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How To Use Neglected In A Sentence

  • Over the winter months we've been doing a great deal of clearing up on our part-neglected croft garden, grubbing out and shredding dead shrubs and cutting back those that have either grown too large or are crowding others.
  • Meg looked worn and nervous, the babies absorbed every minute of her time, the house was neglected, and Kitty, the cook, who took life 'aisy', kept him on short commons. Little Women
  • This report is one in a long line showing how essential aspects of care are being neglected. Times, Sunday Times
  • He neglected to point out that the current policies have failed miserably, in every way.
  • The collegers came from a wide social range, though conditions in College were bad and the boys much neglected until the reforms brought in by Provost Hodgson (1840-53).
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  • He was always keen to promote works by contemporary composers and also favoured neglected works. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pluralists have even tried to adapt Schumpeter's account, but have neglected his strong elitist account of input politics.
  • Is it not a huge problem in today's society that there are too many children who are unloved and neglected?
  • They called the prospects of U.S. success in Iraq "farfetched," writing: "We are skeptical of recent press coverage portraying the conflict as increasing manageable and feel it has neglected the mounting civil, political and social unrest we see every day. CNN Transcript Sep 14, 2007
  • The group claims the airlines neglected their duty of care by failing to take adequate steps to prevent passengers developing economy class syndrome.
  • The pharmaceutical industry is clearly unable to meet the needs of people with neglected diseases.
  • People pursued more material products and neglected the ecosystem performance of forestry.
  • Ceilings and floors are not to be neglected, as these lovely self-adhesive shapes could completely transform the way they look. Modern Decorative Metal Tiles by Karim Rashid
  • The car rental service had neglected to give us a spare. Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur
  • They sometimes take over a whole neglected meadow, which looks as if it is covered with tall purple heather. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only answer to the lies of the neo-fascists is to remove the causes of deprivation and environmental neglect by creating educational and job opportunities on the neglected estates and inner-cities.
  • Good tillage, which is too often neglected, is valuable. Agriculture for Beginners Revised Edition
  • So Nur al-Din abode awhile, eating and drinking and making merry and bidding and forbidding those who tended the horses; and whoso neglected or failed to fodder those tied up in the stable wherein was his service, he would thrown down and beat with grievous beating and lay him by the legs in bilboes of iron. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • In my effort to ‘push the envelope,’ had I perhaps neglected to affix sufficient postage?
  • But he has performed an important service by focusing attention on a neglected aspect of the war and its aftermath. Times, Sunday Times
  • The area has been polluted and neglected. Times, Sunday Times
  • It blasts away for openers - not for the first time - with the overture from Rossini's otherwise neglected opera The Thieving Magpie.
  • In his first press interview after accepting the directorship, he observed that the city had "neglected the museum for 10 years."
  • Her sober, kindly capableness evolved from the slovenly little house and the untended children, from the dusty rooms and neglected kitchen the kind of order and neatness which had been plain to see in Robin's more fortune-favoured apartment. Robin
  • This excellent record of his thoughtful and troubled career as architect, restorer, scholar, and writer throws much light on a neglected and turbulent period of Victorian architecture.
  • Some outside the shadow cabinet resent being passed over and neglected.
  • Instead, being wrapped up in the notion of evangelizing the world, they had neglected to keep their children in school in any one place. An American Tragedy
  • It extends from Cath Kidston stores to the Persephone Press's beautiful new editions of novels by neglected women writers, and you can literally eat and drink it in the small revival of the teashop. Sugar coats this hunger for the past
  • These neglected aspects weaken attempts to distribute land due to the very low levels of profit from the minifundia.
  • Creativity withers when these ties are forgotten, neglected or severed.
  • One of our much neglected qualities is our creative ability to reshape our world. Times, Sunday Times
  • The palace of the Sylphides was a tavern, and Clarice, the neglected fiancee of besotted Eraste, made an appearance as a laundress, boxed her sylph-sotted betrothed about the ears, then pulled him off stage to the applause of the audience. Archive 2009-03-01
  • I pass overexercised and neglected wives and girlfriends as they speed-walk in pairs or jog alone with only their iPods for company. Good-Bye To All That
  • I live on the unfashionable west side of Santa Fe, where the neighborhood is small and funky, adobe houses sitting in well-tended yards of flax and hollyhocks or the neglected ones of dirt and panic grass with a few old car parts thrown in.
  • From an examination it appeared that a neglected lacerated cervix during the birth of the last child had given rise to endometritis, and for a year the patient had suffered from severe menorrhagia, for which she was subsequently treated. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The effects of bending are neglected to first approximation, and the dominant resistance to indentation is taken as the isotropic tension.
  • But what about a bigger selection of cheaper, often neglected but worthwhile fish such as skate, squid, hake, ultra-fresh mackerel, even good old herring?
  • Almost a century later Manaus's neglected cultural life is re-emerging with a Slavic twist.
  • The animals were thin and ill because the farmer had neglected them.
  • But many of today's internet billionaires started out as insubordinate slackers, similar to the high school students who crowded Beijing's internet bars and - allegedly - neglected their schoolwork.
  • The artist may have neglected to size the canvas properly, or may have used odd substances like charcoal which is incompatible with oil paint.
  • He neglected to mention the fact that we could lose money on the deal.
  • Pay attention to detail in the portfolio images and notice if the photographer has neglected unswept floors or left unsightly trash cans in view.
  • The assistant chief watched as she was forced to reclean toilets and showers and was then punished further by being ordered to clean long-neglected storage rooms, light fixtures, and so on, in an ever-lengthening list of humiliating chores. Getting Even
  • It's a trend that has given a new lease of life to neglected race tracks and disused airfields up and down the country and boosted rural employment. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think we've neglected vocational education in the most tragic way.
  • This particular image consultant appears to have neglected his own image, or maybe he is just happy with being cynical, self-centred, irascible and insufferable.
  • A garden that is neglected does not so much cease to bear fruit, as it loses its shape and form.
  • Look around you for pictures that you really like, and in buying which you can help some genius yet unperished -- that is the best atonement you can make to the one you have neglected -- and give to the living and struggling painter at once wages, and testimonial. A Joy For Ever (And Its Price in the Market)
  • But in the trend to materialism which thus drew sustenance from a broad spectrum of sources, the im - portance of Spinoza as a catalyzing agent should not be neglected. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Freud later developed the technique of free association, a triumph which is often neglected in the discussion of his controversial theories.
  • Marie decided not to move after all, but she neglected to inform the rental agency.
  • His vision includes the development and revitalisation of the neglected waterfront of the River Foyle.
  • Her desire to further her potential led her to explore the neglected art of calligraphy and she soon mastered the infinite possibilities of the Devanagri script.
  • He provides thereby an often neglected human dimension to science.
  • As for Becky Sharp, with her treachery, her cruelty, her vindicativeness {sic}, perhaps we could better have understood and forgiven her had we known her lonely and neglected childhood, with the drunken artist father and her mother, the French opera girl. Fanny Herself
  • I shouldn't have neglected my keep-fit exercises over the summer, that's all. Unexpected Complications
  • His claim to be an important and unjustly neglected painter is sheer self-deception - he's no good at all.
  • Anthony's also got a followup entry at his blog: "[W] hat I neglected to mention in the story is that most of the films have not exactly done 'boffo' business. GreenCine Daily: Oscar countdown.
  • You neglected to mention that they had a second album released during 1991.
  • Equally, where derelict or neglected Green Belt sites could better serve the community for example, as a new school or surgery changes in designation could be sought after consultation.
  • Some of the most significant issues were neglected.
  • I do not suggest that black literary criticism since the 1950s has neglected to produce analyses that also centrally consider class.
  • The hope is that this will give the somewhat neglected museum a boost. Times, Sunday Times
  • They neglected to tell us just how badly England would perform. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aesthetics and functionality of cap height and armhole must be calculated and the technical compatibility between the two cannot be neglected either.
  • She was all that was holding them together; she neglected herself to take care of her family.
  • Donald Worster, on the other hand, provides an analytic reinterpretation of explorer John Wesley Powell as a neglected visionary.
  • Yet in the teaching of foreign languages, fluency is often neglected. Times, Sunday Times
  • The implication of the new roles for the language was that creative writers seriously attempted those literary forms which had been neglected earlier, for example drama, short stories and discursive prose.
  • The complex has been neglected and has become a dilapidated landmark in the city.
  • a neglected child
  • Before we force our children to accept the cruel electroshock therapies, I guess the medical institutions would not tell the parents the truth abouthow muchtorture this treatment can bring to their kids, which means their right to know was neglected. Global Voices in English » China: Suspension of Electroshock for “Net Addiction”
  • In his preoccupation with Robyn, Crook had neglected everything.
  • Blessings upon a fashion which has rescued from the claws of abigails, and the melting-pot of the silversmith, those neglected cimelia, for the benefit of antiquaries and the decoration of side-tables! Saint Ronan's Well
  • Long grass on each side of the street, a derelict and neglected building bereft of glass and doors.
  • The area has a history of being neglected in all respects of development.
  • The trouble was that he had got in with the horsey set in more fashionable colleges and neglected his studies for the newly discovered joys of riding. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think that the avant-garde suggests that no poet can “rest on their laurels” for very long without reinventing the future of poetry itself — and hence, the avant-garde has often seen the need to revisit the neglected, unexalted techniques of writing for overlooked potentials …. 2007 September : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation - Part 2
  • However, he is not a derivative imitator of classic Japanese cinema, but one of its original though sadly neglected film-makers.
  • Reshepu strongly felt the good old postboxes were being neglected and he chose them as his subject.
  • No worse by day than the lusty priming of a neglected hand pump, at night the donkey's bray assumes the apocalyptic aural agony of hell's rusted gates being effortfully forced ajar.
  • he was sadly neglected
  • The tour buses then made their way to Thokoza Park and Moroka Dam, two severely neglected areas in Soweto but now showcase green spots where Sowetans enjoy braais and picnics every weekend.
  • It seems to me that this is a totally unnecessary imposition by government on neglected and over bureaucratised rural villagers.
  • But when prices collapsed in the mid-1970s there was little left but neglected farms and a once promising agricultural sector.
  • Castledermot is looking nicely spruced up, although some premises are sadly neglected, and in need of a face lift.
  • Conclusion Future advances will depend largely on molecular biologists and palaeontologists, although no data-source should be neglected.
  • Our much-appreciated donations would be better spent caring for unwanted pets, abused and neglected animals, and sick or injured wildlife.
  • Adoption offers a real alternative so that childhood, for many abused and neglected children, will become more than a test of endurance.
  • When I was a player I thought of myself as a very outstanding player who was neglected and unappreciated by the coach.
  • It is the most abused and neglected part of your body.
  • Gossip said she neglected Michael, and local attitudes became tinged with an unexpressed sympathy when he was around. THE GREENSTONE GRAIL: THE SANGREAL TRILOGY ONE
  • In addition, he hauled out his neglected waltz (sans lyrics), called "Le beau Danube bleu" for the occasion. The Waltz That Defines Vienna
  • Presumably, he wished the carboys to float; but he had neglected the extra weight of the stoppers!
  • The trunks are undisturbed, full of my film reels, video tapes, scripts and potpourri of neglected promotional materials.
  • Nemadzivhanani said the former Venda and Gazankulu areas, which were hardest hit, have been neglected in the last six years with provincial road upgrading and rural development programmes tending to concentrate around the greater Pietersburg and former Lebowa homeland areas. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Of course, other accessories like a tie, stickpin, cigarette case and lighter should not be neglected.
  • The physical aspect is not neglected - all patients receive an extensive physical examination. Beyond Chaotic Eating
  • The queues were epic, no one smiled and the place felt bedraggled and neglected. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are undermanned and feel neglected, lack confidence in their generals and are disgusted by political leadership.
  • In my opinion, the former KMT government neglected its duty to seriously handle this threat.
  • Minnesota village, I had never heard of adenoids, hypertrophied tonsils, myopia, hypermetropia, or the relation of these defects and of neglected teeth to malnutrition, truancy, sickness, and dullness. Civics and Health
  • Sadly, many of the sites she finds appear to be neglected and covered in stray cats or buried beneath apartment buildings and football stadiums. Times, Sunday Times
  • The values of books are often neglected, and the bookstore is far less interested by the majority of people. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Repatriation is one of the great neglected areas of expatriate life.
  • The yard was as neglected as the rest of the property, the grass and bushes overgrown, the leaves unraked from the previous fall, which made the footing even trickier, especially since they were moving downhill. Whispers At Midnight
  • They say the canal is a big tourist attraction, and has been neglected for too long.
  • The answer is one of the most neglected and abused kitchen appliances ever invented: the refrigerator.
  • In assessing their contribution it should be borne in mind that many parish roads were improved while many turnpikes were neglected.
  • They were neglected before because they did not come under the Ministry of Defence.
  • Television pictures showed the children, some as young as two, to be malnourished, neglected and living motionlessly in dirty cribs.
  • He sees neglected horses and donkeys struggling with heavy loads in ancient souks and helps treat injured animals. The Sun
  • But we'd be remiss if we neglected to spread the word about what might be the Upper East Side's best gourmet bargain.
  • Kim and her family moved to this house in 1991, and Kim immediately began to renovate the neglected yard.
  • The Government should first use the half million or so unused and neglected buildings in the country for housing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Resolved, That the efforts of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in endeavoring to exterminate the imported pest known as the gy]) sy moth meet with our hearty ap - proval, and we, members of the farmers 'national congress, assembled at St. Paul, earnestly appeal to the congress of the United St.tes to aid our sister state in extermi - nating what is liable to be a national pest if neglected. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • The second part of step two is often neglected by teachers, mainly because it is difficult to obtain accurate information.
  • It is argued that this is an instance of children's developmental and educational problems with polysemous vocabulary, a relatively neglected area of linguistic development.
  • Assured that the Virginia frontier was safe from French attack, Washington left the army in 1758 and returned to Mount Vernon, directing his attention toward restoring his neglected estate.
  • And I feel like I have neglected my blog, having not updated properly all week.
  • In October 2000, the Post-Gazette asked judges in two counties to permit the press and public into two high-profile juvenile court cases involving abused and neglected children.
  • Birthtales became an expression and validation of birth, an often neglected aspect of life in Western culture.
  • After the Harlem Renaissance, the black men writers' "protest literature" that are full of racial conflicts occupied mainstream, Hurston and her positive black women images were neglected.
  • They neglected to rearm in time and left Britain exposed to disaster.
  • He neglected his duty to the peace and failed to monitor and mould our involvement with the US government and its forces.
  • Among other plants which may cause serious mischief, but are seldom suspected, are such harmless-looking flowers as the meadowsweet, herb-paris, the common fool's-parsley, found growing in quantities in the gardens of unlet houses and neglected ground which has been in cultivation, mezereon, columbine, and laburnum. The Naturalist on the Thames
  • They believe that diagnosis is a neglected problem which allows conditions to deteriorate, placing further drains on NHS resources.
  • Leishmaniasis, transmitted by a species of sandfly, threatened the health of 13 million Afghans, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said in a report on neglected tropical diseases. Millions Of Afghans Suffering From Parasitic Skin Disease
  • He could have put me into care or neglected me or something.
  • Clearly the aesthetic and technical problems of literary production had been conveniently neglected and subsumed within a strategically advantageous ideological reference system.
  • Previous empirical studies have neglected this allometry effect when investigating the relationship between the ratio of male size to female size and the size of females, for example in reptiles, birds, or mammals.
  • The solution was to revive the neglected craft of soap making.
  • She neglected her dressmaking business, abandoning her sewing machine in order to keep the actor company when he was filming. YELLOW BIRD
  • Ignorance and Rashness, then they will see him whom they pierced, when they neglected their Neighbor, sought after money and nothing else; whereas were they cordial in their profession, they would spend Nights and Days in Labour that they might become more learned in their Art, whence more certain health would accrew to the sick with their estimation and greater glory to themselves. Old-Time Makers of Medicine The Story of The Students And Teachers of the Sciences Related to Medicine During the Middle Ages
  • Bread or tobacco may be neglected where they are shown to be useful to health, because of an indifferency or disrelish to them; reason and consideration at first recommends, and begins their trial, and use finds, or custom makes them pleasant. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • The neglected poverty-stricken landscape of Motown is captured throughout the film by the trailer homes, abandoned buildings and jalopies in shades of muted gray, browns, greens and rust.
  • The great importance of the quality of equipment for navigation should never be neglected.
  • he discussed the general but neglected the particular
  • However, the consortium neglected to invite hard drive vendors, who had no interest in reducing their margins even further to design ruggedized external drives.
  • Huge parking lots, which were fully packed throughout the day with scores of sleek bikes, elegant two-wheelers and rakish cars, stand forlorn and neglected with nothing but tyre tracks and fading oil leaks on the ground.
  • By that time they say the baby would already have spent a long time in care or in an orphanage and may have been neglected or maltreated.
  • She said that thousands were left suffering years of anguish after being neglected by the justice system. The Sun
  • Its wonderful treatment of capital theory - in particular the often neglected distinction between rent and interest - was just icing on the cake.
  • About once a year some pious public library banishes Huck Finn from its children's department, and on the same plea always — that Huck, the neglected and untaught son of a town drunkard, is given to lying, when in difficulty and hard pressed, and is therefore a bad example for young people, and a damager of their morals. Excerpt From ‘The Autobiography of Mark Twain’
  • The last thing to be neglected is to observe the filial piety.
  • Is your downstairs loo looking neglected? Times, Sunday Times
  • It is often presumed that the speech impediment is caused by shyness, a neglected childhood or social awkwardness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eutropius, flattened his neglected nose against the panes and looked at the drag, as the laquais de place sprang from the box and let out the persons in the carriage. Vanity Fair
  • Alas, as I sleepily switched the alarm on, I neglected to check that it was set for the right time.
  • All the successive central and state governments have completely neglected this forsaken and endangered community.
  • Environmental historians often have neglected stories of reforestation, restoration, and rehabilitation of damaged ecosystems.
  • Another is for a safe-deposit box that her bank had neglected to tell me about until after her death. The Memory Palace
  • No! There's her pretty hat of straw Laid on the bench; but then they saw There was no ribbon round it; The garden all neglected; The rake and wat'ring-pot were down Amongst the jonquils overthrown; The broken-branched roses running riot; The dandelion, groundsell, all about; And the nice walks, laid out with so much taste, Now cover'd with neglected weeds and wanton waste. Jasmin: Barber, Poet, Philanthropist
  • It is often presumed that the speech impediment is caused by shyness, a neglected childhood or social awkwardness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Good work too from Pip Carter who plays the accident-prone Yepihodov as a tortured, lovesick soul, from Emily Taaffe who shows both the flightiness and heartbreak of the maid Dunyasha, and from Kenneth Cranham who pins down the sad senility of the neglected servant, Firs. The Cherry Orchard - review
  • But he neglected to inform the Court of Appeals that the FBI data on which he was asking the court to rely is qualified by an endnote explaining that the data for the years after the gun ban went into effect was not comparable to the data for the years before the gun ban. The Volokh Conspiracy » A reliable book about 1877
  • Concertos for the timpani or kettledrums, the big boys of the orchestra, are certainly unusual but not entirely neglected.
  • Madras state and to implement Mulki rules strictly. improve the article by adding information on neglected viewpoints, or discuss the issue on the Elections - fresh news by
  • He was very proud, dressed like a gentleman, lived expensively in debt, and neglected his business.
  • I'd been casing this neglected place for weeks.
  • Previous retrospective assessments in younger samples of childhood victimization and neglect have found that neglected boys and girls were at higher risk for arrests for violent crimes.
  • But neglected and uncontrolled the same earth very soon destroys cultivated land and human habitat with impenetrable overgrowth.
  • Disused and neglected, the hall was invaded by squatters who occupied the building until it was gutted by a fire in 2002, which killed five people.
  • But whilst by some this work is despised, at least counted unnecessary, by some it is neglected utterly; and others, by reason of their private capacities, whereby they are disenabled to speak unto magistrates, cities, or the community of the people, think not themselves concerned therein, [and] it is almost wholly laid aside. The Sermons of John Owen
  • No, as such she has seen I could resist her; nor yet the light trifler of a spring or two, neglected when no longer a novelty; no, no! — it is a companion for ever, it is a solace for every care, it is a bosom friend through every period of life that I seek in Miss Beverley! Cecilia
  • The important question is whether the rest of the news is being neglected, and the choice of front-page picture is no indication of that. Times, Sunday Times
  • All but the most simple should be referred for treatment and possible drainage, and some may be positively dangerous if neglected. The Dictionary of Modern Herbalism
  • Although he dedicated most of his time to the TV business, Sawhney never neglected his musical dream.
  • The _synaphea_ peculiar to this metre is neglected by him, and the rule that each system should close with a _paroemiac_ or _dimeter catalectic_ is constantly violated. The History of Roman Literature From the earliest period to the death of Marcus Aurelius
  • She said that thousands were left suffering years of anguish after being neglected by the justice system. The Sun
  • Some feel that a different type of personality could have captured this neglected demographic in what has become a three-cornered fight.
  • By the 1970s, this area had become a neglected eyesore, ripe for development.
  • His claim to be an important and unjustly neglected painter is sheer self-deception - he's no good at all.
  • One of our much neglected qualities is our creative ability to reshape our world. Times, Sunday Times
  • This happens when the leadership of a nation neglected interior governance and stressed external affairs.
  • Children abused or seriously neglected in childhood often exhibit as adults a sociopathic inability to empathize with other people.
  • I am grateful for any mention of an undeservedly neglected athlete. The Times Literary Supplement
  • They called the prospects of U.S. success in Iraq "farfetched," writing: "We are skeptical of recent press coverage portraying the conflict as increasing manageable, and feel it has neglected the mounting civil, political and social unrest we see every day. CNN Transcript Sep 13, 2007
  • When I returned, I neglected to remove them, having adjusted to damp sandals.
  • When an opportunity is neglected, it never comes back to you. 
  • I noticed that she neglected to sign it, and her handwriting was rather wobbly and etchy, as if her hand was shaking when she wrote it.
  • The Spaniards, in general, dislike a mixture of vanilla with the cacao, as irritating the nervous system; the fruit, therefore, of that orchideous plant is entirely neglected in the province of Caracas, though abundant crops of it might be gathered on the moist and feverish coast between Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • But Romantics, and modernists after them, needed to believe that genius in its own time is always neglected, misunderstood, etc.
  • And bipartisan legislation recently introduced in the Senate, called the Creating Hope Act, would offer drug makers another financial incentive — a voucher promising fast FDA evaluation of their next blockbuster drug in return for developing a therapy for a rare or neglected disease that disproportionately affects children. Push to spur more drugs for deadly rare diseases
  • Featuring all the worst aspects of a neglected garden on one side of the fence, including dandelions, thistles, and molehills, it had a beautiful cottage garden on the other.
  • I recommend that all family physicians read this article for better awareness of this important, but sometimes neglected topic.
  • Having now felt their strength, they next proceeded to renew a part of the committee of General Safety, several of its members being inculpated as partizans of Robespierre, and though this Committee had become entirely subordinate to that of Public Welfare, yet its functions were too important for it to be neglected, more especially as they comprised a very favourite branch of the republican government, that of issuing writs of arrest at pleasure. A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, Part III., 1794 Described in a Series of Letters from an English Lady: with General and Incidental Remarks on the French Character and Manners
  • You won't have a problem damaging the sensitive innards with neglected battery acid and the camera's light metering system will work correctly every time.
  • The heterogeneous triflings which now, I am very sorry to say, occupy so much of our time, will be neglected; fashion's votaries will silently fall off; dishonest exertions for rank in society will be scorned; extravagance in toilet will be detested; that meager and worthless pride of station will be forgotten; the honest earnings of dependents will be paid; popular demagogues crushed; impostors unpatronized; true genius sincerely encouraged; and, above all, pawned integrity redeemed! History of Woman Suffrage, Volume I
  • Further, if the neglected Ford is sometimes classified as a "writer's writer," Orwell was the very opposite ” a kind of nonwriter's writer. Such, Such Was Eric Blair
  • So Nur al-Din abode awhile, eating and drinking and making merry and bidding and forbidding those who tended the horses; and whoso neglected or failed to fodder those tied up in the stable wherein was his service, he would thrown down and beat with grievous beating and lay him by the legs in bilboes of iron. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Hoduet neglected his work, but his wife gamely toiled as a tailoress after their child's birth.
  • A neglected garden is a sorry sight and a poor producer.
  • Mindful out-butting is a neglected spiritual practice these days, I feel. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • Alas, Bleuler's views were largely neglected, probably because schizophrenic patients with negative symptoms (such as affect, anergia, apathy) make it easy to assume that they have underdeveloped emotional experiences.
  • I may have also neglected to mention that I am going to Australia to deliver my first ever keynote speech.
  • Five people have been charged after the discovery of scores of neglected horses, ponies and donkeys. Times, Sunday Times
  • However the importance of children's songs cannot be neglected and irreplaceable.
  • Sydenham's basic premise is that historians have either neglected this revolutionary, or given him a rather unfavourable press.

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