
How To Use Negation In A Sentence

  • She was denounced in media outlets close to the government as a "negationist" of the genocide. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • These three writers can be viewed along a continuum of historical reckoning and self-identification, from complete self-negation and self-hatred, to a more holistic historical reckoning and ancestral identification.
  • The life of an evil man is a moral negation.
  • This self-abnegation from letters of the 1970s should be taken as sincere. The Times Literary Supplement
  • AAVE is like Finnish in that it has a separate copular verb of negation meaning ‘not be’, pronounced ain't, and you need that here.
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  • At this point in the play, folk culture of Lenten abnegation and christening joy collides with mannered personal interaction and judgmental asperity.
  • Moreover, Llewellyn's almost complete abnegation of issues of style, iconography, authorship, or artistic quality results in a rather restricted view of the monuments as mere historical objects, as products of an industry.
  • We enjoy the abnegation of responsibility that comes with a terse command. Times, Sunday Times
  • If, however, we include in the term morality the transitory display of certain qualities such as abnegation, self-sacrifice, disinterestedness, devotion, and the need of equity, we may say, on the contrary, that crowds may exhibit at times a very lofty morality. The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind
  • The life of an evil man is a moral negation.
  • Conjunction and disjunction signs could then be defined from the negation and conditional signs.
  • If the Court holds fast to its abnegation of this traditional role, it could mark a sea change in federal-state relations.
  • Women responded especially strongly to this soulful portrait of grief, self-abnegation and recovery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus, although Greenberg champions avant-garde abstract artists, his is not the more rational avant-garde aesthetic of, for example, the Soviet Constructivists (e.g. Malevich, Popova, Rodchenko and Rozanova), or that of Mondrian, but a mystical one that suited his denegation of exact knowledge better. Political Affairs Magazine
  • There was first the bipolar world order, followed by its negation and the emergence of a unipolar world order.
  • In my syntax seminar the other day we were discussing grammaticalisation in French negation.
  • Consensus is the negation of leadership.
  • Bauer's late critique assimilated Hegel with Spinoza and the metaphysics of substance, understood as the negation of form and subjectivity.
  • There was a drug, supplementary to their addictions, which effectively switched them offcast them into a mental void, created within them what amounted to temporary brain-death-which was the absolute negation of thought. Psychosphere
  • Professor Haroon Mustafa Leon elaborates: ‘one of the glories of Islam is that it is founded on reason, and that it never demands from its followers an abnegation of that important mental faculty.’
  • He begins by noting what should be obvious: Given the centrality of freedom of expression "to an academic community, a university's suing a student for libel constitutes a curious act of self-abnegation, rather like the United Way taking a position against charitable giving, or the National Cattlemen's Beef Association urging that all Americans embrace a vegan diet. Michael Zimmerman, Ph.D.: When Academic Administrators Lose Their Moral Compass
  • No reasonable negation can be offered.
  • She has therefore an opportunity for exercising in behalf of her dog that beautiful self-abnegation which is said to be a part of woman's nature, impelling her always to prefer that her laurels should be worn by somebody else. Women and the Alphabet A Series of Essays
  • Neither is a name instituted by which it ought to be called; for it is neither a sentence, nor a negation*. Works
  • It can be identified only by its negation of modernism; as its architecture exemplifies perceptually, it has no form of its own.
  • Hume notes that we cannot imagine or conceive of the negations of typical mathematical theorems, but this seems to be a weak hold on the necessity of mathematics.
  • (S¬) vw (¬A) = 1 if and only if vw* (A) = 0, that is, ¬A is true at a world w if and only if A is false, not at w itself (as it happens with standard negation), but at its twin w*. Impossible Worlds
  • What she wants or does not want is subsumed in absolute indifference and the great overarching project of finding the perfect negation of ego.
  • Though he loved Levi-Strauss and Saussure, he showed how their relatively rigid theories of culture and language respectively contained the seeds of their own negation.
  • If, however, we include in the term morality the transitory display of certain qualities such as abnegation, self-sacrifice, disinterestedness, devotion, and the need of equity, we may say, on the contrary, that crowds may exhibit at times a very lofty morality. The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind
  • Secondly, metaphor presupposition can be judged successfully by the true-false value method and the "negation test".
  • A related view also occurs much later; Ashworth reports that Menghus Blanchellus Faventinus held that term negations such as ˜nonman™ are true of non-beings, and he concluded from this that ˜A nonman is a chimera™ is true (apparently assuming that ˜chimera™ is also true of nonbeings). [ The Traditional Square of Opposition
  • But it suggests an abnegation of responsibility; after all, serial killers often think they're doing God's work too.
  • In natural theology, we can only explain "by way of negation and remotion" what that means. The Robinson-Blosser Debate on Divine Simplicity
  • Go with the to and fro flow through the rhythms of urbanity, through the too-human rhythms of love and loss, through the rhythms of responsible affirmation or negation.
  • Do NOT allow a few sundry Lieutenant-Colonels or Grade Five public servants alone swing for this shameful abnegation of Ministerial responsibility.
  • By surrendering your personal will to the whim of the die you are practicing precisely that self-abnegation prescribed in the scriptures. THE DICE MAN
  • From this standpoint, rural people and their culture represent a negation of everything that is wholesome and pure about nature.
  • There is always going to be a fear of death - as it is the absolute negation of life.
  • Under colonialism and apartheid domination African countries suffered the same political, economic, social and cultural domination, which led to the depersonalisation of sections of communities, falsification of their history, disparagement and negation of their moral and social values and cultural institutions. Returning to the roots of local activism
  • They allowed themselves to be used by those who wanted to escalate the images of opposition into an all-or-nothing confrontation that is the opposite of democracy and the negation of politics: a symbolism of despair masquerading as hope.
  • A correspondent of Mr. Knight's suggests {114} for the word _delight_ in this passage, also, a new derivation; using _de_ as a negation, and _light (lux), delighted_, removed from the regions of light. Notes and Queries, Number 38, July 20, 1850
  • Such negation refers to nothing that is sensibly perceptible.
  • The adjunction of the negation of such a sentence to the axioms of the system yields a consistent extension of formalized classical mathematics in which an actually false proposition [ein inhaltlich falscher Satz] is derivable.
  • Far-right groups said they will protest outside the film's screening and a French member of parliament condemned it as a "negationist" rewriting of history. The Age News Headlines
  • A mosque is intended as a void: all paths lead to emptiness, reality is affirmed through its negation.
  • They discussed the abnegation of God.
  • It was the sublime abnegation of true love that comes to all lovers, and it came to him there, at the telephone, in a whirlwind of fire and glory; and to die for her, he felt, was to have lived and loved well. Chapter 12
  • And with negations of conditionals and conditionals in antecedents, we saw, the problem is reversed: we assert conditionals which we would not believe if we construed them truth-functionally.
  • In the ensuing confusion the Catholic community locally and nationally saw this as an abnegation of the 1944 Education Act.
  • Then, in a kind of mockingly Hegelian negation of negation, the very dimension of otherness is cancelled: one does it with oneself. The new feminists: lipstick and pageants
  • You lose yourself in it so much you find yourself creating scenarios to fit the songs from your own experiences, you alter the past and indulge in power fantasies of abnegation and collapse.
  • It was not the literature of negation that was proposed, but the negation of literature.
  • This is not an implicative negation phenomenon, namely a refutation of the type: “it is not this” or “it is not that.” A Commentary on Attitude-Training Like the Rays of the Sun - His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama ��� Day Six: Deepest Bodhichitta, Continued
  • And so he recedes, through phases of Bob Dylan – esque self-abnegation, while his band pushes forward with its bliss-filled racket. Sing to the Lord a New Song
  • In these enthusiasts we shall find striking examples of one of the morbid forces of human nature; yet in candor let us do honor to what was genuine in them, -- that principle of self-abnegation which is the life of true religion, and which is vital no less to the highest forms of heroism. The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century
  • Built using a surprising array of materials and techniques, each dress focuses on primal elements of human nature - the soul, memory, seduction, abnegation.
  • Whilst Bentham maintains that pleasures and pains are “addible” so that in any situa - tion the net result is a quantum of either pleasure or pain, Plato argues that although they “both admit of more and less” neither can be subtracted from the other because “the negation of pain will not be the same with pleasure” (Philebus 41, 43). Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Affirmation depends on negation: white is valued at the expense of black; youth acquires status through the devaluation of ageing.
  • Selflessness also lies at the core of what is essential in a general, for both moral and physical courage derive from self-abnegation.
  • His work, though far from didactic, is full of moral implications; his example of aesthetic idealism, set by abnegation and artistry is a standing rebuke to facility and venality, callousness and obtuseness. James Joyce
  • Urquhart that in consequence of such denegation he will demonstrate that Palmerston had everything to do with it. The Greville Memoirs (Second Part) A Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1852 (Volume 1 of 3)
  • Shulamith Firestone deems motherhood “a condition of terminal psychological and social decay, total self-abnegation and physical deterioration.” On Being a Bad Mother
  • The first, the so-called “entitative graphs,” is based on disjunction and negation. Nobody Knows Nothing
  • Clearly, she started off wanting to compare apophatic theology and something one might call ‘negation of contradiction’ in Zen.
  • In addition to predicate denial, in which a predicate F is denied of a subject a, Aristotelian logic allows for narrow-scope predicate term negation, in which a negative predicate not-F is affirmed of a. The relation of predicate denial and predicate term negation to a simple affirmative proposition can be schematized on a generalized square of opposition Contradiction
  • At this point, the intensifier is not longer a free agent, but has become a sort of contractual associate of the negation.
  • Otherwise I'm going to have to conclude that this is a sort of disguised overnegation, a rhetorical thunderbolt that blows back semantically the wrong way.
  • It would be a serious abnegation of leadership if he were to do nothing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus we only arrive at reality by limitation, at the positive, at a real position, by negation or exclusion; to determination, by the suppression of our free determinableness. >Letters upon the Aesthetic Education of Man. Letter XIX.
  • There is evidence here of a denegation, a strong disavowal of the body in its inert, contemplative and Hegel on Buddhism
  • It is frustrating to witness the abnegation of human rights on such a foolish cause.
  • Basically, after years of self-abnegation, Britain now has an old fashioned tax-and-spend government.
  • The third story was the most autobiographical one, built in part around my own struggles with my family and their abnegation of any feeling of responsibility.
  • Existents include affirmation phenomena (sgrub-pa, affirmingly known phenomenon, affirmation) and negation phenomena (dgag-pa, negatingly known phenomenon, negation, refutation). Affirmations, Negations, and Denumerable and Nondenumerable Ultimate Phenomena
  • Has the relentless Necessity of Comte erected its huge mill on this continent, to grimly grind out the annual quantity of patriotism, tyranny, noble self-abnegation, or Machiavelism, in the prescribed, invariable ratio of "Sociology? Macaria; or, Altars of Sacrifice
  • Such abnegation has become a popular tactic in these anti - political times.
  • The author boxed the compass of negation in his article.
  • Known as Sufi (literal meaning - wool, as in ascetics who wore woolen garments), they opted for solitude and abnegation, renouncing physical comforts.
  • Her wartime letters, showing her abnegation, selfless duty and distress, make impressive reading. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The so-called secondary categories consist of almost equally linguistic concepts: negation and opposition, comparatives, modes, and so on.
  • If the pronoun were coreferential with its antecedent, the indefinite “a donkey” would have to be a referential term, which seems unlikely, e.g. because the negation of Discourse Representation Theory
  • The shoes are the telling detail, proof that the song's protagonist has slipped from stability into a downward spiral of apathy and self-abnegation.
  • The unfortunate negationist interview of Williamson was not known to the Pope when he approved the decree: to read what happened as a change of direction with respect what was determined by the Council in the relations with the Jews was an instrumentalization, to which even Catholics lent themselves, although the Pope admits that the scope of the measure should have been better clarified. Advance Report on the Papal Letter about the Lifting of the SSPX Excommunications II
  • Like all mystically indescribable ideals, glove perfection is best described through negation.
  • At the last issue, he and she were two separate beings, not made one by the miracle of common forbearances, duties, abnegations, but bound together in a _noyade_ of passion that left them resisting yet clinging as they went down. The Greater Inclination
  • My experience with Christians during the last several months seems to best sum up this particular western idea that oppresses newly disabled or people with continuing denegation into a choice of having two lives; one in which you are optimistic and happy to others while the bulk of your struggles become a secret life; or share all aspects of your life and face rejection. Archive 2007-05-01
  • That understanding which is peculiar to man is the understanding not only his will, but his conceptions and thoughts, by the sequel and contexture of the names of things into affirmations, negations, and other forms of speech: and of this kind of understanding I shall speak hereafter. Leviathan
  • Iago expresses his philosophy in what Harold Bloom has referred to as the ontological negation, "I am not what I am. Robert David Jaffee: Human Nature, Not Mental Illness, Accounts for Fort Hood Shooting
  • As a consequence, it is the guarantor of human dignity and freedom, especially in the gas chambers and gulags which are the total negation of both.
  • Instead, it surely refers to a state of total stillness and even abnegation, an ideal that religious adepts of all disciplines have long aspired to.
  • Such hollow ideas may serve the narcissistic needs and short term interests of a few, but what begins as simple negation can end in nihilistic disaster as those with hollow ideas and hardened avoid the real work of reviving the heart of culture and tending to the soul of the country. The Full Feed from
  • Will the discursive spaces within the left be divided into radical, semi-radical, not-so radical, etc. depending on abnegation of one's own particularism?
  • Manne's central thesis appears to be that Howard has but one social and cultural policy: a policy of negation.
  • Will the BBC's new guidelines about accuracy over firstness, delayed showing of troubling images (i.e. Beslan, New Orleans) influence other channels, already criticized by an ITV journalist, calling it a "negation of modern television journalism"? A TIME TO CHANGE: THE MEDIA DEBATES ITSELF
  • Some religious traditions indeed predicate apocalyptic hope on a lifetime of self-abnegation and the renunciation of all individual markers of significance and distinction.
  • I do not want to accuse, I do not even want to accuse the accusers let looking away be my only negation and all in all and of the whole someday I want only to be a yes sayer.
  • Though he acknowledges the delicacy of criticizing the Soviet regime, Eliot's political objection was that the only good guy in Orwell's allegory seemed to be Trotsky, and he didn't like Trotsky: Now I think my own dissatisfaction with this apologue is that the effect is simply one of negation. “Your Pigs Are Far More Intelligent”
  • And the critic Ba'al Makhshoves goes one step further, ascribing some familiar elements of the Jewish sense of humour to the stetl life of holy abnegation.
  • It demands an approach that is the negation of purely mechanistic materialism.
  • Frazer writes, "Here is what the last scene in the film meant, he explained, his four - or five-word declamation a stark and numbing negation of the gentle, almost languid spirit of the film, which invites the audience to its own discovery. Undefined
  • It is merely the negation of something else, and therefore an empty formal category.
  • Typical grammatical features in European-based Creoles include the use of preverbal negation and subject-verb-object word order: for example (from Sranan in Surinam) A no koti a brede, He didn't cut the bread.
  • Thus all affirmations about God fall short, and only negations about God are really true: God is invisible, ineffable, beyond our names, beyond our words.
  • In this critical view of mankind there was an affinity between him and Gwendolen before their marriage, and we know that she had been attractingly wrought upon by the refined negations he presented to her. Daniel Deronda
  • What we're actually witnessing here is an abnegation of artistic responsibility. Times, Sunday Times
  • In no way; to no degree. Used to express negation , denial, refusal, or prohibition.
  • I sought to interrupt him with some not very truthful denegation; but he waved me down, and pursued his speech. The Enemy in the House
  • Three unary propositional functions are defined, one corresponding to classical negation, as well as seven binary functions, including classical disjunction, conjunction and equivalence. Hans Reichenbach
  • abnegation of the Holy Trinity
  • I believe that this is the connection between can and must - with interchanging scope of negation - that she has in mind.
  • These privileges were the reward for the abnegation and servility demanded of Party functionaries.
  • The author boxed the compass of negation in his article.
  • With the latter a frown is the sign of negation, and with us frowning often accompanies a lateral shake of the head. The expression of the emotions in man and animals
  • Godel showed that in any formal system adequate for number theory there is an undecidable formula, that is, a formula such that neither it nor its negation can be proved.
  • Much of what passes for Christianity is a negation of Christ's teachings.
  • A supposed law of this sort is the negation of history itself, of that accidentality, that empiricity, that contingency, which distinguish the concrete fact from the abstraction. Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic
  • What the monologue thus conceives is an experience under negation, never fully bound in the present, another mode of imposture.
  • Judging School Discipline casts a backward glance at the roots of this dilemma to show how a laudable concern for civil liberties forty years ago has resulted in oppressive abnegation of adult responsibility now.
  • Though this has been portrayed as genuine consultation, in fact the lack of any real, driving ideas about educational reform is an abnegation of political responsibility.
  • Scope is among the many problems concerning negation.
  • Negation can pass over into pleasure but not into positivity.
  • The pro-Western Gulf or North African allied states have nothing to gain in seeing American influence or military power devalued in their region—either by others, or as is the current fad in Washington, through American self-abnegation. Arabs Love the Pax Americana
  • Not precisely a joyless life nor a life lived in negation of God; only a torpid, base life of mostly unmurmuring content, unfit in the main for such a being as man in such a world as this.
  • This is dedicated to friends of double negatives and to those who have wondered what the word pas, ‘step,’ has to do with negation in French
  • An antinomy is the peculiar fallacy which enables us to derive both a proposition and its negation from the same premiss.
  • Built using a surprising array of materials and techniques, each dress focuses on primal elements of human nature - the soul, memory, seduction, abnegation.
  • I would like to think that by now I am free, but though I have a lot of positive emotion associated with my sexuality, I believe I will never escape fully from the abnegation.
  • There is often a wilful abnegation of logic, fairness and innate intelligence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Given that the abnegation of the ego is enjoined by almost every spiritual tradition, this becomes relevant across the spectrum of faiths.
  • Any country that believes itself compelled to defend against coercive threat with a strategy of negation would almost certainly focus on space assets as the most promising target.
  • What about sentences containing operators like negation and conjunction?
  • So when intuitionists deny that the Law of Excluded Middle holds in non-finitary contexts, they are actually taking truth as provability; and when paraconsistentists claim that some formula can be true (in some weird circumstances) together with its negation, they are not talking of negation anymore (see e.g. Berto 2006). Impossible Worlds
  • In his obituary, The Times recorded that ‘Wittgenstein showed the characteristics of a religious contemplative of the hermit type’, and referred to his extreme abnegation and retirement.
  • In my topics in the semantics of questions course, we were discussing negation in questions, and - I can't remember the reference now - someone's theory of their being sort of metalinguistic.
  • This kind of self-assertion and self-negation ran through the whole life of Donne, and only through a compromise of both sides, did he achieve an ultimate inward harmony.
  • What has become an endangered species is a still further type of negation, metaphysical negation, in which the no turns out to be a yes: no to appearances, yes to something so exalted it's indescribable.
  • Unintelligible legislation is the negation of the rule of law and of parliamentary democracy.
  • That unformulated coherence is what happens when we move from negation to negativity.
  • Obeying the guru required discipline and self-abnegation, an exercise that was always beneficial to the spiritual aspirant.
  • The negation of the negation is something like faith revealed as lies (which is why we revile hypocritical priests and pastors so very much). Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Plotting for the Severely Right Brained
  • This theory is a negation of all traditional beliefs.
  • But, as Althusser said, bourgeois philosophy "lives by its denegation," the promise of an objective knowledge of what philosophy is, as a practice, which is offered by Marxism, is always denegated, or disavowed, by bourgeois philosophers, who assert that such knowledge is impossible. Political Affairs Magazine
  • The implicit negation in words like fail and ignore may be especially difficult to untangle.
  • In isolation, Joan's virginity could signify an abnegation furthering spirituality-a rejection of the worldly in favor of the otherworldly, as in the assertions of nuns and virgin martyrs that their spouse is Christ.
  • An implicative negation phenomenon (ma-yin dgag, affirming negation) is an exclusion of something else (gzhan-sel) in which, after the sounds of the words that exclude the object to be negated have negated that object, they leave behind in their wake (bkag-shul), explicitly or implicitly, something else. What Does a Buddha Know in Knowing the Past, Present, and Future? ��� Part Two: Variant Indian Buddhist Views Concerning Temporally Related Phenomena
  • I do not want to accuse, I do not even want to accuse the accusers let looking away be my only negation and all in all and of the whole someday I want only to be a yes sayer.
  • When the candidate for initiation sees (not merely believes, remember, but actually _sees_) that what has always before seemed to him empty space is in reality a solid mass of inconceivable density, and that the matter which has appeared to be the one tangible and certain basis of things is not only by comparison tenuous as gossamer (the "web" spun by "Father-Mother"), but is actually composed of emptiness and nothingness -- is itself the very negation of matter -- then for the first time he thoroughly appreciates the valuelessness of the physical senses as guides to the truth. Occult Chemistry Clairvoyant Observations on the Chemical Elements
  • In the ensuing confusion the Catholic community locally and nationally saw this as an abnegation of the 1944 Education Act.
  • To test the accuracy of our negation tagger, we evaluated our system against a gold-standard, human-annotated corpus of 250 reports.
  • When I was a child, my home, usually humming with debate, argument and laughter, would be transformed by this time into a solemn sanctuary marked by prayerful memory and theatrical displays of self-abnegation. Cheryl Pearl Sucher: Life Is Prayer During The Days Of Awe
  • Or that communion with God is but a transcendental, emotional state of self-negation and acceptance?
  • In spleenful moments, it seems to me that the most depraved of city-dwellers has flashes of enthusiasm and self-abnegation never experienced by this shifty, retrogressive and ungenerous brood, which lives like the beasts of the field and has learnt all too much of their logic. Old Calabria
  • Still, some basic reporting can be done (and I think I can say without self-flattery or self-abnegation that I am not a conduit of choice for national-security leaking).
  • The sticking point in faith for me was abnegation.
  • December, till the work is accomplished, come Letters of renegation, come Curates who are 'learning to be Carpenters,' Curates with their new-wedded Nuns: has not the Day of Reason dawned, very swiftly, and become noon? The French Revolution
  • In Literary Theory and the Claims of History, Satya Mohanty posits a hermeneutics of affirmation in contrast to Jacques Derrida's hermeneutics of negation.
  • For Jacoby, this “imageless” approach is more respectful of the decisions of individual future actors and grows out of the respectful reluctance to represent or name the deity: it approaches what is good or holy only apophatically — “by negation” (xiv-xvi, 32-36, 147). Utopianism and Joanna Baillie: A Preface to Converging Revolutions
  • Raw eggs being the only foodstuff she would consume while suffering the throes of religious abnegation.
  • Unintelligible legislation is the negation of the rule of law and of parliamentary democracy.
  • The whole book is an exercise in self-love, disguised as an exercise in self-abnegation.
  • Will the discursive spaces within the left be divided into radical, semi-radical, not-so radical, etc. depending on abnegation of one's own particularism?
  • For each truth-value assignment, construct a conjunction made up of those letters the truth-value assignment makes true, along with the negations of those letters the truth-value assignment makes false.
  • There is debate around the negation and/or quarantining of children's sensuality and developing sexuality.
  • They include both affirmation phenomena (sgrub-pa, affirmingly known phenomena), such as an orange, and negation phenomena (dgag-pa, negatingly known phenomena), such as not an orange. The Appearance and Cognition of Nonexistent Phenomena: Non-Gelug Presentation
  • Consequently it must be recognised that the rather amphibological expression "soulless psychology" implies no negation of the existence of the soul. The Mind and the Brain Being the Authorised Translation of L'Âme et le Corps
  • And where better than in literary writing to find a sounding-board for the sense that alternatives can be copresent and animating rather than monitored by negation? Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • Like the “not-yet-happening of the result,” the “temporarily not-giving-rise to its result” is a nonstatic implicative negation phenomena and a noncongruent affecting variable, imputably knowable on the basis of a karmic tendency. What Does a Buddha Know in Knowing the Past, Present, and Future? ��� Part Three: Analysis of the Gelug Prasangika Assertions
  • It is part of the abnegation of learning and the senseless worship of youth that now distort our values.
  • And this other fellow," says he, when I had done, "this fellow that sang -- d'ye know if his name chanced to be Mings -- Abnegation Mings, comrade? Black Bartlemy's Treasure
  • What she wants or does not want is subsumed in absolute indifference and the great overarching project of finding the perfect negation of ego.
  • Further there are some affirmations which we make concerning God which have the force of absolute negation: for example, when we use the term darkness, in reference to God, we do not mean darkness itself, but that He is not light but above light: and when we speak of Him as light, we mean that NPNF2-09. Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus
  • There was first the bipolar world order, followed by its negation and the emergence of a unipolar world order.
  • The election of Obama also offers, many believe, a chance for redemption: redemption from allowing unprovoked warfare that has killed and injured many Americans, and an unknown amount of Iraqi citizens; tacitly accepting torture, permitting a denegation of our civil rights, and through rampant deregulation allowing economic devastation which has ripped the entire fabric of the economy. Paula B. Mays: Ebenezer Scrooge - Hope, Redemption and the 2008 Election
  • The Church could become the Church, in his view, only if it, too, made the self-referential gesture of abnegation.
  • Sin is the estrangement between God and humans instigated by human defiance or abnegation.
  • Especially in the period of Institutional Revolution fell under complete negation, and Jiluan Zhang suffered animadvert.
  • And this isn't always the easiest thing because a great deal of self-discipline and even self-abnegation is called for. New Directions in Foreign Policy
  • A representation r is maximally consistent if and only if r is consistent and for any representation r², either r & not-r² is not consistent or r & r² is not consistent (assuming the appropriate conceptions of the negation and conjunction of representations). Possible Objects
  • This theory is a negation of all traditional beliefs.
  • Of course, more complex formulas than these can easily be constructed, using more than one quantifier and symbols for negation, conjunction, disjunction, and so forth.
  • Their verdict was a massive negation of nationalism. THE FOUR NATIONS: A History of the United Kingdom
  • The so-called secondary categories consist of almost equally linguistic concepts: negation and opposition, comparatives, modes, and so on.
  • These acted as a justification both for abnegation by government and for the informal and non-legal manner in which the Bank has purported to police bank behaviour.
  • It seems to a bemused outsider at times as if the country must have its own cultural variant of masochistic puritanism, a collective desire for the penitential abnegation of prosperity and all its works.
  • This cruelty is the side-effect of pure negation.
  • Thus, his restatement is paragraph two of the story, not the story's negation.
  • Many of these are called aeternae veritates, and all of them indeed are so; not from being written, all or any of them, in the minds of all men; or that they were any of them propositions in any one’s mind, till he, having got the abstract ideas, joined or separated them by affirmation or negation. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • As many Catholics and Anglicans take a trip to church to receive their ashes as a sign of repentance, a growing number of other Christian faiths reject the 40-day season of abnegation and fasting in favour of year-round righteousness.
  • In this sense unproductive labor occupies the position of an other, a category of labor in difference that can be known primarily by its negative content, which is to say its precise negation of all that defines productive labor.
  • Just as in probabilism you are stuck with A once you assign it probability 1, so you are basically stuck with A once you assign its negation rank ˆž. Formal Representations of Belief
  • Unintelligible legislation is the negation of the rule of law and of parliamentary democracy.
  • This political system was the negation of democracy.
  • The double is the literary negation of personal identity and the concept of character, just as the repetition of events is the negation of time and plot.
  • Such loopholes are a negation of all the progress made in other areas of food labelling. E For Additives
  • In a fanciful mood, one might imagine a tenth circle of the Inferno, wherein those stern grey arches should loftily rise, in blind and endless sequence, limbing an abode of horror, a place of punishment for those, empty-hearted, who had lived without colour and sunshine, in voluntary abnegation, caring only for gain and success. The Daughters of Danaus
  • The following table presents three most important continuous t-norms, their residua and the corresponding negation: Fuzzy Logic
  • January 8th, 2009 at 2: 35 pm using it as an intensifier is less bad than using it as a negation-sign, as in “moral victory”, which means “i lost”. Matthew Yglesias » Lacking in Prosal Clarity
  • In subsequent speeches, as well as in an advice column he began writing for Ebony in 1957 and in a book he published the following year, King endorsed Christian self-abnegation as a means to attain “first-class citizenship.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • The connection between the subtraction account of negation and the principles distinctive of connexive logic is explained by Routley and Routley (1985, p. 205) as follows: Connexive Logic

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