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  1. the cortical part of the neencephalon

How To Use neocortex In A Sentence

  • Hyperintense areas were identified in the neocortex, rhinal and piriform cortices, as well as in the hippocampus and anteromedial thalamus. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • One popular but now outdated theory is that the brain has three parts: the reptilian brain, which includes the structures and functions we share with reptiles such as territoriality; the paleomammalian brain, a group of related structures that manages social emotions and behaviors like nurturing or reciprocity in all mammals; and the neocortex, which manages evaluation and reasoning in the most complex mammals, especially humans. Valerie Tarico: God's Emotions: What Are Emotions Anyway? (Part 4)
  • A direct analogy exists between the construction of ARN in the functionally plastic mushroom bodies and protocerebral lobes of bees and the construction of ARN in the neocortex of mammals.
  • Consequently, all that embryology tells us is that both areas are part of the neocortex.
  • The neocortex is unique to mammals, and accounts for around 85 per cent of the mass of the human brain.
  • Is there something special about hypermineralized tissues that stuns the speech centers of the neocortex, rendering normal communication impossible?
  • Having a working model of the brain, or even the incredibly complex neocortex, should help researchers understand processes like thought, perception and memory.
  • Previous opinion held that the malleable behavior of mammals required the higher-order neocortex found in mammals.
  • All this remembering goes on in a particular part of the brain called the neocortex.
  • The youngest, the neocortex, governs our rational thinking processes.
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