How To Use Nebulous In A Sentence
In short, if the US government said the person was a civilian -- not a member of a foreign army or an irregular, but some nebulous sort of 'combatant' entitled to no more rights than a civilian -- it is estopped from claiming otherwise now. Nation Mag Claims ICE has Network of Secret Detention Faciilities -- in the USA
This intentional manipulation by the author, perhaps already let the readers nebulously perceive a remote Utopia upon seeing the chirping swallows.
Likewise, Stuart Townsend plays a nebulously likable best friend who flirts openly with Frank's wife, but has his back when things get rough.
Mountstuart's flimsiness as a novelistic character is supposed to make the book more realistic by acknowledging that personality is nebulous in itself.
_ This portion of the fibrous membrane is enlarged, globous or flattened, irregularly thinned, particularly at the periphery, where it may be as thin as tissue paper, nebulous because of the stretching of its fibers principally, but in some degree (differing in different cases) to edema of the epithelial layer.
Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913

Symptomatic, some would say, of the nebulous world of the continent's football, where administrative chaos and indiscipline are rife.
Clearing its electronic throat, the ship's communi-cator snapped him forcefully back from nebulous realms inhabited by memories of distant dreams and fading visitations.
The Chronicles of Riddick
Twenty five years ago, the nebulous gas entombing the dying star at the centre was not hot enough to glow.
Where others in this vein opt for a hazy, nebulous cloud of half-remembered dreams, Manitoba's music is direct and unassuming while still remaining evocative.
And the thought is we can pull down the nebulous notion of beauty and make it exact and precise when we tie it to the notion of function; but in fact this doesn't work very well.
It was discovered in 1764 by Charles Messier, who included it as the 27th member of his famous catalog of nebulous objects.
The miners' travails have provided a natural experiment on that most nebulous of ideas in business: culture.
Times, Sunday Times
Look contentedly upon the scattered difference of things, and expect not equality, in lustre, dignity, or perfection, in regions or persons below; where numerous numbers must be content to stand like lacteous or nebulous stars, little taken notice of, or dim in their generations.
Christian Morals
He is adamant that this week he wants us to take immediate actions and clearly report what we see and do, rather than just speculate and make nebulous plans for the future.
qbit said that 'the descriptor "hard science" is a division between quantitative/accurate sciences from more nebulous fields that do not carry with them the same mathematical precision.'
Why biology is harder than physics
Priest and Arkin never define what they think that term means (it's legally somewhat nebulous), nor do they provide examples of contractors performing said un-contractable work.
I happen to have series one and three - if anyone has series 2, let me know ... the following descriptions are from the Nebulous fansite, Nebulous City - and they love exclamation points!!
Jan. 12th, 2009 - Issue 0.034
It is not, to use a rather nebulous term, the "best" book about wine I've read -- that distinction rests with Neal Rosenthal's Reflections of a Wine Merchant -- but it reads like fabulous and fabulist fiction, and that's a real credit to the author, considering it's not fiction at all.
Book Reviews
If the paranoid imagines that everyone he meets is involved in a nebulous pattern of malign intentions, in his accident scene the harm was literal and the direct cause perceptible.
That seems logical but there is a catch: the social code in the officers' mess of a regiment such as the Grenadier Guards is unwritten and so nebulous that it takes an insider to make any sense of it.
The second point, my Lord, is that merely being offered some nebulous assurance at this stage provides absolutely no comfort whatsoever.
But many blamed his nebulous ideas for the party's failure to win an outright majority.
Times, Sunday Times
In the United States, nebulous factors like ‘leadership’ or ‘overcoming adversity’ have likewise served as automatic offsets whose validity or lack of validity is not subject to proof or disproof.
These sorts of attacks and problems will perdure as long as the relation between Rome and the Society is nebulous.
The Journeys of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer
A thick, nebulous haze, caused by the manufacturing process, pervaded everywhere, revealing sparks and the blindingly bright radiance of welding from time to time.
Many of my friends disliked the film intensely - even if they had admired it on some nebulous level, they were antagonized and revolted, irritated and unappreciative.
But can I ask you - and this is a bit of a nebulous question I suppose - but what do you think of when the term ‘respect’ comes up?
White's forces have abandoned their king in pursuit of nebulous activity on the opposite wing.
Times, Sunday Times
Not sharp and vivid like that of her father, but dim and nebulous was the picture she shaped of her mother — a saint's head in an aureole of sweetness and goodness and meekness, and withal, shot through with a hint of reposeful determination, of will, stubborn and unobtrusive, that in life had expressed itself mainly in resignation.
Jack London's Story - Moon Face: Planchette pg 3 of 3
It expanded into a nebulous circle of shifting light.
And what have I read in response: rants against George W.Bush as though he's still in office, self-serving I'm misunderstood, citations of nebulous studies to confirm a personal hatred, more than one response that while espousing disdain of "political correctness", still compeled to toe the line with some of the above drivel.
TEXAS FAITH: How can religious leaders keep Fort Hood incident from creating fear, tension and misunderstanding? | RELIGION Blog |
Team culture and environment are important, but hoping to improve something so nebulous hardly justifies a major salary.
Times, Sunday Times
It might be that the cosmical bodies which were still nebulous owed their later development to some conditions of the part of space where they occurred, such as conceivably a greater original homogeneity, in consequence of which condensation began less early.
Scientific American Supplement No. 819, September 12, 1891
Goals have to be defined and solid, otherwise they are nebulous - like clouds.
Shapley noted that nebulous objects tended to be everywhere except in the Milky Way plane.
The conscientious care and assiduous industry with which Herschel made his measurements of the diameter of the Georgium Sidus (now called Uranus), and his interesting observations of other planets, of double stars with their coloured light, of cometary and nebulous appearances, were truly remarkable; as may be seen by the various papers which he wrote at this time for the Royal Society.
The Story of the Herschels
Nowadays they want something far more nebulous, which is celebrity.
It has few distinguishable stars and is mainly notable for a nebulous, cloud-like cluster which ancient astronomers regarded as an area where energies were dissipated.
Here, instead of trying to explain the music factitiously by nebulous social ideals, Taruskin shows specifically how the two operas worked within their societies, the solemn ceremony of Orfeo contrasted with the sensational and even pornographic aspect of Poppea.
From the Troubadours to Frank Sinatra
Can such a mysterious, nebulous concept as innovation be taught?
Times, Sunday Times
The latest, about twenty-somethings in the 70s and now, is just as uninformative and nebulous as every other piece of generation-related newsprint spewed out since the dawn of time.
Prizes, in particular, suffered from an inherent bias towards the nebulous concept of the literary.
Times, Sunday Times
Ultimately, it's not politics that makes the world go round but generosity, but for a lot of people that's a very nebulous concept.
That's a much more nebulous and difficult question.
The Pleiades is a nebulous cluster of stars, all contained within one degree of longitude, located on the shoulder of the Bull.
No doubt there'll be some spurious, nebulous rhetoric about rights and responsibilities, respect, choice and other such middle class emollients.
We have drifted for too long, allowed ourselves to be taken for granted for too long and we have tolerated analysis and further analysis of analysis, in place of action for too long." broadcast from Friday night is a classic case of the nebulous and untranslated 'overthink' the party has indulged itself in during the last twelve years which has seen party support decline from 22% to 15% of the vote.
Slugger O'Toole
For 130 miles we plowed through this nebulous and speculative world, peopling it, unpeopling it, fiddling like gods with its probable geology.
Even in normal circumstances, identity is a fragile, nebulous thing.
One was characterized by a centralized motif, frequently a quatrefoil, the colors pulsating, the rhythms circular or spiraling, the space nebulous, shifting between surface and depth.
Discretion is a nebulous thing, each case is different and what we are saying is that the HSE doesn't appear to look at cases individually.
The notions we children were able to form of the great world beyond were exceedingly nebulous.
Instead, they invented this nebulous concept of the ‘public domain’ that no one owns.
After living in that atmosphere of nebulous cosmopolitanism which is what we hypercivilised people have created in the world, it is everything to get back to the barbaric simplicity of the old love for country.
Gossamer 1915
The billions of years believed necessary for the earth to evolve from some nebulous mass simply evaporate when confronted by such evidence.
Also traced in this bibliography is the evolution of the specific idea of affirmative action to the more nebulous concept of diversity in libraries.
The Kaleidoscopic Concern from ACRL
Finding that his potent instruments resolved into stars many nebulous patches in which no signs of such a structure had previously been discernible, he naturally concluded that "resolvability" was merely a question of distance and telescopic power.
A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century Fourth Edition
Eddic record, Dark Elves (Nibelungs, or nebulous Sons of the Night) are digging and working, melting and forging the ore in their smithies, producing charmful rings that remind us of the diadems which bind the brows of rulers; golden ornaments and sharp weapons; all of which confer great power upon their owner.
Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 5 of 8 A series of pen and pencil sketches of the lives of more than 200 of the most prominent personages in History
Only 10 percent worked in institutes of technology, and hardly anyone was an industrial physicist. 40 Thus, Blau's possibilities of obtaining an award were closely interrelated to a number of more nebulous considerations such as the committee's stance toward university rather than industrial physics research or a cutting edge, specific discovery rather than a life's work.
Trafficking Materials and Gendered Experimental Practices: Radium Research in Early 20th Century Vienna
He nimbly steers his magic carpet through the nebulous and confusing post-modern clouds of the internet.
The judges felt the Entitlement card idea was just too stupid, woolly and nebulous to win.
For all the precise, elegant observation of their lives, they remain strangely nebulous.
Times, Sunday Times
Thirdly, there's this slightly nebulous and rather soppy business of hope.
Times, Sunday Times
The same summer ... I am looking down on the world, but it does not stretch away over nebulous distant horizons.
I saw the moon, only as a swaying trail of palish fire, that varied from a mere line of light to a nebulous path, and then dwindled again, disappearing periodically.
The House on the Borderland
With Kamban, perhaps for the last time in the cycle of Indian Rama stories, Rama occasionally straddles the nebulous twilight zone between epic hero and infallible deity.
nebulous reasons
Ligeti Violin Concerto, an otherworldly five-movement work, moves between chaotic yet often pianissimo textures and nebulous clustery harmonies, to spare bittersweet lyricism.
NYT > Home Page
Other than protectionism, which is a nebulous concept that as many Republicans are embracing these days as Democrats, what other populist Dem. policies are at odds with "Clintonomics"?
Interest Rate Debate, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
I am not a fan of the colourist – too many nebulous blue gradients and unsure colour choices.
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Prospective Colorist #1: Emily
Rock ‘n’ roll, however, is a most nebulous phenomenon.
Smudges like this are called nebulae, because they look nebulous - like hazy clouds.
Too often Mr. Szwed gets swamped tallying the onslaught of dizzying ideas and unfinished projects of Lomax in his later years — there is a half-mad quality to these attempts to ma ke sense of such nebulous theories as "cantometrics.
The Catcher of Songs
I've always wondered why we use a plural pronoun to refer to a third, rather nebulous, individual.
And if we ascend into the history of the past, we shall find ample testimony that the planetary matter now composing the members of the solar system, was once one vast nebulous cloud of atoms, partaking of the vorticose motion of the fluid involving them.
Outlines of a Mechanical Theory of Storms Containing the True Law of Lunar Influence
It is marked by a tendency to employ shapes of a deliberately nebulous character.
At the end of the day, after two hours of ‘debate’, it emerged that what people wanted was that nebulous old chestnut, ‘freedom of choice’.
This is the first in a series that explores the nebulous connection between modern art and cartooning.
The third major problem with the challenge as it stands depends on people making a voluntary sacrifice towards a nebulous and ill-defined common cause.
The continued espousal of nebulous notions, such as the efficient use of savings and the major role played by the U.S. banking system in improved productivity, is most unfortunate.
nebulous distinction between pride and conceit
I think of vacil "votive", for example, which also acts just as nebulously by being found as a noun on its own or postposed to other nouns like an adjective.
Etruscan "esi"... What is it?
'Normality' is a rather nebulous concept.
In some, the nebulous matter of which they are composed can be seen like masses of tufted flocculi, sometimes piled up, and at other times promiscuously scattered, resembling in appearance the foam on the crested billows of a surging ocean rendered suddenly motionless, or cirro-cumuli floating in
The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'
For nebulous, ambiguous speculation, nothing comes close to this work.
Nah, it just means that Obama will have flim-flammed the rubes with a bait-and-switch, promising a nebulous "hope" and "change" while preparing something a bit more radical.
If we're all supposed to see that Obama is a socialist, and then he wins by a landslide...
Look contentedly upon the scattered difference of things, and expect not equality in lustre, dignity, or perfection, in regions or persons below; where numerous numbers must be content to stand like lacteous or nebulous stars, little taken notice of, or dim in their generations.
Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 6
Yet dark energy is a nebulous concept, one that has thus far flummoxed some of the smartest researchers on the planet.
By night, strange, murky, shady, characters emerge from the indistinct, nebulous corners.
Style and image is everything when you're trying to sell something as nebulous as an idea.
Ascribing an intrinsic power differential to acts of appropriation, meanwhile, only obscures the specific act -- the "taking possession" -- and its questionable ethical nature -- its "illegitimacy" -- behind wider isues of political inequity which are arguably more important but more nebulous.
More on Cultural Appropriation
White's forces have abandoned their king in pursuit of nebulous activity on the opposite wing.
Times, Sunday Times
Or would it produce an effect that was only nebulously hinted at by the term contra-attunement?
The Man with Two Faces
The other sort of British is a more nebulous idea.
Times, Sunday Times
From it dropped curtains, shimmering, nebulous as the marching folds of the aurora; they poured, cascaded, from the amethystine band.
The Metal Monster
Having spent many years ‘dabbling in the history of ideas,’ we are well aware that the term ‘postmodern’ is a nebulous concept.
I think the Ares I is a kluge of the first order, and Ares V's design is pretty nebulous.
It's Time To Go, Mike - NASA Watch
The concept of an elementary particle becomes a little nebulous in such circumstances.
Like the original Community Programme, it should include a training element, although the main focus should be on job creation, as some community programme schemes were distorted by the need to meet somewhat nebulous training objectives.
The Guardian World News
The explanation offered in his letter - 'a journey a not entirely unimportant cause' - was nebulous and unpersuasive.
The Times Literary Supplement
Why do you think scientists have been reluctant to grapple with this nebulous notion of the human mind?
That means a lot more to them than something nebulous like a soul that has to be won.
Christianity Today
I have had lengthy, and difficult, discussions with several cis women feminists (including individual members of LFN and participants in the RTN march) and it seems to me that the primary difficulty arises because of the vague and nebulous organisational structure of LFN.
If that’s what a feminist looks like…
Yet there are dinosaurs who take a dim view of such a plan, their highly specious argument revolving around the nebulous concept of loyalty.
Likewise, Stuart Townsend plays a nebulously likable best friend who flirts openly with Frank's wife, but has his back when things get rough.
The notions we children were able to form of the great world beyond were exceedingly nebulous.
A suzerainty is a vague term, but in politics, as in theology, the more nebulous a thing is the more does it excite the imagination and the passions of men.
The Great Boer War
That's the reassurance I want, not this nebulous approach.
It's always been a nebulous concept, but now - as Iain Martin points out in an excellent post over at Three Line Whip - it's probably alsoa redundant one.
What's the Tories' economic plan?
He did not peer through a hazy lens into a nebulous future.
Cloud computing is a nebulous concept, if you will forgive the pun, covering a range of ideas.
Times, Sunday Times
Creativity is often made be a nebulous , messy, complicated, difficult thing and it can be.
The notions we children were able to form of the great world beyond were exceedingly nebulous.
Betke was better off when he was digesting found sounds into something murky and nebulous.
Talk about getting publicly "shagged" by a candidate who ran on the nebulous slogan of "hope and change." is a patriot, and has a real cause-Stopping illegal immigration in America.
MND: Your Daily Dose of Counter-Theory
Cloud computing is a nebulous concept, if you will forgive the pun, covering a range of ideas.
Times, Sunday Times
The role is nebulous," and includes understudying for the conductor, says Perry So, assistant conductor with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra.
So You Want to Be a …?
Cloud computing is a nebulous concept, if you will forgive the pun, covering a range of ideas.
Times, Sunday Times
The furthermost candle on the piano comes immediately in a line with her head, and half invisible itself, forms the accidentally frizzled hair into a nebulous haze of light, surrounding her crown like an aureola.
A Pair of Blue Eyes
He was a civil servant of some standing, and after a previous conversation upon æsthetics of a sententious, nebulous, and sympathetic character, he had sent her a small volume, which he described as the fruits of his leisure and which was as a matter of fact rather carefully finished verse.
Ann Veronica: A Modern Love Story
A nebulous collective leadership, including the chiefs of the powerful armed forces, may still be holding the balance of power.
Most irritating of all, I'm finding that my brain is absolutely unable to cope with vague, nebulous concepts or ideas.
One dim gas-jet burned there, but even in its nebulous light he perceived at once that the prowler was the bank's president.
Roads of Destiny
There is no doubt that the old rating system was based on the nebulous concept of a fair market rent.
What matters is your ability to motivate people, and that is kind of a nebulous term.
I assume that nebulous economic term indicates it's some form of slush fund for the pollies to spend at their discretion.
Of course, this risks the subordination of personal freedom to some nebulous concept of public good.
Something important, still nebulous, about Solomon in all his glory versus the lilies of the field.
The focus is on ‘experience’, which is a bit nebulous in comparison to a conference on technology or design, but that's what makes it fun and interesting.