How To Use Negotiable In A Sentence

  • To Lucien, loyalty to France is non-negotiable.
  • There are certain basic requirements of humanity which are not negotiable when it comes to running prisons. The Prisons We Deserve
  • 2mv That the wall has momentum 2 mv, it's nonnegotiable.
  • That was something that was totally non-negotiable as far as I was concerned.
  • ‘For some students this is a non-negotiable issue, and from my point of view it's unsustainable,’ Stevenson replied.
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  • It was that office's zeal, Ouimet said, that led to her being offered - and then accepting - what she described as a "non-negotiable" agreement to retire about halfway through her seven-year appointment. - Home Page
  • Since the commission is always negotiable, and the agent's only true incentive is the commission, there's good reason for them to take on the extra work, and the seller can potentially realize the same or more net with a lower selling price. Something's Gotta Give
  • After a further reconnaissance the ice ahead proved quite unnegotiable, so at 8.30 p.m. last night, to the intense disappointment of all, instead of forging ahead, we had to retire half a mile so as to get on a stronger floe, and by 10 p.m. South: the story of Shackleton’s last expedition 1914–1917
  • Must we show our willingness to negotiate the non-negotiable and lay down our arms?
  • The company has dropped plans to put in a gas station, another source of opposition, but has said the round-the-clock hours are nonnegotiable.
  • ‘European values are non-negotiable,’ said Mr Verheuygen.
  • The indoor soundstage was set at a non-negotiable 45 degrees Fahrenheit—the temperature, according to head animal trainer Larry Madrid, at which the Gentoo penguins felt comfortable performing. Coddling Waddling Models
  • At first, Mr Desmond was reluctant to sell any shares back to Telenor and Communicorp but he then came up with the non-negotiable price, said Mr Digerud.
  • Provided that this section shall not affect any general rule of law relating to the execution of deeds or negotiable instruments.
  • It's a non-negotiable part of our deal with theatres. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, arguably there are non-negotiable demands of human reason that apply universally in international attempts to understand and evaluate any particular political tradition or cultural way of life.
  • By saying that these demands are non-negotiable he has ensured that domestic political considerations will prevent any kind of negotiation.
  • In an attempt to strong-arm the electorate, Chirac made it clear that in the event of a ‘no’ vote, the constitution would not be renegotiable.
  • Slower vehicles, less negotiable routes and higher monetary costs lead to fewer journeys and shorter distances - and thus less traffic.
  • They are united, see overachievement as non-negotiable, get the best from one another and always look like they believe. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you can PROVE any homeopathic remedy has a measurable effect then you can claim US $1,000,000 in negotiable bearer bonds from the JREF.
  • In the Evening Standard classifieds I find a two-bedroom flat in Kensington W8 for £220 per week negotiable, cheaper than Edinburgh's New Town.
  • The commision is negotiable, 6% for the 1st 100k and 1 or 2% for the rest is good enought for these do nothings. Real estate agents are next « BuzzMachine
  • Prices are often negotiable, with bigger discounts the further you book in advance. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said at the police Endangered Species Protection Unit (ESPU) banquet in Pretoria the code would be non-negotiable, and was aimed at reversing what he described as a breakdown in the criminal justice system. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The Nobel Committee itself recognised this in its citation, proclaiming ‘that the only negotiable route to global peace and co-operation goes by way of the U.N’.
  • And my husband refers to prostitutes as ‘women of negotiable virtue’.
  • negotiable bonds
  • In the meantime, Robert Gates, US defence secretary, has been anything but patient, branding the Futenma relocation non-negotiable and demanding its swift implementation.
  • Tonight I want to cast the net widely to look at some of the threats and challenges facing the media in the 21st century, and I want to do it from a starting point of what I believe is fundamental and non-negotiable.
  • Our prices are negotiable and we do offer discounts for bulk purchases.
  • The details are negotiable; they always are among diplomats.
  • ‘Major national retailers’ are not individuals to whom you return negotiable bonds found in the back seat of a taxicab.
  • Part-time barman required. Hours and salary negotiable.
  • The principal amount of all other debt is negotiable under the conditions of a world crisis as disastrous as the present one.
  • The Green Paper is a part of that process and is in any significant respect - despite protests by eurolovies to the contrary - non negotiable in any meaningful aspect. Archive 2007-04-01
  • For a negotiable fee, I get her flight. Times, Sunday Times
  • Asked if Labor's stance was non-negotiable, Latham said that ‘we won't be changing our position‘.
  • Now, that sounds to me like a set of non-negotiable demands. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is non-negotiable, says Prime Minister Helen Clark.
  • He's only played union for ten months and had to bridge an unnegotiable gap. The Sun
  • She insisted that the deal was 'not renegotiable'. Times, Sunday Times
  • What we call a Stock Exchange has been defined as "an organized market for dealings in negotiable securities issued by, and for the financing of governments, municipalities, public bodies, and business corporations, formed under the law of the countries in which they are incorporated". The Challenge for Canada's Equity Market
  • Berating Jews with their own history, disinheriting them of pity, as though pity is negotiable or has a sell-by date, is the latest species of Holocaust denial, infinitely more subtle than the David Irving version with its clunking body counts and quibbles over gas-chamber capability and chimney sizes. Howard Jacobson speaks his mind
  • He said: ‘We have got to decide what parts of the health service we think are non-negotiable.’
  • Neither he nor the prime minister had advance warning of Peter Mandelson's carefully worded pro-Brussels speech on Monday, which suggested that Britain's rebate might be negotiable.
  • a negotiable road
  • That section sets out dozens of important, justifiably non-negotiable rights, such as a prohibition on slavery, freedom of expression, and freedom of assembly and association.
  • One non-negotiable condition was the removal of the indigenous population of the island. Times, Sunday Times
  • That it could not stick to the coast was because of the Nilus Delta, a hundred-and-fifty-mile-wide fan of unnegotiable swamps and waterways no road traversed. Antony and Cleopatra
  • The misery in the so called Holy Land is also ideologically supported by legions of misinformed, uninformed apathetic American Christians who have neglected to honor what Jesus said was non-negotiable-that is if you really love him - you must and will forgive, pray for, do good towards your enemies and try to be a peacemaker [reconciler] for they are the daughters and sons of the Lord. Letter from USA in spirit with HUMANITY
  • But they were much more readily negotiable through association, which was already a basic general tendency in most other social activities.
  • But before you join a religious order and attempt to purify yourself, remember that the Vatican has determined that the celibacy rule is nonnegotiable.
  • The book shows her as being socially unnegotiable. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The bill is a kind of negotiable security, the negotiability is the basic way in which the bill circulates, it is restriction or prohibition on bill circulation to forbid endorsing.
  • My non-negotiable bottom line is that we love one another. Christianity Today
  • The union has rejected the report out of hand and claimed it had been told that the 11 per cent was non-negotiable and would be linked to 4,500 job losses and the closure of scores of fire stations.
  • ‘For some students this is a non-negotiable issue, and from my point of view it's unsustainable,’ Stevenson replied.
  • Americans were accustomed to department stores in which prices were not negotiable. Times, Sunday Times
  • negotiable demands
  • The murkiness and partial rationality of shifting, renegotiable settlements are the vices of politics that legalist liberals seek to preclude.
  • The road is only negotiable in the dry season.
  • But they were much more readily negotiable through association, which was already a basic general tendency in most other social activities.
  • The safest way to assault this position was via a barely-negotiable, very steep, thorn bush-covered slope.
  • Asked if Labor's stance was non-negotiable, Latham said that ‘we won't be changing our position‘.
  • The negotiable securities that collect abundant anticipates, future aviation of 12 months inland demands exceeds supply, yield of Shu delay passenger transport leaves step-down force.
  • Fancy a lady of negotiable affections lying about her age. Times, Sunday Times
  • This means that their policies would become more easily negotiable and practical. Times, Sunday Times
  • To draw a Saussurian analogy of my own, writing is parole, praxis, not a moribund, non-negotiable langue.
  • The road is only negotiable in the dry season.
  • And Iran absolutely has rejected that as non-negotiable repeatedly. Matthew Yglesias » Obama Still Ending the War
  • But, since the biodiverse services of nature are irreplaceable and non-negotiable, eventually we will all be on board or we will be desperately diminished.
  • One non-negotiable condition was the removal of the indigenous population of the island. Times, Sunday Times
  • Restriction and protection is a contradiction which should be settled in Negotiable Instruments Law of the Rights of Recourse of the Bill.
  • Part-time barman required. Hours and salary negotiable.
  • The Climber easily scales many smooth and uneven vertical surfaces - wall board, plaster, brick, cinder block, and siding are negotiable for this versatile robot.
  • It's not negotiable, it's not open to question, and it never changes.
  • The activist says, pro-Israel activists can disagree on settlements or on the peace process, but "when it comes to aid for Israel and the U.N., these things are non-negotiable. J Street's really bad day
  • The position differs where the security given by the debtor comprises marketable (viz. negotiable) securities, such as bearer bonds, share warrants, scrip, or exchequer bills.
  • The union has rejected the report out of hand and claimed it had been told that the 11 per cent was non-negotiable and would be linked to 4,500 job losses and the closure of scores of fire stations.
  • It is non-negotiable, says Prime Minister Helen Clark.
  • The concept of ‘unbounded person’ assumes that the boundary between one person and others is not fixed and definite, but flexible and negotiable.
  • ‘Prices’ are negotiable and certain jobs and services can be paid for partly with Lets credits and partly with cash.
  • I shall also contend that this negotiable (or transferable) debt - that is, 'depersonalized' debt that can be used as means of payment to a third party - is a form of money which is specific to capitalism. "(see Ingham 1999). Limited, Inc.
  • Participants will follow a negotiable route along Markievicz Road, Stephen Street and The Mall, until the starting point, on Ash Lane, is reached.
  • Offered rates of negotiable, bankbacked business credit instruments typically financing an import order.
  • There is a word that covers uncritical support, non-negotiable loyalty and blind faith.
  • My non-negotiable bottom line is that we love one another. Christianity Today
  • Budget be damned, as far as the well-being of our children is concerned, support for education expenditures is a non-negotiable. Elizabeth Hampton: Would You Pay Higher Taxes For Better Schools?
  • The fact of the matter is that an innocent person's freedom is not negotiable or pardonable. Alemayehu G. Mariam: Ethiopia: Birtukan Unbound!
  • What this means is that you have a succession of bits of floor that go up, in easily negotiable ascents in one direction, and down, in easily negotiable descents, in the other direction.
  • Everything is negotiable at this stage - I'm ruling nothing out.
  • In the case of Belgium, the discount is negotiable between the investor and the Belgian government, according to the agreed scheme.
  • Time is fast running out and the deadline is non-negotiable.
  • Financial investment portfolio will hold easily negotiable assets assigned to the fiscal sustainability account and the heritage account.
  • Certain fundamental principles are not only non-negotiable, but should also be a source of pride for the UK, including defending the right to asylum and safeguarding the Human Rights Act and 1951 convention on refugees.
  • You'd think that match officials getting decisions right would be just about the most fundamental thing for a sport — and that any attempt to improve decision-making accuracy would be a non-negotiable, open-and-shut, black-and-white case. Technology Catches Up With Cricket
  • He said flexibility was built into the new proposals, but this flexibility was conditional on maintaining an acceptable overall level of food safety, which was not negotiable.
  • In his hands, information was something live and molten, ready to freeze into a hard shape at any moment, something crystalline yet negotiable; he nudged and shaped it like glass in the hands of a glassblower. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • After the negotiable securities operating unit accepts the investor entrusts, should according to principle the time preference carry on declaration tendering...
  • The mountain track is negotiable, but only with difficulty.
  • negotiable demands
  • By the time Avineri met the Jordanian king seven years later there already were so many absolutely "unnegotiable" faits accomplis on the West Bank and in Jerusalem, the King no longer dared to be the first. 'The Deadlocked City': An Exchange
  • The most important acts – like the Climate Change Act, the Clean Air Act, the National Parks Act and the Wildlife and Countryside Act – could have been omitted as non-negotiable. Letters: Red tape and the green agenda
  • This tendency to make all established rights negotiable is being enhanced by the current administration's modifications to the Labour Code.
  • And to remain competitive those things which they believe are non-negotiable (tax, exchange and interest rates) would by default be significantly constrained if not actually imposed by what is decided in Brussels.
  • The non-negotiable element is that our conversation be in French, so I opt for Paris and e-mail his office to apologise for not being entirely fluent.
  • The consignment note is not a negotiable instrument, nor is it a document of title.
  • And true negotiation is quarto only then, negotiation place trades in Shanghai negotiable securities edifice.
  • I know this is a toughie, but it just has to be non-negotiable.
  • Institute, hold forty-six billions of capital invested in negotiable securities alone. THE QUESTION OF THE MAXIMUM
  • Those that would be overwhelming may be negotiable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Really, those are also almost non-negotiable.
  • This is because English law treats both share certificates to bearer and bearer debt securities as negotiable instruments.
  • The expectations of Amish women are non-negotiable.
  • Salary requirements are negotiable and are directly connected to what you bring to the table.
  • The negotiable document setting down the terms of credit is the so-called bill of exchange.
  • By saying that these demands are non-negotiable he has ensured that domestic political considerations will prevent any kind of negotiation.
  • Time to make the gym a non-negotiable part of my schedule. Times, Sunday Times
  • At first, Mr Desmond was reluctant to sell any shares back to Telenor and Communicorp but he then came up with the non-negotiable price, said Mr Digerud.
  • If you have money here, everything is negotiable.
  • Floating voters like politicians with unnegotiable convictions. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘European values are non-negotiable,’ said Mr Verheuygen.
  • The Manor is for sale at a negotiable price.
  • The fact that real estate fees are negotiable was discussed several times in the columns.
  • As a matter of fact, not understanding me is ace-high on my list of non-negotiables, along with a six figure salary. In Confidence...
  • A good rule of thumb is that you should look to knock 0.5 per cent off whatever commission rate the estate agent quotes, and, in fact, often the agents will tell you that their commission rates are "negotiable" - particularly if they know you are getting valuations from three or more agents. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Make sure the promissory note that the buyer signs is fully negotiable, that is, transferable to another party. In buyer's market, seller-financing might suit owner getting few offers
  • Some policies, such as no drugs or alcohol on the camp property, are not negotiable and will result in the staff member being terminated.
  • And to remain competitive those things which they believe are non-negotiable (tax, exchange and interest rates) would by default be significantly constrained if not actually imposed by what is decided in Brussels.
  • But they were much more readily negotiable through association, which was already a basic general tendency in most other social activities.
  • In the tradition of two of America's greatest social commentators, Alexis de Tocqueville and Thorstein Veblen, Fuller points out that we are all somebodies and nobodies, that dignity is non-negotiable.
  • We need to show everyone in our electoral chains of command that they have an unnegotiable mandate to meet climate change head-on, that their political careers depend on taking action, and that if economic transformation means inconvenience, hard work and sacrifice, we are willing. William S. Becker: Climate Action: Part 5 - Onward
  • According to the hotel authorities, the pool is a business proposition and a health choice, both of which have become non-negotiable for many a discerning customer.
  • The point is that what I'm trying to illustrate here is the difference (and conflict) between aesthetic forms founded in negotiable conventions (e.g. the poem) and aesthetic forms founded in non-negotiable requirements (e.g. the sonnet). Archive 2006-07-01
  • Oh yes, for our SUV, NASCAR, exurban way of life, which is unnegotiable. Onward, Christian Soldiers!
  • Are there some principles upon which it is worth making a stand - or is everything negotiable and flexible in this post-modern world?
  • Now, that sounds to me like a set of non-negotiable demands. Times, Sunday Times
  • As compensation we gave ourselves the treat of a delightfully decadent hydrangea, blowsy, and of that precise shade of acid pink that speaks of the back parlours occupied by ladies of negotiable affection.
  • To be negotiable and have legitimacy, commitments generally need to be perceived to be reasonably fair and equitable.
  • Recently, both Peter Hawker, chairman of the Consultants and Specialists Committee, and John Hutton, health minister, have said that the contract is not renegotiable if the vote is negative.
  • He specified ‘the rule of law’ as a non-negotiable.
  • Mr Gerber called on Christian churches dealing with Christian children to take an "unnegotiable" position on Christian education with the government. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Indeed, arguably there are non-negotiable demands of human reason that apply universally in international attempts to understand and evaluate any particular political tradition or cultural way of life.
  • One non-negotiable condition was the removal of the indigenous population of the island. Times, Sunday Times
  • He warned that his economic programme for the country was not negotiable.
  • It's a non-negotiable part of our deal with theatres. Times, Sunday Times
  • He specified ‘the rule of law’ as a non-negotiable.
  • Certain fundamental principles are not only non-negotiable, but should also be a source of pride for the UK, including defending the right to asylum and safeguarding the Human Rights Act and 1951 convention on refugees.
  • Must we show our willingness to negotiate the non-negotiable and lay down our arms?
  • Our fundamental security should be non-negotiable.
  • Bishop Chaput's position that the killing of the unborn is a "non-negotiable" issue, which caused him to remind his audiences that Kerry supports abortion rights and Bush doesn't, unfortunately does not extend to capital punishment, which the Catholic Church also opposes. Letters to the Editor
  • He said: ‘We have got to decide what parts of the health service we think are non-negotiable.’
  • Now I need to ask you this, K: you have spent many a year in the Metropolitan Police, and your submission repeatedly makes it clear that you support and are adamant about integrity not being negotiable.
  • Even a bill of lading which is not made negotiable operates as a document of title, because the consignee named therein can only claim delivery of the goods from the shipowner if able to produce the bill of lading.
  • The price is negotiable on application. Times, Sunday Times
  • These sacred entities seem inviolable and non-negotiable and as long as they dominate, final resolution of our problems may escape us.
  • One non-negotiable condition was the removal of the indigenous population of the island. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rhetoric of human rights holds that rights are absolute - but the application of human rights legislation assumes that rights are negotiable.
  • Our fundamental security should be non-negotiable.
  • Time to make the gym a non-negotiable part of my schedule. Times, Sunday Times
  • Remember two of BW's favourite phrases, ‘Everything is negotiable’ and, ‘If you don't ask you don't get.’
  • Dairygold boss Jerry Henchy told the LRC on Monday the 500 job cuts were not negotiable and he would impose redundancies by December 17 in order to meet the jobs target.
  • The salary is negotiable.
  • The terms of employment are negotiable.
  • The non-negotiable element is that our conversation be in French, so I opt for Paris and e-mail his office to apologise for not being entirely fluent.
  • Matters of morality, like the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount, are not negotiable.
  • Later we see that the hallmark of negotiable instruments - documentary intangibles - is their ready transferability.
  • The rising costs of supporting jobseekers through the downturn are a non-negotiable part of a civilised society.
  • Freedom is the non-negotiable demand of human dignity; the birthright of every person - in every civilization.
  • That was something that was totally non-negotiable as far as I was concerned.
  • The bill is a kind of negotiable security, the negotiability is the basic way in which the bill circulates, it is restriction or prohibition on bill circulation to forbid endorsing.
  • Time is fast running out and the deadline is non-negotiable.
  • Slip down here, keeping right near the bottom and follow the rift along for a few metres until you see a negotiable route back up the rift over flowstone.
  • I don't know if this fee is negotiable or on a sliding scale. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do they only matter "if you can win" and the rest of the time they're negotiable or dispensible for political advantage? Election Central Morning Roundup
  • Tonight I want to cast the net widely to look at some of the threats and challenges facing the media in the 21st century, and I want to do it from a starting point of what I believe is fundamental and non-negotiable.
  • Freedom is the non-negotiable demand of human dignity; the birthright of every person - in every civilization.
  • Even though they are boilerplate clauses and ‘non-negotiable,’ they need to be reviewed by the artist to make sure that they can conform.
  • The very act of talking opens the possibility that their agenda will at some point be negotiable, which is half-way to surrender. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Meanwhile, President Barack Obama was among the many leaders stepping up the pressure, issuing what he called a "non-negotiable ultimatum" to Gadhafi to immediately cease further military action against his own citizens and restore basic utility services to areas recently held by rebels. - Top Stories
  • But I must navigate what is negotiable and what is not, and do my best to constantly re-check my alignments and priorities.
  • To Lucien, loyalty to France is non-negotiable.
  • But for some, all of those freedoms are negotiable.
  • The expectations of Amish women are non-negotiable.
  • Everything else might be negotiable - this is not.
  • Really, those are also almost non-negotiable.
  • Belief" is (intuitively I would say, by definition) only verified by itself, it is necessarily absolute and unnegotiable. Towards a Lexicon of Folly: Factard
  • He said food safety was not negotiable and producers could simply not afford to compromise on hygiene, the cornerstone of quality.
  • The original of this recipe may be found in just about any Italian cookbook along with the story that it originated in the cafés of Naples where it was much favoured by ladies of negotiable affection working the night shift.
  • She said she still thinks a public option is the best way to achieve those goals, but when asked if inclusion of a public option was a non-negotiable demand - as her previous statements had indicated - Pelosi ruled out any non-negotiable positions. Democratic leaders in Congress soften on public option
  • The mountain track is negotiable, but only with difficulty.
  • But if the players' loyalties are negotiable, those of their supporters are immutable.
  • Children make their way to school alone, safe in their own locality where shopowners greet them by name and danger from traffic is minimal as few streets are negotiable by cars.
  • And these are things that are negotiable in the early stages.
  • He says his claim is not negotiable.

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