

[ US /ˌnioʊˈpɫeɪtənəst/ ]
  1. an adherent of Neoplatonism

How To Use Neoplatonist In A Sentence

  • But in the second half of the century both neoplatonists and mechanists usually promoted more practical projects.
  • Metaphysics VII 3: In abstracting all qualities and other determinations from body Aristotle arrived at a conception of characterless, undetermined matter, a “prime matter” that the Neoplatonists later defined as formless and incorporeal (because it was no actual body, but only the necessary underlying condition for bodies). John Philoponus
  • His analysis of the Derveni papyrus shows that there were two distinct Orphic theogonies of classical date, that were later modified and finally amalgamated into the ‘24 Rhapsodies’ from which the Neoplatonists quote.
  • Most Neoplatonists followed Alexander of Aphrodisias in regarding logic not as a separate philosophical discipline (the Stoic view) but rather as philosophy's tool, its organon. John Philoponus
  • Being mathematicians, they elected to name their firstborn after someone called Hypatia of Alexandria, a Neoplatonist philosopher who met a sticky end when, presumably having pissed off the wrong people the Antiplatonists? she was stripped naked and flayed with oyster shells before being burned alive. Confetti Confidential
  • As for eudaemonism, sure, I follow Professor Long on this point although, my conception of virtue is colored by my reading Augustine, the theurgic neoplatonists, and the “Blue Socialist” tradition of William Cobbett and John Ruskin. Abortion on demand and without apology (Kiwi edition)
  • “ancient theology” (prisca theologia); and according to Agrippa and Florentine philosophers such as Ficino, this wisdom was passed along by way of the Pythagoreans to Plato and his later disciples, whom the Renaissance called Platonists but modern scholarship calls Neoplatonists. Loss of Faith
  • Even when the Renaissance Neoplatonist Marsilio Ficino talked about the health of the scholar he meant to refer to the state of his spiritus.
  • Stretching all the way back to the Neoplatonist Plotinus, experientialism views what the believer refers to as God as "the one beyond all knowing and being (66). blogs
  • When he returned to Sardis he entered the circle of local Neoplatonists, learned theurgy and medicine, and mainly taught rhetoric.
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