How To Use Naval In A Sentence

  • Mr Smith said the department's own funds, which have bankrolled major improvements in the naval service, had been well tapped and it was now time to explore new ways of funding.
  • It was picked up on a £300 scanner near Andrew's naval base at Portland, Dorset.
  • New recruits undergo six weeks' basic training at this naval base.
  • In Admiral Spruance, it had found one of the Pacific War's most effective tactical naval commanders.
  • He received his award for service to the preservation and documentation of Australia's naval history and maritime heritage.
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  • Jay Johnson, a naval aviator, that all negative findings by evaluation boards must be reviewed at the Pentagon.
  • Others attempted to storm a naval base, but were turned back by police.
  • In breaks from active service, he farmed in Hampshire, took employment with the Portuguese navy, and was briefly employed as a spy among the naval bases in southern France.
  • Whatever one believes, the accident has left deep anxiety among sailors who have just graduated from naval training and are about to ship out.
  • On Navy Day July 27, 2008 the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky spoke of a revival of Russian naval power over the next decade and declared that the navy would add six carrier battle groups to its complement of warships. News on
  • In April 1899, a coaling station was built in Pago Pago harbor by the U. S. Navy, and in February 1900, a deed of cession was negotiated with Tutuila chiefs by Naval Commander B.F. Tilley.
  • He was wearing a pyjama jacket and a white naval jersey.
  • Back on the waterfront, the most senior man among Reservists, Major General His Grace the Duke of Westminster, paid a visit to the Royal Naval and Royal Marines Reservists at the Royal Naval HQ Merseyside in Liverpool.
  • It hosts the HMCS Trinity centre that gathers and analyses naval intelligence received from national and allied sources. Canadian Naval Officer Charged With Leaks
  • It also developed a new ideology of team and reciprocal protection of air combat formations, and cruise missile salvos by naval ships.
  • When the troops actually got into this situation and found, you know, these hills denuded by naval shellfire and things like this, basically only then did they actually discover what the true nature of the terrain was.
  • The Naval Air Corps was then in its infancy and sorely needed a strong leader and champion.
  • Conventional naval armament based on surface strength has become largely ornamental.
  • Close manoeuvring, defending against air and submarine attacks, naval gunfire shoots, practising replenishment operations at sea and helicopter operations will be among the evolutions which should keep the teenagers excited.
  • Treasure Island Naval Station is set to convert to civilian use when the Navy pulls out in 1997.
  • Concerntug the v* - trade* the force of my argument goes no farther than this; — that its Juppftfliou, by the ISrihfli government only, other nations continuing the trade as ufua\ % who would of cotirfe felSC on what we funender, would anfwer the purpofes of humanity, cither to the negroes tn Africa, or to thofe already in the Weft Indies; and I have quoted* in fupport of this opinion, the authoiitiesof men (naval commander! and others) who arc intimately acquainted with the trade, though no ways intended in its continuance; and I have not yet met with any evidence or argument* to Kivtttdate their testimony. The Monthly Review
  • Gone was the era of gunboat diplomacy, gone the treaty port concessions, gone the specially conceded naval bases, the military missions, the ill-disguised interference in Chinese affairs.
  • From the great American forests would come the timber and naval stores needed to build a bigger navy and merchant marine. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • The new officers passed out from Britannia Royal Naval College on Thursday 1 August.
  • Before he had a chance to die, he spent his remaining years wearing dorky naval hats and creating new rules for his organization.
  • At the jetty were two naval ships, including INS Tir, welcoming beelines of visitors on board.
  • * Navalmoral (287m.), * Talavera de la Reina (328m.), Madrid, Delicias The Story of Eclipses
  • When her father was found in the road after a motorbike crash, it was the end of his naval career. Times, Sunday Times
  • Under the most dangerous conditions, the combination was solved and the safe opened…. the naval cipher book was delivered to an agent, who came to the door of the chancery, had the pages photostatted and came back at 4:40 a.m. Operatives, Spies, and Saboteurs
  • Such appeals were virtually impossible before an order in April 1996 by now-Chief of Naval Operations Adm.
  • It looks familiar, like our own Scottish flag, until you realise that it is a reverse image: the Russian naval ensign is a blue saltire on a white field.
  • Scientists were there to study the marine biology and geology, and naval hydrographers to bring back information to update charts.
  • It might have been naval guns, or mines, or bombs, or even thunder.
  • In addition, other naval vessels with towed passive arrays can transmit their signals to the SURTASS processing system, for analysis as a bistatic or multistatic system. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • For naval aircraft enthusiasts, four of the five Corsairs at Duxford got into the air for formation flyovers and individual passes.
  • The harbor of the naval base seethed with tremendous activity.
  • But America had abundant oak and softwood for hulls, tall timber for masts and spars - and resins to make critical naval stores like tar to protect standing rigging.
  • Its naval forces since then have emphasised the importance of aircraft carriers, defended closely by submarines and destroyers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Be it anti-drugs patrols in the Caribbean, anti-piracy patrols off Somalia, mine clearance in the Persian Gulf or intelligence gathering by nuclear-powered attack submarines, naval operations rarely make the news.
  • The spectacle of the former naval officers washing their dirty linen in public was distinctly embarrassing.
  • The naval high command's response to these developments is rather curious.
  • At sea the crusaders maintained a naval blockade, breached by daring blockade-runners or professional swimmers who delivered messages to the besieged garrison. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was disturbing news to the South, whose naval capabilities were modest.
  • The naval vessel escorted the merchant ship into port.
  • It turned out that Matt's Dad was a naval captain and his mother worked in Hong Kong, so he had to live with his Aunt.
  • Earl, a classmate of North's from the Naval Academy, was privy to quite a lot, including the diversion.
  • Burgess-Dunne aeroboat, the property of Vincent Astor; also Mr. Astor's skilful services as pilot, which he generously offered through his interest in naval affairs and because of his desire to give the world this first account of a sea battle observed from the sky. The Conquest of America A Romance of Disaster and Victory
  • Real naval warfare tends to involve long lulls between actual bouts of combat.
  • The naval gun equilibrator is of new type, which is deferent from the others. The equilibrator has many functions so that a new way is seeked to improve gun's overall performances.
  • The state of the care at Haslar attracted the attention of the top brass, who in 1795 decided that executive command of the establishment would be better in the hands of Naval captains.
  • More important, he's not likely to forget that it was a naval minesweeper that picked him up out of the North Sea. SAN ANDREAS
  • Glancing at our navigation chart, I noticed the Lakehurst Naval Air Station with its huge airship hangars was slightly off course inland.
  • Then I went to work at the Alameda naval air base, as a machinist's helper.
  • Her bodyguards, she said, have deposited her on many week nights on a naval base in Amsterdam, or hustled her off to sleep in different hotels.
  • The epaulettes on the choker tunic of his black naval uniform bore the four stripes of his rank.
  • Mahan did not hold that the ultimate outcome had been preordained - that is, that naval supremacy as such guaranteed victory.
  • The Monitor proved impervious to the Virginia's broadsides and captured the imaginations of naval officials and the public.
  • One boat of refugees was caught in naval crossfire and sunk.
  • Phaseolus vulgaris erythroagglutinin • ConA, concanavalin A • endo H, endoglycosidase H Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
  • The pride of China's naval fleet, wags say, incorporates the very latest in radar-evading stealth technology, so powerful it is as if it didn't even exist.
  • For many years naval officers' pay lagged well behind that of Army officers.
  • Sinclair's first major involvement in intelligence came as director of naval intelligence from 1919 to 1921.
  • Strategically located naval bases capable of berthing the carriers would also have to be constructed, adding to the already burdensome bill.
  • Armed guards aboard the 510 ft ship immediately returned fire and the attack was thwarted, said a spokesman for the European Union's anti-piracy naval fleet.
  • The destruction of the Spanish Armada showed England's superiority as a naval power.
  • She and her husband have moved south to the Black Sea - away from the naval base that was their home.
  • I put him down as a retired naval officer.
  • There are readers who love this kind of sloe eyed, narrow waisted, naval academic excercise in adjectivity. Archive 2006-09-03
  • He earned the respect and friendship of one of the assisting naval officers, a certain Horatio Nelson (who later testified at his trial), and his name was gazetted in the official published reports.
  • New recruits undergo six weeks' basic training at this naval base.
  • His funeral was attended by the principal officers and men of the naval and military forces and of the Marines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Treasure Island Naval Station is set to convert to civilian use when the Navy pulls out in 1997.
  • The salute at the parade was taken by the Naval Base Commander, Commodore Steve Graham.
  • It is expedient to resume the practice, which existed in the not so distant past, of exchanging military specialists, scientific collectives, and major experts in the naval sphere.
  • Three weeks later, on 17 August, a Russian naval frigate found and intercepted the boat some 300 miles off the Cape Verde Islands.
  • The United States is sending a naval task force to the area to evacuate American citizens.
  • In some experiments, alexa 488-conjugated concanavalin A was added at the same time as primary antibodies to visualize the apical brush-border. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • But naval power can never, by itself, win wars except where either island states, or ones dependent on sea power for survival, are the belligerents, or the conflict itself is for control of an island.
  • KUWAIT _ Unarmed Iraqis in civilian clothes crossed into Kuwait for the second time in as many days Monday and removed equipment from a disputed naval base Baghdad considers within its own territory, a U.N. official said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The Confederates were fully aware of this, and as soon as they could, placed on the waters of their rivers and harbors vessels new to naval warfare, called ironclad rams. A School History of the United States
  • Ms Donovan used to teach at the US Naval Academy, where cheating on an engineering test might mean being unprepared when a problem arose on a battle ship.
  • New recruits undergo six weeks' basic training at this naval base.
  • The Naval Sea Systems Command, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division, Dahlgren, Va. is the contracting authority (Contract Number N00178-08-D-5394).
  • It was this maritime vulnerability that made naval politics the most important of all politics.
  • The fatigue life and cumulative damage of ammunition feeding spring in automatic naval gun of medium calibre have been analysed.
  • The Naval Postgraduate School has defined cyberterrorism as the unlawful destruction or disruption of digital property to intimidate or coerce people.
  • Mine countermcasure ship is one of major naval ship types in every navy. Even in modern sea fight conditions, it still plays an important role.
  • In this future setting mankind transposed modern nautical and naval terminology to their spacefaring starships.
  • The entire island was designated a naval base, and villagers were expected to conform to naval standards of hygiene and decorum.
  • Treasure Island Naval Station is set to convert to civilian use when the Navy pulls out in 1997.
  • Britain's biggest advantage over its rivals in the naval arms race was the greater size of its merchant marine and resultant pool of trained seamen.
  • Naval historians would do well to familiarize themselves with his style of narrative, his comprehensive coverage, and scope of research.
  • The company also expanded further into pyrotechnics, predominately naval. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only way to end piracy is to set up a system of coordinated action by naval police.
  • It lies on an American naval base and the only viewing point is 100 metres away.
  • Then I went over to the vice-president's mansion and played tennis at the naval observatory in Washington a bunch of times.
  • Moreover, the frustration of naval limitation did not bring with it an immediate turn to unlimited rearmament.
  • Admiral Denton has also served as a flight instructor and naval test pilot.
  • A special attraction are the Navalgund dhurries, which bear a clear influence of the Kasuti tradition of the north Karnataka region.
  • The Israeli leader admitted that Pollard, a former U.S. naval intelligence analyst serving a life sentence for espionage, "was acting as an agent of the Israeli government.
  • One of those friends was Fred Cooper, a quiet, polite sailor stationed at the naval base at Oxnard.
  • In the Second World War carriers replaced battleships as the capital ships of modern navies because aircraft could perform the functions of naval guns more effectively.
  • No, this won't be a naval skirmish with some oppressive foreign dictator.
  • Further, the rise of British naval power and the continuing eclipse of the Dutch navy during the war meant that Britain was confirmed as a major trading nation and one of the strongest economies of Europe.
  • And still there was not a scrap of information about enemy naval forces.
  • A low level of sialylation and distinctive concanavalin A - and Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • He lost his entire naval fleet and much of his army. Christianity Today
  • A prime example is Duval, a north Florida county that hosts thousands of naval aviators.
  • Two days later, he told naval commanders that there was ‘a limit to our patience’.
  • Instead, the Navy would man and run the ships, and the Naval Security Group would conduct the intercept operations.
  • Desert terrain, boscage and fields in Normandy, destroyed urban centers, a naval facility in Norway, and other locations will be presented to the player throughout the course of the game.
  • Chinese PMCs already have a major ground presence in Africa, Chinese commercial entities are building ports along the shipping lanes from the Middle East to China, and China has the potential to offer naval PMCs to provide security against pirates along major shipping routes. David Isenberg: Changing The Rules With PMC
  • As part of the bicentenary celebrations the Society is producing a facsimile of the Naval Gold Medal for Trafalgar, awarded posthumously to the hero of the Senior Service.
  • Only when the navy had to depend upon landsmen for recruits did it worry about recruit and advanced training; most officers came from the Naval Academy and needed little more than practical experience to function well.
  • The Delta IV submarines are strategic nuclear missile submarines designed to carry out strikes on military and industrial installations and naval bases.
  • The Crimean War yielded inkwells made from Russian cannonballs, and the mainly naval Spanish-American war of 1898 produced souvenirs made from submarine cable cut while under fire, and artillery shells made into cigar cutters.
  • And this custom conforms to military and naval shirt-sleeve order discipline. Times, Sunday Times
  • I mean, as long as the West maintains naval presence in Somalian waters and are able to shoot the pirates, I really couldn’t care less what happens on land in that God-forsaken place. Matthew Yglesias » The End in Somalia
  • But Naval engineers, based in the Islands, repaired the cross, which was flown back by Chinook helicopter.
  • Israel believes that the fly-in was organized after an aid flotilla that planned to bring hundreds of activists to break the Israeli naval blockade on the Gaza Strip was banned from leaving ports in Greece. Israel on Alert as Pro-Palestinian Activists Plan ‘Fly-In'
  • Syncronys' board will vote Feb. 29 on selling the naval ship computer design program maker for $ 440, 000.
  • The 78-foot NISI from Tricon Marine, based in Zhuhai, China, was designed by the U.S. naval architect Ward Setzer.
  • 90 naval aircraft were lost and 31 damaged.
  • The question whether one had a naval involvement or access to the intervention fund was very critical indeed.
  • Aucker "did use, unlawfully possess and exhibit military and naval discharge certificates, knowing the same to be forged, counterfeited or falsely altered," according to a document filed in U.S. District Court in Aucker hit by charge of altering his record
  • Having attacked naval cadets, students, young children and now innocent senior citizens, the music business appears not to fear the consequences of its litigation.
  • Modem military thinkers may make a tripartite classification of topics of military thought into strategy, military operations, and tactics, but such categories were alien to the Byzantines, who knew of such ones as strategy, tactics, stratagems, poliorcetics or the art of besieging a city, and naval warfare. De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History » The Strategy of Heraclius
  • Proponents for moving Lindbergh to Miramar contend that the 24, 000-acre Naval base contains a much better safety zone.
  • The manufacturer is "Chatellerault" and one lays on display at the "Toulon Naval Museum" in France. A friend of mine has an original French Naval cap & Ball pistol Model 1849 in very good condition with the exception of a crack
  • IT'S the world's biggest warship - and packs the most powerful punch in naval history. The Sun
  • The propjet passed over Naval Station Norfolk when pilot Fred Bashara briefly lost focus. - Breaking news
  • A prime example is Duval, a north Florida county that hosts thousands of naval aviators.
  • The naval ship's pantry is stocked with wines, baguettes and pate, and its casual dress code is shorts and sandals.
  • Rising tensions over the South China Sea disturbingly recall the naval race between Britain and Germany during the dreadnaught era that played a key role in triggering World War I. Eric Margolis: The Road to War in Asia
  • IDA assigns sailors in the US navy to new jobs when they finish a tour of duty and has to juggle naval policies, job requirements, changing costs and sailors' needs.
  • In desperation, the ambassador asked the naval attaché and me to help. Times, Sunday Times
  • And with many modern naval operations involving ships working as a group, someone serving in a minehunter, for example, could be transferred to a larger sister ship for treatment.
  • It had been confirmed at an earlier court hearing that'the defendant is a serving naval petty officer on board a nuclear submarine. The Sun
  • Additional soldiers were sent to bolster the defenses at two naval bases.
  • I put him down as a retired naval officer.
  • Allegations of sexual harassment have led to disciplinary proceedings being taken against three naval officers.
  • A naval ship was also anchored off the hotel's beach.
  • It was brewed for low-alcohol content, and was essential in avoiding dehydration for the likes of hardworking dockers and naval men. Times, Sunday Times
  • The air force still retains a commitment to support naval operations by minelaying.
  • This war seemed to vindicate the massive programme of naval expansion and re-equipment that had been pursued since the end of the previous one in 1763.
  • Operational-tactical models provide the basis for mathematical models of naval warfare processes.
  • The next level is represented by countries with sufficiently large naval surface ships.
  • Jeremy Boorda, who was chief of naval operations.
  • The Flydaway was invented by Commander Francis Perrott, a retired naval engineer.
  • In October, he posed as a test pilot at naval air stations in Pensacola, Heroes or Villains?
  • It blamed a naval blockade by Saudi Arabia and its allies for deepening the humanitarian crisis. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the Colonial Era, chemical manufacturing was confined to such rudimentary products as indigo dyes, naval stores, leather, glass, soap, and candles.
  • Several naval aviators have been mentioned for the post, including Adm.
  • Both British naval officers assumed that the engines were in working order as the ship had sailed at speed to Montevideo to escape the Ajax and Achilles.
  • To great prudence, self-control, and judgment, he united the dash, daring, and readiness of resources which have always characterized the famous sailors of the world; and in the victory which made his name renowned in naval annals, he displayed these qualities in such a high degree as to deserve the greatest credit for what he achieved as well as for what, under great temptation, he declined to do. The Story of the Barbary Corsairs
  • Its team of naval architects, electrical engineers, marine engineers and design draughtsmen offer their experience to the shipping industry.
  • There are 160 German naval personnel in Mombasa monitoring the Horn of Africa, presumably for al-Qaeda skiffs and pirate ships.
  • According to a Navy statement, the carrier USS George Washington, currently docked at Yokosuka naval base, detected low levels of radioactivity from the Fukushima plant this morning. U.S. Military Steps Up Quake Relief Efforts
  • August 12th, 2009 Siva, Teja, Venu and Kishore are playing the heroes, while Amruthavalli and Shruti are playing the heroines in 'Bangla' (Amavasya Ardharatri 12 gantalu) under the direction of Srinivas Tarunavalli. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • The president spoke at graduation day for the U.S. Naval Academy.
  • In the past year I have met midshipmen, Air Force cadets, colonels at the Army War College, officers in the Pentagon, air and naval crews at sea, reserve and retired officers, and a variety of civilian defense analysts.
  • Allegations of sexual harassment have led to disciplinary proceedings being taken against three naval officers.
  • After the war wardrooms on warships became the place where young officers learned to love their profession and upgraded their naval and general culture.
  • The show was certainly a lively, fast-moving, hilarious affair salted with quick-firing sallies of naval wit and wisdom.
  • These include a naval base, a composite air unit, a growing communications, intelligence collection, and logistics support infrastructure.
  • Now, in five years, there have been no provocations save one, a naval skirmish in 2002.
  • The fleet was to surrender, but it was scuttled before it reached the naval base at Scapa Flow.
  • PAs tend to be civil servants who work for high-ranking naval officers, generally from rear admiral upwards. Times, Sunday Times
  • I suppose it wouldn't be so bad if in fact the monies it collects from everyday citizens, say a twelve-year old girl or naval cadets, actually went to the artists themselves.
  • Naval historians would do well to familiarize themselves with his style of narrative, his comprehensive coverage, and scope of research.
  • The torpedo gives the Akula a one-shot kill capability against any naval vessel short of an aircraft carrier due to its huge warhead.
  • He built a fort on Pigeon Island on which he perched his telescope; through which he squinted, discovering to unabated delight that his old French foe, Admiral De Grasse, was becalmed along with his naval fleet.
  • He is featured on the cover, placing a line around a bollard as a ship enters port at Newport Naval Base.
  • His orders were to protect the port from naval attack.
  • Allegations of sexual harassment have led to disciplinary proceedings being taken against three naval officers.
  • This made him the ideal choice to fly this naval fighter.
  • The remaining ships, including light cruisers, destroyers, a scattering of gunboats, and a large number of both naval and army auxiliaries were left as decoys for the Task Force 58 planes.
  • Who can name the old hindi movie in which Deepti Naval wins the heart of FIL, Uttpal Dutt with bought out kachoris smuggled into the kitchen by a ever naughty Saeed Jaffery, saying that the bahu rani has made them? Pyaz Ki Kachori
  • The Israeli leader admitted that Pollard, a former U.S. naval intelligence analyst serving a life sentence for espionage, "was acting as an agent of the Israeli government.
  • He graduated last year from the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland and is currently ranked as an ensign, having served aboard the USS Gettysburg.
  • The parliament called upon member states to immediately restrict the use of high intensity active naval sonar in waters under their jurisdiction.
  • The American and Japanese navies took the lead in the development of naval aviation.
  • The island became very influenced by America and was a base to America's huge Pacific naval fleet.
  • Nato also has dispatched seven frigates, a destroyer, and an auxiliary oiler to the Mediterranean to take the place of American naval assets there.
  • The first phase was designed as an independent attempt to force the Dardanelles by naval power alone; the second phase was an amphibious assault and a land campaign.
  • Naval officials, representatives from state-run China Shipbuilding and civilian shipbuilders attended the hearing, hosted by an opposition party lawmaker.
  • His book is not the work of a scholar but of a naval officer who has come up from the ranks. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Recognizing it to be a naval auxiliary, the Shackleton stood off.
  • Jay Johnson, a naval aviator, that all negative findings by evaluation boards must be reviewed at the Pentagon.
  • It will track suspicious vessels and relay the information to manned naval patrols. Times, Sunday Times
  • He argued that the shah remained a threat to the islands despite diplomatic warnings and air and naval patrols.
  • Tall ships and historic vessels were used as a backdrop for a recreation of a 19th Century Naval clash, set to sound and music.
  • But Joe soon discovered that naval officials in Rangoon had no record of his Kunming telegram.
  • She noted that government scientists investigating a number of cetacean beachings had attributed them to naval exercises involving mid-frequency sonar.
  • She dispatched a naval task-force to the islands amidst a revival of popular jingoism, and refused to allow mediation efforts to stand between her and a complete military victory.
  • The last part was purposely left blank because we do not share the top notch naval engineering firms and talent know how as trade confidentiality.
  • When he reached twelve his father cut short his education and procured him a naval cadetship in March 1800.
  • The only way to get here in the old days was aboard a Chilean naval vessel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Queen Ranavalona does not like darkness, so we condemned it at once -- unanimously -- for we could not for a moment tolerate anything with _darkness_ in it. The Fugitives The Tyrant Queen of Madagascar
  • The 550-acre naval station at Treasure Island is one of 29 California military bases closed in 1993 by Congress.

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