How To Use Negligent In A Sentence

  • Or else our future generations are certainly going to pay the price for our careless, negligent and easygoing approach to the whole issue.
  • The terms of Halliburton's contract with BP indemnifies the Houston company from liability for spill damages, unless it is found to have been grossly negligent, Weiss and Oppenheimer & Co. analyst Scott Burk said. Halliburton: BP Contract Offers Gulf Oil Spill Liability Protection, Analysts Say
  • Besides, I behooved to be round the hirsel this morning, and see how the herds were coming on—they’re apt to be negligent wi’ their footballs, and fairs, and trysts, when ane’s away. Chapter XXV
  • The lesser charges include first-degree and second-degree manslaughter as well as criminally negligent homicide.
  • But only if it isn't found grossly negligent for the gulf oil spill, which could double posttax oil-spill-related costs from the $28 billion estimate. BP's Long Road Back
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  • She has establshied good will with many people across the aisle. did you miss that Steve Clemons found that your belove pretender was negligent with the only job he could have learned something about foreign policy? Bill Clinton: Hillary Will Call Upon Bush 41
  • The negligent defendant, or more usually his insurer, takes his victim as he finds him.
  • If the hirer were to give a specific order he would be responsible for harm resulting from negligent execution of the order, but he would be liable as a principal, not vicariously.
  • There were a number of design defects and other criminally negligent operational practices which resulted in the leakage of [methyl isocyanate] and these were in the knowledge of the management and were deliberately ignored for commercial reasons," said the CBI in a statement Monday. Court Convicts Seven in Bhopal Gas Leak
  • Narvaez he described as puffed up by authority, and negligent of precautions against a foe whom he held in contempt. History of the Conquest of Mexico, with a Preliminary View of Ancient Mexican Civilization, and the Life of the Conqueror, Hernando Cortes
  • In the present case, all damage caused by the negligent stowage is a single cause of action which is complete once any significant damage has occurred.
  • The hospital was negligent in the way it looked after this young man.
  • Good companies prevent their servers from forwarding mail that do not originate from their clients, but more negligent companies do not pay attention to such trifles.
  • A police officer negligently sent the plaintiff, another police officer, into the tunnel, against the traffic flow.
  • The whole equipment was that of a rude warrior, negligent of his exterior even to misanthropical sullenness; and the short, harsh, haughty tone, which he used towards his attendants, belonged to the same unpolished character. The Abbot
  • he did his work negligently
  • This does not mean that they conduct their audits negligently or sacrifice their independence by condoning accounting treatments that are demonstrably wrong.
  • The government, he said, would be criminally negligent to ignore the lessons of the past. THE GUARDSMEN
  • Fines and penalties are imposed for lateness, for not turning up for work, even in the case of illness, and for ‘negligent’ work.
  • A national guardsman charged with the murder of an Iraqi police officer has pleaded to a lesser charge of negligent homicide.
  • I never wish to offend, but I am so foolishly shy, that I often seem negligent, when I am only kept back by my natural aukwardness. Sense and Sensibility
  • She alleges that the surgeon who operated on her was negligent in that what was supposed to be a simple surgical procedure resulted in partial paralysis of her left side.
  • A refusal to bend to underhand practices is admirable, but an inability to present a united front has been negligent. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of her teachers was found guilty of negligent homicide in a French court but his conviction was later overturned.
  • It means wilful act or omission, negligent act or omission, or malicious act or omission.
  • This article specially studies the subject scope of Negligently Causing Serious Accident Crime.
  • The joint venture by law enforcement agencies is concentrated on unroadworthy vehicles, drunken driving and reckless and negligent driving in an attempt to stem the road carnage.
  • In cases involving the liability of professionals the limitation period will normally commence when the client acts on the negligent advice by entering into a disadvantageous transaction.
  • The report stated that Dr Brady had been negligent in not giving the patient a full examination.
  • Should you be able to sue barristers and solicitors who are negligent in acting for you in a legal case?
  • The jury determined that the airline was negligent in training and supervising the crew.
  • They became popular after a Delaware court found a board of directors negligent in 1985 for approving in two hours the sale of a company at a lowball price.
  • Negligent intervening acts may or may not break the chain of causation.
  • Whether BP (and/or its contractors) were criminally negligent is the subject of a Justice Department investigation. Freak accident or frontier enterprise? Deep-water drilling is still a big unknown.
  • A claimant whose motor car is damaged by the negligent driving of the defendant will either incur expense in putting right the damage or discard the vehicle, i.e., write it off as uneconomic to repair.
  • The plaintiff rode his horse violently and collided with a pole which the defendant had negligently left in the road.
  • At least five dogs had died at the Humane Society because of heat conditions there and negligent spaying and neutering.
  • If injury is negligently caused to a newly born babe, liability in negligence arises.
  • During the campaign, he was confronted by a man who spoke loosely and negligently of illegitimate children and the welfare system.
  • If professionals fail to counsel patients in the way recognized by their peers as appropriate they may be negligent.
  • The company intends to appeal against the ruling that it was negligent.
  • Therefore, it was said, conduct cannot be regarded as negligent unless it involves an actionable breach of the legal representative's duty to his own client, to whom alone a duty is owed.
  • I still find it unbelievable that this has to go to court although I have evidence that he is wrong and has been negligent.
  • The right we say to be informed of distressing news, news of the death of a loved one, for example, does not exculpate the negligent driver in relation to the secondary consequences of his or her negligence.
  • So what does he have to say about the lack of accountability of the judiciary for their own negligent acts and omissions?
  • It is true that the personal and professional consequences for a doctor who is subject to civil proceedings may be severe, but why should the negligent be exculpated?
  • She is indifferent, negligent, unfeeling, untrustworthy, and perfidious.
  • The valuer is not liable unless he is negligent.
  • The fracas has put WikiLeaks in the position of decrying what it called the "reckless" and "negligent" disclosure of information—something WikiLeaks' critics have long accused it of doing itself. WikiLeaks Blames Paper for Breach
  • The defendant drove negligently and hit a lamp post.
  • Was the investigation of the complaint against the plaintiff negligent?
  • He was arrested and charged with drunken driving, malicious damage to property and reckless and negligent driving.
  • It means wilful act or omission, negligent act or omission, or malicious act or omission.
  • This is both inconsistent with my sense (bolstered by my reading in marketing literature) that consumers do care about whether mistakes are honest, negligent, or intentional and also at least contestable enough to be inappropriate for a motion to dismiss. Red and green lights for traffic false advertising claims
  • The judge in the case said that the bookmaker had been extremely negligent. Times, Sunday Times
  • But he had been criminally negligent and should have foreseen the strong possibility that he might end the life of his unseen human target. Times, Sunday Times
  • Non-natural use of land is a different concept from the negligent use of the land.
  • The plaintiff must prove that the defendant was negligent.
  • Like these shareholders, partners remain personally liable for any personally negligent acts.
  • This is not a case where the first appellant was negligent in the conduct of the operation.
  • With normal vishing scams a bank will try to refuse a refund if it thinks the customer has been negligent. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seems clear that the diocese's insurers will not cover much of any future negligent supervision judgements or settlements.
  • The FBI was duplicitous and negligent in gassing Mt. Cannel – and that alone could have started the fire that killed seventy-six people. University To Create Online Exhibit On Branch Davidian Siege
  • Its clergy, in the main, were neither piously devoted nor scandalously negligent, but were generally dutiful if rather unambitious pastors.
  • That, however, does not mean that there are no cases of negligent contempt where a penalty in the form of committal or sequestration would be appropriate.
  • The action lies against the manufacturer of the product where he has been negligent.
  • P.S. And I also noted that new Governor Jan Brewer (Napolitano's replacement, also negligently responsible for much of what has occurred during her six years of "nonaction" on behalf of Arizonans) also simply has a "beware" message on her website for some of these counselors that were the new "jobs" created by this manipulated crisis apparently Congress and Obama were speaking of. State Politicos Capitalizing On Mortgage Crisis For Career Development
  • The employee alleged that the respondent was negligent in failing to warn of the hump.
  • Problems may arise where the foreman is bribed or negligent and excessive hours are claimed by the sub-contractor.
  • In a civil probe, the Justice Department can allege that the targets were negligent or made misleading claims, rather than having to convince a jury of deliberate law-breaking. U.S. Steps Up S&P Inquiry
  • It is to be noted, however, that a child cannot sue its mother for negligent harm done to it whilst in the womb.
  • Moreover, the court says that the law is well settled ‘that the natural results of negligent and unworkmanlike construction of a building do not constitute an ‘occurrence.’
  • A manufacturer negligently made and marketed a car with defective brakes.
  • And we can't fail to ignore possible negligent conduct from these manufacturers.
  • Since then, many wasted costs orders have been made as a result of the negligent conduct of legal proceedings.
  • The company intends to appeal against the ruling that it was negligent.
  • The defendants negligently told the plaintiffs that X was much wealthier than in fact he was.
  • It represents a fundamental attack upon the principle of tortious liability for negligent conduct which has caused foreseeable personal injury to others.
  • Thus, the fact that the estate would have a remedy against a negligent solicitor does not necessarily preclude a claim by the disappointed beneficiary.
  • We allege that his behaviour was criminally negligent. Times, Sunday Times
  • If it is for the benefit of the bailor, that is, the boy who intrusts it, then he can't require the other to pay for it, unless he was grossly negligent. Rollo's Museum
  • The judge said that the teacher had been negligent in allowing the children to swim in dangerous water.
  • It forks out for almost 30,000 claims a year to motorists hit by negligent uninsured drivers. The Sun
  • Whether a forecast was negligent or not depends upon whether reasonable care was taken in preparing it.
  • Army electrocution death -- "Army accuses contractors of 'negligent homicide' for electrocution#" (1 / 22 / 09). South by Southwest
  • To be negligent herein at such a season is a sad token of such a security as foreruns destruction. Pneumatologia
  • Can a church be liable on the basis of negligent selection if it failed to conduct a criminal records check on the offender? Christianity Today
  • Another problem with these implied terms is that they do not entitle the partners to expel their co-partner, no matter how negligent or fraudulent he might have been.
  • An instance was where anything was negligently or carelessly thrown from a house (dejecta vel effusa). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • negligent in his correspondence
  • That is what I think is the situation here, unless you can persuade me otherwise. There was a negligent omission on the part of the employer.
  • Liability for negligent advice is imposed irrespective of whether it is given gratuitously.
  • Expert evidence that such an error was negligent would, traditionally, be inadmissible.
  • An outrage, they say, because they believe that ever since Beslan, the Russian government has done everything it could to try and cover up its -- what they call negligent handling of the crisis. CNN Transcript Dec 28, 2005
  • Either you were complicit, or grossly incompetent, or grossly negligent. The Sun
  • Whilst we were sailing, a marmoset chanced upon the book, as it was negligently laid by, which wantonly playing therewith plucked out certain leaves, and tore them in pieces.
  • The first question is whether at the time of the negligent act or omission a judicial process existed.
  • In this case the difference in resistance is huge and the current through any human will be negligent. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - These guys are brilliant…
  • In a house that reeked so badly of mothballs, the desperate fragrance of preservation, I was surprised at how negligently my grandmother treated her furniture.
  • The judge said that the teacher had been negligent in allowing the children to swim in dangerous water.
  • The plaintiff must prove that the defendant was negligent.
  • It is the Claimant's contention that this damage was avoidable and caused by a negligent omission by Mr Roberts.
  • The bombing was a planned, purposeful attack, while the Port Authority was at most negligent in failing to defend its property more carefully.
  • It is our case that he was reckless and negligent in the way he drove.
  • Negligent parents leave their children with uncouth friends, relatives or even strangers, who in turn connive with witches to kill the children for money. Uganda’s epidemic of child sacrifice
  • Her case was that the solicitors had been negligent in that she should have been advised not to execute the mortgage.
  • Subsequently they alleged that the accounts had been negligently audited.
  • If your Card is lost or stolen we ask that you tell us immediately and, unless you have acted fraudulently or negligently, your maximum liability for unauthorized Charges is HK$250.
  • Blasphemers and incontinent, negligent, or simoniac ecclesiastics were to be severely punished. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • CoflS incufationem Zurlaubenii modo laudatiy » cundum quam Garnerius in hiftoria iua Fr»! cica paullo negligentius de paélo ifto I5i* nend expofuerit, auélor fe defendere oitiV 'ysfuttmlwt itiom ferUptont «£r Georgio d' Am - Bibliotheca historica. A.I.G. Meuselio ita digesta ut pæne novum opus videri possit
  • If injury is negligently caused to a newly born babe, liability in negligence arises.
  • The Council had acted in a negligent manner.
  • Some coaches regard it almost as negligent not to be exploring the boundaries where ethics become blurred. Times, Sunday Times
  • Zitney lay beside her, his firm, lean shoulder in the air, the sheet tangled negligently around his bronzed arm.
  • Since then, many wasted costs orders have been made as a result of the negligent conduct of legal proceedings.
  • However, he held the plaintiff to be 100% contributorily negligent.
  • The effect of this is that the occupier's liability is governed by the common law, which provides that he will be liable for negligent misfeasance but not for nonfeasance.
  • In many instances, the police fail to take effective deterrent action against rash and negligent driving.
  • The plaintiff must prove that the defendant was negligent.
  • Counsel further contended that on the affidavit evidence the debtor has an arguable claim that the solicitors were negligent in two respects.
  • Damages were being sought for compensation as a result of the council's negligent advice and not primarily to enforce a public law right.
  • On the facts, no actual request had been made and the non-disclosure of information was not negligent even though some practitioners would have mentioned the risk in question.
  • The term ‘negligent’ is to be understood in an untechnical way to denote ‘failure to act with the competence reasonably to be expected of ordinary members of the profession’.
  • But the facts were that he alleged that Council was negligent because they had placed the flags at a location that was inappropriate, because there were sandbanks there.
  • The plaintiff rode his horse violently and collided with a pole which the defendant had negligently left in the road.
  • Prof Bateson said inbreeding in pure breeds, breeding dogs for specific looks or extreme characteristics such as wrinkly skin and negligent management of "puppy farms" were all major welfare issues for dogs. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Negligent he may have been in his personal appearance and his domestic arrangements but he was also pragmatic, punctilious and a stickler for detail.
  • And these edifying Benedictine "consuetudines" give the reason: "Nam tanta est auctoritatis præsentæ ipsius defuncti, ut etiam in tanta solemnitate hujusmodi missa non potest negligentia intermitti" (For the presence of the corpse constitutes such a serious reason that, even on festival as great as this, a Mass of this kind must not be neglected). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • On the facts, no actual request had been made and the non-disclosure of information was not negligent even though some practitioners would have mentioned the risk in question.
  • Away, thou soul, (let me pick thee out singly, reader dear, and talk in perfect freedom, negligently, confidentially,) for one day and night at least, returning to the naked source-life of us all -- to the breast of the great silent savage all-acceptive Mother. Specimen Days; from Complete Poetry and Collected Prose
  • The judge in the case said that the bookmaker had been extremely negligent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Accordingly, THB is liable to Commonwealth for its negligent acts and/or omissions.
  • This could arise if the plaintiff suffered negligently inflicted injuries and then refused to have a blood transfusion because of his religious beliefs.
  • Afterward the Ashley Kohl 's negligent feedback has given a match opportunity.
  • The plaintiff must suffer actual harm and prove the harm was caused by the nurse's negligent acts or omissions.
  • The present report is an example of the negligent obliteration of a page in the history of human endeavour.
  • We used to spell the word picquet, because that was understood to be the correct thing, in that Department at least; and they used to say at post head-quarters that as soon as the officer in command of the outposts grew negligent, and was guilty of a k, he was ordered in immediately. Army Life in a Black Regiment
  • The valuations were found to have negligently overvalued the properties in question.
  • It was on this footing that the Court of Appeal held that the charterers were responsible for all the consequences of their negligent act, even though those consequences could not reasonably have been anticipated.
  • The latter may arise from a tortious act other than the negligent use of a motor vehicle.
  • The bank's fraud investigation team told her she had been grossly negligent so the money would not be refunded. Times, Sunday Times
  • The council conceded that they had been negligent in not removing the boat because of the risk the children could suffer minor injuries if they fell through the rotten planking.
  • It beggars belief and, to my mind, is criminally negligent. The Sun
  • It is alleged that he treated him negligently; but resolution of that issue also falls outside the ambit of this trial.
  • Liability for negligent advice is imposed irrespective of whether it is given gratuitously.
  • The woman realized that she became a bhikkhuni only in her old age and that she must not be negligent, but must make use of the remaining period of her life to the utmost.
  • Striking a pleading for negligent spoliation is a drastic sanction that is appropriate only where the missing evidence deprive [s] the moving party of the ability to establish his or her defense or case. Fourth Department
  • The effect of this is that the occupier's liability is governed by the common law, which provides that he will be liable for negligent misfeasance but not for nonfeasance.
  • The court is always the final arbiter and it would be slow to deny a patient redress for negligent innovative treatment. Times, Sunday Times
  • The report stated that Dr Brady had been negligent in not giving the patient a full examination.
  • Compensation for those wrongly convicted isn't just to recompense them, it's supposed to express our disapproval of their conviction in the way that a civil case would punish a negligent surgeon.
  • The Council had acted in a negligent manner.
  • Some coaches regard it almost as negligent not to be exploring the boundaries where ethics become blurred. Times, Sunday Times
  • You are looking to whether there has been behaviour on the part of any one person that was grossly negligent. Times, Sunday Times
  • She relies on a clause in the contract which exempts her from liability for damage to any tools providing she was not negligent.
  • After all, this is a case about negligent failure to exercise a statutory power, is it not?
  • The judge made a finding that the appellant was negligent because he threw a ball for his dog close to where the respondent was standing.
  • Should you be able to sue barristers and solicitors who are negligent in acting for you in a legal case?
  • Some coaches regard it almost as negligent not to be exploring the boundaries where ethics become blurred. Times, Sunday Times
  • According to the Save the Manatee Club, the human danger to manatees comes in two primary variants: the negligent motorboater and the environmentally insensitive developer. Jurisdynamic Taxon: The Florida Manatee
  • But the owners of the fish farm - Gale and Ainslie Limited - insist they weren't negligent.
  • Indeed, the failure to screen for this pervasive ailment is at best negligent and at worst tinged with the broad brush of racism. Randall Amster: The Most Common Disease You've Never Heard Of
  • It is difficult for the claimant to say that the defendant was negligent in not seeing him, if he had not seen the defendant.
  • He pictures a young lady who has taken offence at some negligent expression in that chastest of ice – cold proprieties, The Funeral, and he forthwith more or less seriously proceeds to defend his play by quoting the example of both predecessors and contemporaries. A Memoir of Mrs. Behn
  • A nurse who failed to turn a patient regularly to avoid bedsores would usually be negligent, but not if she had so refrained on the express instructions of the surgeon who had recently operated on her.
  • The farmer could be said to be negligent as he sprayed his field on a very windy day. The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
  • It is not entirely clear to me in what respects the judge held Mr Skinner to have been negligent.
  • Zatoichi is sitting by a dusty country road, his swordstick lying negligently next to him.
  • I was negligent, I admit it.
  • This is the exception, however, and normally the plaintiff must prove the negligent act or omission.
  • I feel therefor that it is the responsibility of the Scouts as an organisation to ensure that its members are correctly equiped both with the correct type of [fixed blade] knife & the knowledge of how to use it correctly [safely], failure to do so is negligent & potentially hazardous. Scouts Ban Knives in Great Britain
  • Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski D-Md., a critic of what she has called negligent safety practices under former Metro chief John Catoe, this week lauded Sarles for having "a commitment to creating the culture of safety we need at Metro. Metro names chief executive and board members
  • If the government is proved negligent, compensation will be payable.
  • His visions, too, are very symptomatical of poetic fury --- I must recollect to send Caxon to see he puts out his candle to-night --- poets and visionaries are apt to be negligent in that respect. '' The Antiquary
  • We have only the Roman account, but it is enough to reveal maladministration ranging from the callously negligent to the undeniably criminal.
  • Could you give me some examples of sections which are express provisions related to negligent acts or omissions?
  • The judge said that the teacher had been negligent in allowing the children to swim in dangerous water.
  • This does not mean that they conduct their audits negligently or sacrifice their independence by condoning accounting treatments that are demonstrably wrong.
  • Inadequate professional services are services which fall below an acceptable standard, but are short of negligent work.
  • No idea if this was force-wide policy or an overly cautious/paranoid Inspector though, but surely that’s just plain negligent? Inspector Gadget RANTS about ‘car chases’ SHOCK! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • A judge sitting without a jury would fall short of his duty if he did not first find the facts and then draw from them the inference of fact whether or not the defendant had been negligent.
  • The defendant drove negligently and hit a lamp post.
  • A police officer negligently sent the plaintiff, another police officer, into the tunnel, against the traffic flow.
  • We've been negligent in our examination of what it means to be re-created in the image of Christ.
  • The driver was negligent in operating the crane and injured a third party.
  • Amy may argue by analogy with this reasoning that the plaintiff council will have to prove she was negligent.
  • The first is the purely factual question: what would have happened (on a balance of probability) if the negligent omission had not occurred?
  • The report stated that Dr Brady had been negligent in not giving the patient a full examination.
  • negligent of detail
  • Be idle, careless or negligent. The Sun
  • negligent parents
  • It may be that knowledge of such facts will also serve to bring home to him the fact that the defendant has been negligent or at fault.
  • Some said you made your own luck, that fortune favours the brave, but he wasn't seduced by these retrospective sentiments of the negligent - but-spawny. A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away
  • The statute referred to relatives having a claim for damages when a person died from injuries sustained because of a negligent act.
  • I know something of those whom we in Italy call improvisatori; and I could speak in this oriental style for eight hours together without the least effort, for it requires none to be bombastic in negligent verse, overloaded with epithets almost continually repeated, to heap combat upon combat, and to describe chimeras.” A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Asperum cultum et vitiosum caput, negligentiorem barbam, indictum argento odium, cubile humi positum, et quicquid ad laudem perversa via sequitur evita. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • John McCain on Rove: It depends on what the definition of "negligent" is by on 07/24/2005
  • The court found him to be negligent over the loss of £18 million by the local authority.
  • The first question is whether at the time of the negligent act or omission a judicial process existed.
  • The author is of ten negligent in his choice of words.

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