
How To Use Navigate In A Sentence

  • It's natural that transitions to new technology may be somewhat disruptive, and there are several methods companies use to navigate these rough waters.
  • Chris went on to navigate for a variety of other drivers including Peter Banham on the East African Safari.
  • Your reminders will help you navigate this process. Christianity Today
  • Thereby, you will be able to navigate your way ahead, carefully picking your route around bloated wobbly people, inconsiderate ‘wallowers’ and arsey posers as they try to impress the girls.
  • Many odontocetes can navigate by echolocation, producing sound waves using a complex system of nasal sacs and passages, and using the echoes to navigate.
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  • One of the girls had been to New York before, and fairly expertly navigated us to a tiny gay piano bar set in a tiny triangular building created by the intersection of grid lines and old Indian trails.
  • There, he was humble enough to confess to himself, was a chartless, shoreless sea, about which he knew nothing and which he must nevertheless somehow navigate. Chapter XV
  • Ensure that the links that are put on your website work and that your website is easy to navigate.
  • The Oregon Trail was a computer game where you had to navigate your family across the country to settle in uncharted lands in the west.
  • They circumnavigated the danger zone and speeded along.
  • Watching her navigate through a hometown she no longer feels safe in is gut-wrenching, literally. Karen Dalton-Beninato: Milneberg Joys and Losses: Treme 15
  • A portage is a place between lakes and rivers where the waters become so shallow or rapid that they cannot be navigated, and the boats have to be lifted ashore and carried overland until it is possible to take to the water again. The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 41, August 19, 1897 A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls
  • I don't like having to navigate London's crowded streets.
  • Whether you navigate it in a rubber raft or a dory, the 225 miles of river can be alternately easy and terrifying.
  • n. - morbid fear of thunder and lightning. astringe v. - bind; brace; restrict; constipate. v. - guide (spaceship, etc.); v.i. navigate in space. astrogony Xml's
  • Patrick was steering the boat while Becky navigated.
  • Except for the gym which I have joined to circumnavigate both my bung shin (which is getting less bung I'm pleased to report) and winter.
  • I use my Oyster card, one of those new-fangled ‘smart cards’, to navigate quickly throughout the London Transport network.
  • Now if only there were an easy way to navigate from the page the RSS takes me to, directly to the comic. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Comic RSS feed finally available
  • They were due to board boats made available by the Circle Line, whose vessels normally circumnavigate Manhattan island packed with tourists.
  • The purpose of the visit was to navigate into an ice-filled fiord.
  • He navigated the boat onto the dusty sand and switched the noisy engine off.
  • Having time to spare before the meeting, Alizome circumnavigated the house. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
  • Just 50 metres in diameter, the bommie could easily be circumnavigated several times.
  • With one hand on the tiller, she navigated her way into clear blue waters.
  • This can mean narrowing roads and removing clear-cut edges, prompting drivers to navigate with care.
  • You have just become the first solo yachtswoman to circumnavigate the globe non-stop, the wrong way round. Times, Sunday Times
  • From the Sun-Sentinel: MILWAUKEE -- To complete the ultimate quest of "The Lord of the Rings," Carl Hostetter has left his home in Maryland to navigate roaring rivers and cross vast plains — all to stride bravely through looming masoned gates in search of a nearly hidden glass door. March 2004
  • Teams that actively navigate conflict and de-escalate regularly can learn to thrive in level 1 conflict...
  • Alphabetize. Alphabetize. This doesn't help navigate your attributes, but it does help prevent you from duplicating an attribute and accidentally overriding a previous setting.
  • From 1577 to 1580, Drake circumnavigated the world.
  • To broaden its search for the oil, Exxon planned to test whether the river was safe to navigate with a jet-powered boat. Exxon Gets Deadline to Clean Up Montana Spill
  • A solicitor will help you navigate the complex legal system.
  • It was in the myth that they circumnavigated Malaita twice, and forayed as far as CHAPTER XI
  • Ellen MacArthur's bid to circumnavigate the globe in record time received a cruel setback when her mast was damaged.
  • The screen also provides ample room to see the menu commands, making the camera functions easy to navigate.
  • Our truck navigated the enemy lines.
  • Marketers need to understand how to navigate the maze of contradictory consumer attitudes and behavior.
  • When Arizona State University's freshmen begin to navigate college life this fall, about 35 of them will get extra support from their parents.
  • Once upon a time I was able to skate down stairs, jump curbs, slolam down steep hills, in short, navigate just about any urban situation that got thrown at me. Madrigle Diary Entry
  • The women navigate cobblestones and broken pavements on stilettos without breaking stride.
  • Charlie navigated and E. J. and I trolled for bluefish while Jan stripped to her bikini and sunned herself on the forward bulkhead. FOLLOW THE SHARKS
  • How does a dog navigate to snatch a Frisbee out of the air?
  • But inability to navigate is as incomprehensible to me as colorblindness, or discalculia. John Joseph Adams » Adventures in the New Office
  • Did a pale-faced young man who had spent all his adult life in politics have the strength and experience to navigate Britain's economy through treacherous times?
  • Our ability to navigate the compromises those conflicting rights necessitate is what makes us good at living collectively, or not. » Blog Archive » Michael Shermer, Of All People, On Tolerable Atheism
  • The eastern side of the map, however, remains almost entirely blank, its seas unnavigated, lands undiscovered. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Motorists have to navigate between potholes when using either routes and the surface of the roadway has disintegrated in places.
  • In a risky fly-by maneuver, the Deep Space 1 spacecraft successfully navigated past a comet, giving researchers an unprecedented view inside the glowing core of icy dust and gas.
  • Fortunately, some others navigated through the weekend with ease and good humor.
  • To safely navigate a boat, one has to be able to see and identify day marks, buoys and the occasional sign for the restaurant we want to visit.
  • The early schedule isn't impossible to navigate so long as Palmer is a quick study.
  • Even ancient ships were able to navigate large stretches of open water.
  • This is the software you use to navigate the Internet.
  • And maybe familiar cues are simply the means by which people navigate through a confusing world.
  • They had just navigated their way through Maidstone on their way to the coast.
  • To navigate safely through the waterways of Europe you will need to know CEVNI - the Waterway Code - whose rules, signs and signals are understood by bargemasters of all nationalities.
  • Firefox is one of several browsers (including Opera and Apple Computer's Safari) that have emerged with exciting new features, such as "tabbing" (to easily navigate multiple sites) and full support for the hot new RSS technology (which lets you "subscribe" to Web sites). Periscope
  • Ms Whelan was patient with me, though, and helped me navigate my way through formulae while Jason and Jason and Todd wrestled over stolen magazine porn and pencilled the word poontang along the pages edge of their textbooks.
  • Until this year his co-driver was his sister, but she has vacated the passenger's seat for Robert Reid, who navigated for ex-world champion Richard Burns.
  • They've navigated their way through narrow channels and around dangerous shoals using the same buoys and other navigational aids.
  • How to navigate within the content using the interface viewing table of contents, using search tools, finding a citation, using title lookup April 2009
  • This mythic territory, once navigated by Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn, hosts a journey to declining river towns, tiny evangelical churches, and seedy whorehouses populated by disturbed and disturbing characters.
  • You have to navigate through minefields of homemade fudge, baked hams, office peanut brittle, holiday eggnog, hot toddies, smoked cheese logs and platoons of armed and dangerous gingerbread men.
  • Enough off-topic puns and invective, and one can get the entire thread to circumnavigate its original topic or purpose for being. Matthew Yglesias » The Low Bar
  • Their website is fairly plain, but very easy to navigate.
  • The peacoats, polos, Frisbee sports, and Arrested Development DVDs might seem like trivial favorites of the white elite, but they represent certain gateways that minorities have to navigate. Letters
  • They got out, scrambled up the ridge for a better look, and saw rapids but no falls that looked too large to navigate.
  • The tank commander can use his map display to navigate, orientate, and control his subunits.
  • He arrived back in England with very valuable treasure and the distinction of being the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe.
  • After 1903 and improvements to the St. Lawrence waterway, larger ships or ‘canalers’ could navigate the seaway.
  • Two of the Americans, Jean and Scott Adam, had been sailing around the world on their yacht since 2004 and were joined for this journey by Phyllis Macay and Bob Riggle, veteran sailors who had previously circumnavigated the globe in their own vessel. Somali Pirates Kill Four U.S. Hostages
  • Mr Foster thought a hovercraft would be the perfect vehicle to boost tourism and navigate the mudflats of Southend when the tide is out.
  • I am up early to watch the ship navigate though familiar waters and approach Pattaya in the distance.
  • But at some point in the flight radio contact is believed to have been lost when the aircraft was apparently trying to navigate around bad weather.
  • She removed her hand from his grasp quickly and kept her eyes down as they navigated through the oceans of people.
  • Schouten and other heroic marine worthies of distant times had navigated the globe, discovered new worlds, penetrated into the most secret solitudes of the deep without any notion of longitude and with no better instruments to take the sun's height than the forestaff and astrolabe. The Frozen Pirate
  • Both were trying to navigate their way safely over a Christological precipice that threatened either to divide Christ too much (Zwingli) or unite his natures too closely (Luther).
  • This book should be of interest to readers fascinated but perplexed by the current financial crisis, as it is able to navigate the oubliette of Wall Street trading to create searing and intimate drama. Union Atlantic: Summary and book reviews of Union Atlantic by Adam Haslett.
  • Cannily, you have navigated your way through billions of pages, and you have found me.
  • Eddie navigates a vividly imagined landscape whose every facet is steeped in the author's remarkably detailed color scheme. Shades of Grey: Summary and book reviews of Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde.
  • Realising that I'd circumnavigated my way around all of the exhibits, there was only one hurdle left to conquer.
  • Anyone who's found themself trying to navigate life's day-to-day reality in a foreign culture will relate to Ko's means of reflecting displacement.
  • No details on how the couple will navigate these religious shoals have leaked out, just a few tantalizing hints -- such as Chelsea's attendance with Marc at Yom Kippur services last September at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, the flagship institute for Conservative Judaism. Chelsea Clinton Wedding Update: Will The Bride Convert?
  • No more inputting streets or postcodes: you can now navigate by photos. Times, Sunday Times
  • A spear which takes care of the knife and hunting aspects at once, a large stainless pot to boil water in cook with and could also be used as a signaling device, and rope to navigate the landscape and make traps with. If you were dropped out of a helicopter in the center of Alaska and could only bring three items besides clothing what would the
  • In these places, one picks an avatar (a graphic representation of the self), navigates visually depicted environments, and chats with other individuals.
  • Researchers say their study could provide fresh clues to explain biomagnetism – a phenomenon in which some birds, insects and marine life navigate using the magnetic field that encompasses the Earth.
  • To determine how the law navigates the murky issues involved in treating a mentally ill adult who does not want to be treated, NEWSWEEK's Katie Paul spoke with Lodise about the legal wrangling involved and the obstacles faced by both conservator and conservatee. Controlling Britney
  • The longer and more complicated the motor pattern the child can navigate, the more attentive she appears.
  • The rationale for adopting a single platform is that it might be beneficial for students trying to navigate through various courses, since they have a similar format.
  • Swept along in the flood all I had to do was to try to navigate through the best looking route by flapping my limbs.
  • Delphi also defines a number of DataSet actions to edit, delete and navigate through records in a database.
  • You can circumnavigate the island by kayak, search for black-necked stilts, sail small boats, and snorkel the reefs off White Bay beach.
  • Next morning we used the GPS to navigate the truck in from a different direction.
  • In this game, the player must navigate a devilish labyrinth fighting many evil turbanized sword wielding fiends and avoiding razor sharp spikes of death.
  • I'll drive, you take the map and navigate.
  • As the characters struggle to navigate the tangled web of their assorted affairs and bust-ups, they are routinely forced to spout alarming quantities of American therapy-speak of the kind popularised by shows such as Dr Phil.
  • Soon Scient is expected to announce a new suite of consulting products intended to help its clients navigate the next economy.
  • Many pubs think it's clever to hide the bar in the far corner of the establishment, meaning you have to circumnavigate an assault course of tables and chairs before you can get a drink.
  • Cut clean off aft of her forecastle, it can't be missed as you navigate along the southern port side of the wreck.
  • Flowerpots adorn the poolside and servants navigate the steps gingerly carrying dishes laden with goodies.
  • Even if voters navigate those dangers, another shoal lurks beneath their bow.
  • Backers of the confirmation measure say they want to ease what they call an arduous chore for midlevel nominees trying to navigate the Senate in a supercharged partisan era. NYT > Global Home
  • Captain Cook safely navigated his ship without accident for 100 voyages.
  • Migratory species are difficult to manage because nobody really knows how they learn their migration routes or how they navigate.
  • Yeah, cos the map got a little moth-eaten and I have to navigate through the blank patches.
  • Larger ships will be able to navigate the river after the main channel is deepened.
  • The ship was navigated by the North Star.
  • How do you navigate your way through a forest; especially if you're in a wheelchair?
  • Gretel's sly, funny, knowing perspective is at the heart of this collection as she navigates through loyalty and loss with the help of an unforgettable trio of women: her best friend, Jill, her romance-addicted cousin Margot, and her mother, Franny, whose spiritual journey affects them all. Local Girls: Summary and book reviews of Local Girls by Alice Hoffman.
  • As well as being used for text input, the device will also allow users to navigate the desktop and browse the web.
  • Using the hierarchal presentation view of Data Source ExplorerHierarchical presentation icon , navigate to the Schemas folder.
  • Younger women can now navigate their way through a much wider range of life choices than their mothers and grandmothers.
  • Larger ships will be able to navigate the river after the main channel is deepened.
  • He died with his crew in 1553 trying to navigate this shortcut from Europe to Asia, known as the Northeast Passage. NYT > Home Page
  • Handed a political landscape of broad competing interests, the best way to navigate is to offer a broad but concrete goal and jump hurdles. Barack Obama, Campaign Manager: How The 2008 Playbook Passed Health Care
  • Beginning in the early 1960s, the U.S. Navy developed a satellite system to help it navigate at sea.
  • However, the amount of online shopping these unseasoned Internet users do will depend on how easy it is for them to navigate the virtual mall.
  • By the time I had added an ordinary typewriter table to its scanty furnishing, I was hard put to turn around; at the best, I managed to navigate it by a sort of vermicular progression requiring great dexterity and presence of mind. MY LODGING AND SOME OTHERS
  • The four-line, backlit LCD is easy to navigate, and you can delete tracks on screen as well as with the easy-to-use software package.
  • I am currently trying to navigate through a whole stack of information on the subject.
  • Migratory birds unerringly cross countries, continents, and even oceans by using magnetic fields to navigate.
  • The Duchess had asked me to come take pictures, so I did, trying in vain to navigate the difference between too-bright flash and too-dim no-flash, trying to get a picture of Janice with her mouth open instead of thoughtfully pursed, which is how it somehow managed to be ever time my camera thought through its digital mazes and finally took the shot. Janice Erlbaum
  • Contentedly I went below and turned in for a few hours, leaving my colleague to navigate.
  • To eventually translocate, cells must navigate the meshwork, the porosity of which can be smaller than the largest cell dimensions.
  • Pigeons navigate less accurately when the earth's magnetic field is disturbed.
  • We next had to navigate a complex network of committees.
  • Though piracy is a globally recognized crime, few governments are willing to navigate the legal and logistical barriers that impede convicting seaborn bandits. On the Lawless Seas, It's Not Easy Putting Somali Pirates in the Dock
  • We had here to exchange our bongo for a flat-bottomed boat called a champan, with which alone the upper part of the river can, from its numerous shallows, be navigated. The Young Llanero A Story of War and Wild Life in Venezuela
  • In recounting his teenage travails as a Boston schoolboy growing up with a "dollop" of Catholic guilt and a full spectrum of FM stations, Sheffield navigates Reaganomics, Boy George, and Rambo with wit, self-deprecation, and not an ounce of trepidation. Kristi York Wooten: A Girl Talks to Rob Sheffield about Duran Duran (and His New Book)
  • As a matter of fact, I don't know if this kind of respelling will be of short or long term aid in helping people with cognitive disabilities navigate thru life and can imagine results going either way that's what research is for I repeat. UN SIT FASIL A LIR.
  • Pigeons navigate less accurately when the earth's magnetic field is disturbed.
  • Since medieval times, mariners have employed dead reckoning to navigate their vessels.
  • Each week they will have to navigate the ship as well as performing testing tasks and challenges to earn treats and privileges.
  • We are now able to provide the public with an information system that is more efficient and easier to navigate.
  • So whether you read from left to right (sent howling from the garden where the stories all begin) or simply wander as gaps in the crowd permit, the pillars of the chapel will have told you how to navigate. on one side the pair of them driven like cattle, her face with its sockets of grief. and on the other side the premise still unspoilt. or is it promise? Two Poems
  • As you navigate this week's issue, you'll see a new upfront section and expanded coverage of style, health and beauty and tech.
  • For a game that supports the mouse, the menu screen forces you to use a gamepad / joystick or keyboard to navigate.
  • But the politics will not be easy to navigate because any reform will have to reinsert price signals into the market—meaning higher premiums for Floridians, at least in the short term, given that Florida is so often hit by hurricanes. Waiting for Hurricane Charlie (Crist)
  • Where it really comes in handy is file open/save dialogs or any Explorer window — you can simply use the middle-click function to show the menu, and once you’ve selected something, Folder Menu will automatically navigate to the correct folder from within the dialog. Folder Menu Is A Powerful Folder Switching Tool | Lifehacker Australia
  • Frostbite and massive weight loss were not enough to dampen the spirits of Tim Sander, who took part in the first English expedition to successfully circumnavigate Norway.
  • This colorful and handsome site featuring fine gifts and collectibles is a breeze to navigate through.
  • Video footage helps the controller navigate the robot and negotiate tough volcanic terrain from solidified lava flows to loose scree and rocks.
  • Such sites are designed for one-time visitors to navigate and explore, rather than to search.
  • Employers and pension fund trustees have been warned to think carefully about how to navigate the law changes on pensions.
  • Your reminders will help you navigate this process. Christianity Today
  • Guess what classic, towering German torten I brought for dessert, attempting to navigate through the crowded buses and hectic sidewalks of Paris?
  • As attendees struggled to send SMS messages and use the web to navigate the world's largest trade show, FCC Chairman Genachowski pointed out that the problem threatens more than conventioneers. Steve Rosenbaum: The Future of the US Economy May Depend on Broadband Access
  • Agricola circumnavigated the island, was ordered to Rome, and celebrated his triumph.
  • The river became too narrow and shallow to navigate.
  • We then circumnavigated the downtown Hoan Kiem lake.
  • She navigated them to become, as a Forbes listicle once anointed her, the fifth most powerful woman in the world.
  • They had circumnavigated the globe from 2007 through 2009 as part of a yachting rally organized by Blue Water Rallies, a U.K.-based yachting group. Slain Americans No Strangers to the Sea
  • Geosciences clearinghouse uses metadata to navigate and discover distributed datasets according to the user query requests.
  • The helmsman skillfully navigated the ship towards the enormous docking bay doors which engulfed the view screen.
  • Less brine means "stiffer" ice that is more difficult for icebreakers to navigate and clear. Sea ice
  • Most of our wintering birds navigate the Central flyway, one of four recognized routes down the continent.
  • More route choices were given to teams to navigate to the checkpoints.
  • A user may press a tab key to discover and navigate to a first hyperlink that is part of a hypertext document.
  • I refer, of course, to Ellen MacArthur, the 24 year-old who has sailed single-handedly round the world, becoming in the process the youngest woman to circumnavigate the globe on her tod.
  • It enables the commander to plan missions, navigate, and continuously update situational awareness.
  • A study for protest group Friends of the River claims that, as well as flooding farmland, the river would become hard to navigate, damaging sailing, local tourism and a range of businesses.
  • Researchers now acknowledge that there is no one simple unified theory of how birds can navigate so precisely.
  • We just launched a new mobile site that reformats our Ratings and product information, as well as buying advice, into pages that are easy to navigate on your smartphone. Consumer Reports goes mobile: Check out GPS, tires, and batteries on your smartphone
  • Storgards and his players navigated the rowdier textures with tremendous aplomb. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the sport of orienteering, a competitor uses a detailed map to navigate his or her way across varied terrain following a course drawn on the map.
  • If you wanted to remove the start menu indexing, you'll need to click on Start Menu in the summary list at the bottom, and it'll automatically navigate to the item in the tree.
  • My wife and girls fell instantly into dreams while I navigated a causeway suspended between an indigo sky and the sable sea, two voluptuous bodies winking at each other like old lovers.
  • The recovery environment will boot and present a menu system that is fairly easy to navigate.
  • A circular touch pad is not a requirement for interface success; you can navigate with a rocker button or pseudo-wheel (which looks like a wheel but only rocks back and forth).
  • Just navigate down to a topic that obsesses you and sign up to become an editor through the link on that page.
  • Good architects come with a wealth of ideas and they will also be able to navigate you around the planning laws.
  • GPS allows you to navigate safely, even when caught in a heavy fog or other bad weather conditions.
  • What further amazes Verner, a macro-economist, is the deftness with which the indigenous people navigate the modern world while retaining fidelity to their traditions and customs.
  • Vehicles must decide how to navigate and avoid these obstacles while traveling at 10 to 30 miles per hour.
  • Their website is fairly plain, but very easy to navigate.
  • But we've found that chickens will use the sun to navigate over distances of just a couple of metres.
  • There, he was humble enough to confess to himself, was a chartless, shoreless sea, about which he knew nothing and which he must nevertheless somehow navigate. Chapter XV
  • They will help users to navigate and access content across all platforms, with a wider remit of helping to demystify technology.
  • To navigate slipstream, a consensus needs only organic intuition, nothing more.
  • 3. Indirect free kick - trying to mess around with the laws of the game I believe the word used is "circumnavigate" a la Magellan You are the Ref: Rio Ferdinand, Manchester United
  • Early on sailors navigated by the stars at night and the north star became the symbol for finding ones way home.
  • For me, this book is about the profound idea of a child hoping to navigate death, which is a very complicated, complex part of life.
  • However, when the chordal melody is doubled in both hands, the left-hand part can be difficult to navigate cleanly.
  • We've walked about 27,000 miles today, from Gard du Nord to the Latin Quarter, which if you look on the map, circumnavigates anything touristy.
  • I felt an osculatory unhappiness circumnavigate my soul. Hope's Amanuensis
  • A great way to navigate is to check out a directory of stores that qualify as sanctioned “green” shopping sites. Before You Put That On
  • He navigated the plane through the low cloud.
  • If it's been a couple of weeks since Colin circumnavigated the block, he'll buy five or six CDs.
  • So individuals who can translate complex terms and navigate the quagmire are in great demand.
  • To navigate from Killaloe to Limerick advance notice needs to be given to the lock-keeper at Ardnacrusha, who controls Parteen Lifting Bridge and Ardnacrusha lock.
  • From day one, we're told to aviate, navigate, then communicate.
  • Sailors have special equipment to help them navigate.
  • Although Boo's old site was far superior in terms of selection, the new site is more directed and easier to navigate.
  • Thefe fingle canoes have all out-riggers, and are fometimes navigated with fails, but more generally with paddles, the blades of which are fhort, and broadeft in the middle. Voyages and TRavels in All Parts of the World
  • The record industry now has a chance to navigate these uncharted waters.
  • The gear will, in theory, allow me to navigate across glacial ice and climb the moulin walls. Into the Heart of the Ice
  • When you navigate to a website, your browser looks for a file named index.htm.
  • Once you've navigated to the desired day, double-click on the appointment time and a separate window opens up.

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