How To Use Nearer In A Sentence
One of the "brightest minds" in his class, he was one of the laziest; one of the quickest and most agile when aroused, he was one of the torpids as a rule: One of the kind who should have "gone in for honors," as the faculty said, he came nearer going out for devilment.
Found in the Philippines The Story of a Woman's Letters
This copy is nearer the original than the others I've seen.
Commercial and private sea craft were plentiful nearer the coast and the boardwalk at the beaches was lit up for nighttime visitors.
Heat energy travels in the sun by conduction and radiation around the core, and by convection nearer the surface, but the position of the so-called convective boundary between these regions is disputed.
New Scientist - Online News
Our new headquarters, nearer to the Boche depot, consisted simply of a deep stairless shaft with a 40 degrees slope.
Pushed and the Return Push
Nearer the Arctic his canoe becomes a skin kaiak, his face is still broader, Ms eyes like a Chinaman's, and writers of human history call him Eskimo.
The Golden Snare
The nearer I approached to your habitation, the more deeply did I feel the spirit of revenge enkindled in my heart.
Chapter 16
_drops of water_ -- colours vary with size of drops, the smaller the drop the lighter the colours and nearer to the violet end of the spectrum -- hence white rainbow as seen on the Barrier, very small drops.
Scott's Last Expedition Volume I
Drawing nearer we peeped with fascinated horror through the grimy, unwashed windows at the interior still life.
Softened by the events of the past week, affected by the melancholy beauty of the autumn day, Soames came nearer than he had ever been to realisation of that truth — passing the understanding of a Forsyte pure — that the body of Beauty has a spiritual essence, uncapturable save by a devotion which thinks not of self.
To Let
I can see clearly now that the terminus is nearer than I had earlier thought.
Obama picks up four more superdelegates
The 'pseudoscope' (Wheatstone was partial to exotic forms of speech) was introduced by its professor in 1850, and is in some sort the reverse of the stereoscope, since it causes a solid object to seem hollow, and a nearer one to be farther off; thus, a bust appears to be a mask, and a tree growing outside of a window looks as if it were growing inside the room.
Heroes of the Telegraph
My daily dinner money was nearer 15p, and for that I got a plateful of real food, lovingly produced on the premises by battleaxes in pink hairnets.
This is with the view of saving lighterage and plunderage, and bringing the great mass of commerce so much nearer to the heart of the City.
The Life of Thomas Telford
Over time, that hardened into something nearer contempt.
Times, Sunday Times
Seen nearer at hand, the dun-coloured desert resolved itself into uncountable pimpling clay and mud-heaps, of divers shade and varying sizes: some consisted of but a few bucketfuls of mullock, others were taller than the tallest man.
Australia Felix
In fact the numbers voting for it were probably nearer two millions - a respectable enough turnout at a time of civil war, and an indication that the propitiatory gesture of national consultation had achieved some success.
If our suspicions are allayed, then we may move nearer again.
Personnel Management: A New Approach
Some have a visual display showing the distance as the obstacle comes nearer.
Times, Sunday Times
Using an observation technique known as farside, we can determine the position of sunspots on the hidden side of the Sun. Irene González-Hernández, a scientist at the NOAO (National Optical Astronomical Observatory) said during her address to the 4th International HELAS Conference in Lanzarote (Canary Islands) that: "activity in the farthest regions of the Sun.can be observed by looking at waves in the nearer regions.
Signs of the Times
She can't stand the heat and would prefer to be somewhere nearer the cool British Isles.
It is nearer one tenth of the population or one fifth of the working population.
Catherine leapt to her feet as the sounds of footsteps drew nearer.
The threat of war is coming steadily nearer to home.
The stronger the magnetising force, the nearer do the molecules approach to a perfect alignment, and the greater is the induced magnetisation of the bar.
Response in the Living and Non-Living
The nearer we come, the loftier is the spouting water.
Voyage au centre de la terre. English
Takes me nearer the home where my heart is inshrined;
The Complete Poems of Sir Thomas Moore Collected by Himself with Explanatory Notes
This will allow farmers to shift animals from rented grazing land to pasture nearer home to supervise lambing or calving or turn out animals onto summer pasture from overcrowded steadings.
He then proceeded taking the few steps towards the massive front doors of the palace, which slowly opened, as he got nearer.
The girl felt it in every nerve; it was as though some soft-footed, noiseless, shapeless creature, whose presence she only dimly divined, was approaching nearer -- _nearer_.
Stories by English Authors: The Orient (Selected by Scribners)
The sweet-scented geranium abounded and so did the crowberry, which is a finer and sweeter kind than that which grows nearer the settlement.
Three Years in Tristan da Cunha
We are no nearer agreement now than in the past.
She got cautiously back to her feet, but didn't walk any nearer.
A hundred affectionate contests on such points as these, took place on the sad night which preceded his departure; and, as the termination of every angerless dispute brought them nearer and nearer to the close of their slight preparations, Kate grew busier and busier, and wept more silently.
Nicholas Nickleby
Is there anything nearer home you could do?
Alternative Health Care for Women
It was plain that he loved them, that they came nearer to expressing his real -- that is, his inmost -- self.
Susan Lenox: Her Fall and Rise, Volume II
Some say that it is nearer to bear-baiting than your actual sport and, I am forced to admit, sometimes blood has been drawn.
It is important to note further here that as the elections draw nearer, the country is going to witness more of such leaders emerge to portray themselves as messiahs with a sole assignment to ‘liberate’ the nation.
Nearer home, there were attempts from 1947 onwards to form a political and economic union of Western Europe.
The other over-vital brother, if a prime amuser, was also a prime tease, and being nearer Donald in age was also much less gentle.
A Student in Arms Second Series
I hear only a distant occasional cowbell and the cheerful nearer transactions of insects.
The French conglomerate declared a 2.6 per cent dip in profits - which at comparable exchange rates stands at nearer 5 per cent - but a strong season for Gucci helped buoy the profits as the label posted a sales increase of around 10 per cent for the same period.
Of this also we haue most true experience, and most certaynely assure you that there is neyther iron or steele or the magnes stone that should so make the toombe of Mahumet to hange in the ayre, as some haue falsely imagined; neyther is there any mountayne nearer than foure myles: we remayned here three dayes to refreshe our company.
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
Because of the prevailing south-westerlies in the exposed Baie de Seine, we stayed in sheltered waters nearer shore until ready to dive.
Sometimes after the exposition the composer creates excitement by bringing the entries of the subject nearer to each other so that they overlap.
Yet, as I drew nearer home, grief and fear again overcame me.
Chapter 7
But a meadow is a delicate embroidery in colors, which you must examine closely to understand all its merits; the nearer you are, the better.
Rural Hours
But there are other sources to consider, even nearer to home: those inside the host equipment itself.
The nearer the bone the sweeter the flesh.
Her tarradiddle was of a nature that is usually considered excusable - at least with grown-up people; but, nevertheless, she would have been nearer to perfection could she have confined herself to the truth.
To bring the compass needle back to North it would be necessary to move up nearer the compass dial the fore-and-aft magnet (shown below), whose magnetism would act on the compass needle on this heading of the ship exactly as the athwartship magnet acted on the compass needle when the ship was headed North:
Lectures in Navigation
Thinking is more internalised, and therefore hidden, in older children and adults, but it is more externalised and nearer to the surface in children who are just beginning to talk.
A night's labour brought the sculpture one step nearer perfection.
The nearer they brought him to a disembodied spirit by meagre diet, the holier should be his prayers in their behalf.
The Cloister and the Hearth
We shan't be any nearer if we give mamma an opportunity of miffing away somewhere when we come.
Somehow Good
'Twas surely a prodigious fault on the part of the Marquis of Montcalm, to accept a battle from Wolfe on equal terms, for the British General had no artillery, and when we had made our famous scalade of the heights, and were on the Plains of Abraham, we were a little nearer the city, certainly, but as far off as ever from being within it.
The Virginians
“Mony thanks to ye,” he said, scoffingly, “for collecting sae muckle winter eilding for us; but if ye step a foot nearer it wi’ that lunt, it’s be the dearest step ye ever made in your days.”
The Black Dwarf
The holy grail for a curler, equivalent to a seven-ball victory in pool, is to have all eight stones nearer to the house than your opposition but such instances are very rare.
On the next morning, which was cold and drizzly, a "pragmatical" drummer went out from the nearer trench, beating his drum for a parley, lest his person should be dismissed without ceremony to the hungry kites.
Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 1 (of 2)
The insurrectionists that we have oft complained of late have grown more bold in their depredations, attacking ever nearer to our palace.
By r lady, your ladyship is nearer heaven than when I saw you last, by the altitude of a chopine.
Act II. Scene II. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Boots, not shoes; the boot steps inarched nearer, and nearer, from the rear of the house.
A Lady of His Own
Still moving, we drew nearer to the location and our hearts began to pound faster.
And I begud to hear a laich lauch far awa ', and it cam' nearer and nearer ilka week, till it was ringin 'i' my verra lug.
Alec Forbes of Howglen
He comes nearer and nearer, sizes up his victim with his bulging lacklustre eyes and drives it mad.
There too mashers, fake swells, or bohemians were to be found, whilst going up to London often provided the opportunity for provincial businessmen to indulge in activities more anonymously than they could achieve nearer home.
Wherefore one who has the Inftru&ion of a Prince committed ta his charge, ought often to reflett, That the Child, he has care of, every day comes nearer anight, where truth will abandon him; and fo he ought to make hafte to tell him and imprint in his mind, what - foever may be molt neceflary to guide him in thofe dark mills, which ay a kind of neceflity hisCondition will caft about himC
Moral Essays: Contain'd in Several Treatises on Many Important Duties
The departure time slowly crept nearer, and the airlift rumors were solidifying into reality.
For God kept this diftribution and order in difpofing the coue* uant of his mercy, that how much the nearer it drew on in proceife of time to y ful performance thereof, with fo much greater encreafc - mentes of reuelation he did day by day more brightly {hew it.
The institution of christian religion
In what voice am I to embody the person who wrote that first volume with little thought of publisher or readership during a cryptic, enisled time, I who live nearer the main and have had public definitions attached to me, including some I would like to shake off — environmentalist, cartographer — and whose readers will open this volume looking for more of the same and will be disappointed if they get it?
A Different Stripe:
At the borders, it is a gossamer weft of sparse threads; nearer the centre, the texture becomes first fine muslin and then satin; lower still, on the narrower part of the opening, it is a network of roughly lozenged meshes.
The Life of the Spider
As we inch nearer to spring, little owls are beginning to shout more in the fields.
Times, Sunday Times
On the empirical side, however, he came nearer to the truth.
Later patriotic estimates had 20,000 Scots vanquishing 100,000 English: the true figures were probably nearer 8,000 to 24,000-many of the latter being Welsh or Gascon.
Pull your chair nearer the table.
But none of the people muttering came any nearer.
Your dear letter has brought me still nearer to you in the crisis of the estro poetico, which the "Hungaria" [One of Liszt's symphonic poems.] brought forth in me; and, thanks to this good influence, I hope you will not be dissatisfied with the composition.
We all want progress. But progress means getting nearer to the place where you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turning, then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; and in that case the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man. C.S. Lewis
'Appen we're nearer the Fleet, anyroad, an' they ain't too curious there," she replied, and stood up, the pamphlets vanishing somewhere inside her shawls.
The Serpent's Shadow
As it drew nearer to Corrie's fifth birthday she began desperately seeking a way in which to keep her in Chertsey.
Those who love the idea of sailing on historic craft can board one nearer to home.
Times, Sunday Times
The apprentice is nearer the long long thoughts of boyhood, and his imagination rides cap-a-pie through the chambers of his brain, seeking some knightly quest in honour of that Fair Lady, the last but one of the girl apprentices to the dress-making upstairs.
The Wheels of Chance: a bicycling idyll
For the first time my dreams changed, I was stalking an antelope in the dry grass, approaching nearer and nearer until I killed it with my sword.
A kind of mirage is over it, due to the distance of 5,000 miles -- a mirage behind which we are told to see a happy, rejuvenated country; and a mirage that hides beneath its shade the uncounted corpses of Petrograd; a mirage which conceals from our sight the horrors and catastrophes which communism has meant there, and beckons with a false allurement towards an example from which a nearer vision would make us retreat in horror.
The Proper Limitations of State Interference
‘We want to let people know that we do need help, whether it's in planning the event, bagging the straw nearer the day or the range of activities such as setting off the runners,’ she said.
A fringe of short parallel lines ran around the edge, and then a pair of concentric circles nearer the centre.
Most of them were from the barbaric tribes nearer the frozen Hub, which had a sort of export trade in heroes.
This practice of representing objects nearer the eye than the frame is certainly to be observed in some of the prints after Rubens and others, and has descended to several common prints in our own time, but ought not to be adopted, as bordering too much upon that art which may be designated as a sort of _ad captandum vulgus_ display.
Rembrandt and His Works Comprising a Short Account of His Life; with a Critical Examination into His Principles and Practice of Design, Light, Shade, and Colour. Illustrated by Examples from the Etchings of Rembrandt.
It's a shame for the pint-sized, goal-scoring scurrier, because according to this distance calculator , a move to the Italian fashion capital would bring poor homesick Carlos a whopping 7.6 miles nearer home.
The Guardian World News
In the longer term we should hope that the Chinese and Indians - and our equally-threatening eastern European cousins - raise wage levels nearer to those in the west.
When I am gone, lay me in a plain white jelly-pot, with a parchment cover, and on the label write ---- but come nearer, I have a secret for your ear alone ... there are strange things in some cupboards!
Punch, or the London Charivari Volume 98, January 4, 1890
The record is so spotty that geologists are not sure whether areas near the equator or places nearer the poles were the coolest places on earth.
Ice Time: Climate, Science, and Life on Earth
The growths were not so luxuriant or prodigious, but for the most part the trees offered suggestions of alluring possibilities to the semiarboreal Nu, for the branches were much heavier and more solid than those of the great tree-ferns of his own epoch, and commenced much nearer the ground.
The Eternal Savage
God is both transcendent and immanent, the Lord of Creation and One who is nearer to an individual than his jugular vein.
Was it so peculiar to scan each of these acquaintances respectively with circumspect glances, to do so apprehensively (more apprehensively and yet more often to the male than the female of this brother and sister combination as she, whom he barely knew at all, was nearer and the sexual interest would be more conspicuous), and to let the erumpent odors of both, imagined or real, send him on
An Apostate: Nawin of Thais
As they got nearer, one of the doors swung open and a bent, hooded figure swathed in rags came shuffling out.
The uncertain outlook for consumer spending has encouraged City analysts to trim their profit forecasts from around £11m to nearer £10m.
I'll post about this again nearer to the date, and here's the link to the announcement by Cory Doctorow.
The Whore's Daughter
As a man he is high-spirited and energetic, always ready to fight for his Sultan, his country and, especially, his Faith: courteous and affable, rarely failing in temperance of mind and self-respect, self-control and self-command: hospitable to the stranger, attached to his fellow citizens, submissive to superiors and kindly to inferiors — if such classes exist: Eastern despotisms have arrived nearer the idea of equality and fraternity than any republic yet invented.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
They should send us more details nearer the time of the concert.
And Zal answered her benison, and prayed that he might enter into nearer converse, for he was on the ground and she was on the roof.
The Epic of Kings
In chemical composition and in optical and other physical characters it is thus much nearer to the anorthite end of the series than to albite.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
Officers at Fort Duquesne heard a “blast of great guns & musquetry” that made them “apprehend our detachment had joined in with the English army nearer than they imagined, & that they were ingaged.”
George Washington’s First War
And the cryings of the humans came nearer, and the thuddings of the great feet.
The Night Land
On every side the foliage blurred into ambiguous vistas, where fireflies loitered; and the long shadows of the nearer trees, straining across the grass, were wried patterns scissored out of blue velvet.
The Cords of Vanity A Comedy of Shirking
At times larger bergs are calved and the distant boom is ominous, like a war getting nearer.
Times, Sunday Times
A conservative estimate puts the number of karoshi cases in Japan at 10,000, though the real figure may be nearer 30,000 and some even say 50,000.
The children's excitement is mounting as Christmas gets nearer.
Can't marry a woman now-a-days till you're so deaf you have to cock your head like a parrot to hear what she says, and so longsighted you can't see what she looks like nearer than arm's-length.
The Professor at the Breakfast-Table
_Isabel_, in fact, would be a name nearer the original than the form in which we have it.
Notes and Queries, Number 59, December 14, 1850
They thus exhibit a strong tendency to drag their feet as doomsday draws nearer.
The dialect of the Koreish was usually called the clear or "perspicuous" Arabic, but the Hamaritic dialect approached nearer to the purity of the mother Syriac.
As my time drew nearer, and there got to be talk of my having a new coat for the ceremony, my mind began to misgive me.
The Moonstone
This new élite was no longer composed of old revolutionaries of middle-class origin, but was drawn from the trained and educated offspring of peasants and proletarians who stood nearer to the masses.
At least we are much nearer than we were in the era your rose-coloured glasses have alighted upon.
Far off in the distance, Ian heard the beat of helicopter blades, and as the sound came nearer, he screamed for help.
Generally, the ludic possibilities increased the nearer you were to western Europe.
There are antelope and deer in this part of the forest; bigger animals such as forest elephants, gorillas and big cats can only be found nearer to the border with Cameroon.
As the person gets nearer and nearer to the supermarket so their level of anxiety may be gradually rising in anticipation of difficulty.
The man who stood aloof (the sliest, sodden-faced creature I ever saw) came nearer — To the question, doctor, and to my part, if you please! — Am not I her father? — To the question, doctor, if you please!
Sir Charles Grandison
My head was much nearer the camera than the rest of me so I'm all out of proportion.
The long drawn out "ahoy" had scarcely died on their lips before it was answered by an equally long blast from the whistle, to which they responded by repeating the hail at brief intervals, each answering blast of the whistle telling them that the boat was drawing nearer, until at length the faint loom of the boat showed in the darkness, and a lantern was suddenly held high above a man's head.
In Search of El Dorado
The nearer of the two barges was perhaps a mile away.
One by one the wolves crept nearer, jaws opened, tongues lolling as if they laughed at her helplessness.
It seemed a vacuum-tight certainty that he would spend the war (months? years?) as a duckfoot in the Ground Forces ~ getting no nearer to Mars than opposition distance-say sixty, seventy million miles.
Between Planets
The more remote and antitypical event, however, namely, Messiah's coming, is that to which he always hastens, and which he describes with far more minuteness than he does the nearer type; for example, Cyrus (compare Isa 45: 1 with Isa 53: 1-12).
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
To say he was both administrative and executive officer to the family - and legal adviser - would be nearer the mark.
Thorax thickly clothed with fawn-coloured hairs; body above, shining ochrey inclined to orange; short tuft at the end of the body; underside lateritious; upper surface of first pair of wings fawn, with a reddish hue, densely covered with hair-like scales, with shorter and somewhat square scales beneath, the scales over the nervures, being reddish; an indistinct line of seven obscure spots still more indistinctly connected by a zigzag reddish line, runs across the wing nearly parallel to its apical margin, and nearer the tip of the wing than the middle.
Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2
That it is no worse than pleonastic, that is, redundant, therefore only unnecessary, can be no satisfaction to the man who would find perfection, if he may, in the words of him who was nearer the Lord than any other.
Unspoken Sermons Third Series
_Boom, boom, boom_, it broke nearer and nearer, as if a vast cordon of cannon was being drawn around the horizon.
Prairie Folks
If they substituted the word 'Lust' for 'Love' in the popular songs it would come nearer the truth. Sylvia Plath
Grow fragrant herbs and flowers in raised beds or from hanging baskets so they are nearer your nose.
Times, Sunday Times
The clock ticks ever nearer to Christmas, and I am edging into a festive mood.
Our table was backed up to an L-shaped banquette, with two straight chairs nearer the fire.
But either Mistress Jean's influx of caution came too late, and someone had overheard her suggestion, or the idea was already abroad in the mind bucolic and georgic, for that very night it began to be reported upon the nearer farms, that the Mains of Glashruach was haunted by a brownie who did all the work for both men and maids -- a circumstance productive of different opinions with regard to the desirableness of a situation there, some asserting they would not fee to it for any amount of wages, and others averring they could desire nothing better than a place where the work was all done for them.
Sir Gibbie
Dybwad, being nearer to the Elizabethan time in her daily life, gives us an Elizabethan maiden with a touch of "homeliness"; but Julia Marlowe's, like Ada Rehan's "Rosalind," has something of the artificial character of Watteau.
Confessions of a Book-Lover
Nearer, I distinguished the green slime of ditches mixing with the pale drab of dried clay and shiny, coaly patches.
The War of The Worlds
At first Bâtard would crowd himself into the smallest possible space, grovelling close to the floor; but as the music came nearer and nearer, he was forced to uprear, his back jammed into the logs, his fore legs fanning the air as though to beat off the rippling waves of sound.
Each stop may now be moved 1/16 inch nearer to a point halfway between them to cause "cushioning" of the piston, by admitting steam before the stroke is quite finished.
Things To Make
She took a step nearer to the barrier.
If they want to save, they can do so - and make the decision nearer retirement whether to blow the money or buy an annuity.
After about three months with the Russian advance getting nearer, we were force marched for Kapfenberg to Marktpongau.
Robert Cunliffe
Such should be sedulously cherished, and it were well to depute this to their men-folk, the nearer of kin the better.
We are no nearer an agreement than we were six months ago.
The climate becomes more benign as we move nearer to the Black Sea.
The nearer to church, the farther from God.
Some say that it is nearer to bear-baiting than your actual sport and, I am forced to admit, sometimes blood has been drawn.
I could not get near to it for the water which seemed deep and roaring but my desire was always intense to come nearer.
As the deep black shadow in Glen Keltney closed over them, they moved slowly nearer home in a trance of fatigue.
Looking over my notes of this excursion, I come upon the following sentence: "To sit on a stone beside a mountain road, with olive-backed thrushes piping on every side, the ear catching now and then the distant tinkle of a winter wren's tune, or the nearer _zee, zee, zee_ of black-poll warblers, while white-throated sparrows call cheerily out of the spruce forest -- this is to be in another world.
The Foot-path Way
The nearer to church, the farther from God.
It's a well-worn dichotomy, but the song's gently strummed guitar and the high, wending melody that draws nearer, moving like mysterious lights in the crepuscular sky, invest it with new promise.
The inferior clergy as a body were far nearer in character to Trulliber than to Dr. Primrose; coarse, sordid, neglectful of their duties, shamelessly addicted to sinecurism and pluralities, fanatics in their Toryism and in attachment to their corporate privileges, cold, rationalistic, and almost heathen in their preachings, if they preached at all.
The Ontario Readers: The High School Reader, 1886
The terms anterior or ventral, and posterior or dorsal, are employed to indicate the relation of parts to the front or back of the body or limbs, and the terms superior or cephalic, and inferior or caudal, to indicate the relative levels of different structures; structures nearer to or farther from the median plane are referred to as medial or lateral respectively.
Come in spring and the ground under the trees is amass of bluebells, with drifts of wild daffodils nearer the open light.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet those contests seem no nearer to happening.
The Sun
This above all was a messy and time consuming task that would have been done nearer the source of iron and away from the town.
An announcement about when tickets will go on sale for the UK Championships will be made nearer the date of the event.
And if this whole magnet be more and more positive, by regular degrees through all the sections, from its negative to its positive end or pole, then the nearer any given part of it, say the _second section_ -- the patient's person, may be to its positive pole in the negative post, so much the more _positive_ that section or part will be.
A Newly Discovered System of Electrical Medication
They should send us more details nearer the time of the concert.
But on the threshold of great age he was no nearer an answer.
Would you mind changing places with me so that I can be nearer the fire?
We moved our chairs a little nearer.
No such scruples had restrained him from unleashing new conflict with a nearer neighbour.
CHRISTINA QUEEN OF SWEDEN: The Restless Life of a European Eccentric
To one side of the balcony door, nearer the bed, stood a substantial armoir, again in mahogany, with etched jade panels inset into its double doors.
Their planned rendezvous with NASA grew steadily nearer.
Nothing can be nearer to the truth - or farther from it.
We observed a gradient in the depth of the selective sweep, which becomes progressively deeper as you get nearer to the gene.
The Japanesque side would make a good drawing-room background, and some other scene (such as a wood) might be indicated on the other with a nearer approach to real scene-painting.
The Peace Egg and Other tales
Many small muscles are attached to these, and their action can vary the size of the aperture, by pulling the arytenoids apart or drawing them nearer together, widening or narrowing the ‘V’.
There is less elbow extension on the upsweep, and the hands exit nearer the waist than the hips.
Nearer Wales, Robert Williams compiled the first comprehensive dictionary of the Cornish language, and Bishop John Phillips translated the Book of Common Prayer into Manx.
We all want progress. But progress means getting nearer to the place where you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turning, then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; and in that case the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man. C.S. Lewis
With three players, the bowler and striker will be the same as when two are at play; the second player will be fieldsman, who, when the ball be hit nearer to him than to the bowler, will pick it up, or catch it if he can, and return it to the bowler.
The Book of Sports: Containing Out-door Sports, Amusements and Recreations, Including Gymnastics, Gardening & Carpentering
In the competition for most doleful, Larson himself mentions the Adagietto from Mahler's Fifth Symphony, Henryk Gorecki's Symphony No. 3 and several funeral marches and dirgelike hymns such as "Nearer My God to Thee.
Thomas Larson's 'The Saddest Music Ever Written,' reviewed by Michael Dirda
But those nearer (Ralph, and George, and Rose among them) who could see not only the whole figure, but the plinth and the pedestal upon which it stood, saw that the inscription on the plinth was the same as that which had been reported as upon the first image, the one set up in the Temple at
The Mark of the Beast
We all got very wet waiting for the helicopters overhead to edge nearer, and for the snail's pace queue of ordinary buses to finally end.
The helicopter had vanished and the dinghy was much nearer the pilot, who appeared not to be moving.
But surely it would be easier to switch to a team nearer to home?
In its internal anatomy, digestive as well as generative, the hyaena is nearer to the cat than the dog, but it possesses the _caecum_, or blind gut, which is so large in the canidae, small in the felines, and totally absent in the bears.
Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
The guide motioned to me to come nearer.
Admiral Cunningham has stated we would gain nearer three than two million gross tons of shipping could we free the Mediterranean route.
Finishing the Job
Please note it in your diary - detailed notices will, of course, be sent nearer the time.
The nearer the bone the sweeter the flesh.
He wanted to come down to Kent to be nearer his close family and it was a shock when he died so soon afterwards.
His suite would probably cost nearer four weeks' salary than two.
Intent on getting a definite asdic signal before asking for air support, Jakey steered nearer to the Island.
The bay of the bloodhound was now approaching nearer and nearer, and they could hear the voices of several persons who accompanied the animal, and hallooed to each other as they dispersed occasionally, either in the hurry of their advance, or in order to search more accurately the thickets as they came along.
A Legend of Montrose
A vein (anterior saphena) may be found to cross in this situation, but the saphena vein proper is not met with, as this lies nearer the inner side of the thigh.
Surgical Anatomy
The children's excitement is mounting as Christmas gets nearer.
Within the border zone on the nearer side of the frontier, the haul of finds during an excavation might consist of two or three shards of Roman pottery, a glass bead or fragment of a glass bangle, some iron fragments, and quernstones.
But all the same she was not idle: she polished away at her flimflams, bringing them nearer and nearer probability, never, thanks to her sound memory, contradicting herself or making a slip, and always able to begin again from the beginning.
The Getting of Wisdom
The uncertain outlook for consumer spending has encouraged City analysts to trim their profit forecasts from around £11m to nearer £10m.
The racist view was that African women, being nearer to the animal world than white women, gave birth painlessly and could be returned to hard labor soon after.
However, classified adverts in magazines show dealers advertising cars with higher mileage than yours for nearer £8,000.
We take frequent holidays nearer to home for some winter sunshine.
Times, Sunday Times
I drew nearer and saw him sitting on a throne incrusted and inlaid with pearls and gems; and his robes were of gold-cloth adorned with jewels of every kind, each one flashing like a star.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Although this peculiar disharmony in the dispersive powers of the two glasses, crown and flint, was discovered almost immediately after achromatism was invented, it was only recently that the first successful attempts were made to produce different glasses, which, possessing the other requirements for achromatic objectives, would produce coincident spectra, or nearer so than the ordinary crown and flint glass do.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 561, October 2, 1886
The "katipo," found in sedges on the beach of New Zealand, is dreaded by the Maoris, who traditionally refuse to sleep nearer than half a stone's throw from the water, that being the extent of range of the spider.
The Poison Bugaboo
There are no shops except for the sub-post-office, and no smithy, and the bus does not come nearer than three miles.