How To Use Neediness In A Sentence

  • Far more, he subtly manages to make nerdiness and neediness appealing. He Makes 'White Rice' Funny
  • He believes that conservatives tend to be people whose psychological needs went unmet in childhood, and who survived this early impoverishment by developing contempt for their own neediness.
  • This is said with no self-pity at all: she has a horror of self-pity, of neediness and of anger – and especially, and always, of the thing they can lead to, proper depression – and that horror can tip into a slightly manic sort of cheerfulness. The Saturday interview: Caitlin Moran
  • Partners exhibiting traits of control, manipulation, dishonesty and "neediness" or narcissism really do not need to be dated or married - and especially - to reproduce. April 2009
  • After decades of instructing children not to talk to strangers, your activities are complicit in a prank where they are encouraged to approach strange men while advertising their financial neediness.
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  • Could there be a more splendid illustration of human neediness and myopia? Times, Sunday Times
  • The maître d' looked so sympathetic at this display of luvvie neediness that I would not have been at all surprised if he had returned to the table carrying a cold compress with which to mop Callow's fevered brow.
  • I think her "neediness" may keep other young women at bay. 1920's Interior Decorating
  • It can make the money addict afraid of their own "neediness" because it makes them feel too out of control inside, so they hide it from others (and themselves) seeing it as weak and ugly. Dr. Tian Dayton: Money Addiction
  • If you honestly set out to learn how to untangle your own snafus , you'll find that even people who shy away from raw neediness start offering advice.
  • In fact, he probably sees any sort of neediness in you as a turnoff. The Lo-Down
  • And neediness is the biggest turn off; the thing most likely to send any man/boy running at top speed in the opposite direction. Snap
  • Falling that, I mean you have look at a really disturbed personality, someone who has a gaping hole in their psyche, you know, the kind of neediness that just oozes. CNN Transcript Aug 1, 2003
  • For northeastern tribes immersed in relationships of obligation and mutual reliance among kin as well as with the manitous, or spiritual beings, that inhabited the natural world around them, a stance of neediness and even powerlessness had a very different significance than in societies like the United States that stressed social and economic independence.
  • Their professional neediness and primped vanity spells it out. Times, Sunday Times
  • The neediness of the adults is obvious. Times, Sunday Times
  • Henchard had frequently met this man about the streets, observed that his clothing spoke of neediness, heard that he lived in Mixen Lane -- a back slum of the town, the pis aller of Casterbridge domiciliation -- itself almost a proof that a man had reached a stage when he would not stick at trifles. The Mayor of Casterbridge
  • But now that the holy ritual brought also the command of the Latin tongue, men were as slothful now as they were unskilled before, and their sluggishness proved as faultful as that former neediness. The Danish History, Books I-IX
  • This woman was my therapist and had only agreed to accommodate my neediness by allowing me to watch her ride on a Saturday morning during a competition.
  • Frank sang aggressively, peremptorily, without really expecting an answer; there is desperation and neediness in Nora's voice, but I don't hear her as genuinely asking a question either.
  • Ironically, men are primarily motivated by being needed, but are turned off by neediness.
  • The abuse of power is rooted in the abusive family member's extreme emotional deprivation and neediness.
  • Her neediness, her entitlement, are manifest in all she does.
  • That reflects their psychological neediness, rather than a criminogenic behavioural pattern.
  • I do have to give credit to our waitress as she was pretty outstanding in her service and never once lost her cool with us despite our groups size and for some reason, our higher than average "neediness". Recent Reviews Near San Francisco, CA
  • he recognized her neediness but had no time to respond to it
  • I'm almost an Alpha Male in that respect - not wanting to show my neediness or vulnerability - but I'm learning it's completely silly to be that way.

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