How To Use Neatly In A Sentence

  • A typical nest thus pointed out by an over-obliging bird was saddled neatly on a horizontal limb of a balm tree at the height of about 30 feet from the ground and the ever-present lake.
  • a neatly faced terrace
  • Marya shook her head, her neatly bobbed dark hair brushing against high cheekbones.
  • Manzo noticed the neatly trimmed goatee and mustache combination that framed Rossiter's facial features and the chiseled jaw of a man who was in peak physical condition.
  • It was indeed, the dirty brown hair was neatly combed and the coat was new and clean, he was smiling fit to burst as he entertained giggling ladies and laughing lords.
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  • To neatly convey the choice of sizes in the case of such items as drawer pulls, the entire range might be lined up on the page in descending order.
  • It is typically French in plan: formal and neatly patterned, with rows of trees and gravel paths.
  • Subtitling is managed both neatly and completely, except in the concerted passages.
  • I don't usually watch this soap but on Monday the characters very neatly recapped the last two years of their lives and allowed me to enjoy the high drama without having invested anything at all.
  • He unscrewed handlebars and wheels etc. and fitted the two trikes neatly in the boot.
  • The principal rooms, both downstairs and upstairs, have decorative mantelpieces and cornices that are imaginatively conceived and neatly executed.
  • Later she took the impenitent young 'duffer' a tea cunningly designed to appeal to his rebellious heart, and spread it neatly on the big dimity-covered box in his bedroom; but Dick was implacable. The Gold-Stealers A Story of Waddy
  • Her dress still appeared neatly in place, with no rips or tears in its fabric.
  • In tests, they found that neatly ordered arrays of beads caught more mist than random, disordered ones did.
  • Which neatly brings us to Humans, a new spooky drama about artificial intelligence. Times, Sunday Times
  • At 193 centimetres, with a huge leap and a booming kick, it was believed that the young star would slot neatly into a key forward post with the Blues.
  • However,… the world does not in fact break easily along neatly perforated lines.
  • A matrix is a rectangular array of symbols, usually numbers, neatly arranged in columns and rows.
  • Involuntarily, she stepped in, biting the inside of her cheek apprehensively and casting her eyes over the rows of neatly aligned desks in the room.
  • These neatly landscaped grounds will be largely empty of people, who will usually enter and leave the towers by car from the gaping maw of a parkade off the Ring Road.
  • Rising hurriedly, she soon was neatly dressed and combed. Heidi
  • Some designs fit neatly into circles and would be suitable for, say, small turned boxes, coasters or shallow platters.
  • Delicatessen Sangerbund holdin 'us while they sung th' Watch on th 'Rhine, we stepped ashore on a gangplank neatly formed be th' guv'nor iv th 'state holdin' onto th 'feet iv th' mayor, him clutchin 'th' iditor iv th 'Staats Zeitung an' so on, th 'gangplank singin' th 'Watch on th' Rhine as we walked to th 'dock. Observations By Mr. Dooley
  • The proper external conduct of the body - such as the wearing of the robe neatly, good deportment, downcast eyes, and observation of good behaviour - is frequently seen as evidence for a state of virtue.
  • And what's so impressive is that Parini manages to create Melville's homoerotic yearning and despair in the context of 19th-century attitudes about sexuality, a pre-Freudian age that had not neatly divided the world into gay and straight, but also had no words for the feelings of love between men that Walt Whitman was so bravely yawping about. Melville's stormy seas
  • The setup is familiar, but Arvin calculates everything - the mystery, the office politics, the anti-death-penalty demonstrations, the race riots, the fiendishly escalating threats - so neatly that the whole package is an offer you can't refuse. Blood of Angels by Reed Arvin: Book summary
  • I do not myself consider that the Strasbourg jurisprudence can be so neatly encapsulated.
  • I feel a little out of place in my neatly pressed tennis shorts, matching shirt and new pair of Adidas sneakers.
  • All week I've been puzzling as to why there's been a heavy-duty garden sack neatly covering our washing basket.
  • The revelation of Niagara Falls as a place of horror dovetailed neatly with the appearance of the Gothic romance in literature.
  • Having delivered his bundle of trouble, neatly gift-wrapped and fully annotated for the record, the Polizei Präsident dropped the phone. WALL GAMES
  • a neatly made bed
  • Even bilateral treaties impinge upon non-parties: the distribution of values between two parties can rarely be contained within neatly drawn lines.
  • Happily, we don't have to invent this mythical band as the Sadies fit the bill pretty neatly.
  • SYDNEY (AFP) —A cartoon on the front page of Australia's national newspaper Thursday neatly illustrates an irony admitted by the government: communist China could save capitalism.
  • Having adopted the drape-against-wall style for my bumf-hanging activities, I find that it allows one to tear the paper off one-handedly and very neatly.
  • The second phase began when disorder among the Spanish emboldened all the provinces to proclaim William their stadtholder, neatly reaffirming his imperial title while underlining their relative independence.
  • Similarly, mental causation now goes neatly away. The Descent of Mind - the how and why of intelligence
  • These scenes of strain were contrasted all too neatly with a scene of release for Don, who spent his Thanksgiving paying good money to have a hooker come over and go through what we saw was a regular ritual: The pross on top, slapping Don. Today's Latest Headlines
  • The first memory has long since been parcelled up with my childhood, folded neatly away when my grandmother died eight years ago.
  • The screen is neatly trifurcated to allow viewing of multiple Web pages, each of which can be properly thought of as containing an ‘original work of authorship.’
  • The shelves were full of neatly stacked jars and bottles.
  • Some villages appeared to have been recently vacated, their neatly tended walled compounds of round mud huts and peaked thatched roofs empty of people and animals.
  • The semielliptical fanlight over the entrance door is framed by a wooden arch neatly carved with flutes and stylized flowers.
  • The sandwiches were on white bread and every crust was cut off neatly from the edge.
  • So far, Beijing's message to the world on all of this could be neatly summed up as "bug off.
  • The officer was built like a wrestler, with thinning sand coloured hair and a neatly groomed beard.
  • Hanging on a branch of the biggest pine are my socks, neatly tied in a bow, waiting to be discovered.
  • When she came over to the bed she saw that her clothes were not only neatly folded, but they were washed and clean as well.
  • Back at the Hub, the Thursday night rehearsal breaks for coffee and everyone swarms towards the teacups neatly stacked at the back of the hall amid the dripping brollies and discarded coats.
  • The actual volcanic crater is one of the largest in the world as the town of Soufriere is neatly nested into the land based half, while the other portion lies under water and extends northward in the direction of Martinique's Soufiere.
  • This neatly solves the age-old problem of how "flightless" birds could have reached the different continents: they were not flightless at all, and simply flew. - latest science and technology news stories
  • It was neatly folded and carefully done up, with various seals and blue ribbons, in a package about six inches wide by eighteen in length, and was guarded by the select half of the Faroese army and navy, being exactly twelve men, and delivered by the amtman of the island with a few appropriate and impressive remarks, after which it was hung up over the cabin gangway by the captain as a solemn warning to all future passengers. The Land of Thor
  • The clip, which is contoured neatly into the pen, is also a new design.
  • She got it out and held the neatly folded, crisp paper in her hands.
  • He had been finely striped from nape to knees with something like a coachwhip, the weals crisscrossing neatly like hemstitching. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • But neatly clipped hedges have their beauty too. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a neatly folded pink sweater on the back of the chair.
  • Tubes of paint lay neatly lined up in their boxes, oils here, acrylics there, watercolours to the side. GRACE
  • Tucked neatly at the back end of the chapbook is a selection of stills from the movie. Subterranean Press » 2006 » May
  • The feather comforter was neatly smoothed out on the bed and the pillow was precisely in its center.
  • The burial shroud was lying where the body had been placed and the headpiece was folded neatly and put in a different part of the tomb.
  • Inside the box, everything is neatly packaged in their own cellophane bags, with the video card in an anti-static bag.
  • To put it another way, the social geography of credibility rather neatly followed the contours of what was regarded as civil society. Christianity Today
  • A neatly dressed footman in navy blue livery stood, alert, by its side and a pair of gleaming chestnut horses were in harness.
  • Despite his plain clothing he was very striking with short neatly-combed back auburn hair, an oval face, a baby-faced countenance, a medium, but short build and piercing, limpid bluish-green eyes.
  • The holes are still there but things do not detach neatly around them. Times, Sunday Times
  • She neatly interweaves discussions of online behavior with social science theories that may explain some Internet phenomena.
  • Her platinum blonde hair was neatly cut and sleeked back, besides the odd strand which dangled over her jade eyes.
  • They are neatly arranged in tufts on a short footstalk, which becomes surrounded with young growths, all as clear in their markings as the parent plant, so that a well grown specimen of three years or even less becomes a beautiful object, whether it is on rockwork or in a cold frame. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • Finding a way to exercise that fits neatly into your life is the key to enjoying it. The Sun
  • I proceed down the stairs where neatly stacked frou-frou stilettos and sturdy Dr Marten boots sit on each step, past the well-stocked wine cellar and into the chic rustic minimalism of the kitchen.
  • Store them neatly by duct taping one end to a coat hanger, winding tightly along then taping the other end. The Sun
  • The squares of fabric were all sewn neatly together.
  • The snow was piled high except on the sidewalks, where it had been neatly shoveled away by the mufflered Winnebago sons and fathers. Fanny Herself
  • Many vegetables and herbs are highly ornamental, and potagers have become an art form in themselves, with patterns of exotically coloured salad plants and brassicas being displayed within neatly clipped box hedges.
  • The cargo's ultimate destination had been printed neatly in black pen in the bottom left-hand corner of the page.
  • They also pack away neatly into their own back pocket, with a small belt loop attached - a nice touch.
  • In order for any such dispute to conclude, there has got to be a resolution of a contest between those who speak for the neatly ideal and those who speak for the messily real.
  • Take your large piece of fabric and patchwork square, put them right sides together and neatly sew three sides together leaving a 1/2-inch seam.
  • I believe that fame and celebrity, influence and power, success and failure, reality and illusion are all somehow neatly woven into a seamless fabric we laughingly call reality. 
  • Turn the neck towards you, and very neatly take off the two sidesmen, and the whole will be done. The American Housewife Containing the Most Valuable and Original Receipts in all the Various Branches of Cookery; and Written in a Minute and Methodical Manner
  • He watched as Adam put the neatly tied bundles on the conveyor belt sliding toward the maw of the incinerator. DOLL'S EYES
  • Sent in alone by Huselius, Lombardi fended off a diving backcheck by Kevin Bieksa, cut across the front of the Vancouver net and neatly pulled the puck around Luongo. - Hockey - Vancouver vs. Calgary
  • He eventually gave her some in maki form, which she patted carefully, deconstructed, and ate ... except for the tuna, which was very neatly denuded of all grains of rice.) 4. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • He wore a button-down collared shirt; his locks had been neatly twisted and pinned back in a bun.
  • We attempt to order the world by sorting its features under pairs of opposites, but opposites in the real world never match up neatly with our conceptual opposites.
  • Parker followed to the far wall where James inserted a magnetic card into a neatly concealed slot in the wall, and the wood paneling of the wall slid open to reveal a brightly lit corridor.
  • They also pack away neatly into their own back pocket, with a small belt loop attached - a nice touch.
  • Additional housing expenses are neatly summed up as PITI, or principal, interest on the mortgage, taxes and insurance. The Honeymoon Cottage
  • I believe that fame and celebrity, influence and power, success and failure, reality and illusion are all somehow neatly woven into a seamless fabric we laughingly call reality. 
  • The dash is neatly laid out and a pop-up panel houses the screen for the sat nav which can be tilted to remove glare.
  • This sums up very neatly his belief that people should be given both responsibility and opportunity, and that they will use both wisely.
  • It's unfortunate, because while it may lead to big opening grosses, a lot of pictures that are a little different and don't fit so neatly into either a niche market or a high-concept marketing approach can get lost in the shuffle.
  • He was dressed neatly enough, but not too poshly, and he had dark brown hair, tanned skin and piercing greenish-blue eyes.
  • Which brings me neatly to the poolside bar of the hotel in Morocco where I was staying last week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beyond the town itself, across the railroad track, the uncles’ corn and cotton crops filled the sandy bottoms all the way to their arable edges; beyond the fields the neatly tended rows unraveled into the thick gnarl of woods through which the river snaked. Excerpt: The Blue Star by Tony Earley
  • She sat them at a table and then neatly divested them of their cloaks.
  • This small, neatly shuttered mews house looked uninhabited. Times, Sunday Times
  • The detectives were beginning to solve the murder. All the pieces in the puzzle were falling neatly into place.
  • The cosmopolite embodies the migratory subject position of those who do not fit neatly into racial categories prescribed by United States society and politics.
  • In the case of Mrs Burdett, this seems unlikely: the extract fits neatly between other entries, written in the same handwriting, and so there is no evidence that it has been interpolated at a later date.
  • At the foot of the sign are rows of tree stumps neatly cut to maintain the vista.
  • A double-semi had jackknifed, neatly shutting down four lanes.
  • Case in point is Alpino Vino (970-708-1120), a new spot just off the Gold Hill Express Lift that resembles a chalet airlifted from the Italian Alps. Diners in ski helmets huddle around cherry-wood tables and a roaring fireplace, sipping Tuscan reds ($15), while neatly groomed waiters bring plates of cured meats and fine cheeses ($15). - News
  • This, as it seems to me, neatly encapsulates the balance which is inherent in the Tribunal's task under the Act.
  • Most obvious changes are the new rear light assemblies - with brake, reversing and indicator lights arranged neatly within a pair of larger tail-lamp units.
  • That the Chilian skipper is not of this class is proved by the appearance of his "cuddy," which is neatly, if not luxuriously, furnished, and prettily decorated. The Flag of Distress A Story of the South Sea
  • A waitress neatly dressed in traditional Chinese nankeen jacket at Tianle Restaurant serves ganshao luyou, spicy perch.
  • Newer: the password validation - even mmmm … I think the st. john’s mmmm … I think the st. john’s wort is kicking in. this afternoon/evening I’ve gotten some amazing work done. all the goofy little problems with the work order database are just unravelling themselves, ever so neatly. Mmmm…I think the st. john’s - emergency weblog; or: epersonae; or: elaine nelson
  • The common accusation that infrastructure projects are no more than fiscal transfers through the back door could therefore be neatly sidestepped. Times, Sunday Times
  • We undress in a small anteroom and fold our clothes neatly into baskets on the shelves.
  • She finished the last binding, tying it neatly, and then repacked her kit.
  • Eye-friendly columns, neatly typed, show amounts donated in 2008, the Blago “LOW GOAL” for future donations from each listee, and the “HIGH GOAL,” sometimes up to $100,000. Fitzgerald Subpoenaed Blagojevich for Dirt on Obama Contacts, leaving out Blagojevich donors
  • There prosperous new managers live in gracious homes with neatly manicured gardens.
  • She took the pile of papers and neatly arranged them for the last time before she struck the match and let the edges of the paper slowly catch fire and turn to ash.
  • The lyrics are very neatly turned, and contain poetical passages and lines of genuine humorous character.
  • He had a neatly trimmed white beard and used a pince-nez for reading.
  • When I looked through the paper after it had gone to press, I found the reference had been neatly excised from the finished version.
  • Ruby poulticed it, and though it took the better part of a year, it healed so neatly you would think that was the way the ends of people's fingers were meant to look. Cold Mountain
  • Opening the envelope, his eyes narrowed as he read the neatly scribed note included with the schedule.
  • He held out the wet end of the rope, showing how it was neatly bound with copper-wire to keep it from fraying out and unlaying. Sappers and Miners The Flood beneath the Sea
  • It's best to work in rough first, and then write it out neatly.
  • The bed was a twin, neatly made in the usual slate gray, along with the carpet, and the furniture.
  • Her blue slacks were creased neatly down the sides in the exact middle of the gold stripe that told everyone she was from Central.
  • Rule out neatly any words which you don't wish the examiner to read.
  • And it neatly avoids using the LSAM for LOI, then delivering emptied tankage to the lunar surface, too. A Constellation Alternative you Might Never have Seen - NASA Watch
  • You know the ones, where there would be an obvious story arc, but there were many other threads that weren't always neatly tied off at the end of the main plotline, and those in turn would feed into others. What Are You Reading? | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Her red hair has been neatly combed back and braided.
  • A small wooden shack with a carved wooden placard labeled "office" is surrounded by neatly stacked and bound pallets of sapwood. Mark Cassello: Can America Return to an Indigenous Economy?
  • The arc of his playing career neatly underscores just why he understands the game so well. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like a sniper, he took his time to aim before neatly felling the animal. Times, Sunday Times
  • He sidestepped neatly into a field of corn - corn that was a good foot and more in height. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pour a pool of sauce on two plates and arrange the meat neatly.
  • His chambers were as I remembered them, from the round stone altar table that sat opposite the entry door, neatly arranged with candles, a bell, his athame, and various other ritual items; to the stacked stone walls and leather seating in-the-round with two plush, armed seats across from each other and two armless semicircular couches. Arcane Circle
  • There is a room divider topped with an enormous slab of black granite, to neatly bisect the dining area.
  • For $29.95 it neatly holds a power strip or surge protector and all its plug-ins and could go a long way toward restoring domestic-design harmony.
  • The braiding neatly divides my sample into a purple top half and a bottle green lower half.
  • Reel to reel and DAT tapes were stacked neatly on a table.
  • In the northwestern part of the chain, the arches are neatly separated by the Almazan basin, which has a complex synclinal structure, but they merge towards the SE.
  • The surgeon closed the incision neatly.
  • Cut neatly, form mitres at return angles and remove sharp edges, swarf and other potentially dangerous projections.
  • The papers are neatly punched, indexed and occasionally underlined with red pen.
  • Trim neatly around bottom edge and leave to dry overnight.
  • Spar have come up with ingenious pocket Eco Bag which is a small, wallet size bag that fits neatly into a pocket or handbag so you're always armed and ready to shop.
  • But she was different: her hair was neatly covered with a headscarf, a hijab. Times, Sunday Times
  • All articles should be neatly typed; we cannot accept handwritten contributions.
  • The idea of the bully fits neatly with one of the most grotesquely enduring of all anti-American beliefs: that Americans are all dumb Yanks.
  • His books are neatly arranged in alphabetical order.
  • I believe that fame and celebrity, influence and power, success and failure, reality and illusion are all somehow neatly woven into a seamless fabric we laughingly call reality. 
  • I used to watch my dad as he placed our family photos in albums like this, neatly annotating them as he went along.
  • So, once everything is neatly containerized it must be placed into the backpack in the right order.
  • ‘Right away,’ the guard said, rushing to lead them down the neat, graveled pathway, past the neatly trimmed hedges and sparkling marble fountains set amid bright green grass and brilliant red roses.
  • The holes are still there but things do not detach neatly around them. Times, Sunday Times
  • But for each little detail neatly answered within the film's overly expository dialogue, there are five glaring questions that go unanswered.
  • Someone has to hold the arch together while the keystone is put in place, or they are thrown together at a single time improbably falling neatly into place. Behe and Theistic Evolution
  • Most of us today do tend to over-launder simply because laundering is so easy; children find it much easier to deposit a barely worn garment in a laundry hamper than to hang it nicely for airing or fold it neatly for the shelf. Boing Boing: September 25, 2005 - October 1, 2005 Archives
  • Emanuelle frowned as she traced her fingers down the stack of folders neatly piled inside.
  • So I sandpapered the terminal and the inside of the clamp clean, then stripped some handy mains cable to get the copper strands leaving a bit of insulation on one end to keep the bunch together neatly, then wrapped it about the terminal and put the clamp on. Snell-Pym » The Curse Looms Bigger than Ever
  • Hipster trousers and a long jacket were made in almost psychedelic stripes of multi-coloured suede, PVC and ribbon sewn together so neatly as to seem seamless.
  • His waxy face stills glows an unearthly peach colour above his neatly clipped ginger beard. Times, Sunday Times
  • His riding helmet and gloves are stacked neatly in the chair next to him.
  • All the bedclothes were folded and tucked in and the little girl's toys were arranged neatly on top of the bed.
  • Her outer appearance matches her nicely, as she speaks with precision, in tidy, neatly clipped sentences punctuated with elegant gestures, and her contributions to conversation always seem organized and intelligent. Still More BFF Blogger Goodness!
  • Those chains of relationships map neatly with hyperlinks and the "webby" online world. T r u t h o u t
  • Lined up neatly on nine velvet pillow (all different colours and sizes) were crowns and tiaras and circlets in gold, silver and bronze adorned in rubies, emerald, sapphires, opals, topazes, diamonds - you name it, it's there.
  • Rule out neatly any words which you don't wish the examiner to read.
  • Painted-over windows, freshly laundered towels neatly folded, and a paper mat outside the tiny shower highlight the bathroom.
  • Her pubes was a field of wheat after the harvest, a field neatly furrowed; it was a nest, a pomegranate, an arrowhead, a rune. markitymark 1 point 2 hours ago markitymark 1 point 2 hours ago what's new online!
  • It's a long time since I boiled up a batch of handkerchiefs to be dried on the fireguard and ironed neatly.
  • This one was grass green with white spoked wheels and a black top, neatly folded down. Deadly
  • The cut-away collars that accommodate fat Windsor knots are giving way to fuller cuts that pinch in neatly under the tie with the use of tabs or poppers (NB: not button-through style).
  • In all candor I must say that she approached closely to a realization of the ideals of a book -- a sixteenmo, if you please, fair to look upon, of clear, clean type, well ordered and well edited, amply margined, neatly bound; a human look whose text, as represented by her disposition and her mind, corresponded felicitously with the comeliness of her exterior. The Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac
  • With 4G you can neatly sidestep the issue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any complex, sophisticated thinker is unlikely to fit neatly into a single type, yet the types can still be helpful in mapping the field.
  • To my utter surprise, there were pink tulips all lined up neatly up along the path.
  • No snow had penetrated the inner lining and all their equipment was neatly stowed -- pannikins, spare clothing, chronometers, finnesko, socks and a flag as well as more letters, and, movingly, the "chatty little notes" the supporting parties had left for Scott as they returned to Cape Evans. The Greatest Survival Stories Ever Told
  • The nineteenth century was worse, if anything, than earlier periods, for it furthered what might be called the evangelistic slant toward novel-reading, the attitude that neatly classified this form of self-indulgence with dancing, card-playing, hard drinking, and loose living of every description. Definitions: Essays in Contemporary Criticism
  • His wardrobe of male clothes was neatly stored in his own bedroom. Times, Sunday Times
  • The support companies were removed from the wadies round Hill 230, as it was plain that the Turks had these most accurately registered, and moved up under shelter of the Mansura cliffs, where they were free from direct observation though bothered by 5. 9s neatly dropped just over the edge. The Fifth Battalion Highland Light Infantry in the War 1914-1918
  • This dovetailed neatly with the other main ex-post-facto "solution" being proposed - vote the Republicans out of office. Andy Thayer: How Can We Win in Wisconsin?
  • At the start, Barrichello had made a copybook getaway while his team-mate neatly steered left to block any chance of Sato coming through from the second row as the pack sprinted toward the first right-hander.
  • But with his neatly combed blond hair there is a likeness to dad Wills. The Sun
  • Both are neatly finished to a pleasing soft luster.
  • The insoles fit neatly inside your shoes and are intended to be worn for up to a couple of hours a day, preferably while walking.
  • The cloth is creased, the day's newspaper is folded neatly, and an unopened letter to Monsieur Ph. Rousseau awaits its reader.
  • She was very clean and smart looking, with her fair hair always tied back neatly in a ponytail.
  • London, sandwiched neatly in the middle of the international junket, reaped the benefits. DEATH IN FASHION
  • We sat down to lunch and discussed petty things and neatly sidestepped upsetting topics.
  • It was quite a little feast; two ounces of seven – and – sixpenny green, and a quarter of a pound of the best fresh; and Mr. Wilkins had brought a pint of shrimps, neatly folded up in a clean belcher, to give a zest to the meal, and propitiate Mrs. Ivins. Sketches by Boz
  • By far the most blatantly contrived element of the play is the happy and neatly accounted for ending, with a stereotypical Hollywood double wedding scene.
  • It's wrong because people live messy lives, which don't fit neatly into the segmented programs of well-intentioned officials.
  • The single strand of evidence that is accepted as authentic often turns out to fit all too neatly a particular theory which is being advanced; inconvenient evidence is set aside as unauthentic.
  • I stand and look down at the needle as I thread it with ease and neatly begin stitching.
  • Lace curtains neatly surround the latticed windows while pretty flowers border the tidy garden which has obviously been lovingly kept.
  • Jaric had brailed the mainsail neatly to the yardarm, but jib and spanker lay heaped in the bow, a negligence he never would have tolerated by choice. Shadowfane
  • Group weblog Re-Imagineering neatly examines certain extinct things about Disneyland in a series of posts called Elemental Losses. Parking Lot Nostalgia? :
  • Did you notice how she neatly sidestepped the question?
  • She's completely fresh, girlish, and accomplishes neatly the transition from kittenish innocence to energy and greed.
  • He watched as Adam put the neatly tied bundles on the conveyor belt sliding toward the maw of the incinerator. DOLL'S EYES

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