
How To Use Negatively charged In A Sentence

  • Emf of a battery is due to electrochemical redox reactions occuring between dissimilar metal electrodes, one of which becomes positively charged, the other of which becomes negatively charged. you can have an EMF building up a charge, and discharging the stored electrons, but you have no field of you are not doing any moving of the electrons Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • For this purpose, an n-type region in which electrons are negatively charged majority carriers is grown on a p-type base in which holes are positively charged majority carriers or vice versa.
  • This leaves the remains of the atoms with a positive charge and creates freely flowing electrons, which are negatively charged.
  • If the experimenter is a person with a small amount of the electric fluid in his nature, that is negatively charged, the water being positive will draw down or attract the twig, hence the downward movement. Reminiscences of Queensland 1862-1869
  • Antihydrogen is identical, except that it has a negatively charged proton, called an antiproton, and a positively charged electron, called a positron. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
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  • A positively charged object attracts a negatively charged one and vice versa.
  • The SDS molecules group together to form negatively charged micelles.
  •   In case you slept through sixth-grade science, anions are negatively charged atoms or groups of atoms, with more negatively charged electrons than positively charged protons. Low-cost computer-mounted air filter makes lofty promises
  • An atom that becomes negatively charged due to an excess of electrons is called an anion, a negatively charged ion. Elements
  • The anti-particle of a negatively charged electron, for example, has a positive charge and is called a positron. I’m Working on That
  • Its capacity to bind both positively and negatively charged ions is also a consequence of it polarity.
  • All positively charged species in solution must be balanced by equivalent numbers of negatively charged species.
  • Anions are negatively charged atoms and isoelectronic ions are different elements that have identical electronic configurations. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • These water molecules are ripped apart and change into hydroxyl anions, each of which is negatively charged and has one oxygen ion with a proton attached.
  • One source cited in the column found the positively charged microfibers attracted and tightly held negatively charged dust and dirt particles.
  • In case you slept through sixth-grade science, anions are negatively charged atoms or groups of atoms, with more negatively charged electrons than positively charged protons. Low-cost computer-mounted air filter makes lofty promises
  • Because the electron was negatively charged and atoms are electrically neutral, there must be a positive charge somewhere in the atom.
  • If something is highly negatively charged from the past, that often drives future behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • RNA-like molecules, because of their negatively charged backbones, would tend to coat the outsides of clay particles.
  • Negative ions pass through a membrane containing positive ions more easily than through one that is neutral or negatively charged.
  • The simple reason for that assertion is plain scientific logic: we would expect that a positively charged Sun would repel positively charged protons, and attract negatively charged electrons; however, what we actually observe is that both electrons & protons are being 'repelled' by the Sun, and that immediately negates any consideration of the Sun having a net electric charge that can be detected anywhere in the solar wind flow. Do "Skeleton" Filaments Give Structure to the Universe? | Universe Today
  • Electrons are negatively charged with electricity, protons are positively charged.
  • The cation is positively charged, and the anion is negatively charged.
  • Phospholipids are amphipathic-their lipid tail is hydrophobic but their negatively charged phosphate group is hydrophilic-so phospholipid molecules spontaneously form sealed compartments in water. Ars Technica
  • For this aim highly monodisperse (size 1. 6+/-0.2 nm) and well-characterized Si core nanoparticles (Si NP) were used with a surface charge that depends on the specific covalently bound organic monolayers: positively charged Si NP-NH2, neutral Si NP-N3 and negatively charged Si NP-COOH. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • In a neutral atom, clouds of negatively charged electrons screen the positive nuclear charge so that atoms can approach one another.
  • Electrons are negatively charged with electricity.
  • For not only do all the radioactive substances give off particles of helium gas positively electrified, but _all bodies, no matter what their composition_, can by suitable treatment, such as exposing them to ultra-violet light, or raising them to incandescence, be made to _give off electrons_ or negatively charged particles, and _these electrons are always the same no matter from what kind of substance they come_. Q. E. D., or New Light on the Doctrine of Creation
  • The antiprotons - which are negatively charged, like electrons - took up orbits around nuclei.
  • As these electrons are negatively charged they will attempt to repel each other. Fats, Nutrition and Health
  • Complex N-linked oligosaccharides are negatively charged if they contain sialic acid.
  • The ligand may be either positively or negatively charged, or may be a molecule of water or ammonia.
  • Finally, amphoteric detergents have either a positively or negatively charged ion, depending on the pH of the system they are incorporated into.
  • Zinc sulfate “is a mineral salt that reacts with water to produce a strong acid (sulfuric acid) and zinc oxide,” while “zinc gluconate is a weak organic salt that dissolves to form positively charged zinc ions and negatively charged gluconate – a naturally occurring, non-toxic compound found in all human tissue.” Boing Boing
  • An '' 'electrophile' '' is a negatively charged proton which is attracted to the oppositely charged electronsa round another atom. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Additionally, the positively charged microfibers attract and tightly retain negatively charged dust and dirt particles and can penetrate the microscopic pores of most flooring materials, unlike loop mop systems.
  • Negatively charged (anionic) analytes move to the positively charged electrode (anode), and uncharged species do not migrate. The Scientist
  • The positively and negatively charged ions cause an electric field to form.
  • Employing a process called "electrophoresis," researchers who study DNA typically embed negatively charged DNA into a porous hydrogel. R&D Mag - News
  • The defect states in chalcogenide glasses, including positively charged, negatively charged and neutral three-fold coordinated sulphur clusters, were studied by SCF MO CNDO/2 method.
  • The inner tube is negatively charged and the outer tube is made positive.
  • Positively charged ice crystals rise to the top of the thunderstorm, and negatively charged ice particles and hailstones drop to the lower parts of the storm.
  • As these electrons are negatively charged they will attempt to repel each other. Fats, Nutrition and Health
  • In mathematical modeling and experiments testing the efficacy of several conditions: drug or dye with no particles; particles coated with fluorescein dye, positive or negative charge; and particles coated with anti-cancer drug doxorubicin, positive or negative charge, the UMass Amherst researchers show that gold nanoparticles move and localize differently in the 3-D cylindroid tumor tissue, depending on whether the nanoparticles are positively or negatively charged. Newswise: Latest News
  • Additionally, the positively charged microfibers attract and tightly retain negatively charged dust and dirt particles and can penetrate the microscopic pores of most flooring materials, unlike loop mop systems.
  • In an ionic compound there are two different types of ions present, the positively charged cations and the negatively charged anions.
  • Similarly the positively charged proton has a negatively charged antiparticle, the antiproton.
  • One source cited in the column found the positively charged microfibers attracted and tightly held negatively charged dust and dirt particles.
  • It is atomically flat, hydrophilic, and, in water, negatively charged.
  • Polyelectrolyte multilayers are gel-like films of alternating layers of positively and negatively charged molecules.
  • Amino acid compositional patterns also indicated preferential sorption of basic amino acids, with positively charged nitrogen side chains, to the negatively charged aluminosilicate clay minerals.
  • The resulting charge neutralization counteracts the normal repulsion of the negatively charged phosphate backbone and allows a considerable narrowing of the DNA grooves on the inside.
  • The gas was made of uncharged atoms, but when an electric current passed through it, negatively charged particles in the form of rays were given off.
  • The junctions in a transistor are between bits of silicon doped to conduct electrons known as n-type material, because electrons are negatively charged, and p-type areas doped to conduct positively charged holes in the crystal lattice, which are places where electrons should be, but aren't. The Economist: Daily news and views
  • In table salt, sodium atoms donate one electron each to chlorine atoms, making the sodiums positively charged ions and the chlorines negatively charged ions (called chloride).
  • He used the term corpuscles to describe the negatively charged particles that we now call electrons.
  • Microporous filters that are more electropositive than the negatively charged filters currently used for virus concentrations from water by filter adsorption-elution methods were evaluated for poliovirus recovery from tap water.
  • The cation binding has been explained in terms of specific chemical binding to these negatively charged groups.
  • In an alternative model, two pairs of the negatively charged residues would chelate two divalent cations.
  • Although spin plays a role, intermolecular forces are electrical forces, the repulsion of the negatively charged electrons for each other and their attraction to the positive nuclei, as well as the mutual repulsion of the nuclei. Archive 2010-03-01
  • All the positively charged ions, or cations, are together on the right side of the collage, and all the negatively charged ions, or anions, are on the left.
  • The material that captured the electron is now negatively charged and the material that lost an electron is now positively charged.
  • This technique utilizes a negatively charged detergent (sodium dodecyl sulfate) to denature and solubilize proteins.
  • Polyatomic ions are groups of atoms that are positively or negatively charged.

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