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[ US /nɝˈɪtɪk/ ]
  1. relating to the region of shallow water adjoining the seacoast
    neritic fauna
    neritic fauna
  2. of or relating to the region of the sea over the continental shelf which is less than 200 meters deep
    neritic fauna
    neritic fauna
    neritic oil

How To Use neritic In A Sentence

  • The corpses of the neritic animals and of those that swim between the two waters are the direct or indirect sustenance of the abyssal fauna. Mare Nostrum (Our Sea) A Novel
  • The biologist devoted most of his time, meanwhile, to the whaling industry, there being no less than seven stations on the island; he also made collections of the neritic fauna, and, accompanied by the photographer, studied the bird life and the habits of the sea – elephants along the east coast. South: the story of Shackleton’s last expedition 1914–1917
  • The shelf has neritic phytoplankton and zooplankton communities, somewhat separated from the offshore areas while receiving variable influence from the offshore environment. Faroe Plateau large marine ecosystem
  • Before and after the late Paleocene thermal maximum, upwelling and biological productivity were less intense, and seafloor dysoxia was restricted to neritic parts of the basin. Bürger and Cubasch: Are multiproxy climate reconstructions robust? « Climate Audit
  • Their depositional environment varies from outer neritic to upper or middle bathyal.
  • neritic fauna
  • The occurrence higher in the succession of nummulites and neritic fossils indicates overall shallowing upwards.
  • After a short erosion interval, rapid subsidence started to produce contemporaneous neritic limestone and shallow bathyal marl again.
  • Variability of pelagic fish stocks off California in Proceedings of the expert consultation to examine changes in abundance and species composition of neritic fish resources. California Current large marine ecosystem
  • In the highest, is the so-called neritic zone, -- the oceanic surface, diaphanous and luminous, far from any coast. Mare Nostrum (Our Sea) A Novel
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