How To Use Necrology In A Sentence

  • Next were the Gospel readings used at pretiosa (text recited after the reading from the Martyrology in the chapterhouse after the Office of Prime) .121 At the close of the manuscript are the Augustinian Rule and Raymond of Peñafort's version of the Order's constitutions. 122 A comparison between the prototype and the Unterlinden manuscript shows that the necrology is specific to the codex's community, in the first case the men in charge of the Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • The book contains the Old Testament, the New Testament, a necrology of the Podlazice monastery, a list of Podlazice fraternity members, a script on natural history, the oldest Czech Latin chronicle – there are eleven contents items in all. The Devil’s Bible: The Biggest Book in the World | Impact Lab
  • The Unterlinden example is found in a manuscript that dates to the end of the thirteenth century with some additional fourteenth-century material, as well as continuous additions to the necrology in the calendar. 118 The collection begins with a computation table and a calendar (incorporating a necrology for the community). Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • The necrology package - or as I call them at this show: the lucky ones. Arianna Huffington: Bill Maher Saves the Oscars... At Least for Me
  • Next were the Gospel readings used at pretiosa (text recited after the reading from the Martyrology in the chapterhouse after the Office of Prime) .121 At the close of the manuscript are the Augustinian Rule and Raymond of Peñafort's version of the Order's constitutions. 122 A comparison between the prototype and the Unterlinden manuscript shows that the necrology is specific to the codex's community, in the first case the men in charge of the Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
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  • And I just want to add, the Oscars have started a lot of things over the years, from the first female announcer to the first, you know, necrology package with people who passed away.
  • In the second necrology, possibly written slightly later and at San Isidoro about 1150, Fernando's obit has been moved to December 23.
  • When he had begun as Medical Examiner, forensics were virtually non-existent; now it occupied more floor space and staff than necrology, and more of his time too. Naked Cruelty
  • This prompted Ted, who's made necrology a specialty, to note that two prominent same-day deaths are rare. David Finkle: The Breakfast Club Takes on Jackson, Fawcett, Sanford, Mrs. Madoff
  • Oh, and if I can include one other figure in this necrology, it was reported from London that the world's oldest man, Henry Allingham, the last surviving World War I veteran, died at the very ripe age of 113. Every Death Diminishes Me
  • The first half begins with a necrology and calendar for the nuns, prioresses, and confessors of Maria Magdalena, as well as the General Masters of the Order based upon the Humbert prototype. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany

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