kissed Minerva, and she gave you a setdown to blister your ears. How to Woo a Reluctant Lady
  • Walk through a shopping district or a fashionable neighbourhood in Delhi and the enervating sound of a dozen generators assaults your ears.
  • From amid these evil dreams, which menaced his health, he was sent into the country, where he recovered within a year and a half, but at the age of fifteen he once confessed: "Je n'osais pas l'avouer, mais j'éprouvais continuellement des picotements et des surexcitations aux _parties_; à la fin, cela m'énervait tant que plusieurs fois, j'ai pensé me jeter par la fenêtre au dortoir. Dream Psychology Psychoanalysis for Beginners
  • The hot sun enervated her to the point of collapse.

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