How To Use Needless In A Sentence
He said disputes and votes being called on the order of business were causing needless disruption.
At the end, he argues that a good progressive conservative government could cut useless measures like corporate subsidies, farm subsidies, and needless tariffs.
Look at Arizona, a state torn apart with a needless immigration "debate;" needless insomuch as it exists now.
Charles Karel Bouley: Tucson: In the Blame Game, We All Lose
Needless to say, this has led to additional burden on the locality's narrow roads.
There was no option but to disassemble the poxy thing, stuff it back into it's box (needless to say they never go back in) and schlep back to Croydon.

Mr. Collins repeated his apologies in quitting the room, and was assured with unwearying civility that they were perfectly needless.
Pride and Prejudice
Needless to say this evidence was used to refute the view that the gospel narratives are irresponsible fabrications.
A lot of information is needlessly cluttering your mind.
Needless to say there's more than a few class action lawsuits floating about at the moment.
The Harps looked to have this game in the bag only to nearly throw it away, conceding numerous needless frees.
Needless to say, neither Andrew Wilkow nor his remora, Nick Rizzuto, is a punk.
Chez Pazienza: With Friends Like These...
Jefferson famously excised all miracles from his copy of the King James Bible; as a rationalist and a deist, he considered such stories to be needless embellishments.
Needless to say, precise intelligence and sound judgment as important to military success as fancy kit.
Needless to say, you can add other vegetables you like or take out any that you don't.
Then they campaigned tirelessly to highlight the injustices that led to those needless deaths.
The Sun
Needless risk and bravado have changed only in medium.
Times, Sunday Times
During this time Kissinger needlessly prolonged U.S. war-making in which 20,853 Americans were killed and an officially U. S.-estimated 7,860,013 Indochinese were murdered, maimed or made homeless.
Fred Branfman: Hillary Clinton's Promoting Kissinger: An Insult to History
A polite tongue provided a shield of tactful silence and banal pleasantries that staved off needless provocation and harm.
But, indeed, nature herself seemed to have been his vintner, and at his birth charged him so thoroughly with an irritable, brandy-like disposition, that all subsequent potations were needless.
Papers, basting, needless whipstitching, awkward ways to join units together … I could go on.
Moving hands
Needless to say, losing one's source of income at a young age is a devastating personal misfortune.
Needless to say, their answers have been little more than an acknowledgement of receipt.
Ill would it beseem my habit and my calling, to thrust myself into match-making and giving in marriage, but worse were it in me to see your lordships do needless wrong to the feelings which are proper to our nature, and which, being indulged honestly and under the restraints of religion, become a pledge of domestic quiet here, and future happiness in a better world.
The Monastery
Brian retired from the sea a number of years ago and bought a local public house, needless to say this was frequented by many local and visiting fishermen who always received a very warm welcome.
Further elaboration is needless and comments are unnecessary, we know.
Noble Simplicity and the Liturgiologist Edmund Bishop
Needless to say, I have a special place in my heart for onomatopoeias 1: the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (as buzz, hiss) 2: the use of words whose sound suggests the sense (thank you Merriam-Webster).
Blog – syllable studio
There is, needless to say, some bitterness and disappointment that no system emerged after considerable expenditure.
British racing has advanced in this regard but too many key races are still needlessly lost.
Times, Sunday Times
Needless to say, the distinctions form a continuum, rather than discrete categories.
Needless to say her lectures were oversubscribed - at her opening address, 200 students turned up to a lecture hall designed for 35.
Needless to say, the results are wildly uneven, vacillating from a hushed lament to a blistering assault within seconds.
We three had wandered away together into an alcove, else, 'tis almost needless to say, our daffing had not been so free.
A Daughter of Raasay A Tale of the '45
Needless to say, Shade's unusual behavior early today was not going to go undiscussed.
Needless to say, the UM with dataport is now high on their shopping list
Discussion Forum - TuDiabetes - A Community for People Touched by Diabetes
Add to that a covert operation to score some marijuana for his dad's glaucoma, and, well, it's needless to say this day doesn't end well.
The implications of such claims, needless to say, are a far cry from traditionary assumptions about romance being a tissue of impossible fantasies and history being a discourse of empirical truth.
Needless to say, Mr Hoebig was accorded a huge ovation by the large audience, as well as his fellow musicians.
But his critics say he has needlessly antagonized professors with his autocratic style.
Needless to say, when my visit makes it on to the Tuesday late edition of the show, they have cut out the F-word.
Needless to say, the Old Testament teems with such types and pictures which (as we saw last month) were specifically given to provide insight, instruction and illumination in relation to their new-covenant antitypes.
It was actually really just a good thriller; the sci-fi trappings were entirely needless and pretty unfeasible.
Accordingly he repaired to the Hotel de Ville, and gave to the Municipal Council so distinct an account of his measures, and of his reason for taking them, that, though Danton and some of his more factious colleagues reproached him for exhibiting what they called a needless distrust of the people, the majority of the Council approved of his conduct, and dismissed him to return to his duties.
The Life of Marie Antoinette
My films several times were recut after I finished them, and, needless to say, I thought, for the worse.
Needless to say, movies that depict the Italian mafia in the U. S. A. are choc-a-bloc with mafia lingo.
Although one should generally refuse that food which "needlessly taxes digestion and so impairs mental activity," a young student — particularly a young condottiere such as Guidobaldo — could not be permitted to develop a finicky palate.
Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
Someone decided that the semicolons were needlessly fussy, resulting in what English teachers call a dangling modifier.
Needless to say this opens up a whole lotta possibilities for the government in future cases like this one.
The foot can actually bend both anteriorly and posteriorly (that is, the foot can be hyperextended as well as flexed), which needless to say is (almost) unique (read on).
Archive 2006-05-01
He plays the hypercritic on himself, and starves his genius to death from a needless apprehension of a plethora.
Lectures on the English Poets Delivered at the Surrey Institution
This is often affiliated with "administrivia" needless paperwork and processes.
November 16th, 2006
Needless to say, these are not the people who write the op-ed pages of European newspapers.
Needless to say I have not been asked to endorse anything.
Needless to say I felt incredibly self-conscious in my five foot three, size six body.
And so i adventitial to the neuroanatomical of orizaba a solace with me ungratefully i go so that i can skidpan a needless of the fun.
Rational Review
Needless to say, there is nothing pleasurable about the ailments caused by muscle attrition or a lack of bone density.
Needless to say, that if looks could kill, Darien would most certainly have died a painful and excruciating death.
She caused untold hardship and misery to millions of families who suffered needless unemployment.
As well as giving away needless penalties, Scotland could not capitalise on the 26 mistakes made by the Welsh, many of them knock-ons, forward passes and turnovers.
More importantly, the report caused needless anxiety to all the women who have attended the centre.
Needless to say, having all of the important wards & cures always castable (as long as you have the proper rituals, components, and someone that can actually use it) had helped me quit worrying about handling everything and get back to enjoying the game.
4e “In The Trenches” « Geek Related
Needless to say, we gave the dugite a wide berth.
Needless to say, he kept his promise.
Health Culture opposes as needless and wasteful of life those research activities known as vivisection, also as contrary to human interest the use of drugs, serums, vaccines and chemicals as medicines or preventives of disease by legal compulsion.
No Animal Food and Nutrition and Diet with Vegetable Recipes
Needless to say, this has the most profound implications for the semipermeable soul.
In the Valley of the Shadow
The goalkeeper showed his continuing nervousness by needlessly coming to claim the resultant corner.
Times, Sunday Times
As long as he has not been exonerated from the first assault, this may safely be accomplished without opening themselves to a defamation suit (i.e. they need to keep within the truth, and not tarnish his reputation needlessly).
The Volokh Conspiracy » What Should Landlords Do If a Tenant Is Accused of a Violent Crime?
Needless to say though she left the studio offering no apologies, no thanks, no farewells.
They seek to reduce what they see as needless clutter and eye candy, and to fashion beautifully spare pages, focusing on the most pleasing presentation of text.
I say that these - which are the laws of mesmerism in its general features - it would be supererogation to demonstrate; nor shall I inflict upon my readers so needless a demonstration to-day.
Now, because it is needlesse to proceede any further, then what hath beene already spoken: let mee onely tell you (over and beside) and commit it to memorie, that the nature of meetings and speeches are such, as they ought to nippe or touch the hearer, like unto the Sheepes nibling on the tender grasse, and not as the sullen Dogge byteth.
The Decameron
However, intensive care also raises the specter of treatment for treatment's sake and fears of a life prolonged needlessly by machines.
Needless to say, some software refuses to build when 2.4.4 or better is required.
Needless to say, I politely declined their invitations.
Needless to say, I wanted to put the book aside, because it is not entertaining or diverting.
On now to the interface overhaul for the site itself, as part of the new, needless, and utterly unrequested change to a Monthly Magazine format.
It was a needless worry.
Times, Sunday Times
Needless to say there was indeed a nice mouse-sized chunk of Harry's favourite gristle-packed stewing steak oozing gore on a covered saucer in the fridge.
Playing a reserve goalkeeper in a crucial fixture was a needless risk.
Times, Sunday Times
The implication is that this is needless suffering or, even worse, suffering caused by human beings with their dogmatic religious intolerance.
A pied-piper's trail of opportunity discarded, needless abasement endured, and a grievous ransom paid in blood and treasure.
Needless to say, this didn't go over very well, and heated exchanges were the result of these meetings.
Needless to say, button sewing wasn't adventuresome enough for him, and he left me home alone to finish my task.
Needless to say, Zinfer's very first day on Planet Earth had turned out to be an unbelievably wretched experience for the poor little prince.
Needless to say he was canned along with his boss and dismissed from government work
It is needless to add that you are in want of a second.
But this was his most sustained and unprovoked attack - and it was as needless as it was classless.
The Sun
All this action does is muddle the faithful and bring the faith into needless disrepute.
As a nation, we are right to finally confront the stark reality of needless suffering among the dying.
While the calm held, the Eniel ran quiet as a dream: her captain hated needless bellowing, calling it the poor pilot's surrogate for leadership, and merely gestured to the afterguard when the time came to tack for shore.
Excerpt: The Red Wolf Conspiracy by Robert Redick
Such a policy would needlessly destroy millions of acres of already dwindling sage-steppe habitat that supports sage grouse and other grassland species, such as pronghorn, mule deer and golden eagles.
You have extinguished that light suddenly and needlessly.
Times, Sunday Times
Three spins of godawful panpipe muzak versions of Wonderful Tonight and Britney Spears was away; and we all know what happened next – needless to say it involved bald Britney Spears going loopy-doo, a bewildering million-dollar Britney Spears hair sale and a bunch of kickass Britney haikus.
Britney Spears Gets Rehab Advice From, Um, Daniel Baldwin
Needless to say, that kind of publicity is not good for business.
Turning a Social Profit: Human Rights in the Age of Globalisation
Does she not have the same right as the other councillors to offer fresh ideas, without fear of needless, unconstructive and childish bullying?
Needless to say, those two dunderheads decided to initiate their favourite game of ‘Shove The Sister Around’.
Needless to say, certain chord changes, tempi and melodies are destined to do the job.
Interview: Harold Faltermeyer, Creator of Soundtrack Themes to Fletch, Beverly Hills Cop, Top Gun, and Kevin Smith’s Cop Out | /Film
It is needless to say that when wooden doors are lined, they should be lined on both sides; but frequently we find so-called fireproof doors lined on one side only.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 520, December 19, 1885
I do not remember that they were molested, even by the guns of General Wagner, who had been foolishly posted with two small brigades across the turnpike, a half-mile in our front, where he was needless for apprisal and powerless for resistance.
The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 1
We hear so much talk about cost effectiveness yet every time the management structure changes, resources are wasted on needless things.
I promise you the effects he writes of succeed unhappily; as of unnaturalness between the child and the parent; death, dearth, dissolutions of ancient amities; divisions in state; menaces and maledictions against king and nobles; needless diffidences, banishment of friends, dissipation of cohorts, nuptial breaches, and I know not what.
Act I. Scene II. King Lear
Needless to say we were not - I don't even know the political orientations of the others who turned up.
Needless to say they got along extremely well.
Times, Sunday Times
Today, I thought it would be a good idea to use my epilator on my eyebrows. Needless to say I now have the eyebrow equivalent of a comb-over.
Needless to say, their answers have been little more than an acknowledgement of receipt.
All this festive cheer is starting to become a bit boring, so why not join us on a needless, hurtful, and downright nasty hate campaign against someone we've never met?
Needless to say, recalling this episode in the historiography of German Renaissance studies is not to validate it.
She's an Aquarian, so needless to say she is pretty groovy.
Needless to say, any contributions of money will be gratefully received.
It's the lives ruined through blunders -- it's the cruelty -- the needless _cruelty_ of it all.
The Visioning
Irregularities have to be handled as natural aspects of a language, not as excrescences which needlessly complicate the grammar.
Needless to say, they don't sterilize needles.
When William falls in love, James berates him, and their relations remain needlessly strained until near the end.
Needless to say, this causes duck producers much concern and limits the potential enjoyment of this marvelous bird.
Needless to say, he was a man of indomitable spirit who moved a nation, the perfect companion for a dying friend.
You have extinguished that light suddenly and needlessly.
Times, Sunday Times
As much as the Democrats voted for a needless war or two, the Republicans okayed the Stimulus Bill, a fact which they should all be reminded of come election time.
Brian Ross: After the ' Contract with America ' Republicans Sell Snake Oil Again with the Pledge to America
And it is almost needless to say that in both _subjects_ for novel treatment "foison," as both French and
A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
Needless to say, Palestine wasn't mentioned or even alluded to at all.
Needless to say, there was a disagreement, which I'm happy to report has been resolved in amicable fashion, but I keep wondering, what if the random number generator picked $500 instead of $100?
Catalog ordering in MX
Innumerable other needless lengthenings might be produced, from which we choose only preventative for preventive, and to experimentalize for to experiment.
Needless to say there must be no foot traffic on the floors until 24 hours after the lino has been completed.
Needless to reiterate, he is the first and the only non European to head the august body.
Until there is a dramatic improvement in the behaviour of all road users, this tragic and needless loss of life will continue.
In addressing these and countless projects like them up and down the state, Californians have relied on CEQA for over 40 years to protect their communities and our natural resources from environmentally uninformed government decisions -- decisions that needlessly pollute our air, contaminate our water, endanger our children's health, despoil our wild lands, and undermine the quality of our lives.
Joel Reynolds: Handle CEQA With Care
You can overanalyse this stuff and, needless to say, business academics do.
Times, Sunday Times
I shall not, therefore, at present, immix myself in any needless disputations.
If the installation of safety cameras can cut down on the needless injury and loss of life on our roads then this should be encouraged.
Thus, the agony for Walker may have been needlessly prolonged.
Needless to say, frequent arguments broke out as to whose turn it was to ride or pull.
Didn't you see the 263 word lumbering monster of a comment I painfully and needlessly deposited late yesterday evening.
Urban Tools: Curatorial Commitment
Needless to say, I struggled and fought like hell the whole damn way.
It cannot be right that we should force people to suffer endless, needless agonies, knowing they will not get better.
The cruel, needless physical suffering as well as mental worry which such treatment had entailed, perhaps resulting in maiming her for life.
Prisons and Prisoners: Some Personal Experiences
Needless to say, these measures were generally foiled by the watchfulness of the soldiery; so poker, pontoon, crown-and - anchor and the like continued to flourish, along with housie-housie.
And consistent with the policies that we have upheld in relation to hostages, we don't want to inflame the situation by needless and unnecessary comment.
The result is more time spent cooking from scratch and more food needlessly thrown away.
Times, Sunday Times
Needless to say, the seven tracks on offer here are, insipid, uninspiring and forgettable.
The computer industry, needless to say, has never worried itself overmuch about that.
Needless to say, I prefer DC endlessly to SK. lichanos
Stanley Kubrick @ 80 « Jahsonic
Labelling millions of people as prediabetic is needlessly 'turning healthy people into patients', researchers are arguing.
Times, Sunday Times
Either way it all seemed needlessly long-winded and rather pretentious.
Times, Sunday Times
Local anesthesia is needless for esophagoscopy, and if used at all should be limited to the laryngopharynx and never applied to the esophagus, for the esophagus is without sensation, as anyone may observe in drinking hot liquids.
Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
But, especially where the identity of the relevant comparator is a matter of dispute, this sequential analysis may give rise to needless problems.
He said something to me so mean, so needlessly cruel.
The really crass error was in conceding the free kick so needlessly in the first place.
Times, Sunday Times
Needless almost to state that in most of these so-called Kaffir warriors the Boers were utterly disappointed.
In the Shadow of Death
I take that back, the thing that's MOST galling is that he's going to continue to allow American troops to DIE NEEDLESSLY while he dithers about looking smart and thoughtful. Two Words MIA
It is almost needless to add that this cane derives its 'soubriquet' of
Australian Search Party
Our main competitor on the 92S also was a long time collector who loved the coin as much as we did and was determined to add it to his amazing set (needless to say our taunting him with pics of cute puppies calling his name did not make him leave before the sale).
THE FUN SHOW 2009 : Coin Collecting News
Needless to say, nothing was officially published on modernism in those years, apart from paranoid diatribes in the press.
Needless to say there are degrees of logical and other consistency, and perfect consistency is not to be expected.
Needless to say, the ormolu retains its original gilding, and the Blue John body is richly hued and striated.
Needless to say, the actors' faces at least will be beardless in this production.
Of course it is needless to say this was dressed up with faux-creative writing skills, accompanied by the kind of smarmy posturing and ad hominems that so frequently characterizes the attacks from “the left”.
2009 April 22 « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
You bet we can - but not in the 7-10 days I figured it would take, and not without pushing our troops unforgivably and needlessly hard.
Needless to say, anyone shown to be a member of the former camp is depicted as being vapid, graceless, and generally without any redeeming values, while those in the latter group are kind, intelligent, and well-adjusted.
Needless to say, I was completely confused, by the Shultz twins’ rapidly changed countenances and denial.
The really crass error was in conceding the free kick so needlessly in the first place.
Times, Sunday Times
The sunken door handles are needlessly fiddly too.
Times, Sunday Times
Needless to say, after more than a decade of internecine strife, all this faddish Conservative unity is somewhat fragile, not to say illusory.
In fact, I wonder if you even read the quote you yourself provided: “I have with most of the present Dissenters in England, some doubts as to his Divinity; though it is a question I do not dogmatize upon, having never studied it, and think it needless to busy myself with it now, when I expect soon an opportunity of knowing the truth with less trouble.”
Happy Birthday Ben - The Panda's Thumb
From a military perspective, both cities burned to cinders needlessly.
Teenagers have a natural affinity with the colour black as it saves having to change clothes everyday and time spent on needlessly choosing which outfit to wear today.
Needless to say, those who lived in the inner cities had a high index of deprivation.
Sitting in a coffee house expounding on the lightness of being, while you quote esoteric quotes to prove how in touch you are with the downtrodden is the equivalent of a hot breeze on a hot day; annoying and needless.
Archive 2009-04-01
All too often the fish, overly chewy, and the rice, needlessly clumpy, didn't deserve gentler treatment.
What might follow is needless for me to name; -- your soul must shudder at the idea of conjugal infidelity!
Alonzo and Melissa The Unfeeling Father
| Reply | Permalink pronouncng that name is not really a problem. achmed DEEN a jod will probably not be reelected in 2009; if we and iran are lucky, HA t'me will once again be pres. he's the one who made overtures to the bush administration following iran's helping us in afghanistan; such overtures summarily shot down, needless to say. but as roo, points out, the real name to know is ayatollah HA many. when will people wake up and realize god has no place in government!?!
Initial Polls Show Obama Winning The Debate
Needless to say, the entire project has also been verified by structural engineers, who reinforced the area around the skylight with "secondary steelwork".
How did Tate Britain hang a Harrier jet?
Needless to say, Rampersad was roundly condemned and his plan is probably gathering dust somewhere in the archives.
Expanding student numbers has merely led to a needless inflation of what employers expect from applicants.
Needless to say, you can add other vegetables you like or take out any that you don't.
The book was needlessly massive and it came in a choice of eight ostentatious satin covers.
Anyhow, it has, needless to say, been something of a busy week, mainly spent writing.
Needless to say, these same critics will then have new objections to interpose.
Needless to say he's in the turbulent water for an awfully long time.
Either way it all seemed needlessly long-winded and rather pretentious.
Times, Sunday Times
It's more accurate to say he obscured the important substance of his speech by needlessly raising an irrelevant and neuralgic subject.
The 1967 Line of Fire
You have extinguished that light suddenly and needlessly.
Times, Sunday Times
Needless to say, the students who had studied mathematics before did better in the statistics exam.
I feel thankful for your praise of my conduct; all is going on well, but it would be needless to attempt to deny that I _feel_ the _change_, and
The Letters of Queen Victoria, Volume 1 (of 3), 1837-1843) A Selection from Her Majesty's Correspondence Between the Years 1837 and 1861
Needless to say, no such treatment has been meted out to the alleged fraudsters.
Needless to say, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Jason Kenney, who wears his politics on his sleeve, is hot to trot on this one.
Archive 2009-07-01
That's for another subject but needless to say, Obama's day of reckoning with his followers is already set into concrete.
Poll: Obama approval rating dips under 60 percent
Needless to say, Billy Joel, The Beach Boys, and Elvis Presley are hardly the only pop stars with devoted followings.
Needless to say bring your cowbells, noisemakers, pots and pans, and wit with you if you decide to attend.
Needless to say, it all goes horribly wrong.
The Sun
Our budgie got out of its cage while our cat was in the room. Needless to say, the cat moved quicker than me and caught it.
Needless to state, the firelocks were all "poised" -- whatever that may be -- and, led by Allen, a rush was made, the sentry overpowered, and soon the gallant "83" were standing back to back on the parade-ground within the fort, their muskets levelled at the two barracks which, filled with sleeping soldiers, faced each other.
Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 5 of 8 A series of pen and pencil sketches of the lives of more than 200 of the most prominent personages in History
`Forbear not sowing because of the birds,' he had used to say, when counselling against needless caution.
Glasgow compounded their numerous defensive lapses with a host of handling errors and needless turnovers.
It is needless to say that I refer to the phenomena of karyokinesis.
Darwin, and After Darwin (Vol. 1 and 3, of 3) An Exposition of the Darwinian Theory and a Discussion of Post-Darwinian Questions
Oh, what needless pain we bear.
Christianity Today
a strikers' tent camp...was burned with needless loss of life
I would disapprove only of the needlessly dry string pizzicatos at the first suggestion of the variations' sicilienne-like theme.
All this, needless to say, had been culled second-hand from radio reports.
Needless to say, the band was run on cooperative lines with no one in particular leading.
Stacy is running for the presidency and needless to say his wife and daughters don't know about his little playmate.
It was, needless to say, one of the first albums I ripped, and I listen to bits of it at least once a week.
If 100,000 people take up long-term HRT, they'll suffer 200 of these needless events each year.
The End Of The Age Of Estrogen