
How To Use Nave In A Sentence

  • Rest palm of one hand over navel.
  • The Deity has emeralds embedded in its eyes and diamonds on its forehead and navel.
  • Thankfully, though, I believe that the Scottish art world has wider horizons than such navel-gazing, self-pitying introspection.
  • The dead man has a Batman tattoo and a pierced navel.
  • · The pain often begins around the navel ( 'bellybutton'), but it soon moves to the lower right side. Chapter 17
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  • He genuflected, slipped into a pew in the middle of the nave and knelt to pray.
  • Rebelotte re-coup de file, la navette ne dessert pas notre hotel. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • But ideological arguments, navel-gazing and the odd bout of nat-bashing aside, how will Labour members actually vote? Archive 2009-09-01
  • This design is a flexible spoon with a knife shaped tail which can be used to cut the skin of navel orange.
  • BBC | Oil price "grounds North Korea fleet" Não é só no bolso dos automobilistas que o disparo nos preços do petróleo se faz sentir: a força aérea norte-coreana está practicamente paralisada; o país não tem dinheiro para adquirir combustível para pôr a voar a sua frota de velhas aeronaves de origem soviética e chinesa. Leituras
  • Campbell country; now, as I say, they were very snod, the scurviest of the knaves set up with his hosen and brogues. John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • Inside was rather lengthy letter from a nudist who lives next to Bonaventure cemetery.
  • The church is later English; and consists of nave, aisles, and chancel, with porch and tower.
  • Such men must be honoured and respected, lest chaos engulf the navel of the world yet again.
  • The nave but essentially well-meaning Peter's interaction with his flawed clients formed the centre of the piece and much of the comedy sprung from the dynamic duologues.
  • Positioned asymmetrically, an ornate, 17 th-century altarpiece marks the entrance to the baptistery and the nave just beyond.
  • Le Mercier was a pickthank, angling after the favor of La Pompadour, -- a pretentious knave, as hollow as one of his own mortars. The Golden Dog
  • The yogi contemplating his navel often figures for Westerners as an object of amusement, being taken as a symptom of indolence or narcissistic self-absorption.
  • There's the monkey funeral out there in one of the windows of the north nave aisle and this in here.
  • Like traditional European churches, the space is divided into a single nave with small side chapels.
  • All this postmodern self-referential ironic navel-gazing is getting a bit bizarre.
  • In a gothic cathedral, the nave is flanked by aisles which run parallel to it.
  • But she admitted there are certain things she wore back then that she would not wear now, such as navel breakers or deep-cut tops with her boobs sticking out.
  • About 600 guests flocked to the Knavesmire Stand at York Racecourse for the glittering event with live bands, discos, food, casinos and prize competitions.
  • But the French like nothing better than endless discussions and over-intellectualizing, so Allen's cinematic navel-gazing never lost its luster here -- even as his films became stale and a chunk of his American audience drifted away. Beth Arnold: Letter From Paris: The Other Side of Midnight in Paris
  • Inexorably impelled by time, he will, with inavertible necessity, pass through all the stages of human life, from the bottom to the top, from the top to the bottom. Savva and the Life of Man Two plays by Leonid Andreyev
  • To surgically alter the navel, Dr. Nadler recommends opening the stalk which forms the "outie" to remove the hard tissue inside.
  • Not a word of reproach was said when Ali returned to the ring against Quarry and Bonavena, though the Messenger had inveighed against the evils of sports. Sound and Fury
  • Bold knaves thrive without one grain of sense . But good men starve for want of impudence.
  • Gothic architecture has a particular look: the pointed or ogival arch, ribbed vaults, rose windows, towers, and tremendous height in the nave, supported by flying buttresses.
  • Within this framework, Barnave's revolutionary political ideas will be explicated.
  • Dank, damp and almost unrelievedly joyless, the Starz miniseries tells a fictional tale of 12th-century politics and the skullduggery that was supposedly part of it, as knaves and heretics vie for the throne of a mucky, pig-ridden and sparsely populated England. TV preview: 'The Pillars of the Earth'
  • This nuns 'choir was in existence by the beginning of the fourteenth century, but may have been built along with the rest of the nave and may have been accessible by stairs near the chapterhouse in the west range of the cloister. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • She has already pierced her nose, her ears, her navel and now, her tongue.
  • The bodies in the cathedral were already being gathered by monks and laid out in state at one end of the nave.
  • The word'samba " means " to rub navels together.
  • Wholesaler David Whiteman says most of them have plenty of mandarins, navel oranges and lemons in cold storage.
  • At the far end was a kind of semicircular nave with built-in benches, which reminded me of a sauna. Archive 2006-08-01
  • We hate to over-emphasize the political experts and activists role in this for fear of navel-gazing, but in this case, they matter. It's Go Time for Pawlenty
  • He hid a knave of hearts in his pocket.
  • She prays to the gods and recounts her deeds to them alleging that she dies unavenged as she shoves the sword in her body.
  • Cenogenetic processes, on the other hand, include such phenomena as the formation of yolk and the embryonic membranes, the temporary allantoic circulation, the navel, the curved and contracted shape of the embryo, and the like. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • An umbilical hernia occurs when part of the intestine protrudes through a weakness in the abdominal wall at the navel.
  • The choir stalls were moved from the chancel to their present position in the nave in 1961 to make room for the bishop's throne and canon's stalls.
  • Then the chilling truth dawned on Captain Gary Snavely.
  • And Mary Catherine is what that old biddy, Clara of the Bowed Legs and Beehive her hair, who lives in the cottage across the path, calls a navel gazer. Amaryllis in Blueberry
  • Inside is a nave surmounted by a generous barrel vault supported by large but simple columns and flanked by side aisles; a transept separates the nave from a central apse behind the altar.
  • With each novel read and each film watched comes a new range of bloggable ideas, which might well make more interesting reading than the standard-issue navel-gazing, but take time to compose, while other matters press harder.
  • In this case the dirk is a real dirk, which the man takes and stabs himself with on the left side, below the navel, drawing it across to the right side. Tales of Old Japan
  • This article is a sad commentary on the state of public schools and the navel-gazing mooncalves we hire to run them.
  • A sterile dressing about 4 inches square should be placed over the cut end of the cord at the baby's navel and should be held in place by wrapping a "bellyband" or folded diaper around the baby. Emergency Childbirth A Reference Guide for Students of the Medical Self-help Training Course, Lesson No. 11
  • The choir stalls were moved from the chancel to their present position in the nave in 1961 to make room for the bishop's throne and canon's stalls.
  • I remain open to the possibility that the ancient Vedas, Hyperboreans, or Druids might have enjoyed some special power of awareness through their skill at chiromancy, crystal gazing, or navel contemplation.
  • Above all, she could not understand why, since she had acquaintances in the family, and since the Dame Glendinning had always paid her multure and knaveship duly, the said lass of the mill had not come in to rest herself and eat a morsel, and tell her the current news of the water. The Monastery
  • They line up along a worn river bank in the towns near the launch pad on Cape Canaveral, waiting for days, then nail-biting hours, to see a group of people embark on a completely different kind of journey, this one powered by rockets that do zero to 17,000 mph in 8.5 minutes. Alex Pasternack: Humanity's Greatest Spectacle
  • The plan of the church is essentially traditional with nave, altar, side chapel and confessional booths.
  • Pink blossoms of carnation Dianthus imereticus, white-flowered perennial navelwort Omphalodes kusnetzovii and snow-in-summer Cerastium ponticum are suitable to rock and gravel in which they often choose to grow.
  • When Francesco Borromini came to restore the nave of the Lateran basilica during the pontificate of Innocent X, subsidiary altars again had no role to play.
  • Built in 1923, the building featured a square nave with two small blocks to the east and west.
  • But shrubs are bigger than the little navelworts, and our garden space is finite.
  • “How, or what do you mean?” said Nigel; “I will break your head, you drunken knave, if you palter with me any longer.” The Fortunes of Nigel
  • In a gothic cathedral, the nave is flanked by aisles which run parallel to it.
  • Yes, sometimes it might seem like too much navel-gazing.
  • Sixtus the Fifth was the son of a swineherd, and raised himself to the popedom by his abilities: he was a great knave, but an able and singular one. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • Beyond the long entrance to Port Canaveral, I could make out the towers of a launchpad. VITALS
  • Traced her ribs, her waist, her navel, as if he were mapping his domain. THE PROMISE IN A KISS
  • The official website of vssmedical college & hospital, burla. inaugurated by CM OF ORISSA, Shri Naveen Patnaik was born on October 16, 1946 at Cuttack, Orissa to Shri Biju Patnaik and Smt. Gyan Patnaik. - Articles related to Odisha trade delegation visiting Silicon Valley
  • Then the chilling truth dawned on Captain Gary Snavely.
  • Those who tried to delude the people into believing that this was the last war were either fools or knaves, and he inclined to think that there were more knaves than fools.
  • That question will prompt much navel-gazing when the theatre's first productions appear, but looking inwards is only one way to answer it.
  • Knavery may serve, but honesty is best. 
  • Agriculturally the company has dynamically produced lemons, oranges, avocados, apricots, walnuts, sugar beets, celery, cabbage, lima beans, peppers, flowers, strawberries, minneolas, cara cara navels, Satsuma mandarin oranges, pummelos, cherries, pistachios, almonds, peaches, pluots, plums and olives.
  • A set of doors that may have belonged to the church of St. Sophia in Novgorod formed part of the iconostasis, the high screen that divided the church sanctuary from the nave in late medieval Russia.
  • All this postmodern self-referential ironic navel-gazing is getting a bit bizarre.
  • Speakers of Old High German and Old English preferred a Greek root, omphalos, which led to nabalo and nafela, and then popped up in Shakespeare as “he unseamed him from the naue to the chops,” and developed into Sir Thomas Browne’s 1646 observation, “The use of the Navell is to continue the infant into the mother.” No Uncertain Terms
  • contemplate one's navel
  • He was small and insignificant but had a firearm trained on my navel.
  • The cross-shaped hall resembles an aircraft hangar or perhaps the transept and nave of a modern-day basilica.
  • He dismissed the observation, however, as unworthy a philologer and went to sleep pondering a new destruction for the knaves who held the Lombard tongue to be not East but West Germanic. The Collectors
  • Gentleman, you see, do not play cricket with knaves.
  • The tape with the self-righteous denunciations has been taken off the reel while the new tape, full of self-righteous media navel-gazing, is cued up.
  • The iconostasis of the Orthodox church effects what in Gothic architecture is accomplished by the Rood Screen, the separation of the nave from the sanctuary.
  • S. Bonaventurae decem opuscula ad theologiam mysticam spectantia. Amputee
  • Hundreds of them crisscrossed his belly from his navel to his groin. DOLL'S EYES
  • It just goes to show that for all the Falstaffian wassail, there's nothing quite like a gory shank from nave to chaps to get the punters in.
  • The Indian internet community has also been abuzz with discussions on the controversy surrounding Varun Gandhi's inflammatory anti-Muslim speech and subsequent imprisonment, the incidents of shoe-throwing against Congress politicians P Chidambambaram and Naveen Jindal and BJP leader L K Advani, and the election campaigns of writer Shashi Tharoor, danseuse Mallika Sarabhai and ABN AMRO India chief Meera Sanyal. Global Voices in English » India’s First Digital Elections Evoke Strong Reactions Online
  • There have been side chapels in the nave, apparently divided by walls, some portions of which remain, with ambries in the chapels. Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys
  • For the king is unwise, so are his knights, and a knave is his brother, the one as the other; therefore may Britons be much the un-bolder, when the head (leader) is bad, the heap Roman de Brut. English
  • In retirement, Mr. Shevlin taught business law for two years at St. Bonaventure University in western New York before returning to Virginia to open a general private practice. Edmund P. Shevlin
  • At their worst, they devolve into a sort of constant New Yorker navel-gazing that is three parts cinema verite, one part melodrama (See In Treatment). Recent Adventures in Televised Entertainment
  • The church is constructed of ashlaring walls with a square west tower, rectangular nave and lower rectangular chancel and apse.
  • So he told him what had befallen him and added, If I know whither the rascal is gone and where to find the knave, I would pay him out. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Repairs included re-lining the nave parapet gutters with lead, re-covering the north aisle roof with steel, and re-pointing stonework.
  • Some aspects of the design are a little strange -- the rather weak articulation of the principal elevation behind the low screen of the narthex; the wealth of freestanding or nearly-freestanding towers, the stumpy nave swallowed up by the great crossing; but many of these are simply traceable to the titanic scale of the project, a feature common to every one of the designs submitted. W. Halsey Wood's Jerusalem the Golden
  • There was possibly a sense that in comparison to the magnificent new transepts and nave the choir itself, once so widely acclaimed, was no longer splendid enough.
  • This is just the latest punch in a long fight against Google: last year the alliance compared the settlement to John D. Rockefeller's "knavery" in colluding with railroads in the 19th century. National Business News - Local Business News | bizjournals
  • BBC | Nasa astronauts drunk on duty Como fã que sou das aventuras espaciais, retransmitir esta notícia até me fica mal, mas não resisto a comentar que a ideia de astronautas fortemente ressacados ou ainda em estado lastimoso aos comandos de centenas de toneladas de nave espacial e combustível altamente explosivo dá um sentido totalmente novo à expressão space cowboy. Leituras
  • She dismisses the reform process as an exercise in collective navel gazing.
  • I was so unpleasantly occupied, for some time after her departure, with the knaveries said to be practised among the dense cover of the Windmill Wood, that I did not immediately recollect that we had omitted to ask her any particulars about her guests. Uncle Silas
  • Common sites for barbell-style jewelry are the ear, eyebrow, tongue, and navel.
  • Shakespeare is not pointing out, in 'The knave turns fool that runs away,' that the wise knave who runs away is really a 'fool with a circumbendibus, '' moral miscalculator as well as moral coward. ' Shakespearean Tragedy Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth
  • Christian Desplat, Cultures en Béarn (Librairie des Pyrénées et de Gascogne, 2001), excellent on the persistence of ancient and medieval folkways in the modern world, and the interplay of French and Bearnaise language and culture; Nicolas de Bordenave, Histoire de Béarn et de Navarre (Paris, 1873), a fine work of scholarship. Champlain's Dream
  • Royalty was on hand at York Racecourse as the highlight of the May Meeting reached its climax on Knavesmire.
  • I don't mean that endless navel gazing is desirable or makes for good writing. Norah Vincent - An interview with author
  • Hennigan filed a lawsuit on behalf of the survivors' families accusing the gun maker, Navegar Inc. of Miami.
  • By now, with the help of various counselors, I'd navel-gazed a giant gaping hole in my bellybutton, dissecting my own personal history the way a Proust scholar had Remembrance of Things Past.
  • Hís rébus cógnitís ipse cum omnibus quí in náví relictí erant ad locum vénit; et sociós suós frústrá hortátus ut suá sponte redírent, manibus eórum post terga vinctís invítós ad návem reportávit. Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles A First Latin Reader
  • On her right cheek is a mole and on her waist, under her navel, is a sign; her face shines as the rondure of the moon in sheen, her waist is slight, her hips a heavy weight, and the water of her mouth the sick doth heal, as it were Kausar or The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • She be-knaved, be-rascalled, be-rogued the unhappy hero, who stood silent, confounded with astonishment, but more with shame and indignation, at being thus outwitted and overreached. The History of the Life of the Late Mr Jonathan Wild the Great
  • Too long has the free world laboured under the leadership (so-called) of knaves, nymphos and knuckle-heads.
  • Sir James Frazer, writing in the early 20th century, noted that ‘even in Europe many people still believe that a person's destiny is more or less bound up with that of his navel-string or afterbirth.’
  • Mr. Guccione, who often wore hip-hugging leather pants and shirts unbuttoned to his navel - exposing his chest hair and gold chains - estimated Penthouse earned $4 billion during his 30-year tenure as publisher. Bob Guccione, 79, founder of Penthouse magazine
  • With NASA mired in navel-gazing and bureaucracy, it makes sense to support private development of outer space. » Another reason to alert D.D. Herriman heinleinblog
  • One is of the Miracle of the loaves and fishes from the top register of the nave wall (above the clerestory windows) of Sant 'Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna, ca. 504. A Reader Question About Symbols on Christian Mosaics
  • In 1880, at a time when enthusiasm for industrial invention was at its height, the museum was reorganized and the deconsecrated church nave converted into a magnificent space for exhibiting machines.
  • Can you feel the breath radiating life energy from your navel into your arms, legs and head?
  • Bouyer drew attention to early Syrian church architecture, where the "Liturgy of the Word" was conducted on the bema, a raised platform in the centre of the nave. "Benedict XVI on Church Art and Architecture": Summary of the Papers Delivered
  • So she journeyed home - gray clad among her flowers, drawn by four hundred hands - home to the cool nave between the long columns that were fingers raised, not in admonition, but in triumphant thanksgiving for mercy, majesty, and glory. Pilgrimage with La Virgen de Zapopan from "A House in the Sun" by Dane Chandos
  • The Effingham beach ridges are distinctive in that they show a series of cuspate forelands of dimension similar to Merritt Island and Cape Canaveral.
  • It was fairly long and navel-gazy, but I’ll recap it by saying these are great tips, I want Stone’s book, and congrats on getting to this stage of your wip. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Oh, Man.
  • The tomb sits alone in an arched alcove to the right of the main altar of the central nave, a leafy potted lily behind it and a small red candle burning at the front.
  • As I evolved as a writer, from navel-high producer of galactic space operas to fuzz-sprouting fantasist imagining nonexistent island countries, to university dabbler in more-or-less realistic short stories to twentysomething unpublished novelist, I became more and more interested in the interactive nature of fiction. Mohsin Hamid on writing The Reluctant Fundamentalist
  • ‘The poeticule surmises, the sun sets and rises, within his world navel asshole.’ McClellan’s Book Bubble Bursts on the Blogs - The Lede Blog -
  • If two high cards be missing from the tenace suit, as in the case when it is headed by Ace, Queen, Ten, or King, Knave, Ten, and the Auction of To-day
  • A sudden impression of the magnificence of this church, its vastness filled with dusk, a few wax tapers scattered along the nave; in the far distance a lit-up altar throwing its light up into the vault of an aisle, showing the shimmer of golden coffering; the crowd circling unseen. The Spirit of Rome
  • Whether you regard it as navel-gazing or self-analysis via the art of portraiture, the self-portrait can reveal far deeper aspects of the self than merely a replication of the face in the picture.
  • The indictment against Adams, as I read it, is that he's a fat, pompous old windbag who assumes that anyone with an opposing viewpoint is a fool or a knave.
  • Part of the intestinal wall bulges through the abdominal wall into the navel.
  • In my experience it tends to get frittered away on TV channel-hopping, window shopping, aimless net surfing or general navel-gazing.
  • Gr. kotyledon a cup-shaped hollow, navelwort, fr. kotyle Cf. Cotula) 1. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIV No 3
  • Também as aeronaves tipo Boieng B-777, com as matrículas D2-TED, D2-TEE e D2-TEF, parecem estar impedidas de voar nos céus europeus. Global Voices in English » Angola: National flag carrier removed from EU blacklist
  • She swept up her dahlias with an ample gesture, pushed it open, and struck downhill for the nave.
  • The Tea Party candidate represents the worst species of brazenness, brainlessness, knavery, and hypocrisy since the Know-Nothings of the 1840s and 1850s, a party driven by popular fears that the country would be taken over by German and Irish Catholic immigrants, hostile to Anglo-Saxon values. Robert Brustein: Reviling Obama
  • _Muthill Church_ (Perthshire), has Norman tower at the west end, with nave having north and south aisles and an aisleless choir. Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys
  • The procedure will most likely require the detachement of the navel by a vertical incision. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Martin, having recovered himself a little, judged that the lady who acted the part of Cunegonde was a cheat, that the Perigordian Abbé was a knave who had imposed upon the honest simplicity of Candide, and that the officer was another knave whom they might easily silence. Candide
  • The face of this structure which looks towards the nave of the church is called the "retable", and the reverse is called the "counter-retable". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Those convinced of his knavery, however, are unlikely to accept this judgment as definitive.
  • Thousands of people had gathered at Cape Canaveral to watch the rocket lift off.
  • A temporary roof and ceiling were added to the nave and the chancel and much of the furniture and fittings of the old Cathedral were used to maintain links with the past.
  • Leclère, to lay his heavy hand on the bit of pulsating puppy life, to press and prod and mould till it became a big bristling beast, acute in knavery, overspilling with hate, sinister, malignant, diabolical. Batard
  • St. Paul's, London, the architect had shown that domical vaulting is possible even when the bays of nave or aisles are not square, but pronouncedly oblong. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • There are five honours, viz: - Ace, King, Queen, Knave and Ten, if trumps are declared.
  • The nave of the church could not hold the thousand people who came, and arrangements were made to broadcast the service into other rooms.
  • For plant-lovers the navelworts growing on the walls of an old farm house were spectacular.
  • Commandments broken in a general smash; such rogueries and knaveries as no storyteller could invent; such murders and robberies as Thurtell or Turpin scarce ever perpetrated; — were by my informant accurately remembered, and freely related, respecting his nearest kindred, to any one who chose to hear him. The Virginians
  • The interior is divided into nave and aisles by Corinthian columns with high dosserets that rise to pointed arches.
  • The aisles and nave of the church are connected by arches which are held up by 18 imposing stone pillars made from well chiselled limestone.
  • But far older than even these are the colossal grim circles of saints and apostles who cling to the roof of the choir, and yield in size only to the awful figures of the Saviour, the Virgin, and Saint Paul, enthroned in the _apsides_ of the nave and aisles. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 34, August, 1860
  • One typical press account of the events, datelined Cape Canaveral, stated that ‘the project advanced space exploration and improved Cold War relations between the two countries.’
  • A nao was a Portuguese term nef or nau in French for a full-rigged round ship, with large square-rigged sails on two or three masts, sometimes with a lateen-rigged mizzen and a smaller mast called a bonaventure abaft the mizzen. Champlain's Dream
  • As he chain smokes his way through an interview in his apartment he offers profound insights into the American literary scene in the mid-20th century, but he also spends significant screen time doing little more than contemplating his navel. Charles Thomson: Beat Writers Celebrated at London Film Festival with Mixed Results
  • For some years it was left a roofless ruin, and a building designed for the parish church was afterwards erected within the nave, roofed over at the level of the triforium, and used as a place of worship till 1875, when a new church built in excambion by the Earl of Lothian was opened for worship, and the abbey ruin can now be viewed "clear of that incubus upon its lovely proportions. Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys
  • Gothic architecture has a particular look: the pointed or ogival arch, ribbed vaults, rose windows, towers, and tremendous height in the nave, supported by flying buttresses.
  • There's a difference between thinking someone's strategies are wrong, and thinking them a knave who acts from ignorance at best, and more likely acts from malice.
  • St. Honore, at Paris, sat a man ALONE — a man who has been maligned, a man who has been called a knave and charlatan, a man who has been persecuted even to the death, it is said, in Roman Roundabout Papers
  • It is the breath that radiates outward from the navel to the arms and legs, literally bringing life energy to the extremities.
  • Some very recent examples will suffice to persuade us that piety and knavery are incompatible.
  • “By my honour,” said the baron, “I would gladly know who has dared to array the poor knave thus; and I trust he should dearly aby his outrecuidance, were he the best, save one, in England.” Waverley
  • She dismisses the reform process as an exercise in collective navel gazing.
  • The marplot was the mad-dog Spanish Admiral, whom they encountered on the second day out, when halfway across the Gulf of Gonaves. Captain Blood
  • Bezique is the queen of spades and knave of diamonds, for which the holder scores 40 points.
  • In addition to using these skeletal tetrahedral frames as geological armatures, to hold back the earth and facilitate access, they will also bore through the bedrock, drilling new passages and eroding caverns to dwarf the nave of St. Peter's, wherein they will lock into place as columns, arches and internal buttresses. Accessing the Wilderness, or: A Proposal for a National Park of Abandoned Gold Mines
  • The chancel and nave of the church date back to the 12th century, but it is also believed a Saxon church once stood there before and a Roman building before this.
  • In 1223, a sweet-smelling oil was said to have flowed from William's tomb at the east end of the nave.
  • The Cathedral of Saint-Nazaire-et-Saint-Blaise is similar in quality; it consists of a Romanesque nave that is flanked by aisles and crossed by a transept in early Gothic style.
  • I saw how it had been betwixt you, and I sent him out of my company with a wanion — I would rather have a rifler on my perch than a false knave at my elbow — and now, Master Roland, tell me what way wing ye?” The Abbot
  • On the sixth day there will come forth to thee a black Shaykh, clad all in sable, with a long white beard, flowing down to his navel. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The piercing is usually made just above the navel, and a short, straight bar with screw-on metal balls on either end is inserted through the hole.
  • In the sky, the Pole Star, around which the firmament appears to turn, has been styled the ‘navel of the Heavens'.
  • Yet there was something of majesty, depressed indeed and overclouded, but still grand and imposing, in the manner and words of Father Buonaventure, which it was difficult to reconcile with those preconceived opinions which imputed subtlety and fraud to his sect and order. Redgauntlet
  • Either the god Makemake, or priests or chiefs commanded them to walk or to float through the air, and according to one legend, use was made of a finely crafted stone sphere, 75 cm (2.5 ft) in diameter, called te pito kura (‘the golden navel’ or ‘the navel of light’), to focus the mana. The Eight Wonder of the World – Easter Island | Impact Lab
  • And was this treemanangel on his soredbohmend because Knockout, the knickknaver, knacked him in the knechtschaft? — Finnegans Wake
  • Delphi was no longer the navel of the Greek world, acknowledged point of reference for the competing states.
  • With this holding the King is manifestly most advantageous, as if the Declarer hold Ace, Knave, it will either force the Ace and hold the tenace over the Knave or win the trick. Auction of To-day
  • Eight lead sheets were taken from the roof of the nave after thieves were believed to have shinned up a central-heating flue, and the changes were being made as a direct result of that.
  • Quand il est bien écumé, vous le salez légérement, et y mettez les racines convenables, comme navets, carottes, panais, oignons, cellery et poireaux, avec un clou de gerofle et une racine de persil. Savoring The Past
  • Areas most affected are interdigital folds, flexor aspect of wrists, extensor aspect of elbows, belt line, thighs, navel, penis, areola, abdomen, inter gluteal fold.
  • Eight hung in the nave and three in the apse, with an additional two in the transept.
  • The American poet James Russell Lowell wrote in a letter in 1876: "Is ours a government of the people, by the people, for the people, or a kakistocracy rather, for the benefit of knaves at the cost of fools? Rick Finkelstein: Kakistocracy... A Word You Should Know
  • Shorer '' (navel, umbilical cord), as in Song of Solomon 7: 2: shorer '' (navel, umbilical cord), as in Song of Solomon 7: 2: CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Rupture at the navel is called umbilical hernia; that in the groin either inguinal or femoral, according to slight differences in site. The Home Medical Library, Volume II (of VI)
  • I would rather remain with my unavenged suffering and unsatisfied indignation, even if I were wrong.
  • They will enter a hall of surpassing beauty, with walls of Douglas fir that flow as elegantly as the lines of a fine instrument, a space as soulful in its way as the cathedral's nave.
  • Soo Lin's shirt was tight and small and showed her bare navel, which had the ring in it.
  • The Tyburn, on the Tadcaster Road side of Knavesmire, was where York's gallows were situated from 1379 until 1812.
  • Alan thought this a strange observation from a foreign ecclesiastic, as his name intimated Father Buonaventure to be; but only answered he believed there was such, a family. Redgauntlet
  • Yet, on my confcienee, there are verier knaves defire to live, for all he be a Roman: and there be fome of them too, that die againft their wills -, fo fhould I, if I were one. The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare: In Six Volumes
  • The cylindrical nave columns are studded with gold mosaic and alternating geometrically decorated capitals.
  • The Royal meet will be hosted at York's Knavesmire in June as its home course in Berkshire undergoes a massive facelift.
  • They were seated at the midpoint of the nave, with us facing them backward, that is, toward the narthex rather than the apse of the cathedral.
  • Malvolio, to tie up his legs, perhaps to keep them from running away, these false knaves wore, some of them, ragged boots up to their thighs, while others had no crural coverings at all, and only rough sandals, such as the Indians there use, between their feet and the ground. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 03, January, 1858
  • Without staying to examine the whole structure of a basilica, the reader will easily understand thus much of it: that it had a nave and two aisles, the nave much higher than the aisles; that the nave was separated from the aisles by rows of shafts, which supported, above, large spaces of flat or dead wall, rising above the aisles, and forming the upper part of the nave, now called the clerestory, which had a gabled wooden roof. Stones of Venice [introductions]
  • However, she let down her hair about her body by way of shift, and throwing herself into the basin disported herself and dived like a duck and swam up and down, and took water in her mouth, and spurted it all over the Porter, and washed her limbs, and between her breasts, and inside her thighs and all around her navel. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The second stage of a Delta II rocket is prepared for its shift to vertical alongside the gantry at pad 17A at Cape Canaveral Air Station.
  • Bruno rimasero sulla nave che ognuno vedeva colare a fondo: ma dopo qualche tempo non essendosi visto che cio avveniva, le persone fuggite a terra respinsero la nave nell 'acque: ma il tempestoso mare la ribasto una seconda volta contro i scogli, ed allora si aveva per certo che la nave coll' illustre personaggio, una grande quantita di denari, Life of Lord Byron
  • You could call this navel-gazing, or you could agree that national identity is a vague and powerful thing, and deserves the odd moment of contemplation.
  • The vault in the upper basilica partially collapsed bringing two diagonally opposite quadrants in the east end and nave of the main vault crashing 22 metres to the floor, where they broke into thousands of pieces.
  • When we ask you what time it is (in either Spanish or English) you look up to the clock, and when we say "bellybutton" you grab your navel and laugh. Purple mountains majesty
  • This is revenge theatre that is an exercise in self-referential, stage-centric, obsessive navel-gazing. Times, Sunday Times

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