
How To Use Naturally In A Sentence

  • Naturally, this makes interpersonal relations, especially with societies unexposed to the advantages of the American lifestyle, a little difficult.
  • Labour is naturally a bit shell-shocked finding itself out of office for the first time in 13 years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Distrust naturally creates distrust, and by nothing is good-will and kind conduct more speedily changed than by invidious jealousies and uncandid imputations, whether expressed or implied.
  • However, added the mayor, city hall will naturally respect the court's order, whatever it may be.
  • But a tiny, naturally-occurring steviol glycoside constituent (about two to four percent of a whole leaf) of the plant, called rebaudioside A (also known as reb A, rebiana, stevia extract), was passed into Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS) status by the FDA in 2008. Pooja R. Mottl: Can Stevia Solve Our Obsession With Sweetness?
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  • Naturally, her husband was very pleased and only too happy to oblige with the ‘work.’
  • The director organised two-day hippy schools for his extras, in which they were shown news clips from 1969 and instructed in hippy speak until such antiquated terms as 'crashpad', 'dig' and 'groovy' came naturally. Latest articles - Radio Prague
  • similar to the tangerine"; kalamansi, meanwhile, also known as calamondin orange, is a naturally-occurring hybrid between a type of tangerine and a type of kumquat. FoodNavigator RSS
  • Pride slays thanksgiving, but a humble mind is the soil out of which thanks naturally grow. A proud man is seldom a grateful man, for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves. Henry Ward Beecher 
  • Despite the apparent commonness of blonde hair, which accounts for a third of British women, Tobin said only about 3% were naturally blonde.
  • The exotic flowers we crossbred on the farm never lasted as long as the wild ones which grew naturally.
  • Incidentally, while this naturally brings up an analogy to the constitutional right to an abortion, the analogy is complex.
  • Some of those nearest to him fell naturally into the habit of referring to him as “the King,” and in time the title crept out of the immediate household and was taken up by others who loved him. Mark Twain: A Biography
  • Most fledgling parents or parents-to-be feel duty-bound to invest in some sort of guide to looking after a new baby, and publishers, naturally, feel duty-bound to take advantage of that by churning out one guide after another.
  • The animal model used in this study is the naturally occurring canine mammary tumor.
  • In comparing different voices and different accounts, he naturally finds many discrepancies. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I think there would be a certain amount of consensus about that, even amongst the most quixotic and naturally amorous of us.
  • Scamp had an airtight alibi, naturally, but then again young Leakey never said who exactly had done it.
  • Our programmes were of the highest order, the voices pure and full without this abominable tremolo which is unknown to a person who knows how to sing correctly and naturally. Sixty Years of California Song
  • Naturally the availability of what we have today was unthought of and in most cases seemed impossible, but most television sets were capable of providing at least up to four basic channels.
  • ‘She's naturally flirtatious and not exactly shy about being charming towards gentlemen ’, says one who has experienced her allure.
  • Making money came naturally to him.
  • Success has come so naturally that the young Italian exudes an innate, unquestioned belief in his own talents.
  • These are not the sorts of cases where prosecutorial discretion naturally disfavors prosecution.
  • The elegant cinematography is the work of Jeff Cronenweth (who comes by it naturally; his late father, Jordan, was one of the best shooters of his time). 'Social Network': Password Is Perfection
  • Naturally, the epitaph on his tombstone should read ‘Th-that-that's all folks!’
  • Thus, according to the Chinese, people in whom the liver is too full of blood and hence hard and congested, will be naturally irritable.
  • Cancer cells look too much like normal cells and most cancers (perhaps virally caused cancers are an exception) are probably expressing only genes that naturally are expressed in human cells.
  • Angus cattle are naturally polled and this is passed onto future generations even when crossbred.
  • They are also quite preternaturally ugly, bringing a rude abbreviation to the extension of the leg and drawing attention to the unbeautiful formlessness of the shoe, and the cheapness of its material and fabrication.
  • Read the text naturally; don't strain after effects.
  • Naturally, I was appalled to discover that Knog's entire product line is simply a cheap ruse to smuggle sapphist erotica into America. Conspiracy By Mail: The Hidden Dangers of Online Bicycle Retail
  • Baker suggests three possible reasons why human sinus bones should be naturally magnetic.
  • Because he's been chronically underweight since before hitting puberty, his body is used to having to survive on unnaturally low weights, but there's a limit to how much it can take.
  • Water from the aquarium tanks is pumped over the top of rafts of brown algae, which feed on the nutrients in the water and help clean it naturally, as they would out on the reef.
  • One week after this story was written, the top 20 pop albums in the United States included records by fresh-faced adolescents the Beatles, teen sensation Bob Seger, twentysomething heartthrob Frank Sinatra, a barely-postpubescent but preternaturally-talented Bob Marley, recent high school graduate Rod Stewart, former boy band member Johnny Cash, newly-discovered youth sensation Barry White, and a band whose name is synonymous with "teenage rebellion": Pink Floyd. Sirilyan Diary Entry
  • What is it about this particular ceremony that obligates people to travel vast distances, buy expensive casserole dishes, wear unnaturally tidy clothes, and take stupid numbers of photographs?
  • By this action, the highly elastic axis must be bent at the lower extremity, where it is naturally slightly curved; and I imagine it is by this elasticity alone that the zoophyte is enabled to rise again through the mud. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • Graphene doesn't naturally have a bandgap, which is necessary for most electronic applications," said IBM Fellow Phaedon Avouris, who oversees the company's carbon-based materials efforts. Softpedia News - Global
  • And it sounds like Jim and his wife, by not using the term stepfamily, that can be a very beneficial thing because they weren't putting labels on individuals, and therefore, they were removing the expectation that naturally comes with those labels. NPR Topics: News
  • Naturally trustful people must never be given a good reason to become cynical, for cynicism is the enemy of every honor system.
  • This naturally resulted in a magical duel, which Crowley eventually won.
  • Damages are assessed on the basis of the damage naturally arising from the breach and in the contemplation of the parties.
  • Naturally this had immediate consequences for the destitute fed by the church chest that rich believers funded.
  • Naturally after any teleport jump they would only rematerialise where solid matter was present. Starless Realm
  • Laying over on his long journey south, Grayson found that the failure to decide the location of the future capital, in whatever location, Pennsylvania or the Potomac, “is much reprobated in this City”; much of that opprobrium, naturally, fell on Morris. Robert Morris
  • He got to wear his lovely yellow silk gown—the one he wore as Juliet he fretted over the tear in the sleeve and blames Becka, naturally. Exit the Actress
  • Let's be honest, the tan-demic is really fashion's fault: In the last five years we've seen a very bohemian/hippie/California-girl style reign supreme, and naturally (no pun intended), what goes better with boho than a faux glow (or Uggs, for that matter)? Verena von Pfetten: Tan Is The New Tacky
  • Naturally, the narcissist is attracted to the codependent's lack of self-worth and low self-esteem.
  • The two principal alternatives to the explanation that crop circles are made by humans are that they are made by extraterrestrials, or that they are made naturally by wind vortices.
  • Naturally, this meant a hefty amount of foreign travel.
  • So naturally he felt a force-feeding ban should be added to the many anticruelty laws already on the books, but he also freely acknowledged the practical benefits of fighting this particular battle. The Foie Gras Wars
  • The roots of the reeds contain naturally occurring bacteria which transform toxic elements contained in factory effluent, into benign substances.
  • So plants, quite naturally, have the ability to protect themselves from predators, just as all other creatures do.
  • Her naturally loud voice seemed to bounce off the walls.
  • Perhaps his nerve is naturally too dull to admit of any excitation.
  • He has a lively sense of humour and appears naturally confident.
  • Beers being allowed to condition naturally in the cask calls for a certain care in handling.
  • In our frantic effort to preserve the last vestiges of slavery and mediaevalism we not only set our faces against such improvements, but we seek to use education and the power of the state to train the servants who do not naturally appear. DARKWATER
  • I think he believes these two states are naturally coterminous. Times, Sunday Times
  • The long DNA chain is naturally compacted in a dense form in most biological systems.
  • Guys naturally read you without you having to tell them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The chiffon shirred strapless bodice curved naturally into her body, and the satin skirt spilled over the floor.
  • The failing to do this is the greatest mistake of the present generation, for if girls be capable of nothing but morbid sentiment or what we term flirtation, they will naturally look to matrimony as their destiny and as a means of support -- a self-abasement from which no woman can fully recover, even under the most favorable circumstances. How to Train Girls.
  • But could the platforms, seen as extensive patterning in aerial surveys of the Maya lowlands just as likely have formed naturally?
  • Saturated fats have been shown to have health repercussions, too, but are naturally occurring in such foods as meat, eggs and dairy.
  • Fructose, aka levulose, found naturally in fruits and, to a lesser extent, vegetables, is the sweetest of all sugars.
  • Dot had short, naturally blond hair.
  • It is naturally anti-bacterial and antiallergenic and is three times as absorbant as cotton. Times, Sunday Times
  • If biological temperament inclines you to be easily upset, that quite naturally leads to questions about ‘what's wrong with me?’
  • Their name, which he had long avoided mentioning, was incessantly on his lips: but always the same, always inclined naturally and systematically, to have more strings than one to his bow, he appeared to incline alternately _for the younger branch, and for the reigning branch_. Memoirs of the Private Life, Return, and Reign of Napoleon in 1815, Vol. II
  • This is hardly surprising, bearing in mind that no other adult animal naturally drinks milk.
  • Induction into the prestigious AAAL followed naturally from Carver’s honorable completion of the Strauss Living. Raymond Carver
  • Now, if that spirit of homage within us is sincere, it will naturally seek to exteriorize itself; if it is to be preserved, it must "out. Explanation of Catholic Morals A Concise, Reasoned, and Popular Exposition of Catholic Morals
  • The eliminationist project is in many ways the signature of fascism, partly because it proceeds naturally from fascism's embrace of what Oxford Brookes scholar Roger Griffin calls palingenesis, or a Phoenix-like national rebirth, as its core myth. Crooks and Liars
  • The term "naturally raised" is another USDA term that says the animals were not fed any animal by-products, growth hormones or antibiotics. Maria Rodale: How to Buy Grass-fed Meats
  • Logically, Youth has re-equipped him for sin and with the disposition to commit it; he will naturally go to the fane which is consecrated to the Fulfillment of Desires, and make arrangements. Following the Equator, Part 6
  • These high elevation communities are naturally subject to increased atmospheric moisture, cooler temperatures, and higher winds, but also now suffer from the effects of acid rain deposition, which tend to be exacerbated in high elevation communities, and from the depredations of an introduced homopteran insect, the wooly adelgid (Adelges spp.). Appalachian-Blue Ridge forests
  • I would like to tell the member that lead is a naturally occurring substance, and that there are probably minute trace elements and particles of lead in most of the things that we consume.
  • The appearance of naturally aged wood captures the signatures of all of nature's own artists.
  • In flashback, we learn how this man lost the will to live, a story that naturally involves a femme fatale. Times, Sunday Times
  • The prospect of being urged against the confirmed habit of his mind was naturally grating. Daniel Deronda
  • Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species was not a bolt from the blue: it fitted naturally into, as well as transcending, a corpus of writing on evolution.
  • A love of gardening easily combines with the craft of flower pressing, as one leads naturally into the other.
  • Naturally I had a few moans via videoscreen from the Troi Borg Queen, saying I am a disgrace to the Borg race. Archive 2009-12-01
  • They also receive small doses from the radiation that is naturally trapped around Earth in the ionosphere and the Van Allen radiation belts, particularly near the South Atlantic Anomaly.
  • Naturally is an all latent Nue Yin first crazy, this be the undisputable fact, you denial also useless.
  • This feels like improvisation, so naturally have they found the heart of the scores and the recording is excellent as well, close without suffocating the listener or the music, detail with air around it.
  • Decoherence seems to yield a (maybe partial) solution to the problem, in that it naturally identifies a class of ˜preferred™ states (not necessarily an orthonormal basis!), and even allows to reidentify them over time, so that one can identify ...anything but love...
  • I asked, my tone polite and deferential - the latter being something which did not come naturally to me.
  • In the outland beyond the city people naturally have stocks on hand, because you never know when the weather will take down your juice and you'll be stuck in the house in February behind four-foot drifts with no phone and no lights.
  • It held meetings in our big vault, which they called the donjon keep, and, naturally, when one of them was going on, boys were scarcer around the office than hen's teeth. Old Gorgon Graham
  • And, naturally, most of the elements that made "Madagascar" all those millions are back, including lemur leader King Julien (Sacha Baron Cohen with a wittily un-peggable dialect), and the song -- the song -- "I Like to Move It. Top Stories - Google News
  • Others are synthetic versions of naturally-occurring insecticides, such as those found in the plant pyrethrum.
  • The powder is then mixed with water and naturally occurring organic binders to form a clay-like substance.
  • An analysis of behavior naturally begins with simple organisms behaving in simple ways in simple settings.
  • Granma (which, now that I've said it a few times, is a really bad name for any magazine except the house organ of the American Association of Retired People) had "compelling" "evidence" of the U.S. attack, claiming that if the parasite, which is known as varroa, had infiltrated the island naturally, it would've spread from east to west. American Beat: Bad Bee-Havior?
  • As a matter of fact, my brother painted very few things, at any stage of his career, as mere representations of reality, unimbued by some inventive or ideal meaning: in the rare instances when he did so, he naturally felt an indolent comfort, and made no scruple of putting the feeling into words — highly suitable for being taken _cum grano salis_. Old Familiar Faces
  • Nitrates are chemicals that occur naturally in water and the soil.
  • L-carnitine is an amino acid produced naturally in the body. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘You have a more literate, educated and aspirant population in the working class and they are naturally moving towards either middle-market tabloids or broadsheets,’ he says.
  • Creatine is something that the body either produces naturally or obtains directly from foods such as fish and meat.
  • Naturally, given the extent of listings on these exchanges, most sectors of the Canadian economy are represented.
  • Margarine is fortified with added vitamins A and D to bring their levels up to those naturally present in butter.
  • Wipe away any excess with a tissue to remove dirt, grime and bacteria, then allow to dry naturally. The Sun
  • In this case the channels are largely composed of naturally occurring Lys and Ser residues that form alpha helices and are engineered to oligomerize through specific residue interactions.
  • When milk ferments, naturally or aided by chemicals in the dairy, the milk changes into a solid fraction and a watery fraction (whey).
  • Caring for your child naturally, is the tagline used by Quit Nits and this is what Percept aimed to convey visually with the rebranding and packaging re-design.
  • Naturally, their parents thought the photograph was the worst likeness they had seen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Latham seems to be a reluctant joiner whereas Abbott is naturally gregarious.
  • Naturally, my mum was disgusted (being that mums for some reason are exempt from farting and the like).
  • The project naturally developed into collecting not only videos, but also original recordings and remixes into two double albums packed to the hilt with gems.
  • Scientists believe that other species can best be helped in ways that would allow them to repopulate lost territory naturally. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lecture series falls naturally into three parts.
  • As you blink, it will naturally spread without tugging at the shadow. The Sun
  • Naturally, this has his mother's matchmaking radar going like gangbusters.
  • It also carries with it the slightly queasy feeling that one naturally feels when trying to save the economy from imminent collapse. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this study, the extent of reduction in seed production due to insufficient pollen quantity and quality were examined in a naturally pollinated M. stellata population.
  • Stonyfield Farm's recently introduced Light Yogurt Smoothie is fatfree and naturally sweetened with less sugar and calories than traditional smoothies.
  • One preternaturally long bony hand, a length of severed rope dangling from the wrist, clutched with clawed fingers at a sword gash in chain mail stained with dried blood. Conan The Invincible
  • If natural born leaders are also natural born liars, can we really hold it against them when they do what comes naturally?
  • His tour bus bunk was always unnaturally tidy. Christianity Today
  • Ninety percent of the chemicals used in fluoridation in the United States do not occur naturally. Dr. Joseph Mercola: The Health Hazards of Water Fluoridation (VIDEO)
  • However, Okuic still faces high prices of construction materials like sand and murram/gravel, not naturally found in Malakal, which results in high transportation costs from merchants importing them from Khartoum or Juba. Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on Sudan
  • A FilterPure filter is a round ceramic pot made of clay, a combustible material like saw dust or rice husks and a naturally occurring antibacterial called colloidal silver. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Naturally, networks that achieve such frequency-dependent reduction are termed filters.
  • In this letter the Baron stated _fairly and moderately but without palliation_ in what light M. Bresson's conduct must necessarily appear _in London_, and what very naturally and most probably _must be the political consequences of such conduct_. The Letters of Queen Victoria, Vol 2 (of 3), 1844-1853 A Selection from her Majesty's correspondence between the years 1837 and 1861
  • Singh also observed that with the exception of Colarado tick fever and Ganjam viruses, those arboviruses that are naturally transmitted by mosquitoes or infect mosquitoes experimentally, multiplied in one or both of his cell lines.
  • For many of us, communicating openly and sympathetically does not come naturally.
  • Naturally, the conversation turned towards the difficulties of dedicating time to the demands of competitive yacht racing, pre-empted by the pressure of official duties.
  • Pearson reached for a ballpoint pen, which naturally was dry. A SONG AT TWILIGHT
  • So when he makes some sounds — nonsense words, naturally — we go along with the call-and-response. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the young ones are naturally quite brazen. Times, Sunday Times
  • To an uninstructed observer, the apparent motion of the heavenly bodies round the Earth would naturally lead him to conclude that, of the two theories, the Ptolemaic was the correct one. The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'
  • Occasionally we all suffer from influenza or a bout of sickness, which naturally results in a drop in weight.
  • Most of the hustles are meant, naturally, to appear not to be hustles at all, but genuine appeals for emergency financial assistance.
  • In the semi-arid context, dunes can revegetate quite naturally and quickly once the initial disturbance has been removed.
  • It was a topic of conversation for the naturally curious players. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was accomplished by cross-breeding regular chickens with chickens naturally balding because of a ‘naked-neck’ gene.
  • It's naturally "counterbalanced" by their one Democrat even more concerned for the center than Rosen or Bai, Noah Feldman on differences among orthodox Jews. Quote Of The Day
  • Only small amounts of wurtzite boron nitride and lonsdaleite exist naturally or have been made in the lab so until now no one had realised their superior strength.
  • Studies of reading show that this does not occur "naturally". Educational Psychology in a Changing World
  • They are naturally good salesmen with the gift of the gab.
  • He's such a good athlete that most sports come naturally to him.
  • I am naturally, ...err , flattered that you refer to me as 'estimable', but am surprised that the only answer to the perfectly justified observation I made that it is 'bonkers' to assert that there have been 'deliberate moves' to break up the normal family as an aside, whatever that is is to make this comment: [those days] under the microscope
  • The outstanding results they continue to produce would seem to confirm the validity of the first assumption that they are naturally gifted.
  • Wines, particularly wines naturally low in tannins themselves, can taste aggressively tannic after being matured in barrels made from kiln-dried, as opposed to air-dried, wood.
  • It's naturally dark and curly and my mum prefers it that way. The Sun
  • Opinion surveys naturally produce optimistic estimates, as do extrapolations of recent market returns.
  • Naturally enough the greater number are rock ferns -- pellaea, cheilanthes, polypodium, adiantum, woodsia, cryptogramma, etc., with small tufted fronds, lining cool glens and fringing the seams of the cliffs. The Yosemite
  • Naturally again, the ability of life assurers to attract new business after cutting bonuses will not be as strong as it was.
  • It's always tempting to assume that everything in an older branch such as Anatolian is an archaicism but naturally that can't logically be the case. Thoughts on the early Indo-European subjunctive 1ps ending
  • Ratios of naturally occurring radioactive minerals to their decay daughters can be used in determining the age of geological materials.
  • For person and complexion they haue broade and flatte visages, of a tanned colour into yellowe and blacke, fierce and cruell lookes, thinne haired vpon the upper lippe, and pitte of the chinne, light and nimble bodied, with short legges, as if they were made naturally for horsemen: whereto they practise themselues from their childhood, seldome going afoot about anie businesse. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Helena studies a deeply crimsoned rose, almost unnaturally so, and takes a long, wary look at the protruding thorns. The Iron Maiden « A Fly in Amber
  • Teeth naturally get duller as we age and certain medications taken as a child, such as tetracycline, can give teeth a grayish hue. CNN Transcript Feb 14, 2004
  • Some bacteria naturally have more of these protease and peptidase enzymes than other bacteria, so careful characterization is necessary to select the strains with the highest level of the desired enzymes.
  • But the ceremonies are likely to be resisted by some young Britons, who are naturally wary of what they regard as flag-waving patriotism.
  • Naturally that attitude would seep into your loved one's consciousness by and by, no matter how self-involved he might be. FLIGHT LESSONS
  • As this is her first exhibition, her eyes naturally light up when someone compliments an exhibit.
  • Fractals, using simple mathematical algorithm to produce complex objects typical of those which occur naturally.
  • We exalt effortless brilliance, we celebrate talent and the achievement that comes easily, naturally.
  • Her dark, chocolate brown hair fell in bouncy ringlets and looked perfect whether Adele let it hang naturally or pinned it up.
  • However, it is now an endangered species found naturally in only a few locations in the United States, primarily because of water developments and the introduction of non-native mosquito fish.
  • Once the problems are recognized and society accepts some degree of commitment in the battle against social evils then, naturally, public expenditure is bound to rise. Introduction to Social Administration in Britain
  • We can imagine, therefore, that among such folk a settler, of Aeolic origin like Hesiod, who clearly was well acquainted with the Ionian epos, would naturally see that the only outlet for his gifts lay in applying epic poetry to new themes acceptable to his hearers. Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • What you can do is find some other system that's naturally slowing it down, and try to gum that pathway up instead, freeing the enzyme of interest to do its thing.
  • Logan's military assignments made him naturally suspicious of strangers who questioned him, but Marie was different.
  • Places with mountains, lakes, seashores, and nice climates are, naturally, the most popular destinations.
  • Maybe as a player sometimes you overread things, and you should go out and do what you do naturally. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fans naturally have an interest in hearing just what our cricketing heroes have to say about themselves, their careers and the great game itself.
  • Naturally preserved kibble, no more than 24 percent protein, will serve the breed well.
  • Anaerobic processes could either occur naturally or in a controlled environment such as a biogas plant.
  • Reuben Male, the captain of the fo'c'sle and an inventive type, had worked with Old Murray the sailmaker to make up these packs for all the men, so naturally the seamen called them Male Bags. The Terror
  • Christian contemporaries, and that their knowledge was mainly confined to mere commercial notation, an anonymous writer has shown how the modifications of form could be naturally made, in vol.ii. of the _Bath and Bristol Magazine_, pp. 393-412.; the motto being _valent quanti valet_, as well as the title professing it to be wholly "conjectural. Notes and Queries, Number 18, March 2, 1850
  • White fir is used to revegetate disturbed forest sites where it naturally occurs. White fir
  • So imprinting of X-linked genes naturally results in sexually dimorphic gene expression.
  • EPO and HGH are both naturally occurring substances within the body and as such are hard to detect.
  • Naturally, he paired his lack of shirt with the saggiest trousers man could create.
  • There are various forms of botulism poisoning, which is caused by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum naturally found in lake soil.
  • In helium that occurs naturally the heavier isotope is more frequent than the lighter one by a factor of about 10 million. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2003 - Information for the Public
  • They show unattainably good cooking, but, no coincidence, also unnaturally ordered kitchens. Times, Sunday Times
  • Naturally she has tried on all the clothes in the collection herself. Times, Sunday Times
  • Naturally, I got to meet up with quite a few of my Army buddies, some of whom I have not seen in a long time.
  • The effects of the drug naturally wear off within a few hours.
  • But all three substances - creatine, androstenedione, and anabolic steroids - increase a naturally occurring substance in the body to promote the building of muscle tissue.
  • I like the optimism in thinking that one would lead naturally to the other but I'm very skeptical.
  • The Fords are a close-knit, loving family, but the counselors who saw Greg said he was exhibiting classic signs of sex abuse, which naturally put the parents under suspicion. Unholy Communion
  • While some musicians endeavor to muster whatever synthetic emotions their contract requires, he prefers to let things come naturally.
  • Under the influence of the idea: "The haemorrhage is to stop", the unconscious had sent to the small arteries and veins the order to stop the flow of blood, and, obediently, they contracted _naturally_, as they would have done artificially at the contact of a haemostatic like adrenalin, for example. Maîtrise de soi-même par l'autosuggestion consciente. English
  • You will probably find that this comes naturally and that you are happier and more confident than you thought you would be.
  • Naturally, much of this book stems from the writers' residencies in Menton and the spirit of Katherine Mansfield is often invoked, explicitly or implicitly.
  • We can also get it naturally from regularly eating oily fish such as herrings and mackerel, sardines and tuna canned in oil. The Sun
  • As you walk faster, you will find the arms bend naturally and more quickly.
  • Naturally, the oleaginous Gazoo publisher played down rumours that he might be seeking the no-hope gig.
  • I don't want an insecure man or a man whose feelings do not come naturally. Times, Sunday Times
  • If it comes to the situation when it's up to me to make the decision, then naturally this will be taken into consideration.
  • The very nature of anonymous reports naturally prevented any possibility of retribution against wrong-doers reporting the incident.
  • Still, the process, while far less perturbing than Grandma Moses feeling me up, was still a bit unnerving as I am naturally bashful when it comes to taking my clothes off in front of people. The DC Damsel: Lifting the Ladies: Adventures in Bra-Fitting
  • Some people have naturally beautiful voices while others need to be trained.

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