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Nephrops norvegicus

  1. edible European lobster resembling the American lobster but slenderer

How To Use Nephrops norvegicus In A Sentence

  • The ontogeny of crustacean hemocyanin, the copper-based oxygen transport protein, has been studied in relatively few species, including Nephrops norvegicus and Homarus americanus.
  • The ontogeny of crustacean hemocyanin, the copper-based oxygen transport protein, has been studied in relatively few species, including Nephrops norvegicus and Homarus americanus.
  • Nephrops norvegicus, has found a home with Entoprocta and Ectoprocta. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Nephrops norvegicus), and increases in sensitivity up to 1000 above the more common apposition type eye (where light remains within a single facet/ommatidium). CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
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