How To Use Neonate In A Sentence

  • Community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus necrotizing fasciitis in a neonate. SUPERBUG
  • It is most likely that the nonmosaic tetraploidy of the neonate was caused by a cytoplasmic cleavage failure at the first mitotic division.
  • Objective To discuss the possibility of surgical repair of congenital cleft lip and alveolar process cleft in neonate stage.
  • In the absence of vaccination (which can usually prevent neonatal infection) most exposed neonates and young children will be infected and become lifelong carriers.
  • Check for bulging fontanelle in the neonate (a late sign).
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  • Passive antibodies transferred across the placenta during pregnancy provide protection for neonates, but this protection is lost fairly soon.
  • In view of the increasing incidence of neonate omphalitis, the PDCA circulation was used for managing this disease to improve the protective measures during bathing the neonate.
  • Adult circumcision required urgently or emergently for things like phimosis (a "stuck" foreskin that can't be retracted) or a paraphimosis (a foreskin stuck in the retracted position) is a huge undertaking compared to the two minute procedure for a neonate. Neonatal Circumcision (Controversy? Who, Moi?)
  • Many neonates are diagnosed by prenatal ultrasound, which allows parents to meet with craniofacial team members before the birth of their infant.
  • During induction and the preparatory phase, radiant heat lamps are used to maintain the neonate's temperature and prevent chilling.
  • Fatal complications and outcomes (neonatal death and intracranial haemorrhage) were similar between neonates and infants from two large birth cohorts in the United States after delivery by forceps or vacuum extraction.
  • Objective To evaluate the damage of hyperbilirubinemia to brain and hearing by brainstem audio electric potential (BAEP) screening in neonates with hyperbilirubinemia but without kernicterus.
  • Ninety-five percent of neonates with GBS-positive infections and signs of sepsis exhibit them in the first 24 hours of life.
  • In the vitamin group, 12.5 per cent neonates had birth weight below 2.5 kg compared to 15.6 per cent in the placebo group.
  • Mothers of rats have been shown to stimulate male neonates significantly more frequently than their female littermates.
  • Analysis of their results reveals that there is great deal of variability among neonates with regards to the disposition of mdomethacin.
  • The surgeon places a radiopaque sponge in the back of the neonate's throat to minimize the amount of blood ingested and then makes an incision along the hard palate.
  • In view of the increasing incidence of neonate omphalitis, the PDCA circulation was used for managing this disease to improve the protective measures during bathing the neonate.
  • The primary reason for treating jaundice in neonates is to prevent neurologic damage.
  • Immune serum globulin has been used prophylactically and therapeutically against enteroviruses in neonates and immunocompromised patients.
  • Moreover, the use of this time in culture also matches up to brain growth rate in full-term neonate PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Signs and symptoms of Lithium toxicity such as hypertonia, hypothermia, cyanosis and ECG changes have been reported in some infants and neonates. TreeHugger
  • Among hospitals giving intramuscular injections to term neonates, no differences were noted on the basis of infant feeding practices.
  • The last four items, however, are not relevant to our review because they refer to delivery of neonates (preterm or term births).
  • Death or serious disability (kernicterus) associated with failure to identify and treat hyperbilirubinemia in neonates Undefined
  • We therefore explain heterogeneity between trials mainly by changes in the conventional treatment of respiratory distress in premature neonates over time.
  • Fosphenytoin may be infused into scalp veins of neonates or infants.
  • The program keeps neonatologists and neonatal healthcare providers up-to-date with the latest therapies used to treat the sick neonate. Information for Healthcare Professionals
  • When a neonate develops bilious vomiting, one should suspect a surgical condition.
  • Oxygen therapy is an important but problematic issue in the treatment of prematurely born neonates and in the respiratory insufficiency associated with the acute respiratory distress syndrome.
  • Adult circumcision required urgently or emergently for things like phimosis (a "stuck" foreskin that can't be retracted) or a paraphimosis (a foreskin stuck in the retracted position) is a huge undertaking compared to the two minute procedure for a neonate. Archive 2007-06-01
  • Apnea of prematurity is one of the most common and frustrating conditions that nurses, physicians and neonates face in the intensive care unit.
  • To maximize the chance of extubation to nCPAP we chose to use a combination of surfactant and caffeine as a respiratory stimulant to enable preterm neonates to be maintained on nCPAP.
  • ‘This work challenges the view that neonates are not immune competent at birth,’ said Dr Griebel.
  • Objective To explore relationship between changes of FST segment and asphyxia of neonates and effect on asphyxia of neonates after inter _ uterine resuscitation .
  • Research evidence contradicts the commonly held belief that neonates do not perceive pain. 2.
  • Because neonates have both an immature NADH-dependent methemoglobin reductase system and higher levels of fetal hemoglobin,11-12 they are more susceptible to the oxidative stresses which can be seen with phenazopyridine. Phenazopyridine
  • A shunt infection can be devastating for the neonate or premature infant, especially when it involves gram-negative organisms. Hydrocephalus
  • CONCLUSION: Betamethasone and dexamethasone are comparable in reducing the rate of most major neonatal morbidities and mortality in preterm neonates.
  • As I mentioned in my testimony in 1996 before the House Subcommittee on the Constitution, very preterm neonates have the neuroanatomic substrate and functional physiologic and chemical processes in the brain responsible for mediating pain or noxious stimuli (known as nociception). The 25th Anniversary Of Roe v Wade: The Test Of Time
  • The use of oral sucrose, with or without pacifiers, has been shown to relieve pain in neonates, as assessed by physiologic and behavioral pain indicators and pain scores.
  • It is suggested to utilize this detection for genetic counseling, prenatal diagnosis, and the genetic screening of neonates and the sensorineural hearing loss with unknown reason.
  • To the best of our knowledge, skin necrosis of this nature by cetrimide has not been reported in a neonate.
  • So F, who has seen the photographs of himself as a neonate from 1999, is keen to be woken up in time for this one. Getting up in the middle of the night
  • However, efficacy data on these two therapies in neonates is lacking.
  • Methods Umbilical cord blood was collected from 1 014 neonates born in coastal city (763 cases from vaginal birth, 251 cases from cesarean section) for THS determination by IRMA.
  • This is more than twice the production rate in adults, primarily because of relative polycythemia and increased red blood cell turnover in neonates.
  • It is usually not significant in immunocompetent individuals, but can be of serious consequence, and sometimes fatal, in neonates, infants, and immunosuppressed patients.
  • An example of such a process was the United Kingdom extracorporeal membrane oxygenation collaborative trial in neonates.
  • Well established, scientifically founded criteria for the diagnosis of anemia in the neonate are not available at present.
  • They have the opportunity to work with multiple age groups from neonates to geriatrics.
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  • Nursery personnel with an active herpetic whitlow should not have direct care of neonates.
  • Because of the large inter-individual variability in indomethacin pharmacokinetic in neonates, it is to be established to what degree the patient characteristics influence the pharmacokinetics of drugs.
  • Both low and high birth weight term neonates have high fasting and post-glucose insulin levels.
  • Conclusion Color echocardiography can be used routinely in diagnosis of congenital heart disease of cyanotic neonates.
  • Objective Exploratory investigation of normal value of the neonate myocardial enzymes.
  • Birth and death, however, collide in a remarkable way in a number of tombs in the Greek world in which a woman is found inhumed or cremated together with a fetus or neonate.
  • The neonate larvae were reared individually on plant material in 30 ml plastic cups lined with agar to keep the plant material fresh.
  • The primary anesthesia care provider intubates the neonate using an appropriately sized oral RAE endotracheal tube.
  • It is possible that studies of acute respiratory failure may need to analyze infants and neonates as a separate subgroup.
  • In the same issue of AJOG, Holly Hull from Columbia University, New York, NY, compared body weight and composition (air-displacement plethysmography) in 33 neonates born to mothers with a normal pregravid BMI to 39 neonates born to overweight/obese mothers with normal glucose tolerance. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Time to Limit Weight Gain in Pregnancy?
  • In one trial, inhaled nitric oxide reduced the need for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in neonates without increasing neurodevelopmental, behavioral or medical abnormalities at two years of age.
  • Following the birth of the neonate, the placenta was delivered and the patient began to experience severe hemorrhage, which was clinically attributed to uterine atony.
  • Elective caesarean section and respiratory morbidity in the term and near-term neonate. The Official Lamaze® Guide
  • Conclusion : Utilized the dialectical philosophy thought to instruct neonate HIE treating could obtain good curative effect.
  • These blankets then are covered with sheets that are warmed by radiant heat lamps until the neonate is brought into the room to prevent heat loss through conduction.
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of a dietary supplementation in n-3 fatty acids in female rats during gestation and lactation on fatty acid pattern in brain glial cells phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylserine (PS) in the neonates. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Cytokines and inflammatory response in the fetus and neonate. Recent Neonatal Research Publications
  • Although only two trials provided data on requirement of nalaxone by neonates, it was lower in neonates whose mothers had had epidural analgesia.
  • “Separation distress call in the human neonate in the absence of maternal body contact.” The Official Lamaze® Guide
  • Four adult patients, including ours, had clinical pneumonia with basilar infiltrates revealed by chest radiograph, rather titan the interstitial pattern seen in neonates.
  • Hines MT, Palmer GH, Knowles DP, Alperin DC, et al. (2003) Analysis of anamnestic immune responses in adult horses and priming in neonates induced by a DNA vaccine expressing the PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Administration of surfactant in neonates with infant respiratory distress syndrome has led to improved survival rates.
  • This is more than twice the production rate in adults, primarily because of relative polycythemia and increased red blood cell turnover in neonates.
  • The perinatal characteristics of neonates not included in the study were similar to those included.
  • Radiography is recommended for intensive care patients or neonates but should not be used routinely.
  • Saw that it really was the sternum of a neonate human, decorated and drilled for hanging in the house of a witch. TROPIC OF NIGHT
  • For neonates we must ensure that all newborn babies have access to the most appropriate care where and when they need it.
  • We did not approach women whose babies were stillborn or died as neonates.
  • Clavicular fractures are the most common broken bones in newborns, especially large neonates.
  • However, there is limited evidence of the safety of antiviral therapy in pregnant women and neonates.
  • Unsuspected obstructive fetal neck masses often prove fatal because of an inability to secure an airway and ventilate the neonate, which results in hypoxia and acidosis. Giant Neck Masses (GNM), Cervical Teratoma
  • Preterm and term neonates often suffer pain from procedures during their hospitalization.
  • Neonates with respiratory compromise due to a cystic lung lesion require prompt surgical resection, usually by lobectomy. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • Preterm neonates with lower birth weight, intrauterine growth restriction, and breech presentation were more likely to be hypothermic .
  • The drug also can cause increased mortality in elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis, suicidality, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, cataracts, seizures, increases in blood pressure and movement disorders in neonates when their mothers take it. Martha Rosenberg: Oh That? Deceptive Marketing Settlement Doesn't Stop Seroquel Advertising
  • Unsuspected obstructive fetal neck masses often prove fatal because of an inability to secure an airway and ventilate the neonate, which results in hypoxia and acidosis. Giant Neck Masses (GNM), Cervical Teratoma
  • Complication of mechanical ventilation in neonates with respiratory distress.
  • A recent study confirmed this finding and suggested that the “thin fat phenotype” in neonates persisted in childhood and could be a forerunner of the diabetogenic adult phenotype. Diabetes Time Bomb
  • In order to accommodate preverbal children, neonates, and nonverbal adults, various reliable and valid tools to assess these special populations are available.
  • Check for bulging fontanelle in the neonate (a late sign).
  • Pharmacologic agents with known pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties and demonstrated efficacy in neonates should be used.
  • Discussion Immediate umbilical cord clamping deprives neonates of a significant volume of blood.
  • They have the opportunity to work with multiple age groups from neonates to geriatrics.
  • The issue of optimum oxygen concentration for neonates in intensive care remains, even now, unsettled.
  • Methods Umbilical cord blood was collected from 1 014 neonates born in coastal city (763 cases from vaginal birth, 251 cases from cesarean section) for THS determination by IRMA.
  • The populations at risk are neonates, immunocompromised individuals, and patients predisposed by prior surgery or malignacy.
  • Pilot trial to compare tolerance of chlorhexidine gluconate to povidone-iodine antisepsis for central venous catheter placement in neonates. Recent Neonatal Research Publications
  • The psychoanalysts have concerned themselves with the problem of the nature of the development of love in the neonate and infant.

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