- variety or mutation of the peach bearing fruit with smooth skin and (usually) yellow flesh
How To Use nectarine tree In A Sentence
- At Maizza, peach and nectarine trees groan with ripe fruit; fragrant herbs such as marjoram, rosemary and lemon verbena scent the warm summer air. Sniffing Out Local Gems
- Here is a meadowlark atop a regal walnut, next to it a young nectarine tree girdled with compost.
- In other cases the centre of the vinery is planted with peach and nectarine trees for early forcing, the branches of the trees being trained over a curved trellis, and other peach and nectarine trees or vines, planted in the house, being trained against a trellis at the back. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
- There are also many flowers and shrubs including tree heather, azaleas and camellias, while the two large greenhouses include an apricot and peach tree, nectarine trees, tomatoes and vines.