
How To Use Nebe In A Sentence

  • Jurgen Nebelung, Embrocation Cycling Journal, in 1: 36: 48.00 41. Equal prize money to Holloway and Tamayo at Boston’s TD Bank Mayor’s Cup
  • Over 800+ cataloged specimens from seven species of dinosaur, including the type specimen of the first Jurassic ankylosaur Mymoorapelta, have been recovered from this bonebed. Cooperative Management of Paleontological Resources on Federal Lands in Mesa County, Colorado
  • You may have been offered red Japanese wineberries (Rubus phoenicolasius) from someone's garden; they're sweet but not a patch on blackberries for flavour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Well, as I was 'bout to say, you mus 'promise me on your word ob honour, dat you'll neber go _alone_ to see your fadder, but allers in company wid Sally; dat you neber, neber speak to him, an' dat you neber make you'self know'd to him till de right time comes. The Middy and the Moors An Algerine Story
  • Regards from Beat Gonk one of the Gonks that keep on playing cool ! cinebeats says; December 11, 2007 @ 11:12 am Let’s Go Gonk!
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  • As Kate Bolick tells us, marriage isn't for everyone and being single doesn't bear the stigma it once did; and as Eric Klineberg reveals in Going Solo: The Extraordinary Rise and Surprising Appeal of Living Alone, contrary to what we may think, single people tend to be more socially engaged and civic-minded. Sabrina Schaeffer: The Proposal Farce: Entertainment Coupled With Anti-Marriage
  • Shadbush/Juneberry blooming, Canada mayflower leaves up but no flowers yet. Mixed bag
  • East of the School of Forestry is what Peter terms a West Coast garden with rimu, kanuka, mountain beech, coprosma, nikau, wineberry, native fuchsia, pohutukawa, and ferns.
  • Further north you have service berries or juneberries in the wet woodlands; bearberries on the moors and heaths, checkerberries or wintergreen in the woods and moors, and cranberries in the boggy heaths, which has berries that remain on the plant throughout winter.
  • Other names for some of them include sarvisberry, shadbush or shadbloom (because blooming when the shad are running in eastern rivers), juneberry, and saskatoon.
  • Beekman, Vladimir (August 23, 1929 – October 3, 2009) IMDB; Runeberg 2009 – Deaths A-B « The Graveyard
  • But they are also thorny like a bramble, not bristly like a wineberry. Times, Sunday Times
  • East of the School of Forestry is what Peter terms a West Coast garden with rimu, kanuka, mountain beech, coprosma, nikau, wineberry, native fuchsia, pohutukawa, and ferns.
  • His wife also went on to "create" a tart that he enjoyed, now called a Runeberg's Tart, and served up every year on the man's birthday, February 5th, nationwide. SaltShaker
  • Iffn ai neber eber gitz anoffer ded bird, skirl bebe or chippymonk awn mae bak step ai will die hapyhapyhapy! CLUELESS - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • (AP Photo/Tina Fineberg) 31People admire the moment the sun rises above Mount Fuji, which is known locally as the Most Popular
  • Glycinebetaine (N, N, N-trimethylglycine; hereafter betaine) is a quaternary ammonium compound that occurs naturally in a wide variety of plants, animals and microorganisms.
  • The dwarf Juneberry, with their villous young leaves and white flowers, are very attractive in April and should receive more attention from our planters. Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916 Embracing the Transactions of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society,Volume 44, from December 1, 1915, to December 1, 1916, Including the Twelve Numbers of "The Minnesota Horticulturist" for 1916
  • The Bug is the color of a ripe juneberry, with a butterfly Mom painted hovering on the fender. Angels Carry the Sun excerpt: Chapter One, In the Woods
  • Other small fruits include plantings of brambles (three varieties of blackberries, four of raspberries, plus wineberries or ‘Japanese raspberries’), grapes (three varieties), blueberries (nine, each a different variety), and strawberries.
  • The fruits are the size of blueberries and usually dark blue, but that's where blueberry and juneberry part company. stories: News
  • _He_ neber done no wrong; he allers 'bey'd his massa, and neber said no hard word, nor found no fault, not eben w'en de cruel, bad oberseer put de load so heaby on him dat it kill him. Among the Pines or, South in Secession Time
  • She studied with the newly controversial Glenn Black at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, N.Y. She describes Black as "a masterful yogi and a bodyworker who specializes in a type of Orthopedic Physical Therapy called Bodytuning" she continues, a bit tongue-in-cheek "my relationship with my teacher is a very old fashioned mentor-mentee, very wax-on wax-off. E. Nina Rothe: The Culture of Wellbeing: Jill Miller and the Great Yoga Controversy
  • White and red baneberries, trillium, arisaemas… those Jack-in-the-pulpits kids love to open up and peer into, and hay scented, Christmas and maidenhair ferns… they had already staked their claim on the dry floor bed.
  • That evening at ten o'clock -- but it might have been seven judging by the brilliancy of the sunset -- we rowed on the lake, accompanied by a grandson of Finland's greatest poet, _Runeberg_. Through Finland in Carts
  • A dolmen (also known as cromlech (Welsh), anta, Hünengrab, Hunebed, Goindol, quoit, and portal dolmen) is a type of single-chamber megalithic tomb, usually consisting of three or more upright stones supporting a large flat horizontal capstone (table). Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • In addition to A. niger, other fungi such as A. awamori, A. hennebegii, A. fugamitus, Rhizopus chinensis, and Sephalo sporium lichlorniae can be grown in acid medium at high temperatures. 12 Cassava Processing in Africa
  • September 19, 2009 at 8:34 am ai neber see a pyrayt hat wif a long sord – duz it lye along teh brim liek a fevver, or duz it stik up inna air frum teh tawp? U cans maek teh bed later. I’z nawt - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • If buttercups are child-like, and bugbanes are adults, the baneberries are the crazy in-laws.
  • Avoid the lookalike baneberries that grow in forests, not bogs.
  • If we'd all staid in de heathen land, where all de black folks come from, we'd neber known noting 'bout heben, noting 'bouts de hebenly' deemer or de golden streets of de new Jerusalem. The Planter's Northern Bride
  • In pure forestry practice, one sees no value in such species as dogwood, ironwood, juneberry, sumac and sassafras, and will therefore never allow those to grow up in abundance and crowd out other trees of a higher market value. Studies of Trees
  • The woman of Panounias talked with him, and the sagamore “made a speech, in which he expressed pleasure at seeing us, desired to have an alliance with us,” and promised to send word to Indian leaders named Marchin and Sasinou, whom he called “chief of the Kennebec.” Champlain's Dream
  • Shadbush/Juneberry blooming, Canada mayflower leaves up but no flowers yet. Mixed bag
  • But baneberries have some subtle but noticeable differences from the highbush cranberries.
  • He was co-editor of "Kennebec," a publication that featured the work of local poets. Maine News Updates - Central Maine Newspapers, Kennebec Journal, Morning Sentinel
  • Common in the understory are chokecherry, beaked hazelnut, a wild rose, red baneberry, thimbleberry, and bracken.
  • We certainly wanted our prices to go up," says Shawn Roy, president of the Kennebec Valley Board of Realtors. Augusta, Maine, home prices didn't boom, so they didn't bust
  • Ai neber lernt it wen Ai livd in Huwhyee, but Ai dooz it nao alawng wif da belee dansins! Oh hai miss teacher - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • _ -- The large Juneberry, probably Amelanchier Canadensis, was a very attractive object in April, when its purple-colored young leaves contrasted with its white bloom. Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916 Embracing the Transactions of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society,Volume 44, from December 1, 1915, to December 1, 1916, Including the Twelve Numbers of "The Minnesota Horticulturist" for 1916
  • Lisa Trevethan created an interesting post today on Nora Roberts NewsHere’s a short outlineBERLIN — Mandalay Television, Stephanie Germain Prods. and Munich-based Tandem Communications will partner on four more TV movies based on the novels of bestselling author Nora Roberts. Nora Roberts News « Urban Fantasy Land
  • Other plants are also called bugbane and snakeroot; most plants called cohosh belong to the related baneberry genus.
  • August 6, 2009 at 12:22 pm yesh ifinkso, dey alzo needs to be goin awt into teh wurld to learnz stuff sew if tehy understoodz teh dangerz maiby teh not go an hoomanz neber learn nuffin… 1 in 6 wins fantastic prize… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • He includes fruits like juneberry, also known as serviceberry, shadbush or saskatoon (Amelanchier spp.).
  • Minebea ended up selling its controlling interest in both firms.
  • Next you will add three baneberries; this is very important because if you don't, you will make the Draught of Unknown Desires, which will be effective for about an hour.
  • Thus we find, in no particular order, periwinkles, gooseberries, baneberries, greater celandine, feverfew, and sempervivum.
  • But, Geo'giana," he added impressively, "you mus 'promise me on your word ob honour, w'ich Geo'ge Foster says English gen'lemans _neber_ break -- an' I s'pose he's right. The Middy and the Moors An Algerine Story
  • We share pink delicious gum in our garden by puffs of pearl white baneberries near the gleaming stream.
  • In August, home sales in the county where Augusta sits, Kennebec, were up 16.3% compared with the same month in 2008. Augusta, Maine, home prices didn't boom, so they didn't bust
  • Like other brambles in its genus, wineberry forms a clump of arching canes that may reach nine feet in length.
  • In the meantime, our new wildflower collection now has some nice trillium and baneberries in progress.
  • The brilliant autumnal tints of the sassafras, pepperidge, blue beech, viburnum, juneberry and sumach are strikingly attractive. Studies of Trees
  • The brilliant autumnal tints of the sassafras, pepperidge, blue beech, viburnum, juneberry and sumach are strikingly attractive. Studies of Trees
  • If you know about it or if you know how to buy baneberries (dried or powdered), kindly send information.
  • Since then we have planted cabbage trees, flaxes, saltmarsh ribbonwoods, kowhais, ngaios, mahoes, matais, podocarps, kahikateas, manukas, wineberries, toitois and olearias in their thousands.
  • I wanted to be alone, to collapse in a dark room to groan and flatulate, but she had charmed two men into loaning us their bikes and we rode to her place in Schöneberg in the west of town as dawn was breaking. Potsdamer Strasse
  • This drill only shows you just how goddam dangerous it is, regardless of how careful you are," said First Sgt. Tony Stoneberger, the topkick of Company A. "It's gonna be a long year. 'It's Gonna Be A Long Year'
  • As Connell's Nov. 3 deposition date neared, Arnebeck was told Connell was "in danger" accordingto a high placed "credible" source within the 2008 McCain campaign. HuffPo Heavyweight Asked To Retract Report on Slain Rove IT Guru "Conspiracy Theories"
  • Two rare plants, white baneberry and moschatel, are found here.
  • Neber cood resest fresh bakeifyed choklit chip cookies. Cats: making safety rails redundant - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • “Related to a former muckamuck and another former muckamuck, families with places in Rhinebeck and Newport, apartments in the Dakota—” The Women’s Room
  • European species have fatally poisoned children, but baneberries are not reported to have caused death to humans or livestock in the United States.
  • He is being held without bail in the Kennebec County Jail in Augusta.
  • September 3, 2009 at 10:55 am oh hi jajeh no my sparkle iz berry fuzy, but she neber gos fro humin fuds, dont no y but she always noms teh goggie fuds, and heppee burfday to all kittys xx It’s ok, answer the - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Rata and kamahi are also dominant on the steep, slip-prone mountain sides along with a variety of common small trees and shrubs like wineberry (Aristotelia serrata) and mahoe (Melicytus ramifloris). Westland temperate forests
  • April 17, 2010 at 8:38 am ai dunnot haz anee ideea, jus taht awl uv a suddin ebree bloo linkee contaynin kommint goez tew moderashun butt neber eber showz up in teh thred. Alright guys, dis no - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • He was more interested in writing and intended to become a celebrated poet like Runeberg. Aleksis Kivi
  • Examples are its creative borrowings from Indian languages for place names such as Canada and Quebec, and for flora and fauna: achigan for black bass, atoca for cranberry canneberge in France, ouananiche for a freshwater salmon, ouaouaron for a bull frog, orignal for moose, and caribou for a genus of large deer. Champlain's Dream
  • Cinebeats highlighted this non-subtitled trailer for the 1966 actioner Black Tight Killers. 2009 November :
  • Neber did get t0 heer teh full storie abaht teh afghan braidin insident… U sed u wouldnt b mad. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Included in the brambles are raspberries, blackberries, dewberries, loganberries, bayberries, and the wineberry.
  • Serenissima Elizibetha, moderatrix rerum et negotiorum omnium plebis et famili� Nazarenorum sapientissima; Origo splendoris et glori� dulcissima; nebes pluuiarum gratissima, heres et domina beatitudinis et glori� regni inclyti Angli� ad quam omnes supplices confugiunt, incrementum omnium rerum et actionum The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Dey said dat overwise dey “light a fire unner my butt” but I neber tought dey wood really DO dat. Happynez iz - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • In Neberaska hoary vervain can flower from May to September, with blue or purple flowers positioned on the top of the main stem and branches.
  • Common in the understory are chokecherry, beaked hazelnut, a wild rose, red baneberry, thimbleberry, and bracken.
  • Juneberry or dogwood or any of those common native berry plants. Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916 Embracing the Transactions of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society,Volume 44, from December 1, 1915, to December 1, 1916, Including the Twelve Numbers of "The Minnesota Horticulturist" for 1916
  • I recall finding wineberries growing in damp shade in a small park in northeast Georgia, but never considered growing them here.
  • Add two-thirds cup grated Parmesan and a quarter-cup olive oil, stirring until the pesto is smooth and creamy. — chefs Tony Mantuano and Sarah Grueneberg, Spiaggia in Chicago Goodbye Basil,
  • Under the artistic guidance of organist and cembalist Sebastian Knebel, the Dresdner Instrumental Concert is a group of musicians performing on historic instruments in period style.
  • The saskatoon is also known as the juneberry, serviceberry or shadberry and grows on tall bushes in northwest Canada.
  • Ohin loron, loron ALEGRIA nian ba timor oan hotu. iha loron ida ne'e ita sei hanoin fila fali tinan sanulu liuba (30 de Agosto de 1999) nebe ita hotu decidi atu liberta ita nia nação husi ocupação indonésio. Global Voices in English » East Timor: “Happy Day” of freedom vote
  • Other than giant forest trees, you'll find abundant barberry, winged Euonymus, Oriental bittersweet, Japanese wineberry, and shrub and vine honeysuckles.
  • Marz neber luuk as big as full mune frum erf cuz is sow far, mush, mush farfur awae tahn teh mune is, sow eben tho marz akshullee bee biggur tahn mune wils nebber luuks biggur tahn mune tu peeps awn erf. Itti bitti birdwatching - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Included in the brambles are raspberries, blackberries, dewberries, loganberries, bayberries, and the wineberry.
  • He is being held without bail in the Kennebec County Jail in Augusta.
  • Nebel is 49, with a bushy mustache, gray argyle socks, and rumpled black jeans.
  • Plants from last year that are coming on are more kowhai, totora, wineberry, manuka and ngaios.
  • The small tree is also called "Juneberry" for the obvious reason. Shadbush and asparagus
  • I fished with him in Maine on the Kennebec for smallies, his favorite fly for them was a deer hair bug. Fishing with "Flyconelli"
  • No wonder _Runeberg_ the poet loved to linger here -- a veritable enchanted spot. Through Finland in Carts
  • A Neberschmied was a maker of wood cutting and boring tools, including planes.
  • September 3, 2009 at 2:21 pm aifinkso ai cans nawt beh dere… we iz habin small git to geder wiff teh hubbehz bruder an few uderz for hims sister… ai nawt wants tu go abter hurs boifren tolded meh off fur nawt soundinz sad enuff on teh phon ai wuz nerbus an ai neber mets him an ai nawt kneow wut to sai. Yes you can - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • It is asserted that in the province of Kennebec, which is now the state of Maine, there was not, even as late as 1745, a house that had a square of glass in it. Home Life in Colonial Days
  • Up close they were head-high in a riot of color: red paintbrush, lavender fleabane, hot-pink fireweed, white cow parsnip, lacy green false hellebore, the flashy red of chokecherries, white pearls of baneberry, rich purple huckleberries, fierce yellows of butterweed and arnica. Blood Lure
  • Nebenzimmer, die Aussicht dort war hoffnungsreicher, aber nicht weniger befremdend als bei den andern Kafka and the Coincidence of Opposites
  • Helene : Ach so ! Die sch? ne Frau neben ihm ist deine Mutter, richtig?
  • He includes fruits like juneberry, also known as serviceberry, shadbush or saskatoon (Amelanchier spp.).
  • But nothing prepared us for the staggering Alpine beauty of the region – flower-filled meadows, crystal-clear rivers and lakes – nor the views from Nebesa's chalets; snow-capped mountains to the east, endless valleys to the west, trailing down to the Adriatic. Summer holidays: 10 of the best trips for couples
  • V komunite námestia sú trojuholníkové domy zakázané kvôli ich špicatých uhlov, ktoré sú nebezpečné pre Flatlanders, rovnako ako všetky ostré hroty. »2007» July
  • Groundlayer species are typical mesic woodland plants such as bedstraws, large-leaved aster, golden saxifrage (in springs), baneberries, miterworts, spring beauty, Canada mayflower, wild geranium, and violets.
  • Kennebec potatoes thinly sliced and fried, served with a dollop of avocado, chiles serranos and cilantro. Jay Weston: Chef John Sedlar's Innovative Latin Food at Playa
  • Joachim Ronneberg and 11 other saboteurs were sent to destroy the Norsk Hydro plant in the Telemark region of Norway in February 1943.
  • The close kinship with the baneberries is detected at once on examining one of these flowers. Wild Flowers Worth Knowing
  • Mr. Mahler: The barberry would be all right, but I prefer the Juneberry and the mulberry and the dogwood, because they come up a little higher. Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916 Embracing the Transactions of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society,Volume 44, from December 1, 1915, to December 1, 1916, Including the Twelve Numbers of "The Minnesota Horticulturist" for 1916
  • Den de good ol '' Lishy looked back an 'cussed 'em, when two she-bars heerd him an' come out uf de woods wid der cubs at der heels, an 'walked in on der hin' legs 'mong dem bad town-boys, a scratchin 'an' a clawin ', a bitin' an 'a gnawin', right an 'lef', an 'neber stoppin' till dey had tore an 'chawed 'em every one up. Burl
  • Mountain ash will hold its berries all winter, but baneberries are falling, drops of lip-red venom in the moss.
  • Our Runeberg is a poet after his heart, for such an outlook «with its indifference to moral values and its arrogant exclusiveness is quite foreign to him». Nobel Prize in Literature 1908 - Presentation Speech
  • January 12, 2008 at 2:51 pm woweeoo. awe shuckles, fank you so muchly mi kittehs n mi has ichc fer a nity-nite sins feboorary, but i neber posted till last weeek. iz neber ebr ebr EBR tot i wills has luck of teh not furst danse fank you fer da song an danse. iz has so much moar win den d poitish….poletishu…poly…stoopymansingubiments sung n dans! Invisible ice cream cone - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • For an unusual alternative to raspberries, Japanese wineberries are well worth a try.
  • Rockingham will offer free touch-tone telephone wagering in the near future and plans to provide Internet wagering services within a year through PhoneBet.
  • June 1, 2009 at 8:45 am i nose no Y buttz, when I read yer “Welkom Bak” i thoughted about the olde TeeVee shoe “Welcome Back Kotter” Ineber eben watched it, sewz I had no idearz why i thoghted ub it …weerd! It’s a good start. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Even the Vardaloon's many flowers --- the snakeroot and ironweed, the baneberry and wild ginger --- brought us no cheer. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART ONE OF THE EA CYCLE
  • In place of Aryan glory I'd grown patches of wiry baneberry thistles interspersed with industrial size brillo bathtub scrubbers.
  • The carved relief from this false door shows Nebet wearing a long scarf and carrying two cloth sacks and two sistra one of which is sticking out of the sack on the right. Archive 2008-02-01
  • They had toiled hard all day, but at evening they had gathered around the lamp and read Tegnér and Runeberg, "Fru" Lenngren and "Mamsell" Bremer. Further Adventures of Nils
  • I boun 'she won't neber stick her nose in dem new-fandangle chu'ches no more. The Wit of Women Fourth Edition
  • This is the latest in a number of book prizes, including the Runeberg Prize, and a nomination for the Nordic Council Prize. Archive 2009-04-01
  • There are many allusions in the book of Psalms and elsewhere in the Old Testament to the harp (_kinnor_), the psaltery (_nebel_), the cornet (_shophar_) and other instruments. Hebrew Life and Times
  • As wineberries ripen, the calyxes spread to reveal the berries within.
  • White blossoms are opening in drooping clusters, also, on the naked branches of the Juneberry; this is a tree which adds very much to the gayety of our spring; it is found in every wood, and always covered with long, pendulous bunches of flowers, whether a small shrub or a large tree. Rural Hours
  • Say what you want about any of the other Bonds now but I believe we can already begin to see what I think will be roundly accepted within twenty years: That Brosnan was the most indistinctive, insufferably boring Bond ever. cinebeats says; December 3, 2007 @ 12:28 pm Last of the Secret Agents? (1966)
  • Foods high in ellagic acid include caneberries (black raspberries, red raspberries, boysenberries and Marionberries), strawberries, blueberries and cranberries.
  • In between, the only places that Champlain mentioned were Crow Island, Mount Desert and “one of the islands at the mouth of the Kennebec River.” Champlain's Dream
  • During your years of effort Finland remained for you as for the noble commandant in Runeberg's poem: "the sullen, needy, humble, and holy Fatherland". Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1945 - Presentation Speech
  • Common in the understory are chokecherry, beaked hazelnut, a wild rose, red baneberry, thimbleberry, and bracken.
  • Rata and kamahi are also dominant on the steep, slip-prone mountain sides along with a variety of common small trees and shrubs like wineberry (Aristotelia serrata) and mahoe (Melicytus ramifloris). Westland temperate forests
  • August 6, 2009 at 4:53 pm ai founded it tanks tu teh Town Cryer… iz funny bout teh border… ai can’t count how many tymez ai gon tru teh border an ai neber hab any probelmz… ai iz probably flaged as freqwent crozer or sumfing. Teh hussel . . . - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Like all the other baneberries, the ferny leaves are a pleasure from spring to autumn.
  • You can search through da cats by breeds such as Burmilla, Canadian Hairless, LaPerm, Nebelung, Cheezburger cat Chartreux, British Blue Shorthair, but probably not Russian Blue, soz, Selkirk Rex, Singapura or a Sphynx cat — maybe u cn find one 2 give a forevar home. Whoooaaa… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Nearby, Amelanchier alnifolia was in fruit at the same time, confirming one of this sturdy shrub's common names, Juneberry. Up in the Park
  • A 2001 study by Nebel et al. found Haplogroup R1a chromosomes (called Eu 19 in the paper), which are very frequent in Eastern European populations (54%-60%), at elevated frequency (12. 7%) in Ashkenazi Jews.
  • Picking season begins June 15 with black raspberries first, then blackberries, blueberries and wineberries ripen next.
  • Some of the rare plants to benefit from the Project will include limestone fern, baneberry, soloman's seal and rigid buckler fern.
  • He takes pleasure in the wild areas that seem secure for now, like the woodlot across the street where toothworts (Dentaria spp.), red baneberries and purple trilliums grow.
  • Some years ago I worked pears on Juneberry stock from a hint given me many years ago by Professor J.L. Budd. Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916 Embracing the Transactions of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society,Volume 44, from December 1, 1915, to December 1, 1916, Including the Twelve Numbers of "The Minnesota Horticulturist" for 1916
  • Supposedly, this tart is her personal re-creation of a nearby confectioner's tart, and Runeberg had one every morning with his breakfast, along with a little shot of the national liqueur, punsch. SaltShaker
  • Jack, u neber ceece 2 amaz teh cheezpeeps. anudder pom datz phull ob WIN! Release the Kraken! - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Then, in 1875, the Somerset Railroad arrived, snaking into town along the east bank of the Kennebec River.
  • Look for wineberries in thickets, fields, edges of woods or trails, in moist soil throughout the northeast.
  • In addition to the Nantucket shadbush, sometimes called the Juneberry for its edible summer-ripening berries, the study found that at least 50 native varieties were in danger of extinction, including the coastal violet, a unique variety of violet with dissected leaves, and the hairy angelica, a small plant with a burst of tiny white flowers. NYT > Home Page
  • Blueberries and wineberries ripen in July and red raspberries are available beginning in August.
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  • January 4, 2008 at 10:13 pm datz cause himz neber triez da stringe bass case- iz berry big- includz rum fur fud bowl n wata bowl! Trombone connected 2 da cat bone - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • A large geographical area such as central Maine -- which is defined as Kennebec and Somerset counties -- will also be allowed only one dispensary. Kennebec Journal News
  • The distinguishing feature is the stalk of each flower - it is very slender in red baneberry, and thick in white baneberry.
  • Often planted in landscapes, Juneberry, also known as serviceberry, is not common in the wilds of the five boroughs. NYT > Home Page
  • This is also known as Juneberry or serviceberry depending on where you live and who you learned your kennings from. Narrow window of opportunity
  • The old du Lac aunts at Rhinebeck had put their house at the disposal of the bridal couple, with a readiness inspired by the prospect of spending a week in New York with Mrs. Archer; and Archer, glad to escape the usual “bridal suite” in a Philadelphia or Baltimore hotel, had accepted with an equal alacrity. XIX. Book II
  • Yellow lady's slipper, ram's head lady's slipper, asters, sedges, white and red baneberries, wild sarsaparilla, spotted touch-me-not, goldenrods and a variety of fern species are common species of the herb layer.

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