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How To Use Neighborhood In A Sentence

  • New antioxidants include ferulic acid, idebenone, ubiquinone coenzyme Q10, alpha lipoic acid, and resveratrol and are already making their way into our friendly neighborhood counters. You Being Beautiful
  • These companies will also sell you mason bee cocoons, if you don't want to wait for the neighborhood bees to stumble across your beehouse on their own. Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
  • All these glossy pamphlets are just window dressing - the fact is that the new mall will ruin the neighborhood.
  • not far from the former site of Five Points, the immigrant neighborhood showcased in the Martin Scorsese's film "Gangs of New York.
  • Bond No.9, the perfumer known for naming their scents after various New York neighborhoods, is about to get high...lined. Now You Can Smell Like The High Line!
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  • Russian Hill is a nice neighborhood for a pross, " Conklin said. 7th Heaven
  • The foreign mujahideen still in Jolan imposed strict Islamic codes of behavior on the neighborhood.
  • Having savored victory, the ruffians moved on to attack the homes of well-known abolitionists in the neighborhood.
  • In an interview last week, Ms. Pak, sporting a button featuring the mustachioed interim mayor's face, spoke passionately about her Chinatown neighborhood and her efforts to persuade Mr. Lee to "serve his city. Chinatown Political Veteran Champions Her Candidate
  • Students fought in the classrooms and washrooms, roamed the hallways and wandered the neighborhood.
  • Another organized a Chore Service that paid neighborhood kids to do chores for the elderly.
  • Interconnected streets allow rush-hour overflow to trickle through neighborhoods, moving more traffic with less pavement.
  • The homeless families now reside in an abandoned neighborhood advisory council building located behind the former police station.
  • Given the success in calming down Baghdad's neighborhoods, it would seem unlikely that the Petraeus doctrine will be rolled back ... on the other hand, Casey reportedly has been among those pressing for a quicker withdrawal from Iraq and McChrystal's mission may be to send as many troops home as he can. Who Replaces Petraeus? - Swampland -
  • In "Sunset Park," Auster is more interested in the neighborhood's vast semi-industrial stretches peppered with nondescript houses, all the better to endow the proceedings with an enforced sense of dreariness. Paul Auster Paints a Dreary Picture In 'Sunset Park'
  • Younger members gradually split off, building a separate house in the neighborhood.
  • it is a friendly neighborhood
  • Gone are the days when the neighborhood was a mixture of different facades and you could tell one friend's house from another.
  • the bell was a signal for the rallying of the whole neighborhood
  • Finally, although I didn't hear that Weiner was facing any charges, I'm also taken by this day-after-the-confession "we're going to follow you around the neighborhood" shot in the NYT in which the press not only frames Weiner as someone officials would call "a person of interest," but, like a guy out on bail, we see the visual media starting to own not just the title of paparazzi, but also the "lurker" role. Michael Shaw: Reading the Pictures: Media's Weiner Pictures: Who's Getting Dirty Now?
  • Plan a neighborhood kickball or touch football game.
  • For example, family members may use their knowledge of community diversity by taking their children to museum exhibits or neighborhood fairs.
  • « Terrorists in the neighborhood, blabby terrorists, fortunately | Flunking Terrorism 101
  • The accident galvanized the attention and determination of the neighborhood. Christianity Today
  • Neighborhood vandals and our own children bashed our windows in with rocks.
  • In Cuba, huge waves crashed into Havana, swamping neighborhoods up to four blocks inland with floodwaters reaching up to nearly a meter in some places.
  • Tops that look like kurtas hang on the racks in departmental stores in the hip Soho neighborhood of Manhattan.
  • This larger emptiness went hand in hand with the insensitivities endured by the poor and working class residents who were removed from neighborhood after neighborhood.
  • [5] Meanwhile Eurylochus and his companions, finding that this force had entered and that it was impossible to storm the city, withdrew, not to the Peloponnesus, but to the country once called Aeolis and now Calydon and Pleuron, and to the places in that neighborhood and Proschium in Aetolia; [6] because the Ambraciots had come and urged them to combine with them in attacking Amphilochian Argos and the rest of Amphilochia and Acarnania; affirming that the conquest of these countries would bring all the continent into alliance with Sparta. THE LANDMARK THUCYDIDES
  • I worried also about the nature of our neighborhood, which is a redneck Shangri-La of big dawgs, trucks with bad mufflers, heavily armed Gomers, and gangs of marauding feral boys with BB guns.
  • QUESTION: There are a lot of reports of people who are kind of holed up in some of the neighborhoods that were hit the hardest. CNN Transcript Sep 20, 2005
  • A film version of the Carson McCullers play. Frankie Addams, a very boyish articulate 12-year-old girl, is going through an unhappy stage of her life, having been spurned by the neighborhood girls.
  • The store plays a peculiar blend of 70s and 80s rock, massaging the memories of the latter-era boomers who populate my neighborhood.
  • Some time about the year 1827, two sturdy lads, tall and well proportioned but clad in homespun and barefooted, came to "Dryden Corners" from the South Hill neighborhood, driving an ox team and bringing to market a wagon load of pine shingles which they had shaved by hand. Living in Dryden: June 2004 Archives
  • The best way to carry out this enormous project is to focus on personal, family and neighborhood levels; several GOLA units may assign to themselves the task of examining whether remote villages and hamlets have been taken in charge by locally established GOLA units; if not, GOLA units established by Oromos in big cities must take care of the remote villages´ populations and of their experience of the Abyssinian tyranny. American Chronicle
  • THINK - SWIPE - hee-hee, hee-haw ... this would be a big first step in my journey around the neighborhood. Velleite - French Word-A-Day
  • Jeff Madrick discusses the work of Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi on the plight of middle-class two-income families with children. what families spend a lot more on, the authors calculate, is a house in a safe neighborhood with a ... EconLog: September 2003 Archives
  • The slip is sometimes joined or replaced by a muscular fasciculus arising from, or in the neighborhood of, the pisiform bone.
  • The dance reflects the passion of this vibrant city, with its warm people and neighborhoods that exuberate a European feel. Photo Journeys: Alison Wright: March 2008
  • In many neighborhoods, someone forgot plan for that basic building block of livable cities, the sidewalk.
  • Tyros get kick-started by taking shoeless jaunts around their house, back yard and neighborhood before hitting the trail.
  • Sylvester, known as Rocky to friends in his Harlem neighborhood, was shot in the chest by the plainclothes cop, who was frisking the man's son.
  • I was a kid who just found a gym or a ballfield or made a football game with the neighborhood kids.
  • We call it Tudor revival with a twist because it recalls traditional homes in early Seattle neighborhoods, but is contemporary in the way it opens to a multifunctional garden landscape.
  • Entering the neighborhood, Phipps had half expected to find the same pristine but characterless dwellings as in Darlington—square boxes that could have been drawn by a child but for the missing squiggle of crayoned smoke coming from their chimneys. Unearthly Asylum
  • Immediately, offers poured in -- from a taverna in the wealthy neighborhood of Kolonaki, from a big baked goods chain, from green grocers in the wholesale market of Rendi, from caterers with leftovers from weddings and baptisms -- and were directed to orphanages, old age homes, halfway houses for the handicapped, soup kitchens run by churches and municipalities all over the Athens area. Diana Farr Louis: Food Aid Takes Off in Athens
  • My dad is really uptight and we live in a fancy high-class neighborhood.
  • I live on the unfashionable west side of Santa Fe, where the neighborhood is small and funky, adobe houses sitting in well-tended yards of flax and hollyhocks or the neglected ones of dirt and panic grass with a few old car parts thrown in.
  • That horrible building lowers the whole tone of the neighborhood.
  • By singling out the single family home as a conveyor of individual wealth we have inflated its value as a social connector when in fact it is a social disconnector - separating the physical distance between strangers, alienating the wealth class from the poor, and creating "neighborhoods" that enforce stereotypes and social clichés. Milton Curry: Nixon in China and the American City: Radical Urban Revitalization Needed
  • Whenever someone has money, they invite their friends to go out to a neighborhood bar for a round of drinks.
  • The incessant barking of a neighborhood dog in Nogent that day seemed a bad omen.
  • Actually, I can, given the stuff that dolts selfishly dump on the streets of my neighborhood.
  • Whether you own a Dalmatian or a Doberman, if your pup is the neighborhood fire hydrant inspector, this is the costume for them! Five Best Howl-oween Costumes For Your Dog | myFiveBest
  • And, so, this shibboleth, which is largely used by Republicans, to say, oh, the Democrats want terrorists in your -- in your neighborhood, in your community, that is a lot of baloney. CNN Transcript May 14, 2009
  • The average life expectancy in some neighborhoods in Baltimore is 20 years lower than in neighborhoods one mile away. Christianity Today
  • The sound of the ball beating against the ground resounded through the neighborhood.
  • A $5.4 million grant that paid for extra street cleaning and garbage pickup is about to run out, reviving a call to bring a business improvement district to the neighborhood .
  • In the undiplomatic language of my old neighborhood, put up or shut up.
  • Neighborhoods plagued by a self - perpetuating pathology of joblessness, welfare dependency, crime ( Time ).
  • We asked friends in different capitals around the Arab world to go to a neighborhood mosque to hear the khutbah this week and to report back on what they heard concerning Gaza. Rage Over Gaza in Friday Prayers - The Lede Blog -
  • While Rooster starts with a "narrative of Americana and the South," it blends in other flavors from the surrounding neighborhoods. Jack Hidary: Marcus Samuelsson Previews the Red Rooster -- Interview With the Chef
  • Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is hunting for Mexicans once again, raiding worksites and dayworker centers, neighborhoods, mercados, public schools and human services agencies. Indybay newswire
  • A welcoming committee greets newcomers to the Parkside neighborhood.
  • The prince's lawyer, Benjamin Reznik, notes other residences in the neighborhood are super-sized and says opposition has been "fomented" by neighbor Martha Karsh, the wife of Oaktree Capital Management founder Bruce Karsh. Living Very Large
  • He was telling interesting anecdotes about growing up in the neighborhood and the park.
  • In a reasonably sized front yard in an average neighborhood near an average elementary school, there is an extraordinary flower by the name of the gazania. SF0
  • In the multifamily category, the jury looks not only at the buildings but also at their ties to neighborhood recreation and transportation.
  • Leonsis might stand alone with that assertion, but at any rate, here's more of what he had to say today at the National Press Club, courtesy of your friendly neighborhood bogger: Ted Leonsis: NHL is stronger financially than NBA
  • The goal is to get dancers and nondancers alike to support their neighborhood dance studios, so the central focus will be on open studio events.
  • Spanish pueblos, from hamlets to large cities, and many neighborhoods within population centers, all have patron saints each of whose days occasions a public festival, or fiesta.
  • After a discussion on the basic operations of neighborhood heuristic algorithm, a simple heuristic greedy method is presented in this paper, in which only distances between all the cities are used.
  • I want you to go back to the neighborhood where he used to live-in the old Germantown area, I think-the East Eighties. WORST FEARS REALIZED
  • Nonprofit organizations are establishing partnerships with large grocery chains to bring supermarkets into low income neighborhoods.
  • Simply put, no federal outreach effort can substitute for the quality and quantity of contacts that local police officers have within the neighborhoods they serve.
  • She realized that this odd behavior was beginning to get her a reputation around the neighborhood. COLDHEART CANYON
  • How ought a neighborhood newspaper to cover a world-shaking event?
  • The system has previously undergone six months of preliminary tests in the same Redwood City neighborhood, with officers firing blanks.
  • De Bary proved that the old idea of the farmer, that the rust is very apt to appear on wheat growing in the neighborhood of berberry bushes, was no fable; but on the contrary, that the yellow _Æcidium_ on the berberry is a phase in the life history of the fungus causing the wheat rust. Scientific American Supplement, No. 664, September 22,1888
  • Few neighborhood rituals in Manhattan are more beguiling than to be present as roustabouts pump helium into the balloons that give such a childlike lift to the Macy's parade.
  • In a very real way, the pond is a part of everybody's backyard, it's a very suburbanized bit of ocean, and the birds in the neighborhood are mostly suburban not ocean-going birds. Too drunk to get drunk: an amateur naturalist reports
  • The process of gentrification is yet another economic evidence that the location value of the neighborhood is higher in the hands of skilled than unskilled residents, if only the population composition would change. "Are Low-Skilled Americans the Master Race?" Flashback, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • From below: what families spend a lot more on, the authors calculate, is a house in a safe neighborhood with a good school — about 70 percent more a year, discounted for inflation, for the typical family of four. Two-Handed on Vouchers, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • I agree that tagging is visual blight, and to answer richjensen's point in my experience most of the paint-outs I see are private property owners or neighborhood volunteer groups. An Alternative Approach to the Graffiti “Problem” « PubliCola
  • Known to many as ‘Wrigleyville,’ the north side neighborhood serves as Chicago's sports Mecca, where the Cubs play hardball in the Friendly Confines.
  • For a short time, traffic crowded the interstates, as displaced residents flowed back into their neighborhoods to resume work interrupted by Hurricane Rita.
  • Ought not the renting of untenantable rooms, and the crowding of such numbers into a single room as must breed disease, and may infect a neighborhood, be as much forbidden as the importation of a pestilence? Harvard Classics Volume 28 Essays English and American
  • This enraged many U.S. expansionists, not least Thomas Benton, who called the concession “a gratuitous and unaccountable sacrifice” that had “dismembered the valley of the Mississippi, mutilated two of our noblest rivers, and brought a foreign boundary to the neighborhood of New Orleans.” A Country of Vast Designs
  • We have completed the most extensive survey to date for low mass stellar and substellar companions to white dwarfs in the solar neighborhood.
  • But the roof of their domesticity is shaking, ready to be blown away along with other houses in their neighborhood. The Cyclical Night
  • Here in Albany the city has a faction of people who hate the many crows and try to scare them away with recorded "cawing" noises coming from machines mounted on cars they drive arond "infested" neighborhoods...since when do they have less right to the neighborhood than we do? Holy Birds, Holy Trees
  • She realized that this odd behavior was beginning to get her a reputation around the neighborhood. COLDHEART CANYON
  • The fire was raging through the area so quickly that people in the neighborhood were being herded onto buses and trucks to move them out of the path of the wildfire.
  • But still my wishful dreams persist, and in them the dead streets are resurrected in a bustling afterlife, the ravaged downtown neighborhoods dense with foot traffic and a lively mercantile carnival.
  • Visit the neighborhoods where half the houses are empty, vandalized and then leveled by the city because they are no longer of reclaimable. Rising Value of a Vote in a Struggling Economy - The Caucus Blog -
  • Our neighborhood is one of those old neighborhoods where the mailboxes are not so much mailboxes but slots built into the side of the house, and the mail person has to walk around and approach each house to deliver the post.
  • The crepitation is the result of the action of a powerful magnetic pole upon luminous electric jets in its immediate neighborhood. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 26, December, 1859
  • Caserta Pizzeria is OLD school pizza from an old New England Italian neighborhood. 31 « July « 2009 « Off The Broiler
  • I have hated Adam's parents since the day I heard his mom tell my mother that a girl like me should be staying inside playing with dolls rather than kickball with Adam and the other boys in my neighborhood.
  • While the vigilantism has been praised by some as evidence of neighborhood unity, others see it as an illustration of a nation that continues to spiral out of control.
  • This Kwanzaa holiday, I'll head out to the neighborhood store to purchase my red, black and green candles for the kinara, because I know that the strength of the U.S. economy is found in its multicultural small community owned businesses that reflect our nation's diversity. Irene Monroe: Should Kwanzaa Stay in Black Neighborhoods?
  • In Ford County, Kan., law enforcement, veterinarians and others have launched a neighborhood watch-style program to mitigate the threat of agroterrorism.
  • The sun blazed down on all of us: friends, family, servants and a cluster of barefoot neighborhood kids.
  • These extend to minor league stadiums as well, which shows off some of the non-glamorous locations of other parks, such as those within neighborhoods or other cities.
  • In these queries he still clings to the idea of Encke, that the resistance is confined to the neighborhood of the sun and planets, like a ponderable fluid. Outlines of a Mechanical Theory of Storms Containing the True Law of Lunar Influence
  • Suspicion hath it that in this neighborhood, in a still wilder and more secluded spot, there was not long ago another kind of "cratur," not at all extinct, but alive with all the fiery headiness of moonshine "old corn" whiskey. History of the University of North Carolina. Volume II: From 1868 to 1912
  • It's just an idyllic setting that makes me happy to live in the neighborhood that I live in!
  • They were both children of African-American ministers in Beaumont, Texas, who grew up in the same neighborhood and had gone together for years before they married.
  • Casino guests can also experience about two dozen restaurants, pubs, confectioneries and other shops in the Greektown neighborhood and nearby Harmonie Park.
  • he always blames someone else in the immediate neighborhood
  • I hung out in neighborhoods, and went to cafes at night.
  • New Salem, Illinois, where Lincoln was "clerking," was known the neighborhood around as a "fast" town, and the average young man made no very desperate resistance when tempted to join in the drinking and gambling bouts. Lincoln's Yarns and Stories: a complete collection of the funny and witty anecdotes that made Lincoln famous as America's greatest story teller
  • Turkey; he did not claim any territory south of the Balkan, nor any part of Roumelia -- not even Adrianople -- only Constantinople with its neighborhood. Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia
  • Offering fresh fruits and vegetables, neighborhood crafts, and a place to gather, a neighborhood store provides employment and eliminates the need to burn a quart of gasoline to pick up a quart of milk.
  • My parents tell me that my paternal grandfather used to love when we would come for a visit because he knew he could go on long walks with me around the neighborhood near their snowbird home in Yuma, Arizona. February 2008
  • And then just down the street, maybe about two miles from there there's a historic neighborhood called Cabbagetown in downtown Atlanta, about 20 homes were damaged because of falling very huge, hundred-foot oak trees. CNN Transcript Mar 15, 2008
  • And be prepared to move to higher ground, or to a place of safe shelter if threatening weather moves into your neighborhood.
  • Village Urban Neighborhoods, within about 536 acres, are closer to the center and will include more dense single-family, town house and condominium development.
  • The neighborhood is mainly Caribbean, which means incredible 24-hour fruit stands, passable butcher shops (brined pig snouts! dried fish!), and a plethora of cell phone shops and stores with names like “MAXIMUM $7.99 (and up).” I want to check on Mike Dresser | clusterflock
  • If we give up our vague, devastating quest, I suspect the Iraqis will have a lot of suddenly frantic help from the chaos-sponsors and bystanders in their neighborhood, the countries which have been so deeply delighted at the ongoing spectacle of America's ignorant blunder, at the unhoped-for crippling of America, at the astonishing waste of American lives and resources. Frank Dwyer: Better Numbers
  • I understand your concern but it seems to me that the main factor driving this divide is the limited supply of dense, walkable, green neighborhoods for people to live in. Redefining Self-Sufficiency « PubliCola
  • a boy, that diabolized my imagination, -- I mean, that gave me a distinct apprehension of a formidable bodily shape which prowled round the neighborhood where I was born and bred. Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • It appears that he slew also a notable dun cow, of a kind of mastodon breed, which prevailed in those early days, which was making great havoc in the neighborhood. Sunny Memories Of Foreign Lands, Volume 1
  • The magazine is a disgrace to our neighborhood, minorities or not, and is insulting to our intelligence. and the design is terrible.
  • The neighborhood carpenter would improvise a coffin with wood that sometimes came off of somebody's wall or chicken coup.
  • Critics claim the building would destroy the flavor of the neighborhood.
  • Home for the Washingtons and their year-old daughter, Valentina, is a 1, 250-square-foot two-bedroom apartment in San Benito, an affluent neighborhood in western San Salvador, the country's capital.
  • The company will also lower the cost of fruits and vegetables in its thousands of American stores, and add more Walmarts in underserved 'food deserts' across America -- that's what they call neighborhoods where fresh foods are very hard to find. This Week's HuffPost Family Dinner Download: Eating Better In America
  • Bringing together speakers from big-city tenants councils, neighborhood legal services, FHA insurance, savings-and-loans entities, and the Shannon and Luchs Realty Company, the Institute for Policy Studies "plinked" the first domino that led to the current crisis. RenewAmerica
  • The groom's folks were bound by custom to be even more critical of her appearance and her dowry than were the neighborhood women.
  • Painkillers didn't seem to help, so her resourceful housekeeper, who comes from Hong Kong, enlisted a neighborhood acupuncturist to visit her apartment and stick needles in her. Needled to Health
  • Today the Haight is a neighborhood in search of an identity. There's Something In A Sunday
  • From 1898 until he died in 1927, he anatomized Old Paris right down to the doorknobs -- the book is the exact size of a Parisian cobblestone -- but as arranged, neighborhood by neighborhood, the photos comprise one of the great works of art of the last two centuries. All I Want For Christmas...
  • The scandalmonger is the murderer of reputations, the destroyer of domestic peace, the insuperable obstacle to the mutual friendliness of neighborhoods. Practical Ethics
  • The man in the yellow shirt is an unpaid volunteer from the neighborhood, a member of the local crime policing forum, set up to the aid of police.
  • The well-known stars are joined by neighborhood favorites such as The Continental and its avgolemono. Sous Vide? So illegal
  • The added plus is that you live in a Mafia neighborhood like Bayridge, Brooklyn, you're supersafe. "You have a trifecta — gangsters, Italian-Americans, New Jersey — wedded in the popular American imagination."
  • Chicago resident James Andrews opened a prison-themed hot-dog stand in the city's West Side neighborhood and staffed it entirely with ex-cons.
  • I do admit that I fibbed a little and told her that I was a fireman instead of an ice cream man, but both professions involve driving a truck into neighborhoods and saving lives, so as far as I'm concerned it was a white lie.
  • The lessons of these, and perhaps others remaining to be discovered, are: the Milky Way is a dynamic system, still forming, its disk still accreting; and some of the stars in the Solar neighborhood may have formed in another galaxy.
  • And yes, to an Asian-American in San Francisco, the word conservative likely has negative connotations related to anti-gay bigotry, whereas to an African-American in a crime-ridden neighborhood on the East Coast it might have positive connotations related to issues of personal responsibility and character. Matthew Yglesias » Are African-Americans Conservative, or Is Ideological Self-Identification Meaningless?
  • Then, like clockwork, out slid the new issue of The Weekly Standard, which lambastes Mr. Obama's neighborhood as an island of upper-class daffiness – a neat trick, considering that Hyde Park's median household income is substantially lower than both the national and the Chicago median. Mister Maverick, Meet Da Machine
  • Eventually they wandered into a fancy, upscale neighborhood not too far from Shelley's house.
  • Throughout the week Jazzmobile presents concerts in neighborhoods across the city. Jazzmobile Kicks Off Summerfest 2010 «
  • Over the weekend U.S. forces were sent out to patrol Baghdad neighborhoods, helping the Iraqis to loosely enforce what one soldier called an "inshallah" (God willing) curfew that prevented large crowds from gathering until afternoon prayers. War of the Mosques
  • an upscale neighborhood
  • The neighborhood's main attraction, however, is Glen Canyon Park, a 70-acre swath of city-owned wilderness nestled in a sweeping ravine and just out of sight of several major roads.
  • In the account given by the Begum, a lac, which is for Mr. Hastings's entertainment, is entered in a suspicious neighborhood; for there is there entered a lac of rupees paid for the subahdarry sunnuds to the Mogul through the Rajah Shitab Roy. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 10 (of 12)
  • It eastern Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific West foreshore , in the northwest neighborhood Alaska, south United States, up to the Arctic Ocean north of the Arctic Circle.
  • Town halls should discuss the quickest way to redeploy the national guard units in their neighborhoods.
  • If you ask me, the whole neighborhood's lucky to be shuck of her. BREACH OF DUTY
  • The special ingredients of his elixir were a few crushed cherry and eucalyptus leaves that he scavenged from the trash behind the neighborhood apothecary's shop. Stalling
  • The two people, who spoke Thursday on condition of anonymity because they did not want to pre-empt Emanuel's announcement, said he will return to Chicago over the weekend and begin touring neighborhoods Monday. Rahm Emanuel To Begin Touring Chicago Neighborhoods, Connecting With Voters This Weekend
  • No wonder, that: even the lowliest beat cop stood to preserve many times that each month by preserving the system of traffic bribes, shakedowns of neighborhood bodegas that wished to remain open in contravention of the city's labynthine Sabbath laws, in free meals and "flutes" -- Coke bottles topped off with liquor -- from their precincts 'restaurants and bars. May 2008
  • My neighborhood has curbside pickup for recyclables, which is what I usually use. Jane Minogue: So. Cal. Chronicles - Redemption For $28.69
  • And neighborhoods and hotels agglomerate around important hubs within the system. Archive 2009-03-01
  • The striking picture reveals an eclectic mix of embryonic stars living in the tattered neighborhood of one of the most famous massive stars in our Milky Way galaxy, Eta Carinae.
  • Some district councils remained essentially reactive, but others actively attacked problems in their neighborhoods.
  • According to the East Lake Foundation, violent crime has fallen 95%, only 5% of residents rely on government welfare checks, and more than 80% of fifth-graders from the neighborhood meet or exceed Georgia's math standards. Moguls chart prospects for poor in spots like New Orleans
  • Take the whole family on a walk around the neighborhood or to a trail for a hike and take advantage of the beauty of nature.
  • The picture quality is superb, punctuated by the lush colors of the gang's neighborhood pub and the panache of their respective flats.
  • Often, this does not help the originally distressed community if high-end homes are built, a process called gentrification, and no provisions are made for prior neighborhood residents.
  • Batman's Alley" is more than just a street—it's an open-air graffiti gallery in the heart of the bohemian Vila Madalena neighborhood. Sao Paulo: Brazilian Beauty
  • Please tell your pen pal what your neighborhood is like.
  • What I remember about growing up in my neighborhood was the sound of big ass rocket motors being tested and the occassional foundation shaking, glass shattering of a rocket engine blowing up in its hardstand about one half mile away. Scripting News for 5/8/2007 « Scripting News Annex
  • We have no wish to look like half the other balding men in our neighborhood.
  • Town-gown tensions between students and academics on the one hand and blue-collar residents on the other, tend to remain submerged beneath the surface of everyday life until a minor incident at a neighborhood bar located near a campus flares up. Gritty City Creates Knowledge Zone, But Some Feel Left Out
  • But that fact hides dramatic income inequality: while wealthy citizens live luxuriously in sequestered Guatemala City neighborhoods, the poor are barely noticed, living like feudal peasants in the countryside. Hungry in Guatemala
  • Examples might include cleaning out the garage or picking up litter in the neighborhood.
  • They are interlaced, weaving together physically to make a place where neighborhoods abut another country, where a single street can pass between two cities as it meanders from building to building (a phenomenon called "crosshatching"). Reading the Hugo Nominees: The City & The City
  • Is there a good Chinese restaurant in the neighborhood?
  • I came from a real tough neighborhood. Once a guy pulled a knife on me. I knew he wasn't a professional, the knife had butter on it. Rodney Dangerfield 
  • What happened in the factory is being whispered about the neighborhood.
  • But with their billion-dollar balance sheets and extensive expertise, the big builders promise to give a boost to the nation's resurgent urban neighborhoods.
  • He's a cohort of Ricci's and he worked in the Smart neighborhood.
  • zone_info": "huffpost. new-york/blog; new-york = 1; nickname = david-finkle; entry_id = 253109; living = 1; local-characters = 1; neighborhoods = 1; starbucks = 1", David Finkle: Knowing Your Neighbors Even If You Don't Know Them
  • “We found that if we just transplanted motor neurons into the spinal cord and did nothing else, then the surrounding neighborhood in the spinal cord—the white matter surrounding the spinal fluid, which is full of other, healthy myelinated axons—would see these motor neurons as foreign and reject them,” Kerr says. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • So perfect was his jockeyship, so clever his management of the animal he mounted, so intimately acquainted was he with every cross-road in the neighborhood of the metropolis -- a book of which he constructed, and carried constantly about his person --, as well as with many other parts of England, particularly the counties of Chester, York, and Lancaster, that he outstripped every pursuer, and baffled all attempts at capture. Rookwood
  • Instead, the aging amtracs are negotiating mine fields of urban detritus, swimming through ruined neighborhoods six feet beneath the fetid water.
  • The annual seasonal blowout is a chance to display and celebrate the accomplishments - and puppets - neighborhood groups have made over the past year.
  • In Los Angeles, the neighborhood known as Watts erupted into riots.
  • Many people have recommended other forms of democratic participation, from neighborhood assemblies to a national initiative and referendum process.
  • They also report that a fence now separates their neighborhood from the railroad track.
  • And we play all day and all night and we get dirty faces and we have little tiffs and we call each other names now and then, but it sure is fun as hell to get to know the kids in the neighborhood.
  • From there, they're going to look at other properties in the neighborhood that have sold, and use those as what we call comparable sales, to compare to the property, to say if the sale sold for X amount of dollars, what should the subject property sell for in the open markets? CNN Transcript Jun 18, 2005
  • I didn't know there was Chinese restaurant in your neighborhood.
  • Nearly a score of public bus lines already serve the neighborhood, while greenway trails connect to hundreds of miles of regional bikeways.
  • an unsociable neighborhood
  • As you approach, the distinctive signature brownstone style town-homes at road level are shaded by tall palm groves enhancing the affluent and intimate neighborhood ambiance.
  • Different classes of people have long sorted themselves into neighborhoods within a city or region.
  • � GRANT: We're in another suburb now, where a local park ranger is asking the newspaper delivery man about the dominant male in the neighborhood. Magpie Attacks Have Aussies Ducking
  • Everyone in the neighborhood knows that Mr. Macy is henpecked by his wife.
  • This step-by-step guide explains one version of the process, which involves combing neighborhoods for cults (such as Mormon temples and Unitarian churches), porn stores, establishments "owned and/or operated by the homosexual community," and "abortuaries. Daniel Radosh: Casting Out Demons in Colorado Springs
  • All five, in statements so similar that they mostly read word for word, said the idea for the journey was hatched in 2008 after the group watched the movie "Kite Runner" at Umar Chaudhry's house -- what they called the usual hangout of the youths, who lived in the same neighborhood off Route 1. 5 Virginia men facing terrorism charges in Pakistan write of 'noble' motivation
  • Buildings were set ablaze in the black neighborhood; whites and blacks exchanged gunfire.
  • NEIGHBORHOODS: PALERMO Palermo is a large neighborhood that is divided into sub-districts and features one of the nicest parks in Buenos Aires, Parque Tres de Febrero. The Legal Underground:
  • Sarah Klein, a neighborhood resident, said that until the confusion was cleared up, she would leave the house only if she wore a baglike snood. In Israel, a Ban on Indian Wigs; In Brooklyn, a Rush to Comply
  • Innovative practitioners might consider delving into vodcasting to deliver online neighborhood tours, highlight new listings, etc.
  • The storm crossed land near the same state-line spot where Ivan arrived, pounding beachfronts already painfully exposed by denuded dunes, flattened neighborhoods and piles of rubble that threatened to turn into deadly missiles.
  • The Dashwood women continue looking for an affordable house in the neighborhood surrounding Norland.

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