How To Use Nature In A Sentence
A lot of human nature can be traced to instinctive behaviors evolved in harder times.
ProWomanProLife » Why am I so skeptical?
The abrupt facies shift, bioturbation and cemented nature of the surfaces suggests that they represent marine flooding surfaces, formed during a rapid rise in relative sea level and/or a reduction in sediment supply.
The model nature of Windsor involved imitation, as of the Tudor style, to make a statement with a lot of leisure about it.
It seems to embrace a lot of our speculations here about the willful nature of ideas, and works well for things within our conscious realm, from babies to ballpoints.
Also, it is difficult to get across diagrammatically the iterative nature of grounded theory - in particular its commitment to the idea that data collection and analysis occur in parallel.
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It highlights key facets of presidential policies and priorities, difficulties and conflicts, while charting the developing nature of the office.
And Buddhism and Hinduism were sketched out in the India issue: the less personalised and politicised nature of these religions makes it easier.
Nature and politics abhor a vacuum.
Times, Sunday Times
So there is a perennial temptation to appeal to the idea of arbitrariness when discussing the alleged informational nature of some biological causation.
Biological Information
From peeper scopes to duct tape -- learn more about the cool tools Nature Conservancy scientists use to solve conservation issues.
Conservation Tools: 'Very Pistols,' Underwater Paper, Amphibious Vehicles And Other Cool Gadgets Used By The Nature Conservancy Scientists (PHOTOS)
Part 6 of the Shadow of the Bat (27: 00) takes another thoroughly extensive featurette that concentrates on dissecting the "toyetic" nature of
DVD Talk
In nature there are no groundless talk, the earth will not form.
In spring nature wakes from her long winter sleep.
If you are a Nature subscriber, or willing to pay the weregild, my short story "Annie Webber" is live there today.
Anonymous moves into the real world, calling for flash-crowd style protests on February 10th.
Such a cynosure, at least in aspect, and something such too in nature, though with important variations made apparent as the story proceeds, was welkin-eyed Billy Budd, or Baby Budd, as more familiarly under circumstances hereafter to be given he at last came to be called, aged twenty-one, a foretopman of the British fleet toward the close of the last decade of the eighteenth century.
Billy Budd
Why then do we long to embrace incorporeality and flee our embodied natures?
VARIOUS LEATHER PICTURE, It's a high classic decoration , made by hand, use nature color and veins of leather to make design, it shows obvious stereoscopy like relief sculpture but softly .
Offensive junk mail, in particular that of an adult nature has become increasingly an issue to all of us onliners and site owners alike.
By its nature it will be great for political rights management, because it's an enormously penetrative surveillance tool, and it makes it hard to do anything anonymously involving a computer.
Getting deeper into the study of morality showed me that human nature is very much two-sided; for every bad side to our nature, there's a good one.
Animals are humanized, that is, the kinship between animal and human life is still keenly felt, and this reminds us of those early animistic interpretations of nature which subsequently led to doctrines of metempsychosis.
The Art of the Story-Teller
Given the complexities and plural nature of urban development other agencies must be closely involved.
Which is a long-winded way of saying that human nature will play a part in deliberations.
Times, Sunday Times
It is believed however than none of the four were from the Sligo area, despite the secluded nature of the beach.
Staff are still collating signatures to find out exactly how many people took part.
The nature of both universal and human expression is identical, the universal being mirrored in the human entity.
He expanded this idea to the propose the ‘deep, hot biosphere’ which both generates methane and adds biogenic signatures to inorganic petroleum, and that part, at least, is looking more correct every year.
I have always loved documenting the beauty and awesomeness of nature.
The family made the amazing find while on a nature ramble in the woods.
Perhaps this contradictory nature is the key to its undeniable appeal.
Times, Sunday Times
It's fun, quick and delivers an individual colour signature to each person.
Times, Sunday Times
Of course, a sense of catharsis is central to a book of this nature.
The nature reserve is covered with quarry pits, grooves, and mines resulting from Roman and later workings.
It is the structural nature of centre-periphery relations that explains the nature of international politics and economics.
E-Mail etiquette requires some kind of signature at the end of a message, despite the header that appears with each incoming item.
We had the tradition of preserving food and drink for long time consumption, by watching when the leaves began to fall and when there were changes happening to Nature.
Two monks are standing in the garden of the monastery, arguing over the nature of reality when the Roshi overhears them.
He typically determines the nature and level of the demands to be made of a polluter.
That, and his extraordinary capacity for self-sacrificing friendship, loyalty and sweet-natured nannying, have been his quadruple of acclaimed lifetime's high-lights.
Nature was obviously having fun here, chiselling the rocks.
The feelgood factor, a staple of Hollywood, is binned in favour of emotional truth and the complexities of human nature.
Nature notes Autumn colours are now becoming more noticeable, though large swathes of the countryside are still quite green.
Times, Sunday Times
Yes, there is an abrasive nature to his character.
Times, Sunday Times
But the true nature of his dilemma constantly threatened to extinguish it.
The habitat suitability selection models were established for nesting of Grey heron(Ardea cinerea)in Zhalong National Nature Reserve.
Further work is needed at the conceptual level in this area to determine the exact nature of the constraints required.
The actress is frequently locked into playing a stoic, good-natured sufferer with a look of passive resignation about her.
Things which experience gradual withdrawings and emptyings of their nature, and great and sudden replenishments, fail to perceive the emptying, but are sensible of the replenishment; and so they occasion no pain, but the greatest pleasure, to the mortal part of the soul, as is manifest in the case of perfumes.
In Mr. Barthel's homeland, nudism had taken root among young people as an expression of physical fitness and harmony with nature.
Wearing Only a Smile, Nudists Seek Out the Young and the Naked
However, introduction of songs which are rather playful in nature is quite new to the Gondi culture.
The freaks of nature displayed here appealed to peoples’ prejudice, their unquenchable curiosity for the outlandish and the unknown, and the paradoxical human attraction and repulsion for the diseased and deformed.
Close inspection makes one marvel at the intricate perfection of nature opposed to the finest fashion houses.
If slavery is natural, and if nature intends to distinguish the slave from the unfree, the free from the unfree, ? how can nature miss the mark?
Rightness, considered in its own nature, does not belong to what I do.
Old deliberate contemplations, perceptions after long regard ingathered from abundant nature, theories leisurely compacted in sunshine or storm, to stand in the fields of memory, crowned with beauty by the indulgent years.
Apologia Diffidentis
These would need to be based upon deeper and deeper insights into the nature of the mathematics involved.
Art is seen as an exercise in fine motor skills or appreciation of nature and not as a creative activity.
The musical instruments symbolize an underlying harmony behind nature's powers, to which the successful alchemist must himself be attuned.
But when nature's protective mechanism overcompensates and precautions aren't taken, there is a danger of blood clots.
The divided and conquered nature of the country has made it easy for oil to be tapped without raising the ire of countries worldwide.
It was a metaphor that predicted the nature of the many problems that have beset excessively large inner urban secondary schools in the intervening years.
Times, Sunday Times
Second, the Employment Tribunal's decision should be read generously and not overturned merely because of infelicitous or inappropriate statements which were looking at the matter in the round, of an inessential nature.
This loveable rascal is probably best known for the Jamaican ska beat that is the signature of much of his song-writing.
Her tag line; "Upande Mwingine - Kila simulizi lina pande mbili .. hili ni langu" (Another side - every story has two versions … this is my version) gives one a peak into the nature of her blog's content.
Global Voices Online
The view of the unbroken forest canopy stretching away to the horizon defies description; it is a vision of a world untroubled by time, a revelation of the hugeness and wholeness of nature.
In bess mountain area, the problem of drainage becomes a nodus because of the special nature of bess and terrain . The nodus must be solved immedialtely.
A notice in Nature the following year described his representation of the attitudes of human locomotion by means of sculpture.
It was 20 minutes into the game when any prospect of good-natured banter disappeared.
The Police range will even include a Beckham signature model.
In truth, she could not have known she had fallen into this realm as the mere awareness of self and location whether spatial or otherwise would negate the very nature of the state itself.
Despite increased understanding of the nature of the disease in general, the factors that contribute to symptomatic destabilization are little studied and much remains conjectural.
He lived in close communion with nature/God.
The full range, extent, and nature of Starsmore’s psychic abilities remain unrevealed.
Marvel Thursday Thirteen -
She has a dreamy romantic nature.
The Servian action is that by which a landlord sues for his tenant's property, over which he has a right in the nature of mortgage as security for his rent; the quasi-Servian is a similar remedy, open to every pledgee or hypothecary creditor.
The Institutes of Justinian
The photosynthetic technique for transferring energy from one molecular system to another should make any short-list of Mother Nature's spectacular accomplishments.
Yet necessary public-health interventions are by nature paternalistic: think fluoridation of municipal water supplies, compulsory vaccinations and mandatory reporting of communicable diseases.
The person who taps the keys here over the signature "revere" (or sometimes "Revere"; it's at most one at a time) is not Paul Revere.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
Fresh basil may well be the signature herb of summer, perfuming our gardens and flavoring our foods with its delightful clovelike essence.
The approach is preliminary in nature and there can be no certainty that an offer will ultimately be forthcoming.
Our legal system is fundamentally an adversary system - and this solution would betray its very nature.
The extent to which the carrier has to undertake the loading of the vessel may depend not only upon different systems of law but upon the custom and practice of the port and the nature of the cargo.
The second chapter, by quoting a typical case, compares the different opinions on the legal nature of import bill discount, which is the key of the controversy on legislation.
And such is the infatuating efficacy of their prejudicate persuasion herein, that it hath had two marvellous effects; -- the one against the light of nature, and the other against the fundamental principles of religion.
The Sermons of John Owen
He thinks it so; otherwise, He would not have revealed His Trinitarian Nature until a more 'opportune' time.
Tissier de Mallerais speaks The details of the doctrinal talks
Kant's pessimism was based on his conception of the nature of living organisms.
Yet it was only by selection, editing and rearrangement that the facts of nature were marshalled.
However, Nature, that at first sight appears so lovely, is on consideration almost always incomplete; moreover, there is no painting intertangled foliage without losing half its beauties.
The Mind of the Artist Thoughts and Sayings of Painters and Sculptors on Their Art
Atlantic and the Pacific oceans, has been accompanied by results of a most interesting and impressive nature, and has created new conditions, not in the routes of commerce only, but in political geography, which powerfully affect our relations toward and necessarily increase our interests in any transisthmian route which may be opened and employed for the ends of peace and traffic, or, in other contingencies, for uses inimical to both.
State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
Speaker / signature verification systems will be developed.
Otherwise, why else would the Deity feel the need to impose laws that repress human nature?
The nature of men is described as often having a natural depravity that is hidden inside respectability.
a pliant nature
Fortunately, we drew a rational, deliberative judge, unswayed by the case's racially charged nature: a poor black kid against a rich white Ivy Leaguer.
He watched the heavy blue fabric shredded open with the ragged capillary signature of summer lightning.
The twelfth, _bayoguin_, signified a "cotquean," a man whose nature inclined toward that of a woman.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 07 of 55 1588-1591 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
Such bigeneric cross plants do occur rarely in nature, and have at times also been artificially created in the horticultural field.
Despite the challenging nature of his work to date, Aronofsky is unrepentant about his plans to enter the mainstream with his next film.
Holiness answers audience questions addressing the situation of Tibet, goal of bodhicitta, nature of enlightened mind, future of the Dalai Lama institution, compatibility of Buddhist practices with theistic faith, universal purpose of human life, practice of patience towards harm-doers, subtle energy and mind, and the Heart Sutra mantra.
Nagarjuna's Bodhichitta Commentary
The first he would have described as a natural system - like a primitive state of nature, an uncivilized, anarchic world where the most powerful tyrannize the rest.
(He pointed at the bundle she held, while she nodded proudly, beaming on me with good-nature and consciousness of success and prosperity.) "This overcoat is as good as a blanket," he went on, advancing the skirt of it that I might feel its thickness.
The camera captures Rico's observant nature as he gazes in envy at a mob leader's jeweled cravat, diamond pinky ring, and stock of fine cigars.
In stark contrast to its nature during the foundational period in the 1970s and early 1980s, the Commission in large measure both sets the Community agenda and acts as a power broker in the legislative process.
We may then sum up by saying that Lord Byron generally established on an impregnable rock, guarded by unbending principles, those great virtues to which principles are essential; but that, after making these treasures secure -- for treasures they are to the man of honor and worth -- once having placed them beyond the reach of sensibility and sentiment, he may sometimes have allowed the _lesser virtues_ (within ordinary bonds) such indulgence as flowed from his kindly nature, and such as his youth rendered natural to a feeling heart and ardent imagination.
Lord Byron jugé par les témoins de sa vie. English
The book with its various signatures and the exhibition title encapsulate the continuing dynamic of the oral-literate interaction over the Treaty.
Book & Print in New Zealand: A Guide to Print Culture in New Zealand
We were concerned that witnesses disagreed about the nature of demand for urgent and emergency care.
Times, Sunday Times
At Ingolstadt, the branchlike ribs are disjunctively representational, carved with protruding nubs or twigs signaling their botanical nature.
As these methods had yielded such splendid results from nature, they must have something to say about human societies.
When making a decision of minor importance, I have always found it advantageous to consider all the pros and cons. In vital matters, however, such as the choice of a mate or a profession, the decision should come from the unconscious, from somewhere within ourselves. In the important decisions of personal life, we should be governed, I think, by the deep inner needs of our nature. Sigmund Freud
The number of individuals is infinite; the generic or specific nature of all being is a unit, or to be apprehended as one only thing; from this one conception we give the genuine measures of all existence, and therefore we affirm that a certain class of beings are rational and discoursive.
Essays and Miscellanies
An ethics based on this undertanding focuses not on rationally finding, mapping, and teaching the real nature of reality, nor on pluralistically respecting irreconcilable differences while recognizing a simultaneous unity, but instead on drawing connections between different methods of making meaning and on coordinating the actions of people using different conceptual frameworks.
Karl Higley - Spirit, Kosmos, Essence
The web of life, the biocenose, the biotic community, the ecosystem — all terms relating to the same kinds of concept — have broadened and deepened the opportunities for studying the relation of nature and culture, particularly changes in the natu - ral order.
Some current assets are by nature needed to maintain the company operations and would not normally be available to meet short-term obligations.
Now General Electric have gone one better than nature and made a diamond purer than the best quality natural diamonds.
It thus promises to take us beyond the Nature-Society dualism organising both previous Marxian work on nature and versions of bourgeois technocentrism and radical ecocentrism.
If you go against nature, it will punish you.
I do not believe there is in nature such a full-acorned Boar. [
The Journal of Sir Walter Scott From the Original Manuscript at Abbotsford
European officials, however, tend to be more confident about their ability to predict, based on theory, likely effects in the future and are somewhat more skeptical of the self-correcting nature of markets.
Those people who need others to confirm their sense of existence fear solitude and find nature's indifference to human beings unendurable.
In the Spanish procedure a ratification of such an agreement has to be approved by both chambers of parliament before it is put to the signature of the King.
The complementary substances or substituent groups with which these nuclei are more or less firmly combined in nature exert a stabilizing and perhaps otherwise favorable influence on the curative nucleus, but do not themselves possess the vitamine type of physiological potency.
The Vitamine Manual
Doctors found it hard to establish the precise nature of her illness.
A frequent accusation levelled against the nouveau roman and, indeed, both modernism and postmodernism is their apolitical nature.
As competition from Asia increases and shareholders clamour for ever faster growth some regard the inward-looking nature of the family corporate setup as untenable.
The tartan army, for many a source of national pride as a good-natured counterpoint to prevailing hooliganism elsewhere, is now routinely derided in the press for its apparent buffoonery and lack of knowledge of the beautiful game.
Her ability to understand, to perceive the nature of the truth was what was being tested.
Nature notes Birds still move about in the mist and fog if these are not too dense, and one can sometimes hear an invisible bird.
Times, Sunday Times
But John Gittins has never lost sight of the fact that man must work in harmony with nature.
Human nature being what it is, books will gradually disappear and get chucked in the bin.
It is knowing this about human nature that we set up safeguards to prevent us from being our worst.
Nature Communications - a multidisciplinary, onlin...
Evidence Based Library and Information Practice 4/3
It is a truism of Catholic thinking that grace builds on nature.
The unsuspended prison sentence is rare for white-collar crimes of this nature.
Times, Sunday Times
Examples of National Parks worldwide demonstrate that nature conservation does not mean excluding people.
By nature generous, Matt sometimes paid for his friends' drinks when they had no money.
Mahmoud had been unable to uncover anything of a personal nature which might have prompted the attack.
It doesn't get any easier as the chefs come together for their next challenge - cooking their signature dishes for the three judges.
Times, Sunday Times
The new place name signs and the canal walk and nature trail also came in for praise.
Our notions of order and disorder stand in stark contrast to the dynamic artistry of the integral beauty of things as they are in nature.
John was a much loved and respected member of the community, known for his upright and honest nature.
The doctor could not help laughing at the sort of "moue" she made: when he laughed, he had something peculiarly good-natured and genial in his look.
Consult your accommodation office for further help with individual contracts before putting your signature to them.
Many queued for up to 30 minutes for a chance to add their signature.
Again, if the United States be not a government proper, but an association of States in the nature of contract merely, can it, as a contract, be peaceably unmade by less than all the parties who made it?
By their very nature, underworld deals are negotiated and sealed in cloak-and-dagger secrecy.
These are examples of a growing body of research that suggests humans have an affinity towards nature.
The era Gill refers to as ‘colonial’ has both a more extended temporal continuity and a more contingent nature.
They define sexual harassment as unwanted conduct of a sexual nature.
To him however that feels the same disgust and loathing, the same unutterable shuddering, as I feel, start up within him and shoot through his whole frame at the sight of them, these miscreate deformities, such as toads, beetles, or that most nauseous of all Nature's abortions, the bat, are not indifferent or insignificant: their very existence is a state of direct enmity and warfare against his.
The Old Man of the Mountain, The Lovecharm and Pietro of Abano Tales from the German of Tieck
And when they farm - if they farm at all - they do so inefficiently, in smallholdings, largely at the mercy of nature.
Someone stole my credit card and forged my signature.
While the children may have acted according to the simplicity of their nature and were not considered legally or morally responsible for their actions, the annalist implied that adults should have known better.
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
Such is human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers.
The development of western civilization is predicated on the ambition to achieve mastery over nature and to manipulate it unrestrictedly.
But the nature of research is such that the results cannot be anticipated, so predicting what the next major advancements will be is really informed guesswork.
An old stone cottage forms an important landmark on this vast peatland nature reserve.
Stern and serious moral advice to women on how to behave has a sweeter-natured sister.
This argument presupposes a consensus on the nature of the international crimes we have just questioned.
And this is the only symptom whereby we find out and discern the nature of threatened impendent judgments.
The Sermons of John Owen
The competitive infatuation with ‘signature’ skyscrapers may continue to get the publicity, but some of the best young talents are staking their claims and reputations on the ground.
By exploring the nature of power, some of the weaknesses of the objective analysis of behaviouralism can be identified.
It is the nature of folly to see the faults of others and forget his own.
In a quick tour, he points out the pupfish pond, a nature trail, and the cactus and native plants, all labeled so you can distinguish a teddy bear cholla from a beavertail cactus.
There are human conflicts, but they are by their nature curable, because there's always a higher principle, lurking in the background.
I hadn't imagined I would have such an intimate contact with the raw fury of nature.
It boasted of the clean and long-lasting nature of the product.
The trick is to cage these animal natures in effective institutions: education, the law, government.
This oil painting is true to nature.
Especially the flowerage of spring time, with its many wild flowers and the rows of fruit trees along the fairways, make even the most ambitious golf player stop and contemplate nature's dazzling beauty.
To achieve their goals, proponents typically rely on permaculture design in planning the sites, looking to nature as a model.
Sometimes nature's contribution can be of questionable taste.
Times, Sunday Times
While this increase or decrease in many instances is a natural fight of nature against the intrusion of opposing elements into the body, it frequently assumes dimensions that are most unpleasant and seriously impair the health, such as catarrhal conditions, all of which are due to poor or degenerated cells of this tissue.
Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
Nature is as well adapted to our weakness as to our strength. Henry David Thoreau
They are in the nature of a proposed amended writ of summons, a summons for directions and an affidavit in each of the matters and a list of authorities in each of the matters.
Cranmer does not intend to delve into the divisive arguments which confronted the Early Church on the nature of Christ's divinity and his humanity, but to focus on the controversy which has been caused by a statue of Jesus with an erect penis, which is on display at the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art in Gateshead.
And he shows that all those comminations and threats which we read in the Scriptures of the New Testament in no way belong to the nature of the Gospel properly so called, but are the confirmation of the law.
He had partially unveiled the face of Nature, but her immortal lineaments were still a wonder and a mystery.
Chapter 2
When the troops actually got into this situation and found, you know, these hills denuded by naval shellfire and things like this, basically only then did they actually discover what the true nature of the terrain was.
His request was in the nature of a command.
But the presence or absence of their mother may make all the difference in determining which is which, according to new research published online yesterday in Nature Neuroscience.
Mother’s Presence can Override Fear | Impact Lab
A painter should begin every canvas with a wash of black, because all things in nature are dark except where exposed by the light. Leonardo da Vinci
The enquiry will be more in the nature of a public meeting than a formal hearing.
But when restraints to which he had long been accustomed and to which he yielded passive obedience were removed, and he was left in a condition of license, all the abeyant passions of his undisciplined nature were brought into prominence and antagonism with an environment where reciprocal obligations have not always found their highest expression.
The American Negro: What He Was, What He Is, and What He May Become: A Critical and Practical Discussion
If a man is not thrilled by intimate contact with nature: with the sun, with the earth, which is his origin and the arouser of his acutest emotions --
Literary Taste: How to Form It With Detailed Instructions for Collecting a Complete Library of English Literature
Are New Agers just simply home-grown nature-lovers, or are they one of the greatest dangers to confront Christendom?
It is the unmanaged Nature that stressed our developing beings to make us strong, that provided not only physical sustenance but the avenues for both love and loss: the genesis of human compassion.
They argue that grades artificialize the learning process and teach the kids to think in terms of a desired grade instead of in terms of what they might be learning, and that grades also artificialize the nature of the relationship between the teacher and the student, encouraging the student to see the teacher as the dispenser of grades rather than a mentor or interlocutor.
How can we provide our pets with nutrition closer to what nature intended?
There is also hassling and teasing and good-natured joshing that to an adult looks like vicious bullying but to a child is something different.
We love the imperfect shapes in nature and in the works of art, look for an intentional error as a sign of the golden key and sincerity found in true mastery. Dejan Stojanovic
He has his father's suspicious nature.
The ill-natured Marx, the venomous Lenin, the murderous Stalin all had a deep-seated loathing of all those who disagreed with them.
He, learning that she now employs his page, is astonished at her unsuspicious nature.
In the oxygen-deprived nightmare that is Nordic skiing, it helps to be a freak of nature.
The laws of Nature, that is to say the laws of God, plainly made every human being a law unto himself, we must steadfastly refuse to obey those laws, and we must as steadfastly stand by the conventions which ignore them, since the statutes furnish us peace, fairly good government and stability, and therefore are better for us than the laws of God, which would soon plunge us into confusion and disorder and anarchy if we should adopt them.
Owning a car involves a lot of expense - that's the nature of the beast.
We love the imperfect shapes in nature and in the works of art, look for an intentional error as a sign of the golden key and sincerity found in true mastery. Dejan Stojanovic
The Walker A, Walker B, and ABC signatures are boxed.
But this still suggests that a large share of the total decline is cyclical in nature.
Times, Sunday Times
Human nature is greedy, devious and sleazy, and most salacious tabloid stories are merely reflecting that fact.