
How To Use Navicular In A Sentence

  • It is attached, medially, to the pisiform and the hamulus of the hamate bone; laterally, to the tuberosity of the navicular, and to the medial part of the volar surface and the ridge of the greater multangular. IV. Myology. 1F. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
  • ‘As with all performance horses, arthritis and navicular can be a problem,’ Kim explained, saying she relies on her farrier and vet to work together to keep Parker healthy.
  • Several authors have attempted to identify persons who are at increased risk of navicular stress fracture.
  • Metatarsal and navicular fractures may require short leg casting for six to eight weeks unless comminuted or displaced.
  • The insertion may ascend on the lateral face of the radius or may be extended distally to the navicular, trapezium, or base of the third metacarpal bone.
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  • 'navicular' have in reality been nothing more than contraction brought about by one or other of the causes we shall afterwards enumerate -- cases where a due attention to the prime cause of the mischief would, in all likelihood, have remedied the lameness. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • The metatarsal and the navicular bones were the most commonly involved.
  • Other astragalar facets include a narrow convex articular surface for the cuboid adjacent to the deeply notched surface for the navicular, a small curved surface laterally for articulation with the ectal facet of the calcaneum, a proximodistally elongated convex facet ventrally for long excursion on the calcaneal sustentacular surface, and a small facet adjacent to the cuboid facet for articulation with the calcaneum. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Wounds on the foot consisted of exposed long extensor tendons and medial cuneiform and navicular bones and first metatarsal bone was exposed along its length up to the first metatarsal phalangeal joint.
  • Placing his forefinger here, he ought to place his thumb on the other side of the foot directly opposite, which will show him where the os naviculare and astragalus are connected. A Manual of the Operations of Surgery For the Use of Senior Students, House Surgeons, and Junior Practitioners
  • The navicular bone consists normally of compact and cancellated tissue arranged in certain proportions, the compact tissue without, and the cancellated within. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • The tarsals of giraffes consist of only four bones: calcaneum, astragulus, fused navicular and cuboid, fused cuneiforms.
  • Various factors contribute to the common delay in diagnosis of navicular stress fractures.
  • Outermost slip from the glenoidal fibro-cartilage; 2, lateral ligament of the first interphalangeal articulation; 3, prolongations of the lateral ligament of the first interphalangeal articulation attached to the end of the navicular bone to form the postero-lateral ligament of the pedal joint; Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • The Navicular Bone (os naviculare pedis; scaphoid bone) (Figs. 276, 277). II. Osteology. 6d. The Foot. 1. The Tarsus
  • It is attached to the cuboid by an interosseous ligament and to the cuboid and navicular bones by the strong bifurcate ligament.
  • The latter were four in number: the navicularii, who supplied Rome with provisions, the bakers, the pork butchers, and the calcis coctores et vectores, who supplied Rome with lime for building. The Guilds
  • Bone tenderness over the navicular bone or base of the fifth metatarsal is an indication for radiographs to rule out fracture of the foot.
  • But the pivotal clue comes from the navicular bone, an important tarsal bone that helps form the arch in a modern human foot. ‘Hobbits’ Couldn’t Hustle | Impact Lab
  • It is attached to the cuboid by an interosseous ligament and to the cuboid and navicular bones by the strong bifurcate ligament.
  • The insertion may ascend on the lateral face of the radius or may be extended distally to the navicular, trapezium, or base of the third metacarpal bone.
  • The medial, situated in front of the middle calcaneal facet, is convex, triangular, or semi-oval in shape, and rests on the plantar calcaneonavicular ligament; the lateral, named the anterior calcaneal articular surface, is somewhat flattened, and articulates with the facet on the upper surface of the anterior part of the calcaneus. II. Osteology. 6d. The Foot. 1. The Tarsus
  • Cuneonavicular Articulation (articulatio cuneonavicularis; articulation of the navicular with the cuneiform bones). III. Syndesmology. 7e. Intertarsal Articulations
  • The surgeon will penetrate the last the most easily, particularly by taking for his guide the eminence which indicates the attachment of the tibialis anticus muscle to the inside of the os naviculare. A Manual of the Operations of Surgery For the Use of Senior Students, House Surgeons, and Junior Practitioners
  • It is inserted into the tuberosity of the navicular bone, and gives off fibrous expansions, one of which passes backward to the sustentaculum tali of the calcaneus, others forward and lateralward to the three cuneiforms, the cuboid, and the bases of the second, third, and fourth metatarsal bones. IV. Myology. 8c. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Leg
  • The right patella and left tarsal navicular show osteochondritis.
  • All fractures of the navicular bone resulted in an absence of more than 4 weeks, and in some cases even of many months.
  • The navicular trochlea at the bottom of the astragalus extends that range by some further amount, and the cuneiform - metatarsal II articulation may extend the range a bit further yet.
  • Did not restore completely after navicular fracture. How to do?
  • After artifice navicular fracture undertakes steel nails fixed rehabilitation, still have durative ache, what should notice? What kind of treatment to have?
  • These proportions can only be judged of by the examinations of sections of the bone, and when it is found in any case that the cancellated tissue bulks more largely in the formation of the bone than normally it should, we have what we may term a weak navicular bone. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • An examination a year later showed he had broken the navicular bone in his foot.
  • These rules call for palpation of the proximal fifth metatarsal and navicular in patients with acute ankle injuries and midfoot pain.
  • It forms the posterior boundary of the talocalcaneonavicular joint, and is sometimes described as the anterior interosseous ligament. III. Syndesmology. 7e. Intertarsal Articulations
  • The under surface of the navicular bone was much enlarged and roughened by this bony deposit, which extended on to the os pedis, causing complete anchylosis at each extremity of the navicular. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • —The lesser multangular articulates with four bones: the navicular proximally, second metacarpal distally, greater multangular laterally, and capitate medially. II. Osteology. 6b. The Hand. 1. The Carpus
  • For the price of admission, you not only get to see the competitions, but there are lectures on navicular, the pre-purchase exam, growing and baling your own hay, and equine ulcers. Biggest Horseshow in the Country | myFiveBest
  • Up to 14 percent of the general population has an extra bone, the most common of which is the tarsal navicular (which is in the arch).
  • Therapeutic intervention in navicular stress fractures has been clearly defined.
  • These rules call for palpation of the proximal fifth metatarsal and navicular in patients with acute ankle injuries and midfoot pain.
  • Some of the allowed drugs are Banamine, a drug commonly given to colic sufferers for pain; Bute, for pain or inflammation; lidocaine, used for suture repair of skin lacerations; and ketoprofen (Anafen) and isoxsuprine, commonly used for pain in the navicular area. News
  • Navicular syndrome is usually a chronic bilateral foreleg lameness in horses of all ages.
  • —The plantar calcaneonavicular ligament is a broad and thick band of fibers, which connects the anterior margin of the sustentaculum tali of the calcaneus to the plantar surface of the navicular. III. Syndesmology. 7e. Intertarsal Articulations
  • —The radial collateral ligament extends from the tip of the styloid process of the radius to the radial side of the navicular, some of its fibers being prolonged to the greater multangular bone and the transverse carpal ligament. III. Syndesmology. 1F. Radiocarpal Articulation or Wrist-joint
  • —The capitate articulates with seven bones: the navicular and lunate proximally, the second, third, and fourth metacarpals distally, the lesser multangular on the radial side, and the hamate on the ulnar side. II. Osteology. 6b. The Hand. 1. The Carpus
  • Bone tenderness over the navicular bone or base of the fifth metatarsal is an indication for radiographs to rule out fracture of the foot.
  • In fact, navicular disease has been determined as a cause of lameness in horses as early as 1752 when the syndrome was originally described.
  • —The Navicular Bone (os naviculare manus; scaphoid bone) (Fig. 221). II. Osteology. 6b. The Hand. 1. The Carpus
  • The team then scrutinized naviculars of A. afarensis, H. habilis, chimpanzees and gorillas.
  • For example, in the USEF, isoxsuprine (a vasodilator used to treat problems associated with poor blood circulation in hooves, i.e., navicular or laminitis) is a permitted substance, meaning it's not likely to have a significant effect, so we don't regulate it. News
  • If you ask me to name the bones of the wrist, I can tell you that the ‘N’ stands for navicular, and the ‘L' stands for lunate.
  • Ab intervallo fa - ciecuhe articulatoria» offis navicularis & femilunaris, ad intervallum duarum di - midiarum facierum levium radii, & ligameatum, quod huic incumbit, lacinia vafculofa & glsndulofa extenditur. Elementa physiologiae corporis humani ..
  • A muscle closely related to flexor hallucis longus is fibulotarsalis, which arises from the fibula and inserts, via the sustentaculum, to the underside of calcaneus and the navicular bones.
  • For purposes of analysis, stress injuries to bone were grouped into one of the following categories: femur, tibia, fibula, navicular bone, calcaneus, and forefoot (metatarsal bones and phalanx).
  • This constitutes what is known as tendinous quittor in its worst form, for more often than not there is associated with it inflammation of the navicular bursa, caries of the bones, or arthritis of the pedal articulation. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • 1819 Moorcroft made it even plainer still that he was fully acquainted with what we now know as navicular disease. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • Navicular syndrome is one of several conditions leading to heel soreness or lameness.
  • —The greater multangular articulates with four bones: the navicular proximally, the first metacarpal distally, and the lesser multangular and second metacarpal medially. II. Osteology. 6b. The Hand. 1. The Carpus
  • Open navicular joint does not occur, as a rule, except by way of the solar surface of the foot, and the introduction of active and virulent contagium is certain to happen; consequently, an acute synovitis quickly resulting in an intensely septic and progressively destructive arthritis soon follows in perforation of the capsule of the distal interphalangeal articulation. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • The “hobbit” navicular bone is more akin to that found in great apes, which means that these hominins lacked an arch and were not efficient long-term runners. ‘Hobbits’ Couldn’t Hustle | Impact Lab
  • The foot can be divided into three anatomic regions: the hindfoot or rearfoot (talus and calcaneus); the midfoot (navicular bone, cuboid bone, and three cuneiform bones); and the forefoot (metatarsals and phalanges).
  • Stress fractures in our study, except for one involving the lumbar spine, were located in the tibial, fibular, metatarsal, and navicular bones.
  • Tarsal navicular stress fractures were first described in 1958 in a study of racing greyhounds.
  • Between the hymen and the frenulum of the labia is the fossa navicularis, while in the groove between the hymen and the labium minus, on either side, the small opening of the greater vestibular (Bartholin’s) gland can be seen. XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 10. Surface Markings of the Perineum
  • One of these, starting in front of the wrist at the tuberosity of the navicular bone, curves around the thenar eminence and ends on the radial border of the hand a little above the metacarpophalangeal joint of the index finger. XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 11. Surface Anatomy of the Upper Extremity
  • This eminence is concave above, and articulates with the middle calcaneal articular surface of the talus; below, it is grooved for the tendon of the Flexor hallucis longus; its anterior margin gives attachment to the plantar calcaneonavicular ligament, and its medial, to a part of the deltoid ligament of the ankle-joint. II. Osteology. 6d. The Foot. 1. The Tarsus
  • The flexor perforans tendon showed inflammatory softening, and was very nearly ruptured through at the level of the navicular bone. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • On the medial side of the foot from behind forward may be felt the _medial process (internal tuberosity) _ of the calcaneus; the _sustentaculum tali_, which lies about 1 inch vertically below the tip of the malleolus; the _tubercle of the navicular_, about 1 inch in front of the malleolus, and at a slightly lower level; the _first (internal) cuneiform_, and the base, shaft, and head of the _first metatarsal_. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • _ -- Horses knuckling at the fetlock, and all those with diseases which impair the powers of locomotion, such as navicular disease, contracted heels, sidebones, chronic laminitis, etc., are predisposed to sprains of the fetlock. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • The navicular (scaphoid) and lunate (semilunar) are those most commonly fractured, usually by indirect violence, by forced dorsiflexion from a fall on the extended hand. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • One of these lacunæ, larger than the rest, is situated on the upper surface of the fossa navicularis; it is called the lacuna magna. XI. Splanchnology. 3b. 4. The Male Urethra
  • X-rays revealed a broken navicular bone in my left foot.
  • In the lower fourth of the leg its tendon passes in front of that of the Flexor digitorum longus and lies with it in a groove behind the medial malleolus, but enclosed in a separate sheath; it next passes under the laciniate and over the deltoid ligament into the foot, and then beneath the plantar calcaneonavicular ligament. IV. Myology. 8c. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Leg
  • These involved, in addition to the base of the first carpometacarpal joint, the trapezium, navicular, surrounding fascial structures or the abductor pollicis brevis muscle.
  • If the foot be forcibly extended, the head of the talus appears as a rounded prominence on the medial side of the dorsum; just in front of this prominence and behind the tuberosity of the navicular is the talonavicular joint. XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 14. Surface Markings of the Lower Extremity
  • The tarsals of giraffes consist of only four bones: calcaneum, astragulus, fused navicular and cuboid, fused cuneiforms.
  • When at all diseased the glenoidal surface of the navicular bone should be curetted, even to the extent of the removal of the whole of the cartilage. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • Talocalcaneonavicular Articulation (articulatio talocalcaneonavicularis). III. Syndesmology. 7e. Intertarsal Articulations
  • Medially, it blends with the anterior part of the medial ligament of the ankle joint and, laterally, with the plantar margin of the calcaneonavicular part of the bifurcate ligament.
  • He told the court Mr Ladhams failed to reveal during negotiations for the sale that Sound Action had undergone extensive treatment for what is known as a "navicular" problem in her front hooves. | Top Stories
  • The insertion may ascend on the lateral face of the radius or may be extended distally to the navicular, trapezium, or base of the third metacarpal bone.
  • The superior articular surfaces of the navicular, lunate, and triangular form a smooth convex surface, the condyle, which is received into the concavity. III. Syndesmology. 1F. Radiocarpal Articulation or Wrist-joint
  • When at all diseased the glenoidal surface of the navicular bone should be curetted, even to the extent of the removal of the whole of the cartilage. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • Additional resorbable sutures were used to refix the tibionavicular and tibial spring ligaments.
  • It may accompany chronic diseases of the foot, such as navicular disease and side-bones. Common Diseases of Farm Animals
  • This anatomic impingement is even more significant in light of the vascular anatomy of the navicular bone.
  • The navicular and cuboid bones of the ankle are not fused, a primitive condition that separates tylopods from the third suborder the Ruminantia.
  • On the cart lay the following: proximal and distal portions of a left femur; a fragment of proximal left fibula; two fragments of left tibia, one proximal, the other distal, including the mangled malleolus; a portion of left pelvis extending from the pubic bone out into the blade; the talus, navicular, and third and second cuneiforms from a left foot. Spider Bones
  • Between the hymen and the frenulum of the labia is a shallow depression, named the navicular fossa. XI. Splanchnology. 3d. 5. The External Organs
  • Most of the above conditions are acute causes of heel lameness with the exception of navicular syndrome.
  • The tarsals of giraffes consist of only four bones: calcaneum, astragulus, fused navicular and cuboid, fused cuneiforms.
  • However, if the discomfort localizes over the navicular bone, further immobilization or surgical intervention may be indicated.
  • Navicular disease or navicular syndrome, which is more correctly termed palmar foot pain syndrome, accounts for one-third of all chronic forelimb lameness in horses. Headlines

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