
How To Use Nazi germany In A Sentence

  • So the 'fortuitous outcome of battle', the 'discrimination' against inhabitants of Palestine was never, as has been stated here by Arab apologists, some kind of agressive action by Zionist founders of Israel, but purely the result of hardened Arab attitudes by different Arab factions, who even allied themselves to fascism and Nazi Germany, in their obsessive anti-Semitism and militant rejection of Israel, because it conflicted with their own nationalism and antagonism to Jews. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Well, what is wrong is that other global hegemons that sought domination - Napoleonic France, Nazi Germany - always generated a hostile coalition of states that ganged up and challenged the big kid on the block.
  • In 1936 the Schwarts, an immigrant family desperate to escape Nazi Germany, settle in a small town in upstate New York, where the father, a former high school teacher, is demeaned by the only job he can get: gravedigger and cemetery caretaker. The Gravedigger's Daughter by Joyce Carol Oates: Book summary
  • She had another child with her second husband, Reinhold Cassirer, an art dealer and refugee from Nazi Germany who ran Sotheby's in South Africa and to whom she would be married for over 40 years.
  • After killing indefense children and women in Gaza with bombs from aircrafts and helicopters more than 290 palestinian and another severely injured 800, Israel bombed without any remorse anything but no specific military objectives, even pharmacies at the time official rumors are spreading that Israel is preparing for a ground invasion in the next hours and while the media converts palestinians in the provokers and Israel the victim, when the real thing is they have made of Gaza Strip a concentration camp with no food, no services, no water, no access to health care with more than million people condemned to starvation worst than any concentration camp of nazi germany in WWII. Alex Jones' Prison
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  • But he intended not merely to burnish that bulldog image, but to vindicate a much grander and somewhat shakier claim to being the architect of total victory over Nazi Germany.
  • Yes the economy is the overriding issue, but should voters and commentators ignore Christine O'Donnell's career as a pro - abstinence advocate and her recent concern about cross-breeding mice-and-men ... and for Newt Gingrich to talk about Obama in the context of Nazi Germany and Sharia Law? HuffPost Radio: Both Sides Now w/ Huffington & Matalin: On Gingrich, the GOP, Gaga & Colbert
  • Sanders later said he was speaking for himself, but didn't back down on using the term Gestapo that is associated with Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany. Local News from Gadsden Times
  • The public face of this treaty was a ten-year period of non-aggression between Nazi Germany and Stalin's Russia.
  • In France and Britain many reckoned Soviet cooperation to be essential to the success of an Allied war effort against Nazi Germany.
  • After a series of convoluted manoeuvres, Ryan was allowed to escape to France, and from there to Nazi Germany.
  • The non-aggression treaty lasted until Operation Barbarossa of June 22, 1941, when Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union.
  • The public face of this treaty was a ten-year period of non-aggression between Nazi Germany and Stalin's Russia.
  • In March 1938, when Nazi Germany annexed Austria, Schwarzwald was in Denmark on a lecturing tour. Eugenie Schwarzwald.
  • The Soviet Union had been forced by circumstances to sign a pact with Nazi Germany.
  • But why would Nazi Germany attack Russia, considering their non-aggression treaty?
  • Soon, the Axis powers, led by Nazi Germany, had conquered the whole of Europe.
  • An Australian who was a pioneer of aerial reconnaissance flew daring spy flights over Nazi Germany before World War II, but a buccaneering attitude led to his fall from favour, writes Jeff Watson.
  • That stigmatism was apparently short lived, unlike that of the swastika of Nazi Germany, and the fasces appears today on several symbols of U.S. government, including the seal of the U.S. Winged Liberty (“Mercury”) Dime, 1916-1945 : Coin Guide
  • The debate before us here on the mechanism of planetary scale climatic changes is indicative of the "science" practiced in collectivist societies such as Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany where advancement and even employment were dependant on adherance to political rather than factual science. Sound Politics: Faith-based initiatives
  • In 1930s Nazi Germany about 350,000 people, categorized most commonly as feeble-minded, schizophrenic or epileptic, were sterilized.
  • A reverse of the pendulum could prove as catastrophic as the 1930s, with the rise of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.
  • The film is based on the true story of a Jewish strongman (played by two-time world's strongest man Jouko Ahola) in Nazi Germany.
  • Thus they would not have mindlessly and naively misjudged the imperialist treaty diplomacy of the Soviet Union, quondam ally of Nazi Germany.
  • In 1930s Nazi Germany about 350,000 people, categorized most commonly as feeble-minded, schizophrenic or epileptic, were sterilized.
  • He was resolute, firm and unbending in his position toward Nazi Germany's aggression.
  • Have you ever been or are you now involved in espionage or sabotage, or in terrorist activities, or genocide, or between 1933 and 1945, were involved in persecutions associated with Nazi Germany or its allies? Stupid Questions/Bureaucratic Catch-22s « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • Regarding the execrable pact between Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia, which shocked many former communist sympathizers into lives of anticommunism, Mr. Hobsbawm dismisses the "zig-zags and turns of Comintern and Soviet policy," specifically the "about-turn of 1939-41," which "need not detain us here. How a True Believer Keeps the Faith
  • In Nazi Germany, a law was passed permitting abortions for those deemed “hereditarily ill,” (basically those they experimented on in the camps) while women considered of “German stock” were specifically prohibited from having abortions. Think Progress » GOP Sen. candidate refuses to apologize for comparing embryonic stem cell research to Nazi experiments.
  • An extreme case of the role of purism in the expression of nationalistic and racial conscience can be seen in Nazi Germany.
  • Nazi Germany developed nerve gases during World War II.
  • In these pages the grim reality of life as an Allied POW in the dying clutches of Nazi Germany is laid bare.
  • Discussion in soc. history.what-if (alternate history), on what would have happened if Nazi Germany had been where Canada actually is -- one of the whackier ideas I've seen there: April 1st, 2007
  • Antisemitism, support for Nazi Germany, portrayals of their enemies as sub-men or as effeminate were all features of BUF policy and rhetoric.
  • People are dying, mainly Muggles, but also Mudbloods, and any whose bloodline is tainted with that of the non-magical, leading to a growing world that hearkens back to the time of the Third Reich in Nazi Germany, as well as echoing the doom and hopelessness of 1984. 2010 March 01 « The BookBanter Blog
  • Now we Americans are getting a strong taste of what it must have been like to live in the totalitarian Soviet Union, fascist Italy, or nazi Germany, where the controlled press and media spouted the imperial line and brooked no protests. Think Progress » Santorum to GOP: Stimulus hypocrisy ‘does undermine your credibility.’
  • The failure of Operation Barbarossa resulted in the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany, and was a turning point for the fortunes of Adolf Hitler's Third Reich. Sheldon Drobny: Operation Barbarossa: 66 Year Anniversary
  • The murder of Jews in Europe by Nazi Germany should not be seen as a kind of astrophysical "Black Hole," that ingests the past as well as the future. Daily News Alert from Israel - COP/JCPA
  • The Soviet Union had been forced by circumstances to sign a pact with Nazi Germany.
  • Grandmother Renée, a beautiful Tunisian, is wife, muse, and model for Alina's painter grandfather, but she leaves him and flees to Nazi Germany. Casa Rossa: Summary and book reviews of Casa Rossa by Francesca Marciano.
  • The non-aggression treaty lasted until Operation Barbarossa of June 22, 1941, when Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union.
  • Letters: Unspeakable horrors were inflicted upon Poland during the war, but to tacitly assert that minorities in the Second Republic were not subject to discrimination and the kind of violence manifest in Nazi Germany in 1938 is a sickening falsehood Letters: Alone under a dictatorship
  • Regarding the execrable pact between Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia, which shocked many former communist sympathizers into lives of anticommunism, Mr. Hobsbawm dismisses the "zig-zags and turns of Comintern and Soviet policy," specifically the "about-turn of 1939-41," which "need not detain us here. How a True Believer Keeps the Faith
  • In a foreword to the published proceedings of the conference—written before detailed histories of Nazi Germany lent the phrase he used the jarring ring it has today—Wilford gushed that the convertiplane would be “the final solution of useful flight for humanity.” The Dream Machine
  • Looks, smells, sounds like N. Korean, Nazi Germany, China, Old Russia propoganda … The Nationalism of Amerika is alive and well in Amerika … Think Progress » ‘Katrina Kids’ Sing to Laura Bush: ‘Congress, Bush and FEMA…Have Come to Rebuild Us’
  • That stigmatism was apparently short lived, unlike that of the swastika of Nazi Germany, and the fasces appears today on several symbols of U.S. government, including the seal of the U.S. Senate and on the frieze of the facade of the U.S. Winged Liberty (“Mercury”) Dime, 1916-1945 : Coin Guide
  • More than half a century after the fall of Nazi Germany, it is still impossible to discuss the German word heil without immediately conjuring up thoughts of the infamous Notes on 'Essay Title'
  • Any novel of Nazi Germany or fascist Italy is prefigured in miniature in Stendhal's "Charterhouse of Parma. In the World of Night and Fog
  • The decision was uncontroversial, as the Soviet's non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany had precipitated the war.
  • It is an accident that my ancestors smuggled a lot of confiscated gold out of Nazi Germany when they negotiated safe passage from the Vatican.
  • In October 1939, Nazi Germany annexed the Polish town of Oswiecim, renamed it Auschwitz and incorporated it into its gau (province) of Oberschlesien (Upper Silesia) as part of the Landkreis (county) of Bielitz. Alex Storozynski: The Wall Street Journal understands history, when will the rest of the American media?
  • Even as Churchill exposed the horrors of Nazi Germany, Harold Pinter has exposed the brutalities of Bush and the bestialities of Blair. Archive 2006-10-01
  • He understood that the country and Nazi Germany shared a community of aims.
  • You'll recall that this is the same group that "boycotted" Ford, then lost, after we exposed the organization as gay-hating, having a terrible record of anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim writings, AND the fact that the AFA actually promotes the "Nazi Germany era" science of known hate groups on their Web site. Homophobic, anti-Semitic "Christian" activists who promote hate literature are now trying to get "Desperate Housewives" thrown off the air
  • For years Nazi Germany's policy abroad has been that of exacting concessions with the threat that otherwise she will perpetrate a world horror by which the humane will be excruciated while she herself, not being humane, will be entertained if not exhilarated. What Is Now At Stake In Europe
  • In the third book of Daniel Silva's eight-volume series about the art restorer and on-call Mossad agent Gabriel Allon, the action begins with the murder of a researcher who has been investigating a secret World War II pact between Nazi Germany and the Vatican. Secret Agents Featured in Series
  • I was born in a DP camp in Germany in 1947 to parents who had survived the ovens of Nazi Germany, in which their entire families had perished.
  • Bent on defeating Nazi Germany, Wigner worked on plutonium production and made superb engineering designs for the air-cooled atomic pile built by the DuPont Corporation.
  • But why would Nazi Germany attack Russia, considering their non-aggression treaty?
  • After a series of convoluted manoeuvres, Ryan was allowed to escape to France, and from there to Nazi Germany.
  • One of such newly developed weapons for airborne forces of Nazi Germany were light carbines that could use standard ammunition.
  • The Soviet Union had been forced by circumstances to sign a pact with Nazi Germany.
  • Reinhold Cassirer, is a refugee from Nazi Germany, who served in the British Army in World War II. Nadine Gordimer and the South African Experience

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