
Nazi Party

  1. the political party founded in Germany in 1919 and brought to power by Hitler in 1933

How To Use Nazi Party In A Sentence

  • There was a Nazi party commissar in every factory to make sure that the State's will was done.
  • While there may be some similarity between the fylfot and the swastika, the former, which in Asia symbolises peace and good will, is considerably older than the swastika, and was recognised, and in general use, thousands of years before it was hijacked by the Nazi party.
  • Les Veilleurs was linked with similar groups in Germany, its ideas having a profound influence on the embryonic Nazi Party—particularly on Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess, who has often been linked to synarchy.149While there is no direct evidence that he belonged to a specifically synarchist group or society although he certainly belonged to esoterically inclined organizations, such as the Munich-based Thule Society, his political thinking certainly ran smoothly along synarchist lines. The Sion Revelation
  • The Department of External Affairs in Dublin specified it did not want a Nazi party member as German minister plenipotentiary to Ireland.
  • The war reparations don't crush Germany, the Nazi party never comes to power, and the Great Depression becomes more of a mild recession than a major market crash.
  • In fact, the Nazi party appropriated the swastika as part of its drive to construct a political identity around a mythical German race.
  • Schindler: I am a member of Nazi party, I'm a munitions manufacturer.
  • the economic strangulation of the Jews by the Nazi Party
  • They became too much an organ of the Nazi Party and were used more for its own ends than to help fulfil strategic military objectives.
  • Hitler immediately stripped Hess of all the ranks he held in the Nazi Party including being a party member.
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