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  1. proboscis worms

How To Use Nemertea In A Sentence

  • Consequently, his conclusion that platyhelminths, nemerteans, and rotifers ‘appear to have never had’ a prototroch is not supported by his analysis.
  • Such an association of cells and mechanism of precursor translocation have not been reported from nemerteans previously.
  • Frontal glands have been cited in the classical literature as probable homologues of Platyhelminthes and nemerteans.
  • Phylum Nemertea contains about 1,150 species of unsegmented worms that possess an eversible proboscis contained in a fluid-filled cavity or rhynchocoel.
  • The focal stage for this analysis is the early period of embryo encapsulation, a mode of development that has evolved several times among gastropods, polychaetes, nemerteans and flatworms.
  • In contrast to platyhelminths, nemerteans possess a circulatory system, comprised of fluid-filled, cell-lined channels situated between the gut and body-wall musculature.
  • Classical studies revealed that nemertean embryos exhibit spiral cleavage and that the mouth forms at or near the site of the blastopore, but aspects of cell lineage, especially origin of the mesoderm, proved problematic.
  • The organization of the body compartment between the epidermis and gut in nemerteans and flatworms also does not reveal a uniquely similar pattern.
  • Most nemerteans found in San Francisco Bay are very small and not easily identifiable.
  • The focal stage for this analysis is the early period of embryo encapsulation, a mode of development that has evolved several times among gastropods, polychaetes, nemerteans and flatworms.
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