How To Use Neophyte In A Sentence
And as far as the stuff that is really revolutionary, my neophyte status and lack of concrete knowledge when it comes to these things has prevented me from being able to really tackle the new and different within music.
There's no greater feeling for a neophyte author than having an unpublished writer look up to you as a mentor.
The neophyte candidate claimed it was a security project run amok, making the whole affair reminiscent of Watergate: too much money pushing too many imaginative staffers toward too much mischief.
But teachers rarely do this sort of thing, as it threatens their livelihoods and, besides, they are only sitting beside the neophyte musician for about an hour a week.
A muddled story, poor editing, a neophyte director, less-than-stellar special effects, and a couple poor casting choices have combined to make the movie a shadow of what it could have been.

Although I imagine those with more knowledge of the other series will have a deeper understanding, it is still quite accessible to neophytes like myself.
During the first centuries the comparison of the church with an army was carried out even in details; [5] the baptism of the neophyte was the oath of fidelity to the flag taken by the recruits.
The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism
It recalls the cowled monk with his cross, and the soldier close following with his sword; the old mission-house, with its church and garrison beside it; the fierce savage lured from a roving life, and changed into a toiling _peon_, afterwards to revolt against a system of slavery that even religion failed to make endurable; the neophyte turning his hand against his priestly instructor, equally his oppressor; revolt followed by a deluge of blood, with ruinous devastation, until the walls of both _mission_ and military _cuartel_ are left tenantless, and the redskin has returned to his roving.
The Lone Ranche
A group of rustic roysterers are admitting a neophyte into the drunken _confrerie.
Castilian Days
The Indians must apply to the commandant at the presidio, who, after obtaining from the padre a report, was to issue a written permit entitling the neophyte and his family to go where they chose, their names being erased from the Mission register.
The Old Franciscan Missions Of California
Watching a neophyte take a crack at the banjo is the scariest thing since George Harrison tried playing the sitar.
The Only Good Banjo Is a Dead Banjo
He was testing Thack, apparently, trying out his time-proven shtick on an unwitting neophyte.
Merrifield, who received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Wyoming, and is currently a Professor of Economics at the University of Texas at San Antonio, is no neophyte on the subject of school choice.
Being a neophyte, rookie and simpleton, I wasn't automatically in the mindset of gaming.
It should be sobering that a political neophyte who has imbibed the entirety of his campaign know-how over the past two months feels it appropriate -- and hardly worth highlighting -- the fact that he will be a counter-measure to the communist and terrorist forces that the Sarah Palin-approved pundit class has been shoehorning into the public discourse.
Asher Smith: Refudiate is the New Normalcy
Its liturgical name is Dominica in albis depositis, derived from the fact that on it the neophytes, who had been baptized on Easter Eve, then for the first time laid aside their white baptismal robes.
Archive 2009-04-01
DiMarco proves himself a capable director by sticking neophyte actors in extreme situations and then coaxing sober, appropriate responses from them.
Tobias Wolff is a short story writer, a memoirist, a novelist, a father, a husband, a jazz aficionado, a hiker upon remote mountain trails, a winner of literary awards, a neophyte pianist, and the mentor of many young writers.
Brancusi's transformation from a neophyte realist to a visionary abstract sculptor was sudden; Mondrian's evolution from a quiet landscapist to what he called "neoplasticism" was gradual, methodical and arduous.
When Less Was More
Neophytes at duck identification often confuse a bufflehead with a male hooded merganser when the latter's crest is raised showing a large patch of white feathers.
He was a hero for most black people in 1960, and his presence gave the neophyte activists a clear sense of their own contribution to the growing civil rights movement.
But the expectations being pinned to their neophyte shoulders are, to a degree, based upon what they might become more than what they are right now.
And I had to look up the word neophyte so does that also make me 78% dumb?
The Bad Mommyblogger Purity Test
It wasn't easy for a neophyte artist to break into the sometimes cutthroat toy business: When Kiwus was starting out, other artists wouldn't even share their secret recipes for sculpting wax.
For complete neophytes, you mash squash and potatoes with a potato masher.
Porteous says her cast of 13 neophyte and four professional actors have ‘really embraced’ the updated context.
I seldom see many if any of these qualities in neophyte hunters and often the complete package is missing in the more experienced.
Update to: Q: Question by steve182.
Frontlines aims to discourage such reckless neophyte abandon in a variety of ways.
It was nicely enlightening to see a reaction from a true neophyte, which is going to be noticeably different than the folks who have read all the books and have that as a jumping-off point.
Harry Potter Through Fresh Eyes: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix | /Film
These young men are not merely neophytes of the church with special responsibility for leading chants at services, but are viewed as quasi-magicians in their own right.
For complete neophytes, you mash squash and potatoes with a potato masher.
In Bollywood Hero, Kattan's diminutive stature and bug-eyed style cause a rift between neophyte Dancing Boy filmmakers Monty (Ali Fazal) and Priya (Pooja Kumar), who discover that casting and financing a romantic epic featuring the goofy Corky Romano star can be problematic.
Live, from Mumbai! It's Chris Kattan and 'Bollywood Hero'
From 2002 on, neophyte curatorial assistants (or even well-traveled Ph.Ds.) facing a similar challenge will have breath-taking experience when they heft and open Jay Savage's monumental opus on Costa Rican herps.
The advisers give advice to the Guild-mistress, and are her closest friends, and they also train the messengers, neophytes, and initiates to do their duties.
When his neophyte cast pull it off, their exchanges have an appealingly edgy authenticity.
Two men recently died, an ambitious neophyte politician and his political rival, in a bizarre shooting in New York's City Council chambers.
In hunting for quail, it is called neophyte, sophomoric, ticketing, hunting accident.
Bringing the Spirit of a Vietnam Vet up to Speed on Iraq
The tendency to start forming another church ‘is one of the primary sins that besets radical Christian neophytes.’
As for the future, Washington offers the professional neophyte only his best wishes and a bit of advice he got from his own dad years ago.
Veteran extras warn neophytes to beware the purges.
He returned it with a high looping sidespin shot, the kind that could utterly befuddle a neophyte but would be a lost point against an experienced player.
Robot Adept
The actual English teaching that gets done in this situation may be minimal, while the neophyte teacher is busy struggling for survival.
The fact that he doesn't understand how federal legislation gets introduced, debated and enacted is amazing, but then again, we knew this guy was a neophyte coming in. ez
WH senior aide: Obama considering major speech on health care
Veteran extras warn neophytes to beware the purges.
The neophyte politician, who has served just one term on the Burnsville City Council, turned heads this summer when it was announced that her campaign had raked in more than half a million dollars.
America's working neophytes' unrestrained optimism stems from having come of age in a flush economy and a tight labor market, with lots of highly visible examples of meteoric corporate career arcs.
The twins enjoyed confusing the Neophyte with their cryptic words and alembicated rhetoric.
I would even be caught reading The Idiot's Guide to Wicca & Witchcraft, which I admit is a very good book for neophytes of Wicca, Witchcraft, or Paganism, such as I am.
The brown wincey and the coarse apron seemed to her the neophyte's robe, betokening
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. XVI., December, 1880.
Just as the new convert to Islam sees the work of God in all things, the Marxist neophyte is tempted to understand all human activity through the lens of the base/superstructure model.
Some of the neophytes such as myself have been discussing this of late, though we've been talking specifically about the MMOGs themselves, and splitting them, vaguely and unassuredly, between "World" and "Game".
Burn baby burn
McCain ---- Picks a noname neophyte and puts the whole nation at risk
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And with only three records to his credit, neophytes don't exactly face a long and spotty recorded history to sift through for the goods.
Entry-level playwriting texts always instruct neophytes to centre their dramas on key conflicts.
Furthermore, experienced inspectors knew what, when, and how to pursue a subject that is unlikely to occur to a neophyte.
The neophyte actor, now 19, was plucked from a Scottish classroom some two years ago and cast in Sweet Sixteen, the stormy movie about a troubled young lad and his dealings with the mob.
Diachronic versus synchronic approaches vied with endocentric versus exocentric to confound the neophyte.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol III No 2
It contains sections describing the bishop, presbyters, deacons, confessors, widows, lectors, virgins, subdeacons, healers, neophyte Christians, and artisans and craftsmen.
I realize I sound like a complete and utter neophyte, but I'm quite curious about this potential onomastic connection to Minoan Crete.
Minoan citynames with an Egyptian accent
A neophyte researcher in the subject would be helped to get literature, but I am sure that such a tender plant would soon suffer multiple-stresses associated with uncontrolled information overload lacking structure.
He has been teaching Clay about the Nation and the Muslim faith, and the neophyte is so taken with the religious leader that he begins calling himself Cassius X.
A Jesuit, who was formerly a missionary among the cannibals, at the time when Canada still belonged to the king of France, related to me that once, as he was explaining these Jewish laws to his neophytes, a little impudent Frenchman, who was present at the catechising, cried out, “They are the laws of cannibals.”
A Philosophical Dictionary
Inductees, referred to as "neophytes" by members, are traditionally required to sit at tables with long black table cloths, and, at least in last year's ceremony, are required to preform for the crowd.
Wall Street's Secret Society Elects New Members
In Charles County, a political neophyte is challenging a longtime county government official who in recent years was accused of unethical behavior for allegedly misleading county commissioners.
Newcomer challenges Charles County register of wills
Back in 1962, Hunthausen went off a neophyte to Rome having barely had time to read the voluminous documents written in Latin for the bishops' deliberations.