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How To Use Navigational In A Sentence

  • Like the other three Coastguard helicopters, the Sligo chopper is equipped with all the latest search and navigational equipment and has an automatic hover capability.
  • Similarly, the transistor took decades to become incorporated into commercial products such as hearing aids, navigational instruments and computers.
  • The mouse remains the most common computer navigational device.
  • In mist or under a covering of snow, however, navigational skills will be tested.
  • Most blame their poor navigational skills. The Sun
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  • Self-paced interactivity on the part of the student will occur through navigational choices in the program.
  • In mist or under a covering of snow, however, navigational skills will be tested.
  • The site is not only rich with information, but well-designed and well-organized navigationally.
  • They've navigated their way through narrow channels and around dangerous shoals using the same buoys and other navigational aids.
  • How they perform such amazing navigational feats is unknown.
  • In homing pigeons, a bird is considered to have successfully homed when it returns to its home loft-a highly localized navigational goal.
  • Make sure all links on the navigational bar are clickable.
  • The flagship of Trinity House Lighthouse Service, her function is to cruise the coastal waters of England, Wales and the Channel Islands, servicing and repairing lighthouses, lightships, buoys and other navigational markers.
  • It is quicker to fly but the Tan airstrip is only usable by small unpressurised aircraft in clear weather; navigational equipment is useless in these high mountains and steep valleys.
  • The latest navigational aids make the location of the airfield quite easy.
  • And it was not a computer that was going to be instrumental or be used for any kind of navigational issues, on the shuttle or on the International Space Station. CNN Transcript Jul 27, 2007
  • Just recently new lights were installed in the channel making it navigational at night for the first time ever.
  • The crash was a direct result of inadequate navigational aids.
  • A sextant is a navigational instrument that measures the altitudes of celestial bodies. The Season of Risks
  • The probe's launch is the first in a series of critical navigational maneuvers on which the success of the mission depends.
  • The crash was a direct result of inadequate navigational aids.
  • The needle on the navigational instrument points directly to it, but you still can't spot the runway through the haze.
  • There was a great need for navigational aids in the form of good sea charts.
  • Doing an easy 4-mile loop was no problem, even for someone as navigationally challenged as me. Runners
  • London was preceded by a quick trip to visit friends in Oxford, where I reacquainted myself with the Radcliffe Camera and the Ashmolean Museum, and saw a tiny, perfect exhibition of armillary spheres and other navigational and scientific instruments exquisitely fashioned of brass at the Museum of the History of Science or Old Ashmolean. London
  • Plans are being made to commemorate the famous clockmaker who solved a navigational puzzle that had cost countless mariners' lives.
  • Another navigational aid involves the use of mouseovers to highlight the connections between nodes.
  • The trainees' planes were not equipped with working navigational instruments.
  • It is forbidden to dump gravel and trash into navigational lanes.
  • The probe's launch is the first in a series of critical navigational maneuvers on which the success of the mission depends.
  • A navigational system pinpoints the train's position in relation to track diagrams.
  • He could carry out the intricate navigational corrections, and execute the necessary flight maneuvers when it was time to change course.
  • Campers are taught in an underground training center, learning to read navigational maps and to signal with flags and in Morse code.
  • Method and apparatus for navigational drilling with a downhole motor employing independent drill string and bottomhole assembly rotary orientation and rotation
  • Each one of your pages should support a navigational structure whereby you can access all of your sub pages.
  • The boat was the first to follow the same route without charts or modern navigational aids. Times, Sunday Times
  • The aim was to reduce the heavy toll of shipwrecks caused by the crude navigational method of dead reckoning. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Their preparation and composure was further tested when pelorus repeats, gyros, GPS and even their sight were removed from their repertoire of navigational aids.
  • The rally will be a real test of endurance, stamina and navigational skills.
  • Theories about its provenance, navigational failure and hopes of survival were being swapped freely on Battersea Bridge.
  • The aim was to reduce the heavy toll of shipwrecks caused by the crude navigational method of dead reckoning. The Times Literary Supplement
  • With few provisions and no navigational equipment on the raft, the situation rapidly deteriorated.
  • Providing navigational buttons to the site's major sections at the bottom or edge of internal pages helps surfers stay oriented.
  • These planes flew ahead of the main force to mark the targets for those who were less navigationally experienced.
  • That was a good thought in case of any in flight problems, such as navigational, mechanical, or outside visibility degradation due to weather. McCrary, Jack
  • Links are still the web's most common navigational tool.
  • As a solution, bloggers use pingbacks, but those are hard to track navigationally.
  • This trainee air force pilot died last week, crashing his training aircraft while on a navigational training flight.
  • Mr. Morgan armed his single-masted sailboat with the latest in high-tech gear, and he avoided the need for repairs by outfitting it with two of everything: two sets of sails, two rudders, two satellite navigational systems and two machines to convert salt water into fresh water. Dodge Morgan, first American to sail solo, nonstop around the world, dies at 78
  • Often overlooked, the footer is a key location for finding navigational links on your site. Navigating Your WordPress Site « Lorelle on WordPress
  • Image map systems have been all but abandoned in favour of effects of pull-down or drop-down menus and other navigational devices.
  • The rally will be a real test of endurance, stamina and navigational skills.
  • Providing navigational aids to assist users in finding information in hypertext systems has been an ongoing research problem for well over a decade.
  • There is a serious need for navigational aids within the page.
  • Soon there will be navigational instruments such as position locators as part of the dive computer.
  • Navigational inaccuracies were compensated for by developing bigger explosive forces.
  • Instead, a menu of one or more associated readings is presented to the interactant, multiplying the navigational possibilities. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Collaboration is the future of hyperlink creation
  • Its combination of superlative pilot and navigational skills and scientific ingenuity have earned it an indelible place in the annals of the RAF. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jeez… they didn't even have navigational deflectors up.
  • There is always a good head of water maintained in the navigational channel with a maximum depth approaching 12 ft at low tide.
  • Salvagers have taken the ship's propeller, navigational gear from the wheelhouse, and cargo.
  • Similarly, the transistor took decades to become incorporated into commercial products such as hearing aids, navigational instruments and computers.
  • For example, Hutchins showed that the preliterate Micronesians employed an abstract navigational system that used the stars symbolically.
  • Sophisticated instruments, which were to make possible the European voyages of discovery, were developed, including the astrolabe, the quadrant and good navigational maps.
  • Magnetite, because of its magnetism, and cordierite, because of its dichroism, were used in ancient times for navigational purposes.
  • To enable bookmarking and direct address, we recommend that each URL contain the navigational state information, including all render parameters of all portlets on (at least) the requested page.
  • The council has redesigned the site, adding new features and enhanced navigational tools.
  • Two students at Germany's University of Konstanz bolted a Kinect to a helmet, creating a bare-bones navigational system for the blind.
  • The aim was to reduce the heavy toll of shipwrecks caused by the crude navigational method of dead reckoning. The Times Literary Supplement
  • When the systems failed, the light aircraft was left without navigational aids, radar, or a radio.
  • Her current task is to undertake survey work, updating existing charts and navigational resources.
  • However, with the development of sophisticated radio beacons and automated electrical lighting, as well as shipboard navigational aids, many lighthouses became redundant.
  • These rivers were vital navigational arteries for the Romans to reach the Bay of Bengal.
  • Easily accessible in just 8m of water, the wreck has been salvaged and subsequently used for target practice in the 1950s, before being dynamited as a navigational hazard.
  • Accumulations of zebra mussels clog municipal water systems, and have even been known to sink navigational buoys by their combined weight alone.
  • The whole cross-country route was a piece of cake navigationally, provided that the visibility was good enough.
  • Where are the navigational hazards such as shoals?
  • The aim was to reduce the heavy toll of shipwrecks caused by the crude navigational method of dead reckoning. The Times Literary Supplement
  • EPA officials said their recent decision was influenced by plans, unveiled as long ago as 2005 by environmentalists and the City of Los Angeles, that laid out recre ational and navigational uses of the river. A River Really Runs Through It
  • It appears that "Cherry" thereupon commenced aserious and arduous course of study of abstruse navigational problems which he found exceedingly tough and now despaired mastering. Scott's Last Expedition Volume I
  • Moments later, automatic commands deployed its solar arrays and navigational antennas.
  • You can make tactical heads-up navigational displays for your vehicles with the push of a button.
  • For navigational purposes, there's a mini-map at the top left of the screen, while in the center of the display, a reticule provides target information whenever it is passed over friend or foe.
  • navigational aids
  • Four programmable launch buttons, two on each side flanking a navigational touch pad, sit below a bright 3.5-inch color display.
  • The aim was to reduce the heavy toll of shipwrecks caused by the crude navigational method of dead reckoning. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I was somewhat dismayed to find our booth -- it was a table, really -- in the most distant reaches of the exhibit hall, where only the most dedicated, desperately bored, or navigationally challenged attendees were ever likely to tread. Peter Ginna: An Insider's Guide to the Characters of BookExpo America
  • Maybe I'm not as navigationally challenged as I thought. Gratitude 10/4/07
  • They need only the sun and the stars as their navigational tools.
  • The fighter escort was informed that we were at our rendezvous point and that we would do a navigational dogleg to allow them to catch up to us.
  • The brother hl 2040 toner cartridge unnerving reassuringly donatist to the carduus of all megathere sheepcote with the kyrgyzstan of navigational blanketed midstream. Rational Review
  • And though these cosmic tourists manage to locate some admittedly fantastic points of interest, their haphazard navigational powers might cause even the most stir-crazy listeners to wait for assistance from more reliable guides.
  • The enigmatic sunstone appears as an extra navigational aid in an Icelandic saga featuring a sailor called Sigurd who, frustrated by the weather, holds a sunstone aloft to locate the sun and so set his ship's course. Sunstones could have helped Vikings navigate from Norway to America
  • Equipped with special navigational aids, including radar, the control boats also guided the assault waves in and then shepherded the subsequent traffic to and from the beach, always a major problem in any amphibious operation.
  • Similarly, the transistor took decades to become incorporated into commercial products such as hearing aids, navigational instruments and computers.
  • He also called for the provision of navigational lights along the channel, the removal of some boulders and the provision of marina facilities on both side of the bridge.
  • The warship was stripped of weapons in 1985 and used as a Navigational Training ship.
  • Include a standard navigational structure on every page.
  • The brother hl 2040 toner cartridge unnerving reassuringly donatist to the carduus of all megathere sheepcote with the kyrgyzstan of navigational blanketed midstream. Rational Review
  • Merlin didn't think twice about her ability to pilot the ship and turned his attention to a navigational scanner.
  • Several years ago, while anchored out of the channel with the required navigational lights lit, my family and I were almost run down by a party boat dinner cruiser.
  • The navigational algorithm is accelerative, which means the longer the user depresses the forward button, the faster the user moves through the environment.
  • The crash was a direct result of inadequate navigational aids.
  • It has neat navigational aids, polished winches, ropes a-plenty, exciting pump-action loos and a limitless supply of biscuits.
  • Former as well as current places of worship with towers, spires, minarets or domes are also helpful navigational aids.
  • The recognition of road signs must support semi-autonomous vehicles in their navigational task.
  • From the top drawer of the navigational table, he withdrew a panatella and lit it. CORMORANT
  • My navigational abilities have been thoroughly honed through three years of city living.
  • The Backstage Pass hub has evolved to become a seamless extension of the overall AOL Music experience, and it is navigationally threaded throughout AOL Music. Myers Media Innovation and Creativity Awards: Media Company Silver Winners - Part 2
  • Their preparation and composure was further tested when pelorus repeats, gyros, GPS and even their sight were removed from their repertoire of navigational aids.
  • This in turn led to a moderate increase in the accuracy of calendars and astronomical tables, or ephemerides, then commonly used by astrologers to cast horoscopes and by sailors for navigational purposes. Nothing intelligent about this design
  • The sextant, a navigational tool used to indicate latitude, was lent to the museum by a local maritime historian.
  • These navigational skills seem to require no prior life experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • Providing navigational aids to assist users in finding information in hypertext systems has been an ongoing research problem for well over a decade.
  • SWFA is a group that in my opinion needs to grow; SFWA is also a group that in my opinion is viewed as increasingly irrelevant by a generation of up-and-coming writers, not in the least because so much of what goes on in SFWA is opaque, either intentionally (private newsgroups, etc) or unintentionally (a navigationally difficult Web site). Out in the Open (A SFWA-Related Post) « Whatever
  • In general, for navigational searches people click the top result more often than they would on an informational search.
  • Its combination of superlative pilot and navigational skills and scientific ingenuity have earned it an indelible place in the annals of the RAF. Times, Sunday Times
  • This "navigational" argument went nowhere with the history committee. What's in a number? (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Four anchored dan buoys with radar transponders provided navigational control for the greater part of the survey.
  • The latest navigational aids make the location of the airfield quite easy.
  • The upper shelf contains a celestial globe, and several extremely specialized scientific instruments: quadrants, sundials, and a torquetum (a timepiece and navigational aid).
  • LOST codifies very important economic rights of coastal states, while also freezing in place navigational rights essential to maritime states. Law of the Sea Treaty Is Good for U.S.
  • Millburn shows that much of the business, for George Sr. and Jr., was in quadrants and other navigational instruments.
  • Identify those who are navigationally right for you and build those relationships. Reposition Yourself
  • Similarly, the navigational window pane is can be automatically restored when the user reselects the help window.
  • North American built the Hound Dog with a canard, a delta wing configuration, an underslung J52 engine, and a self-contained inertial autonavigational guidance system.
  • First, the pilot's cross-check will be determined by the navigational or tactical task loading instead of by the potential for collision.
  • On the far left side of the page are navigational links to sections of the online paper.
  • Always have good navigational links on every page and place your company logo on each page.
  • Sat-navs have become an important accessory for navigationally challenged drivers.
  • You now have the best of both worlds: you are leveraging the navigational state pattern defined via the JSR 286 public render parameters and you can easily set parameters on a specific URL.
  • For automotive buffs, there was an array of navigational devices and sophisticated alarm systems.
  • Another early navigational instrument that relied on the same principles as the quadrant was the mariner's astrolabe.
  • These navigational skills seem to require no prior life experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • The recognition of road signs must support semi-autonomous vehicles in their navigational task.
  • For automotive buffs, there was an array of navigational devices and sophisticated alarm systems.
  • They can set up navigational aid equipment anywhere in the world to guide aircraft for landing on makeshift runways without the benefit of a tower or large communications system.
  • The cause of the accident was found to have been navigational error.
  • Navigational hazards within Sydney Harbour include the Sow and Pigs reef (just inside the entrance and well-lit) and the Gowlland Bombora.
  • WordPress makes that easy as most of the WordPress Themes come with built-in navigational aids. Navigating Your WordPress Site « Lorelle on WordPress
  • Vera insists on using her cellphone, wreaking havoc with the plane's navigational equipment.
  • Like the other three Coastguard helicopters, the Sligo chopper is equipped with all the latest search and navigational equipment and has an automatic hover capability.
  • The ship's navigational equipment can measure the depth of the water.
  • Right now it'sattracting hordes of onlookers and sending shad fishermen into a tizzy overwhat measures the tree huggers might take in order to keep anglers a safedistance — say, 6 nautical miles — from the navigationally challenged marine mammalduring the peak of the American shad migration up America's greatest shadriver. Fishing the Delaware River shad run in early spring
  • The country kids were more navigationally gifted than their city-slicker counterparts in the Great Transport Race.
  • The tactical screen was selected on the device's multipurpose display to assist in navigational orientation.
  • Plus, the radio is another pound in the pack and, along with GPS and the locator beacon, one more electronic crutch that hunters can lean on to substitute for the sound legs of basic survival and navigational skills. The Pros & Cons of Survival Walkie Talkies
  • Search engine, as one of its primary navigational system, thereby gains its widespread application as well.
  • The aim was to reduce the heavy toll of shipwrecks caused by the crude navigational method of dead reckoning. The Times Literary Supplement
  • If the feared bighead and silver carp have got through the $9 million barrier, the only remaining obstacle between the carp and Lake Michigan is a navigational lock on the Calumet River .... Uncategorized Blog Posts
  • On the immediate horizon are responsive computational devices that mimic a social other, such as navigational devices in cars that speak with a human voice. Call for Abstracts (CYE) Children in Technological Environments: Interaction, Development, and Desig
  • He told the press agency: "These connections will not be available in the summer due to an increase in Polish navigational fairs introduced in 2008. Newsfeed
  • In Buoy, he re-used the bells, recasting them into a fully working navigational buoy, which followed the routes once taken by Soviet submarines.
  • It is analogous to the simulation of swarms of insects, birds, or fish, in which we attribute very basic "navigational" rules to the individual organisms, and then run forward the behavior of the group as the compound of the interactive decisions made by the individuals. Archive 2008-02-01
  • The earlier books, which have just been reissued by Picador in one paperback volume as "The Patrick Melrose Novels," can be read as the navigational charts of a mariner desperate not to end up in the wretched harbor from which he embarked on a voyage that has led in and out of heroin addiction, alcoholism, marital infidelity and a range of behaviors for which the term "self-destructive" is the mildest of euphemisms. NYT > Home Page
  • If you are feeling very fit and have the necessary navigational skills, you can vary your itinerary to bag some summits. Times, Sunday Times
  • Paul's orienteering and navigational skills were key in their escape.
  • This little footwell would serve as a kitchen, bathroom, navigational center, and weather station. Excerpt: A Pearl in the Storm by Tori Murden McClure
  • These breadcrumbs indicate your location in the website's navigational hierarchy.
  • The latest navigational aids make the location of the airfield quite easy.
  • Winged spacecraft rely on precise and accurate computer control form their flight/navigational computers to keep stability in reentry. Ares I Parachutes Test Successful - NASA Watch
  • Another, more basic navigational aid helps the captain steer through tight spots like the Panama Canal, where a nasty scrape against the sides is only 90ft away. Ruling the waves: Cunard's new liner
  • The 1930s had seen a rapid development in radio navigational techniques, spurred by the need for airlines to maintain schedules despite changeable weather.

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