
How To Use Neatness In A Sentence

  • His wonder and admiration were again excited by the neatness and perfect order that prevailed throughout the encampment, the six guns of a battery aligned with mathematical precision and accompanied by their caissons, prolonges, forage-wagons, and forges. The Downfall
  • Though a little awkward at first in the use of his unfamiliar implements, his practice in all athletic accomplishments bestowed on him that invaluable quality which is termed "handiness," and he soon distinguished himself by the superior activity and neatness with which he performed his work. Kenelm Chillingly — Volume 02
  • Maintaining workshop neatness and in good order.
  • The dog's streamlined appearance gives an impression of neatness, dignity and graceful symmetry.
  • The cannelloni stuffed with ricotta and spinach exhibited more neatness and care: three satiny rolls anointed with contrasting ribbons of its white and red sauces, beautifully presented nut brown and gratinated on a sizzling plate.
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  • Such neatness, such needless destruction of good healthy vegetation, does not fall naturally with me.
  • This steamboat, which is called the Burlington, is a perfectly exquisite achievement of neatness, elegance, and order. American Notes for General Circulation
  • My own is of this kind, superbly bound, and priced with a neatness peculiar to the calligraphical powers of the 'forementioned friend. Bibliomania; or Book-Madness A Bibliographical Romance
  • Until he was 70 he drew in pencil and in pen and wash with great neatness.
  • My sister has been preaching at me again about my lack of neatness.
  • We may perhaps connect with this phenomenon the attraction which muddy shoes often exert over the shoe-fetichist, and the curious way in which, as we have seen (p. 18), Restif de la Bretonne associates his love of neatness in women with his attraction to the feet, the part, he remarks, least easy to keep clean. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 Erotic Symbolism; The Mechanism of Detumescence; The Psychic State in Pregnancy
  • Neatness and greenth are so essential in my opinion to the country, that in France, where I see nothing but chalk and dirty peasants, I seem in a terrestrial purgatory that is neither town or country. The Art of Letters
  • I'd better warn you they put every farthing of tuppence on neatness here, so mind you shove everything back when you're done with it. CHALLENGE FOR THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • Extra marks are awarded for neatness, good spelling and strict adherence to the curriculum.
  • The colour of his hair was an exact match with that of the rusty brown floorboards, and had been combed back to match the neatness of his rather expensive suit.
  • The idea of respectability was more superficial and more widely applied than the idea of the gentleman, It included the suggestion of bodily cleanliness and neatness, particularly in its ap - plication to the lower classes. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • With utmost neatness, the Abominable Autoscribe was writing the Alleghenian equivalent of: A Canticle for Leibowitz
  • The inscriptions, instead of being grouped wherever there happened to be space, and so producing the richest form of wall-decoration ever devised by man, are disposed in symmetrical columns, the effect of which, when compared with the florid style of Karnak, is as the methodical neatness of an engrossed deed to the splendid freedom of an illuminated manuscript. A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
  • My sister has been preaching at me again about my lack of neatness.
  • a simply furnished bedroom, and though dust lay thick upon every article, there was a certain neatness about the character and arrangement of the furniture which defied the dishevelling results of neglect. The Black
  • But above all requirements the quilt maker must be an expert needleworker, capable of making the multitude of tiny stitches with neatness and precision if she would produce the perfect quilt. Quilts Their Story and How to Make Them
  • This form is completed with accuracy and neatness.
  • A curtain of burlaps screened one corner, hiding the toilet arrangements, which would have suggested that the couch served as a bed by night; and the flowering plants at the window, the arrangement of artistic posters and sketches on the walls, and, above all, the neatness and orderliness of the room, proclaimed feminine occupancy. Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 6, July 1905
  • That opposition is a neat one, and neatness in verbal formulations commonly arouses suspicion.
  • Perhaps related to this observation is a tendency to prefer order, neatness, symmetry, and balance. Synesthesia: the Flavor of Music, the Color of Touch
  • Such flavorous gruels and porridges as she concocted! such _tisanes_ after her guest's instructions! such dainty soups, and sweetbreads, and cutlets, served with such neatness! The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 46, August, 1861
  • He had an ordinary childhood and excelled in the Army, where an obsession with neatness and fitness impressed commanders.
  • Sullivan opened the bathroom cabinets and checked beneath the sink, smiling at the neatness of his theory.
  • Admiring the neatness of his work, I smiled to him as I passed and said, ‘Looking good.’
  • My sister has been preaching at me again about my lack of neatness.
  • Jack was exceptionally ‘handy’ around the home and was noted for his neatness and attention to detail.
  • Instantly, Miss Skiffins stopped it with the neatness of a placid boxer, took off that girdle or cestus as before, and laid it on the table. Great Expectations
  • neatness and fastidiousness of dress
  • He looks with contempt upon his honest toil; repeats mockingly to himself, his simple talk when at meals, about the weather and the crops; sneers at his neatness, and orderliness, and cleanliness; imputes to him his own libidinousness. An Introduction to the Study of Robert Browning's Poetry
  • Those of you who have messy case interiors will benefit from the neatness round cables provide.
  • Women were instructed to wear dresses of “surpassing neatness and simplicity,” and respectable urban men were expected to become what a business directory in the 1850s called “the unknown knight, with his plain unostentatious black armor.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • Your room is a little higgledy-piggledy and could use a bit of tailored neatness. It
  • Extra marks are awarded for neatness, good spelling and strict adherence to the curriculum.
  • He is accustomed to the use of thumbikins and the most approved and fashionable modes of torture; and officiated for many years as superintendent of the wheel of a foreign prince, renowned for the neatness of his rack. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 341, March, 1844
  • A summer hotel stretched its verandas along a lovely level; everywhere in clovery hollows and on breezy knolls were gray old farmhouses and summer cottages-like weather-beaten birds 'nests, and like freshly painted marten-boxes; but all of a cold New England neatness which made me homesick for my malodorous Spanish fishing-village, shambling down in stony lanes to the warm tides of my native seas. Literature and Life (Complete)
  • The room looked as if a whirlwind had struck: I regret to say neatness has never been one of Llewelyn's virtues. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • Most people are obsessively concerned with the neatness of their house and garden and scornful of those who do not ‘make an effort’.
  • Tact, patience, neatness and communication skills also are necessary.
  • Mr. Bantling, who was of a rather slow and discursive habit, relished a prompt, keen, positive woman, who charmed him with the spectacle of a brilliant eye and a kind of bandbox neatness, and who kindled a perception of raciness in a mind to which the usual fare of life seemed unsalted. Chapter XX
  • It was a plainly yet adequately furnished room with everything arranged with neatness and precision.
  • The good and the bad parts of our lives do not interlock with reassuring neatness across the course of a lifetime; instead they sit together in heterogeneous disarray, elbowing one another like distant ancestors told to bunch up tight for a family photograph. On Reading Zen « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Lindsey found herself battling against an almost overwhelming and totally illogical desire to run her fingers through its neatness.
  • The inscriptions, instead of being grouped wherever there happened to be space, and so producing the richest form of wall-decoration ever devised by man, are disposed in symmetrical columns, the effect of which, when compared with the florid style of Karnak, is as the methodical neatness of an engrossed deed to the splendid freedom of an illuminated manuscript. A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
  • Neatness, cleanliness and ceremoniousness are other ubiquitous compulsive character traits.
  • As well, neatness was taken into consideration and contestants had to lick their plates clean to advance.
  • As a newly reminted citizen of Azeroth, and someone who appreciates Asian culture, I am enthralled by the neatness of the Lunar Festival. MMOG Nation » 2006 » January
  • Her written work is a model of care and neatness.
  • Yet is there no competent Judge that findeth them wanting in those Ancient ones, and that doth not much more admire that smoothly equall neatnesse, continued sweetnesse, and flourishing comelinesse of Catullus his Epigrams, than all the sharpe quips and witty girds wherewith Martiall doth whet and embellish the conclusions of his. Of Bookes.
  • Hickson held the thumbstall close to his right eye to judge the neatness of his stitching. Sharpe's Tiger
  • temperamental indifference to neatness
  • By Tuesday - the day for touring that hole in the ground - both compacts had settled for neatness rather than impact and left it to their big brothers to do the newsstand business.
  • The elements in focus are legibility, neatness and artistic value of handwriting, in that order.
  • A short man with graying hair and tinted glasses, Ecclestone is fanatical about neatness.
  • She showed us into a quaint, small drawing room which owed its atmosphere quite clearly to Mrs. Camber, for whereas the study was indescribably untidy, this was a model of neatness without being formal or unhomely. Bat Wing
  • He likes to be organised - ‘the boys tease me about it, but it helps’ - and his peg is a picture of neatness next to Ricky Ponting's pigsty in the dressing room.
  • 'The advantages of the bookcase consist in its great stability, in its movability and neatness. The Private Library What We Do Know, What We Don't Know, What We Ought to Know About Our Books
  • Powlett showed no signs of leaving the house, which, even the many women in the village, who envied her for her prettiness and neatness and disliked her for what they called her airs, acknowledged that she managed well. Through the Fray A Tale of the Luddite Riots
  • There are two Churches; Ely minster is a Curious pile of Building all of stone, the outside full of Carvings and great arches and fine pillars in the front, and the jnside has the greatest variety and neatness in the works. Through England on a Side Saddle in the Time of William and Mary
  • Contrary to a lawyer's yen for neatness there are few unambiguous signposts for modern medics facing this or many other ethical issues.
  • Her sober, kindly capableness evolved from the slovenly little house and the untended children, from the dusty rooms and neglected kitchen the kind of order and neatness which had been plain to see in Robin's more fortune-favoured apartment. Robin
  • Today it looks very fine indeed, all stripey lines and neatness.
  • Fortunately, she was lapping the soup up with great neatness and delicacy, which was sort of a relief: Jinx had been afraid she was going to slop it all over the table.
  • Exactness and neatness in moderation is a virtue, but carried to extremes narrows the mind.
  • But it was the bowler's general bearing and neatness which charmed the young writer almost as much as the name he'd been seeking for his newly conceived character of a gentleman's gentleman. From Jeeves to Herriot: all creatures great and sporty | Frank Keating
  • The term "organization" often connotes a sense of neatness.
  • I'd just like to stress the importance of neatness and politeness in this job.
  • When writing your homework, remember that neatness counts.
  • It needs to be well lit, warm, not too noisy and have a table - work is often marked for neatness and a steady surface helps with writing and drawing.
  • The Indians have a fine natural genius for oratory, painting, and sculpture: I have a specimen of the latter cut with a knife on a piece of hickory, which is destitute neither of elegance of design, nor neatness of execution. Travels in the United States of America Commencing in the Year 1793, and Ending in 1797. With the Author's Journals of his Two Voyages Across the Atlantic.
  • The dental engine and the nickelled trimmings of the operating chair had been furbished till they shone, while on the movable rack in the bay window McTeague had arranged his instruments with the greatest neatness and regularity. McTeague
  • That opposition is a neat one, and neatness in verbal formulations commonly arouses suspicion.
  • He cheerfully apologizes for the room his two preteen boys share, which is predictably porcine with respect to neatness.
  • They delighted in neatness, could not endure sluts, and even hated fibsters, tell-tales, and divulgers of secrets.
  • He was a man whose outward appearance suggested an inner neatness.
  • Style, flair, neatness and layout of handwriting are the criteria that judges use to assess the entries.
  • The silk produced by the bivoltine races of silkworms possesses superior neatness and cleanliness, is without lousiness and has high tensile strength and stands to the international A grade.
  • The little front parlour, which is the old lady's ordinary sitting-room, is a perfect picture of quiet neatness; the carpet is covered with brown Holland, the glass and picture-frames are carefully enveloped in yellow muslin; the table-covers are never taken off, except when the leaves are turpentined and bees '- waxed, an operation which is regularly commenced every other morning at half-past nine o'clock -- and the little nicknacks are always arranged in precisely the same manner. Sketches by Boz, illustrative of everyday life and every-day people
  • In making a high-flying kite, it is better to spend a little extra effort on neatness and on cutting down weight than on decorations.
  • Yes, the Law of Moses is not all neatness and bullet points one you get past the Ten Commandments. The Volokh Conspiracy » Texas megachurch refuses to bury gay veteran:
  • But it was the bowler's general bearing and neatness which charmed the young writer almost as much as the name he'd been seeking for his newly conceived character of a gentleman's gentleman. From Jeeves to Herriot: all creatures great and sporty | Frank Keating
  • Neatness and greenth are so essential in my opinion to the country, that in France, where I see nothing but chalk and dirty peasants, I seem in a terrestrial purgatory that is neither town nor country. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 3
  • Obedience, rote memorisation, and neatness are enshrined as somehow intellectual achievements.
  • This was hardly what John wanted; but, not to be beaten, he facsimiled the master's freehand in a sort of engraver's stipple, which his habitual neatness helped him to do in perfection. The Life of John Ruskin
  • When writing your homework, remember that neatness counts.

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