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  1. someone who does work (as sewing or embroidery) with a needle

How To Use needleworker In A Sentence

  • To meet the inherent challenge of harmonizing a variety of capabilities in a group endeavor, Chicago proposed, and all the needleworkers agreed, to use the same background color fade, the same techniques and a common border.
  • Penne fit me" (Penne made me), pointing to the existence of a needleworker of that name. Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages A Description of Mediaeval Workmanship in Several of the Departments of Applied Art, Together with Some Account of Special Artisans in the Early Renaissance
  • In appliqué the craft to the needleworker is not carried to its limit, but, on the other hand, it calls for great skill in design. Quilts Their Story and How to Make Them
  • The program for ‘Resolutions’ was developed cooperatively, beginning with a meeting in early 1994 between Chicago and a core group of half a dozen needleworkers who assembled in her studio in Albuquerque.
  • This provident needleworker used her earnings to buy a vineyard.
  • But above all requirements the quilt maker must be an expert needleworker, capable of making the multitude of tiny stitches with neatness and precision if she would produce the perfect quilt. Quilts Their Story and How to Make Them
  • It was just after finishing the ‘Holocaust Project’ that Chicago began to talk to the needleworkers about creating a group of positive images to express the concept of healing or repairing the world.
  • Connie, my mother, is a huge appreciator of handcrafted work of all kinds, as well as an expert knitter and talented needleworker in her own right. Textile museum, judy chicago, and me
  • Rose Wortis was an Eastern European immigrant needleworker who devoted her life to working-class organizing and the Left. Rose Wortis.
  • Mrs. O'Shaughnessy is the daintiest needleworker I have ever seen; she was taught by the nuns at Letters of a Woman Homesteader
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