How To Use Neap In A Sentence

  • Destiny's Wild even went so far as to gripe that Neapolitan had stolen their idea of singing the song a Capella, which is hardly a novel concept. IGN TV
  • The "fruitily perfumed pineapple weed" that came to Britain from Oregon in the late 19th century and then began to spread throughout the countryside, Mr. Mabey says, "exactly tracked the adoption of the treaded motor tyre, to which its ribbed seeds clung" as if the treads were the soles of climbing boots. Stow the Mower, Stop Pulling
  • Avoid too many sweet fruits; mango, pineapple and melon are full of sugar. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's usually a queue outside this pizzeria right opposite Cibreo - the reason being the excellent, echt Neapolitan pizzas made with the finest ingredients.
  • The aromas and flavours of fresh ripe pineapple are topped with a hint of honey backed by zippy acidity.
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  • One was the shape of a lemon and the other a pineapple, an NYPD spokesman said, adding that similar items could be purchased in toyshops.
  • Her longings grew more varied and virulent with each passing year: raw pig meat, Hawaiian pineapples infeasible to procure in revolutionary Cuba, chewing tobacco, cockscomb stew. The Lady Matador’s Hotel
  • Split the pineapple down the middle .
  • Many dictionaries of Neapolitan dialect from the late eighteenth century onward tell us that pizza, at its simplest, was merely a generic word for all kinds of pies, and for what would be called focaccia or schiacciata elsewhere in Italy, that is, a flat piece of dough dappled with fat or oil and cooked quickly in a hot oven. Delizia!
  • The other day I wanted to make a tropical salsa with pineapple, honeydew melon, cantaloupe, red onion and cilantro as a side dish.
  • Minneapolis-St. Paul is a winter carnival of skating, skiing, and shopping
  • I usually strain the juice off the pineapple and use it in another recipe.
  • In others, village growers simply find it more remunerative to sell coca to drug dealers than to market pineapples at the local mercado.
  • More daring is the Japanese Juggler, which has white rum with chopped pineapple, orange, pineapple, and grape juice with coconut cream.
  • Mix pineapple chunks and chilli peppers for a simple salsa to add a sweet heat to fish such as halibut, tuna and salmon. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the fringes, old men sit smoking huge pipes and pineapple vendors provide refreshment for tired buyers and sellers.
  • Jason gives a detailed account of the creation of the boiserie for an early eighteenth-century Parisian mansion and its recent restoration and installation in the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.
  • For pudding, mango and pineapple salad with fromage frais. The Sun
  • Pineapple: fresh ripe pineapple is rich in bromelin, a proteolytic protein-digesting enzyme; bromelin literally ‘digests’ dead and diseased cells and foreign microbes in the throat; cut pineapple into cubes, chew well, and let juice dribble down throat, but spit out the pulp; or gargle with the freshly extracted juice of ripe pineapple, and spit it out. The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity
  • Desserts are inventive, too - we loved the refreshing piña colada with pineapple jelly. The Sun
  • Roughly chop the pineapple and apricots and quarter the cherries.
  • Bulkheads were finished in a woven bamboo-striped motif contrasting with the square-shaped windows curtained in a fish/pineapple pattern.
  • The beauty here is the balance of juicy green apples, grapefruit, peaches and pineapple all anchored by brilliant acidity.
  • He has gummy gaps in his grin, the result of a stint as a boxer in the 1980s (he moved to Minneapolis in '84, after losing a big match in Fort Dodge, Iowa).
  • This voyage made more history than money as on the way down the vessel was neaped, waiting for water near Guyhurn Bridge for almost 2 weeks.
  • Lots of oak, flavors of pineapple and mango, and high alcohol were tasters' impressions here.
  • Many southern gardens don't have tulips, forsythia or daffodils, but instead have guava, pineapple and amaryllis.
  • After that, you just mix the pineapple gunk with the sugar syrup, the milk and lemon juice and put in the fridge.
  • A reincorporation will allow MGEX to distribute exchange assets to members, including three buildings in downtown Minneapolis and the MGEX Clearinghouse, which matches and clears trades for all exchange activity, according to the exchange. Minneapolis Grain Exchange Gets For-Profit Conversion Approval
  • Since the NY Times ran a few matzoh brei recipes several years back, I top my matzoh brei with a mixture of caramelized fruits (granny smith apples, bananas, berries, pineapple, etc.). Matzo Brei 101
  • With a rapid, jingling drive to the harbour in a two - wheeled machine (which Captain Mitchell called a curricle) behind a fleet and scraggy mule beaten all the time by an obviously Neapolitan driver, the cycle would be nearly closed before the lighted-up offices of the O.S. N. Company, remaining open so late because of the steamer. Nostromo: a Tale of the Seaboard
  • Leiths use pineapple juice in their marinade, which contains bromelain, an enzyme well known for its tenderising effect on meat, but, although this does work, I'm not keen on the slightly tropical flavour it gives the ribs. How to cook perfect barbecue ribs
  • The settlement stemmed from a complaint filed in July by Minneapolis barista Erik Forman who claimed he was fired for encouraging workers to join the Industrial Workers of the World union. RSS Feed - Politics & Policy
  • The decision of Government to send reinforcements to Ireland was mentioned as a prelude to the information from Vienna of the birth of a son to the Princess Nikolas: and then; having conjoined the two entirely heterogeneous pieces of intelligence, the composer adroitly interfused them by a careless transposition of the prelude and the burden that enabled him to play ad libitum on regrets and rejoicings; by which device the lord of Earlsfont might be offered condolences while the lady could express her strong contentment, inasmuch as he deplored the state of affairs in the sister island, and she was glad of a crisis concluding a term of suspense thus the foreign-born baby was denounced and welcomed, the circumstances lamented and the mother congratulated, in a breath, all under cover of the happiest misunderstanding, as effective as the cabalism of Prospero's wand among the Neapolitan mariners, by the skilful Irish development on a grand scale of the rhetorical figure anastrophe, or a turning about and about. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • Wearing a dress made of pineapple would turn anyone's head - especially those belonging to judges of a beauty pageant.
  • A subtle mix of freshly squeezed lemons and just-picked pineapples are ready to pleasure the tastebuds.
  • So if you crave something sweet, try its opulent fruit salad loaded with kiwi, mango, pineapple, grapes and strawberries or tinned lychees (the only fruit that is arguably as good tinned as fresh).
  • Crunching such a delectable treat as a Pitmaston Pineapple, an old "sweetmeat" -- or small, sweet apple -- is the most enjoyable exercise I've come across, and I'm ready to plant a whole orchard of my own, if I can find a place to put it. Chicago Reader
  • What a lovely day for a coconut twiddly dee ... especially when it involves pineapple! SHF 33 - Pineapple Coconut Cookies
  • Meanwhile, the ice cream - Neapolitan topped off with a mint and pistachio top layer - was sweet, firm and delicious.
  • Your tour starts with the fresh beverage of the day, which could be anything from a refreshing blend of pineapple and papaya to naseberry or mango.
  • With cheerful colours from lime green to pineapple yellow, they promise to make the steaming hot days a little more bearable.
  • My favorite drinks are Malibu pineapple and Amaretto sours - I can't drink strong drinks.
  • MINNEAPOLIS -- J.J. Putz exited Thursday's 11-0 victory over the Twins with what the reliever described as patella inflammation in his right knee. Chicago White Sox News
  • Do you remember cheese and pineapple on a stick or, worse still, those nibbles set solid with half a pig's foot of aspic?
  • Not surprisingly, last Friday's Minneapolis City Council meeting was dominated by the smoking ban ordinance, which burned up nearly two hours of debate.
  • As confirmation, the classic Italian cookbook the Silver Spoon gives no fewer than 10 versions although admittedly, one of these is a minestrone alla russa – aka borsch: one from Puglia, in the far south, based on their beloved turnip tops, or cime di rapa, a Neapolitan take heavy with Mediterranean peppers and aubergines, which makes an interesting contrast with a recipe from Milan, with its bacon lardons, parmesan and sage. How to cook perfect minestrone soup
  • The cocoanut-palm, date-palm and orange orchards contrasted their rich foliage in the sunshine with the pineapple, banana and the rich soft turf of the mesquit-grass. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 28, July, 1873
  • Traditionally, the layering process ends in late autumn with the addition of fresh pineapple chunks.
  • Passion that exists from the beginning of time to the end of eternity emerging in uncontrollable throes like the surging and neaping of the tide and the wind
  • Pineapples contain bromelain but this breaks down protein rather than fat. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the specials menu, you'll encounter colonies of tapioca balls swimming in a milky, curiously refreshing cinnamon liquid, and a less refreshing pineapple granité mixed in a frosty glass with a helping of mung beans.
  • Standing the pineapple on end, cut it lengthwise into fourths and remove the core.
  • Government complaints alleging racial discrimination in rental policies have al ready been filed in Miami and Minneapolis.
  • They'll feed during the biggest spring tides and the smallest neaps.
  • In Minneapolis, the city's multifaced plan to fund a stadium hit another obstacle Thursday, when officials conceded that the city's revenues remain $55 million short of the spending goals.
  • It was not until Harry S Truman added civil rights to the 1948 party platform - under pressure from the mayor of Minneapolis, Hubert Humphrey - and desegrated the armed forces that the Democrats were identified with the civil rights movement. January 2004
  • Like the Mood Swings track I posted the other day, this song was recorded at Flowers Studio in uptown Minneapolis and features Senne on guitar, bass, piano and vocals, and local musician (of the Ocean Blue, Polara) Peter Anderson on drums. It's not gonna make the telephone ring (Music (For Robots))
  • MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - It would be hard to imagine a player and moniker meshing more seamlessly than Chris Wright and the Dayton Flyers.
  • It will include waltzes, marches, operetta, Neapolitan songs and Irish classics.
  • I have been on the road for the past two weeks-first in Denver where I was on staff as a member of the Democratic National Convention's online content team, and more recently in Minneapolis, where I was attending, and blogging, the RNC as special press, aka credentialed new media. Undefined
  • the texture of Neapolitan life
  • Authentication of the unknown painting included a congruity between crinkles in the paint surface of the unknown picture, and cut marks on the back of the Minneapolis Study.
  • Finish with chunks of cheddar with slivers of fresh pineapple. Times, Sunday Times
  • Last year, Susan conducted a three week lecture tour in America to tell the story of Irish heraldry and genealogy and spoke in Boston, New York, Minneapolis and Chicago.
  • Among the island's abundant fruits are bananas, mangos, breadfruit, guavas, plumrose, coconuts, passion fruits, and pineapples.
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Roger, we got distracted and we have overflown Minneapolis. CNN Transcript Nov 27, 2009
  • My husband is not a salad eater, but he did enjoy the beetroot and carrot-with-pineapple salads.
  • MINNEAPOLIS Alex Rodriguez is doing it the New York Yankees way this October and is taking major steps toward something he has never done in pinstripes: help win a World Series. Suddenly, Yankees' A-Rod is a playoff hero
  • So low was he that he preferred Gibsen’s tea-time salmon tinned, as inexpensive as pleasing, to the plumpest roeheavy lax or the friskiest parr or smolt troutlet that ever was gaffed between Leixlip and Island Bridge and many was the time he repeated in his botulism that no junglegrown pineapple ever smacked like the whoppers you shook out of Ananias’ cans, Finnegans Wake
  • Thai red and Indian garam masala), numerous garnishes (pineapple-flavoured panko crumbs, cucumber "coulis" and huckleberry salsa, to name a few) and a written manifesto of his culinary principles. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Buy: sugar, pineapple, cocktail, tomato paste, packaging.
  • The ad has little black Victorian silhouettes and a pineapple as its logo.
  • Avoid using pineapple, kiwi and papaya because they contain an enzyme that interferes with the setting ability of gelatine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fashion News by: fashion - Google News Minneapolis Star Tribune, MN - 2 hours ago Be fashion forward: Aid worthy causes (Rochester Democrat and Chronicle) Uptown Girls RSS Feed
  • Proteolytic enzymes such as papain from papaya and bromelain from pineapple are used in extract form as meat tenderizers.
  • The building, estimated to cover some 20,000 square feet, has so far yielded more than 3,000 bullae -- clay document seals -- that are remains of an archive, according to Sharon C. Herbert of the University of Michigan, who is conducting the excavation with Andrea M. Berlin of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Phoenician Resilience
  • Species include bloodwood Eucalyptus terminalis, tea-tree Melaleuca sp., acacia, lamb's tails Ptilotus sp., shrubs and grasses Themeda avenacea, Enneapogon cylindricus and Eragrostis eriopoda. Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia
  • At neap tides, in stormy weather, I've known the water come just a couple of inches below my wall. NOTHING TO WEAR AND NOWHERE TO HIDE: A COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES
  • She served them with curried pineapple, a nice touch as the arancini was good, but a bit bland.
  • She had arrived fully laden one Friday and because of her deep draft was neaped until Monday morning.
  • Her snack ideas: celery and salsa; fat-free plain yogurt with fruit (cooked apple, pineapple, berries in season and on sale); baked apple with cinnamon and Splenda; warmed low-fat cheese (Laughing Cow wedges) with a light, toasted English muffin. Tightening the belt leads to a trimmer, healthier waistline
  • Avoid too many sweet fruits; mango, pineapple and melon are full of sugar. Times, Sunday Times
  • For me, it was pineapple juice, which was garnished appealingly with whole cranberries and a slice of orange.
  • Place the sugar on a tray and press the cut sides of the pineapple into the sugar. Times, Sunday Times
  • The city features six fruits - lemon, lychee, banana, longan, pomelo and pineapple - and three flowers - narcissus, camellia and orchid.
  • The mouth watering range of tropical fruits include banana, pawpaw, pineapple, coconut, sweetsops and papaya.
  • Are you looking forward to eating some haggis, neaps and tatties (haggis, turnip and potatoes)?
  • Did the same off-color jokes circulate in the grade schools of Minneapolis and Johnson City?
  • Sugared pastries, chocolate-filled croissants, pineapple and other fruit juices, arranged in a simple but elegant display, filled one-half of the table.
  • By eating my favorite Asian desserts-- shaved ice with taro, green bean and pineapple chunks; champagne mango over rice soaked in coconut milk; mochi; halo halo with ube and caramelized plantain, yum! Author Interview: Joyce Lee Wong
  • Tropical fruits such as pineapple, passion fruit and wood apple are combined with coconut milk to create unforgettable mocktails.
  • The story is about a guineapig in a program to track criminals with reality-TV-style spyware that transmits their sensoria to a home audience. Boing Boing: July 16, 2006 - July 22, 2006 Archives
  • Anatomy of a Sri Lankan buffet plate (clockwise from the papadum): leeks, dhal, eggplant, chicken curry, potato, bitter gourd, coconut sambol, goat curry, and kingfish curry; mango and pineapple chutney, yellow rice (center). The MTA Dining Car: Eating Club: Staten Island Ferry To Little Sri Lanka
  • To serve spoon some pineapple mint and heirloom tomato salad onto the center of a plate and set a yellowtail snapper fillet on top.
  • Try the crispy haggis taco with pineapple chutney. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pineapple - tinned, fresh, or fresh-cooked - is excellent in coleslaw and an unexpected success in sauerkraut.
  • ‘I'm looking for Chris Mars,’ I explain to a goateed fellow who's conveniently stationed in his southwest Minneapolis front yard.
  • He said he commended their guest for her knowledge of Neapolitan art which no doubt surpassed that of most Neapolitans.
  • I know them by the name of physalis or pineappleberry. it is a type of currant/berry. Ground Cherry and Watermelon Salad
  • On the other side of the system, it's not a rainmaker but snowmaker in parts of well -- now just east of Minneapolis and to the west of Green Bay. CNN Transcript May 3, 2008
  • In Southern Mexico, it would most likely be made with fruit vinegar, especially pineapple vinegar, but apple cider vinegar is a good substitute. Grapefruit Salad: Ensalada de Toronja
  • The steak sanga came laced with barbecue sauce and the chicken parma sacrilegiously crowned with a pineapple ring.
  • Since Prince owns the rights to the name "the Time," the Minneapolis men who made the moniker famous were forced to use a different appellation for this year's album, "Condensate. rss feed
  • Since the NY Times ran a few matzoh brei recipes several years back, I top my matzoh brei with a mixture of caramelized fruits (granny smith apples, bananas, berries, pineapple, etc.). Matzo Brei 101
  • Try to plan your trips around the smaller neaps, but experiment with the medium to big spring tides.
  • Drain the pineapple, reserving the juice, and stir into the pork mixture.
  • Like many twins, Minneapolis and St. Paul are closely related but geographically distant.
  • The quill plant originates in Equador and is a relative of the pineapple. The Sun
  • Pineapple lily leaves and flower stems have turned to complete mush now. Times, Sunday Times
  • _ "Boeuf aux ananas, _pineapple_ paupiettes, potage aux ananas," _Antonio continued gloomily. The Body Ricardo
  • They also produce sugarcane, bananas, pineapples, and mangoes for the food industry.
  • One of the most notable features of the building is a pair of large stone pineapples that flank the West Street facade.
  • In desperation Mahoney went to the market pl ace and bought seventeen tons of pineapples, as his own cargo. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • Only 12 items, including tapioca starch, frozen shrimp, longan and pineapple, remain to be resolved, ministry officials said.
  • She herself has worked backstage for a marionette theater in Minneapolis, and she taught calligraphy for years.
  • The pineapple was sweet and juicy.
  • Cagliari" by the Neapolitans on the high seas; our attitude towards the Paris Congress of 1857; while in 1858 he led the revolt against Lord Palmerston's proposal to amend the Conspiracy Laws in deference to Louis Napoleon; in 1860 vigorously denounced the annexation of Savoy and Nice; and in 1864 moved the amendment to Biographical Study of A.W. Kinglake
  • It forms a significant bulwark against the tide so that, even on neaps, there is an appreciable movement of water as the pent-up flow sweeps around the headland.
  • On our west coast the neap tides ran as high as sixty feet. Chapter 15
  • In Italy, look out for varieties of elegantly grey-leaved cardoons and artichokes, zucchini, cavolo nero, flat Neapolitan parsley, Principe di Bologna tomatoes and rocket (rucola).
  • I had been touring for about two years and I did about half of my shows solo, busker style -- just with an acoustic guitar -- and I did about half my shows with a full band, which was a crew of my friends from Minneapolis. Mike Ragogna: Beyond Dirty Dancing & Semisonic : Conversations with Dan Wilson and Franke Previte
  • Before Haydn had time to recover from his astonishment Ferdinand was back with a letter of introduction to Prince Castelcicala, the Neapolitan Ambassador in London; and to show further that the misunderstanding was merely a passing affair he sent the composer later in the day a valuable tabatiere as a token of esteem and regard. Joseph Haydn
  • This is made from small pasta balls called acini de pepe-Italian for peppercorns (fregola or orzo can be substituted) - that have been cooked, drained, and cooled, then mixed with a tub of whipped topping, canned crushed pineapple, and canned mandarin orange segments. Deep Fried Kudzu
  • In the absence of neap tide transect data this hypothesis cannot be tested directly, but three pieces of indirect evidence weigh against it as a complete explanation.
  • DATELINE: MINNEAPOLIS In response to the surprising rise in juvenile delinquency among young girls, first offenders in one small, unnamed suburb of Minneapolis are being held for 4 hours every day, after school, in the empty monkey house of the local zoo. September 2009
  • Minneapolis police seek man with 'unibrow' after pharmacy robbery Former Prior Lake cop will be jailed for breaking into ex's house News
  • Chromatic and borrowed harmonies in progressions are introduced, such as chords of the Neapolitan sixth, augmented sixth, and altered dominants, mediants and submediants.
  • Response: Precedents in other American cities (New York City, Minneapolis) have shown that on one-way streets with parallel parking on both sides, bikers benefit from a much lower risk of being "doored" (unexpectedly hit by a car door opening) when the bike lane is on the left side of the street adjacent to the passenger-side door (instead of the driver-side door). TheWashCycle
  • Meanwhile, he has offered to come to Minneapolis on Saturday to moderate a debate.
  • From Nassau, you can travel to the other islands on regular scheduled flights by Bahamas Air, the national airline, but I chose to travel from Nassau to the Out Islands by mailboat, sharing deck space with farm animals and pineapples.
  • This presumably included Neapolitans but at least they have some nice love songs and this is one.
  • My lord, I will not undergo this sneap without reply. The second part of King Henry the Fourth
  • A table of four middle-aged Neapolitan men, puffing on big cigars with all the assurance of the beginner, while eyeing up the three unreachably teenage, unreachably American girls on the table next door.
  • These now include banana, coconut (Cocos nucifera), sweet potatoes, mango (Mangifera indica), chico (Pouteria sapota), yams, taro, millet, watermelon, and citrus and pineapples on more fertile islands. Maldives-Lakshadweep-Chagos Archipelago tropical moist forests
  • Besides pineapples, Hawaii's fruit industry produces papayas, bananas, guavas, avocados, and other specialty fruit, including mangoes, lychees, rambutans, and starfruits.
  • My favorite fruit components include mango, lychee nut, pineapple, guava and strawberries.
  • MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- It would be hard to imagine a player and moniker meshing more seamlessly than Chris Wright and the Dayton Flyers. WUSA-TV - Vodcasts
  • The durian, mango, rambutan, mangosteen, pineapple and other fruits are displayed in the market along with a large selection of seafood.
  • I was quite alarmed to feel the foils scraping the sand halfway across even at high water, so as I didn't want to get neaped, I retraced my route back to Walney where I decided to dry out for the night.
  • Nearly three years ago, more than half of the Minneapolis City Council - and the mayor's office - was repopulated by newcomers.
  • You'll find this pineapple corer in many cookware stores; it comes with one or three coring units, each geared to specific fruit sizes.
  • Soon afterwards she came flying to him in the utmost delight to repeat what she called a "lovely sneap" which Lady A Dozen Ways Of Love
  • She closed her over-stuffed box that had the fusilli, egg, tuna, paprika, pineapple, salted peanuts and raisins.
  • Drinks based on corn, sorrel, and pineapple are also traditional during the holiday season.
  • The line initially launched with four packaged flavors - vanilla, chocolate, butter pecan and Neapolitan.
  • I hear it has something to do with the faces of the moon, or maybe the tide, which is quite active hereabouts, ebbing and neaping even as we sleep.
  • Use chunks of ripe pineapple, halves of slightly under-ripe apricots or freestone peaches.
  • Nuns or married men oversee 20 of 83 parishes in the 15-county diocese of New Ulm southwest of Minneapolis.
  • The new pastry selection includes mousse au chocolat, mocha magic and pineapple, and butterscotch gateaux.
  • There are pyramids of sweet-smelling guavas, papayas, watermelons, pineapples, custard apples, lemons, limes and avocados.
  • Ruffo was a Calabrian who had served in the papal curia but had found more favour at the Neapolitan court.
  • Minneapolis Star Tribune: 'Hazzard' plot is itty-bittier than a pair of Daisy Dukes Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • It smells fantastic, the sweet but fresh zing of pineapple mingling with lime and the deep, honeyed richness of mango. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nuns or married men oversee 20 of 83 parishes in the 15-county diocese of New Ulm southwest of Minneapolis.
  • Nearby, vendors sell homegrown tomatoes, honeydew melons, apples, large southern cherries, as well as imported pineapples, oranges, and bananas.
  • Chocolate mousse, pineapple with kirsch and lime and chocolate cheesecake were also on offer.
  • Cut the pineapple into thick slices and set aside. The Sun
  • An extract of pineapple called bromelain has shown some promise. Q&A: Pineapple pills for arthritis pain?
  • The paint on the railings and the lamp standards is becoming very faded and the gold paint has all but disappeared, in fact, the once golden pineapples on the railings are starting to resemble boiled eggs in egg cups!
  • He grabs tray with a bunch of fancy cups with smoothie, decorated with a straw and some cut pineapple and lemon on the side of the cup, from a table next to him and hands them out to the people.
  • We arrived just as they were announcing the arrival of Flight 207 from Minneapolis.
  • As soon as the door was opened, I was confronted by a loathsome oleograph of a Neapolitan shepherdess (that same oleograph used to turn up often in the shops where unclaimed objects from the state pawnshop, the Monte di Pietà, are sold). Home Alone
  • Gomorrah takes its punning title-the Neapolitan crime syndicate is called the Camorra-from Roberto Saviano's 2006 bestseller, an impressive feat of first-person journalism by a 26-year-old writer, now under police protection.
  • With neaping tides this weekend the best shot to target a barra will be around the rocky headlands.
  • These fluffy sliders with sequin pineapples on them fit the bill perfectly. The Sun
  • You'll discover winter melons that keep until Christmas, melons that taste like pineapples and melons sweeter than any you've ever tasted.
  • Fresh pineapple gives us small amounts of bromelain, which may help digestion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sylvia adds that Michele Zagaria is the head of one of the bloodiest clans of the Neapolitan mafia called the Camorra and they've been involved in an enormous number of illegal activity. News
  • The road would through a sixties/seventies section of hoity-toity Edina, the rich neighborhood of Minneapolis' postwar ascendant period.
  • Canned pineapple, on the other hand, doesn't have enough active bromelin to cause a problem. The Perdue Chicken Cookbook
  • But since the favor has been extended to other churches, as well as from other reasons, the number is greatly diminished, and consists chiefly of people in _villeggiatura_ near by and of a few hundred Neapolitan peasants, who with undiminished fervor come to obtain the Pardon, and whose singular performance, called _gran ruota_ (the great wheel), everybody goes to see. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 26, September, 1880
  • Barramundi had been a bit quiet on the neaping tides but as the tides increased the Barra's started to bite and bite they did.
  • Enzymes, such as papain from papaya and bromelain from pineapple, are used in extract form as meat tenderizers.
  • Mango and pineapple fruit salad. The Sun
  • Into this great space filled with music and incense and drugs, this great huge warehouse with pineapples and bananas.
  • On the continent, this frozen mixture is called Neapolitan Ice Cream. School and Home Cooking
  • Mix together the pineapple chunks, ginger, soy sauce and garlic. The Sun
  • As we tuck into a colourful platter of fresh pineapple, watermelon, kiwi fruit, pears and bananas on the veranda, she cooks up sausages, bacon and pancakes.
  • As we admire rows of pineapples, betel leaves and birds-eye chillies, I look up and realise that we are under tall coconut palms laden with nuts.
  • Roughly chop the pineapple and apricots and quarter the cherries.
  • Photographs by Simon Upton A trelliswork pavilion is topped by a wooden pineapple, made by Thomas Messel, a nephew of artist Oliver Messel. House of Haslam
  • The sorbet is simple, with just three ingredients: pineapple, sugar and water. Bites from other Blogs | Baking Bites
  • These include peaches, strawberries, oranges, figs, plums, pineapples, and passionfruit.
  • A State Council served as the consulting body, comprised mainly of Neapolitan nobles and bourgeois.
  • As usual in his Neapolitan operas, there are also splendid opportunities for rival tenors - the dark, baritonal villain Antenore and the light, florid tenore di grazia Ilo - to pit their vocal skills against each other.
  • It’s also kind of awk­ward when I occa­sion­ally spot the cou­ple in my trav­els around Min­neapo­lis, given the nature of the mate­r­ial. Soap Vlogera « Snarkmarket
  • (link) Suddenly I am wondering if the American lack of the short term "lino" means that the Minneapolis suburb called Lino Lakes would amuse you. Mrissa: 2010: a not-very-carpeted odyssey
  • Neapolis, was called Parthenope from the Siren of that name, who was said to have been buried there.] [Footnote 12: _Son of Æolus. The Metamorphoses of Ovid Literally Translated into English Prose, with Copious Notes and Explanations
  • In the lush green foothills above town, I'd found every incline, even a slope that seemed too steep to climb, cultivated with longan, lychee, pineapple, betel nut or banana.
  • Peel, core and chunk the pineapple. Times, Sunday Times
  • The color scheme is rich yellow and dark red, from plants such as coreopsis, creeping zinnia, ‘Garnet’ penstemon, pineapple sage, rudbeckia, and yarrow.
  • The nose expects to smell something green, but the immediate impression of a feijoa is a tropical mélange that evokes guava, strawberry, pineapple and violet notes. Archive 2009-01-01
  • We are served pineapple upside-down cake with tea. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pair of alcoholic tramps started traveling together near Kansas City in 1998 and eventually made their way to Minneapolis.
  • Gathering supporters as he went, he chivvied the Neapolitan army out of Sicily and crossed the Straits of Messina on 22 August with the help of the Royal Navy.
  • Cut some pineapple for your sister.
  • The teams with two members transformed vegetables - pumpkins, beetroots, carrots - and fruits such as pineapples into lovely dolls.
  • Take an energy-packed breakfast . Blend one banana, one mango, half a medium sized pineapple, a tablespoon of rolled oats and 150ml milk or a small cup of plain, low-fat yoghurt.
  • I'm guessing egg sarnies and cheese and pineapple sticks. The Sun

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