/ˈnævəˌhoʊ, ˈnɑvəˌhoʊ/
- the Athapaskan language spoken by the Navaho
- a member of an Athapaskan people that migrated to Arizona and New Mexico and Utah
How To Use Navajo In A Sentence
- The Navajo made a tea of spotted coralroot used as a lotion for ringworm or skin disease.
- Consequently a number of Navajo Indians were drafted into the US army as radiomen, and would have soldiers assigned to them to protect them and prevent them falling into enemy hands.
- This Navajo folk tale describes the creation of the Earth.
- Modern Hopis and Navajos parade as hoary traditionalists, rightful stewards by ancestral occupance.
- He writes taut, thrilling mysteries, delicately set against the backdrop of the sprawling Navajo Reservation.
- Guadalupe, the "wrangler," appeared from an inner room, looking like a chief of the Navajo tribe, so burdened was he with the bright-hued Blue Bonnet's Ranch Party
- A knot of walkers wanders up the trail to Weeping Rock, where springs emerge from the base of cliffs at the contact point between porous Navajo sandstone and impermeable Kayenta shale.
- When they hit Navajo Route 9 and headed west toward Gallup, Bernie decided she had to know. THE WAILING WIND
- In this country, mandalic art can be found in the Navajo sand paintings and in many American quilts.
- Folklore gets its due in intriguing descriptions of the Navajo Indians’ ‘coyote people,’ and even Dracula makes a guest appearance as one of the most popular shape-shifters ever.