How To Use nectariferous In A Sentence
- The hypogynous, 5-lobed nectariferous disc considerably exceeds the ovary in volume.
- However, several genera lack a nectariferous disc, or if they possess a disc it is non-secretory; some of these simply mimic nectar-providing flowers and thus deceive the pollinator.
- Although these four orchids are scented and nectariferous, natural fruit-set was low in the wild, particularly in E. mucronata and E. aestivalis.
- Neiland and Wilcock indicated that nectariferous orchids are more successful in setting fruit than nectarless species.
- The declining flowering phase of B. monosperma coincided with the peak flowering phase of Erythrina indica, another nectariferous tree with bright scarlet flowers that attract birds.
- Consequently, it is speculated that M. anceps is melittophilous and is perhaps more typical of nectariferous Maxillaria spp. than the presumed ornithophilous M. coccinea.